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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V

Quarter 1
Appraising the Unity of Elements of Material Viewed to Achieve the Writer’s
I. Learning Competency with Code
Appraise the unity of plot, setting and characterization in a material viewed to achieve the
writer’s purpose. (EN10VC-Ivc-29) Q1LAS3
II. Background Information for Learners
Remember that in a story, there are nine major elements such as: 1) Setting 2) Characters
3) Plot 4) Conflict 5) Point of View 6) Theme 7) Tone 8) Symbolism, and 9) Style. In addition,
plot has five essential parts namely, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution
or denouement.
a. Characterization details who the characters are based on the statements or description of
the characters themselves, other characters, the author, and even you being the reader of the
The following are terms important in understanding further what characterization is.
How a character is described What to look for…
Himself/herself The use of first person point of view “I”, “My”, “Mine”, and
The Author The use of third person point of view. Usually the words
of the narrator.
Other characters Use of description by other characters in the story.

You as a Reader Use of your own understanding and feelings about the
b. An author’s purpose is his reason for or intent in writing. It may be to amuse the reader,
to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition.
An author writes with one of four general purposes in mind:
1. To relate a story or to recount events, an author uses narrative writing.
2. To tell what something looks like, sounds like, or feels like, the author uses descriptive
3. To convince a reader to believe an idea or to take a course of action, the author uses
persuasive writing.
4. To inform or teach the reader, the author uses expository writing.
An author’s purpose is reflected in the way he writes about a topic. For instance, if his purpose
is to amuse, he will use jokes or anecdotes in his writing.
Clues to an author’s purpose may be found in titles, prefaces, and the author’s background.
c. Movie Adaptation is the transfer of written work in whole or in part to a feature film. The
movie Life of Pi written by Yann Martel is an example of a film adapted from a novel.
This lesson will make you evaluate the elements of the story in the movie adaptation of an
award winning novel, Life of Pi.
For this lesson, you will watch the movie Life of Pi to answer the learning activities.

III. Exercises/Activities
A. Let’s Practice 1
Directions: Watch the Movie: Life of Pi on this link (or a copy of the movie will be provided by

the teacher). After watching, you are now ready to answer the activity. Fill in the information
to complete the frame.
Title of the Movie:
Author of the Novel:
Movie Director:
Year the Movie was released:

Names of the Main Cast:

Point of View:

B. Let’s Practice 2
Directions: Complete the character map by writing the characteristics/descriptions of each
character in the movie.

Piscine Molitor "Pi" Patel


Ravi Patel Richard Parker

_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
Life of _________________


Mr. Santosh Patel Mrs. Gita Patel

_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
____________ __________________

C. Let’s Practice 3
Directions: Let us explore the plot of the movie. The scenes are categorized with numbers,
not in the proper order though. Identify the appropriate scenes for each element of plot by
writing the scene numbers inside the boxes on the next page.
Scene 1 Richard Parker runs to the jungle and leaves Pi immediately.
Scene 2 Piscine ‘Pi’ Molitor Patel lives with his family in the Pondicherry Zoo.
Scene 3 Pi tames Richard Parker and asserts his authority over the tiger.
Scene 4 The author interviews the adult Pi Patel in Canada.
Scene 5 He makes a routine for himself and writes everything he experiences.
Scene 6 Due to some problems in their country Pi’s parents decided to close the zoo and leave their country
and traveled to Canada.
Scene 7 Pi is shocked when Richard Parker comes out unexpectedly inside the covered part of the lifeboat
and devours the hyena.
Scene 8 Pi looks for help since the lower deck of the ship is now filled with water. But as he comes outside he
is thrown in a lifeboat that was accidentally unhitched.
Scene 9 The family boards the Tsintsum ship to Canada.

Scene 10 The Tsintsum ship sinks with his family due to a very strong storm while Pi drifts away in the lifeboat.

Scene 11 Pi practices three religions namely, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam.

