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Activity 9.

3: Look into the Past

1. It is the first in a series of rallies in the Philippines advocating for the complete abolition of the
Pork Barrel Fund, which was sparked by popular outrage over the Priority Development
Assistance Fund scandal.
2. This was initiated by Arnold Pedrigal, Peachy Bretana, and Bernardo Bernardo
3. The media has a huge impact on how people's opinions and behaviors are formed and
4. Despite the fact that the movement's original goal was to gather a million people to march
against the graft-tainted pork barrel fund, it was nonetheless declared a success because of an
internet campaign that brought 80,000 -100,000 people to lunetas, according to police.
5. One thing I may suggest to improve non-media-assisted campaigns is to make them non-

Activity 9.4: Cartoon Analysis

1. The cartoon simply implies political pressure influence on media in upholding truth. It can be
seen in the image that the media wanted to get to the truth and expose it to the public, but that the
political pressure they would face if they did so would have a negative impact.
2. Yes, political pressure on the media still exists in our country. Some company have been
threatened or given large sums of money to keep the facts hidden from public.
3. For me yes, the cartoon show a challenge and opportunity at the same time. It does
demonstrate that the difference between a difficulty and an opportunity is determined by the type
of information they've seen and heard about.

Activity 10.2: Question and Answer

1. In today’s day and age, technology is advancing around all of us. Computers are mostly
accessible to many everywhere they go, cell phones in everybody’s hands, and even the access
for wireless internet has made easy. Because of these innovations and advancements, learning
new things has made easy for everyone with the use of MOOCs. MOOCs had a far reach
influence and a great impact to everyone; it is easily accessible to literally every person in the
world by the use and help of the internet.
2. In this time of crisis where face-to-face interaction is limited, MOOCs is becoming a huge hit
and a new reliable platform in the education community. MOOCs has become a risk-free type of
learning. Student are able to retrieve different educational material for them to be able to study
and learn new things through softcopy files and even educational videos. Even though MOOCs
have shared its reliability, I still believe that the traditional way of delivering knowledge and
information will be preferrable and ideal.
3. I believe that MOOCs are potentially harmful to copyright, since its platform is through the
internet, it is bound for the greater public; some people may use their materials to be distributed
illegally and commit copyright infringement.

Activity 13.2: Question and Answer

1. The institution who sends this message are the Department of Education (DepEd)
2. They used formal information and typeface.
3. The language use in the message is English.
4. The views that are being presented is the typeface. They are not balance.
5. The message might be interpreted according to how the sender delivers the message to the
6. The phrase " either physically or virtually" is added in the text.

Activity 16.2
1. The three kinds of motion media that I like the most are animation, documentary films, and
2. I like those kinds of motion media because aside from the purpose of entertainment, it also
represents or shows lessons, culture and tradition, and history which is not only entertaining but
also educational and eye-opening.
3. Motion media plays a huge role upon information and knowledge dissemination in our society.
Through the movement of the combination of texts and graphics, it is able to communicate
information in multiple ways. It also simulates both sight and hearing that just enhances our
understanding and comprehension even more.

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