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Salutillo, Princess


Answer the following questions in 5-7 sentences. Submit in PDF format. (5 points each) 

1. Out of all the health care issues presented for the past sessions, which issue
struck you the most? Why do you say so?

The issue that struck me the most is Sexuality, Marriage, and Homosexuality,
particularly homosexuality. It was mentioned that sexuality and marriage is about
commitment, honoring of one’s partner, and humanizing each other. Long-standing
Catholic teachings, asides from Pope Francis’ stand, indicate that sexuality between
two homosexual beings are considered immoral and cannot be supported.

Despite being a devout Catholic with strong beliefs, I still find myself in conflict with
this topic. I do not think the act of engaging the same sex is unscrupulous as they are to
beings that still commit, honor, and respect each other. While they cannot reproduce
and create life, it still stands that they humanize and uphold each other, the only
difference between a man and woman partner is their biological sex. If the argument is
about procreating life, adoption is an option as well. Same-sex couples can adopt
children that are abandoned and could therefore still honor life by raising them.

2. Next week, one of the issues that will be discussed is suicide. It is one of the most
relevant health care issues nowadays, especially with younger adults such as yourself.
What do you do to take care of your mental health. (Cite examples.)

To be completely honest, I have limited resources and support regarding mental

health care. In this country particularly, it is difficult to get professional help as the
society’s perception of it is negative, and the majority of the population cannot afford the
aforementioned professional help. If one has a record of seeing a therapist or other
forms of medical help, it will be a hindrance to work ad applying a visa to other countries
and may prevent job opportunities.

If I do find myself experiencing a deteriorating mental state, I usually read books

to distract myself and I usually forget about it. I take breaks when I feel like I cannot
continue and sleep. On days when it is bad, I find comfort in food and watching movies I
like as well as engaging in activities that makes me happy. Such an instance is when I
am stressed because of the never-ending coursework, I usually distance myself from
the load and detach myself if I feel overwhelmed. Instead, I take a break and perform
non-academic activities such as reading, drawing, and the like.

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