My Hobby Activities and Days of The Week English A Picture Dictionaries - 107216

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1. Write do, have or go.

1. _____ fishing 7. _____ hiking 13. _____ an English

2. _____ karate 8. _____ a music lesson lesson
3. _____ ballet 9. _____ camping 14. _____ running
4. _____ gymnastics 10. _____ climbing 15. _____ archery
5. _____ cycling 11. _____ kayaking
6. _____ swimming 12. _____ an art lesson

2. Write the correct number.

3. Write the correct word.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

I 1_____________ swimming on Monday and I do 2 _____________ on 3 _______________. I

do karate 4 _____________ Wednesday, 5 ____________ kayaking on 6 _______________

and go 7 ________________ on 8 ___________________.

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Patrick does 1 _____________ on 2 ____________. He 3 ____________ fishing 4 _________

Thursday and he 5 ____________ an art lesson on 6 _____________. He goes 7 ____________

on Friday and 8 _________________ on 9 __________________ .

Monday Sunday Saturday Tuesday Thursday

Emma 1 ______________ music 2 _________________ on Monday and she 3 ____________

an English lesson 4 ______________ Tuesday. She does 5 _____________ 6 ______________

Thursday. She 7 ____________ cycling and 8 ________________ at the 9 _______________ .

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