Tanks Giving

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THANKSGIVING is an event designed to help drive sales and footfall in your shop AND for you and your customers to HAVE FUN!! It is an easy to run fun multiplayer event that allows customers to play all day or join in for a time whilst keeping a high level of excitement. Set Up: One large (4x6 recommended) 40K table with lots of terrain. Customer Requirements: Dice, Tape Measure, LOS Markers, rules, and a tank of your choice. Objective: Kill as many enemy vehicles as possible, the player that racks up the most kill points during the day is the overall winner. Scoring System: Immobilized enemy vehicle Killed enemy Vehicle Killed enemy vehicle by ramming Killed enemy Super Heavy 1pt 2 pts 3pts 5 pts

Keep a running total on a board close to the game. A dry erase board could be useful.

Upgrade Rolls: Obviously Baneblades and Land raiders and other large vehicles will have a distinct advantage in this game so to balance things out cheaper vehicles get to roll on the upgrade table before battle commences. Vehicles under 150pts get 2 rolls on the table; vehicles 151-210pts get one roll. Vehicles 211 pts or more get nothing. Upgrade Table Roll D6 1 Targeting Matrix (+1 BS) 2 Gyroscopic Stabilizers (Veh. Counts as moving 6 less for shooting purposes.) 3 Super Shot. (D3 shots at S10) 4 Safety Harness (Ignore Shaken and Stunned Results) 5 Venerable ( may make enemy reroll on Damage Table) 6 Ablative Armor (+1 side, front, rear Armor to a max 14) Starting the game Each player places their vehicle with its rear touching the table edge, each player then rolls off to see who goes first (Highest roll goes first; re-roll ties). From there the play goes clockwise around the table. When your vehicle is destroyed it is removed from the table and then can come on at the start of the next players turn from any board edge.

Fun Stuff: To change things up a little the store can roll 2D6 on the Special Incident Table. For one turn the following rules apply.

Roll Incident 2 Warp Storm

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Rules Before the turn each Vehicle is moved 2d6 in a random direction. Roll 2D6 and a scatter dice for direction then a second scatter dice to see which way it faces. Any vehicles that scatter off the board or on to impossible terrain stop and roll the scatter to face in a random direction. 4Leaf Clover One random vehicle (event organizers choice) gets to reroll all hit and penetrate dice. Anyone shooting at that vehicle must reroll all successful to hit to penetrate and damage rolls. Anyone who actually destroys this vehicle gets triple points for the kill! Quicksand Any Vehicle with front Armor 13+ count as immobilized this turn Frenzy You must shoot the nearest vehicle this turn. Acid Rain All Vehicles are -1 AV Fog All Vehicles get a 5+ cover save Twist of Fate All Players take charge of the vehicle owned by the player to their immediate left for this turn. Smoke All ranges are max 6 inches due to poor visibility Earthquake All Vehicle movement is Halved Minefield All vehicles take difficult terrain tests Golden Place a small Golden Turkey (token) in the centre of Turkey!!!! the board. Whichever vehicle picks it up and leaves the board with it gets 10 extra pts.

Additional Activity Ideas

1) Tank Speed Building. 1-2 Hour(s) before kick off of Tanksgiving

customers buy a Tank and build it. Participants get 10 points to start the Tanksgiving event and D3 S10 shots.
2) Painting competition. Customers buy a tank 1 month prior to

Tanksgiving and paint it up. They must bring the painted tank and receipt back on the date of Tanksgiving for judgeing. Winner can automatically start the Tanksgiving event (no start roll needed) by either choosing to go first or last. They also get a 2+ invulnerable save for 2 turns. Each person that participates gets 10 points towards over all winner!
3) Tank Painting clinic. Using techniques in the How to Paint Tanks

book hold weekly classes on painting tanks. Attendees to each class get 5 points to the start of the Tanksgiving event and a +1 to armor penetration rolls for 1 turn. If you hold a class each week for 3 weeks prior to the Tanksgiving event and a customer attends each class, they would start the event with a vehicle that has +1 to penetration rolls for 3 turns and 15 points towards overall winner!
4) Run everything! A customer can buy a tank for the painting

competition; attend each of the painting clinics to learn some cool new tips to use in the painting competition. They can then buy another tank for the speed building activity to also use in the main event while his painting competition tank is being displayed after judging. That customer could possibly earn 35 points towards the over all winner, choose to go first (or last), and have a tank that has d3 s10 shots, a 2+ invulnerable save and +1 to penetration rolls! ( It also means that you sold the customer 2 tanks (and possiblythe how to paint tanks book, paint, brushes, spray gun, propellant, snips, files, gluedid I forget anything?).

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