Scene 12 Pi and Richard Parker stay in an island with fresh water, food and meerkats but he discovers the
island as carnivorous.
Scene 13 Pi believes in God and continues to pray.
Scene 14 Pi makes a raft to distance himself from Richard Parker.
Scene 15 He is brought to the hospital.
Scene 16 Pi and Richard Parker are swept away in the beach of Mexico.
Scene 17 The lifeboat is thrown in the ocean with Pi and a zebra on it.
Scene 18 Pi is interviewed by two Japanese men about the sinking of the Tsimtsum ship.
Scene 19 Pi explains the origin of his name and his way of stopping his classmates in bullying him.
Scene 20 Pi lives in Canada with his wife and children.
Scene 21 Miraculous events happen to provide them food and water such as the bird, flying fishes and also the
Scene 22 He learns to take care of animals and falls in love with a girl.
Scene 23 Pi finds some food, water, pencil, book and some survival kit.
Scene 24 At the middle of the night, Pi goes in the main deck when he hears some noise due to a storm.
Scene 25 Pi tells them his story but they did not believe him so he changes the story for a very acceptable
version. Eventually, they opted for the original version of his journey.

Climax: (3 scenes)
Scene Numbers:

Rising Action: (5 scenes) Falling Action: (6 scenes)

Scene Numbers: Scene numbers:
__________________ ___________________

Exposition: (5 scenes) Resolution: (6 scenes)

Scene Numbers: Scene Numbers:
_________________ __________________

D. Evaluation
Authors write for some basic reasons such as to persuade, to inform, to explain, to entertain,
and to describe. Based on the famous quotes from the movie, identify and explain Yann Martel’s
purpose in writing the story.

“Now, I will turn “I suppose in the end,

miracle into routine. The the whole of life becomes
amazing will be seen an act of letting go, but
every day. I will put in all what always hurts the
the hard work necessary. most is not taking a
Yes, so long as God is moment to say goodbye.”
with me, I will not die.” “Faith is a
house with
many rooms.”

“Something in me
“Without Richard Parker, I did not want to give
wouldn’t be alive today to tell up on life, but
you my story.” wanted to fight to
the very end.”

IV. Rubric for Scoring
Criteria Distinguished Accomplished Capable Beginner
5 4 3 2
Quality of The student answers was The student answers was The student answers was The student answers was
Writing written in an extraordinary written in an interesting written with limited style written with no style and
style and voice. Very style and voice. Somewhat and voice. Informative but voice. Not informative and
informative and well- informative and poorly organized. very poorly-organized.
organized. organized.
Grammar, No spelling, punctuation Few spelling, punctuation A number of spelling, With many spelling,
Usage & or grammatical errors. or grammatical errors. punctuation or punctuation or
Mechanics grammatical errors. grammatical errors that
interferes with the

VI. Reflection
Answer the following questions.
1. What characteristic of Pi did you admire most? Explain your answer briefly.
2. Do you believe Pi’s life story to be true or not, just like the others said, that he invented
it out of hallucination, because of his long stay in the middle of the ocean? Why?
3. Did the author achieve his purpose in telling the story?
VII. Reference for Learners
Department of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Strand, K to 12 Most Essential Learning
Competencies With Corresponding Codes, accessed June, 2020, K-to-12-MELC-with CG-
Grade 10 Learner’s Material Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (2015). Rex Bookstore,
Inc.:Pasig City.
Miami Dade College. “READING—Author’s Purpose.” Accessed June 12, 2020.
Life of Pie Movie (2012) Accessed August 20, 2021 Retrieved from
VIII. Answer Key
A. Let’s Practice 1

Title of the Movie: Life of Pi

Author of the Novel: Yann Martel B. Let’s Practice 2
Movie Director: Ang Lee Answers may vary.
Year the Movie was released: 2012 C. Let’s Practice 3
Genre: Fictional Adventure Exposition
Setting: Pondicherry, India; Pacific Ocean; Mexico; Scene Numbers: 2, 4, 19, 11, 22
Toronto, Canada Rising Action
Scene Numbers: 6, 9, 24, 8, 17
Main Characters: Piscine Molitor Patel, Richard Parker, The Climax
Author, Santosh Patel, Gita Patel, Ravi Patel
Scene Numbers: 10, 7, 12
Falling Action
Names of the Main Cast: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khna, Rafe Spall
Scene Numbers: 14, 3, 23, 5, 13, 21
Point of View: First person Resolution
Conflict: Fight for survival for Pi and Richard Parker Scene Numbers: 16, 1, 15, 18, 25, 20
(Bengal Tiger)
Theme: Hope and faith in God.

Prepared by:
T-I English, Dinapa NHS

Evaluated by:
T-I English, Dinapa NHS


T-III English, Dinapa NHS

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