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Last night there was a robbery at Watson

Manor. The Watson family were at the opera. When
they returned home the door was open. A window was
broken and the house was in a mess. The family
jewels were gone. They called the police to
investigate the robbery. The police are now
interrogating the suspects…

The police are questioning the suspects to check their

alibi. They need to see if their statements coincide.
The two suspects were seen at the city centre, near the
house the night of the robbery by some witnesses.

If the answers are the same they will be free.

But if the answers are different they will go to prison.

This is the information the police need to know:

 What is the relationship between the two suspects
 Where were the suspects the night before
 What did they do at the city centre
 Who were they with
 What time did they get home
 What time did they go to bed
 What clothes did they wear
 What did they have for dinner
 What did they watch on TV/ at the cinema
 How did they go to the city centre
 Did they know the Watson family
 ____________________________________________________

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