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Units 1-12 | Listening

1. Listen to the speakers. Select True or False.

    T F
1. Martha went to the mountains.  
2. Martha stayed in Marrakesh for four days.    
3. The weather in Malta was great for two weeks.    
4. Doris loved the food in Malta.    
5. Peter walked on the Inca Trail.    
Units 1-12 | Grammar
2. Read the sentences. Select True if grammatically correct and False if grammatically
    T F
6. I've been to Italy last month.    
7. Have you ever given a presentation?    
8. I studied a lot yesterday.    
9. We've always liked London.    
10. Did you win the prize?    

3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

11. We... TV every day.

a. watching  
b. watches  
c. watch  

12. They usually... video games in the evening.

a. play  
b. played  

1 The Big Picture Elementary Richmond, 2018


c. plays  

13. Yes, it...

a. do.  
b. dos.  
c. does.  

14. ... sport?

a. Do you do  
b. Does you do  
c. Do you does  

15. He... shopping.

a. doesn't goes  
b. doesn't go  
c. don't go  

4. Match the parts of the sentences and questions.

16. Do you a. live with your family?

17. I don't do e. a lot of sport.

18. I'm b. married to Jack.

19. In the UK, do people d. leave home when they are


20. Are you c. from Poland?

5. Complete the sentences with the correct word. form of the verb in brackets.
21. I [am not/'m not] from India. (not be)
22. We [are/'re] really happy. (be)
23. It [is not/isn't] a big airport. (not be)
24. He [is/'s] Brazilian. (be)
25. You [are/'re] very nice. (be)

Units 1-12 | Vocabulary

6. Read the sentences. Select True or False.
    T F
26. People often wear sunglasses when it is hot and sunny.    
27. People usually wear trainers when they go jogging.    
28. Men always wear skirts.    
29. Jeans and T-shirts are formal clothes.    

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30. People sometimes wear a belt with jeans and trousers.    

7. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

31. Rock music... are very popular.

a. festivals  
b. doctors  
c. matches  

32. Manchester United won the football...

a. pandemic.  
b. concert.  
c. league.  

33. There are fears about a flu...

a. pandemic.  
b. goal.  
c. band.  

34. They were very happy about their...

a. league.  
b. virus.  
c. victory.  

35. He scored an amazing...

a. victory.  
b. goal.  
c. concert.  

8. Match the parts of the sentences.

36. My mum usually watches e. the news on TV.

37. I usually listen d. to sports news on the radio.

38. Do you read c. the newspaper every day?

39. My husband always reads a. the news on the Internet.

40. Lily usually watches the b. weather report in the morning.

3 The Big Picture Elementary Richmond, 2018


9. Match the parts of the words.

41. music a. shop

42. department c. store

43. market b. stall

44. sports d. centre

45. super e. market

Units 1-12 | Reading

10. Read the text. Select True or False.
Beth Davies is 100 years old next December. She says the secret to a long life is 'an active
mind and a little physical exercise.' She can read in ten foreign languages and can speak six.
Beth finds it easy to learn languages. She says, 'After the first three the rest are easy.' Beth
loves reading and studying new languages and can read for hours and hours. She never gets
bored! When she isn't studying languages, Beth likes doing crosswords. She says, 'I can do
difficult crosswords in French, English and Spanish, but I can't do anything with numbers. I
think sudoku is impossible!' Beth also loves sports. 'Naturally, I can't ski or go horse riding
anymore, but I can still watch sport on TV! I also go walking for 15 minutes every day. A little
bit of exercise and a lot of mental activity every day – that is my recipe for a long life.'
46 Beth speaks ten foreign languages.    
47 Beth can do difficult crosswords in three European languages.    
48 Beth isn't very good at maths.    
49 Beth likes doing crosswords and sudoku.    
50 Beth can't watch horse riding or skiing on TV.

Units 1-12 | Writing
11. Last week you went on holiday for a few days. Write an email to a friend about
your holiday. Write up to 80-100 words. Follow the steps.
1. Start your email with a greeting and a question for your friend. 2. In your email, write about:
• The food • The weather • The hotel • The things you did

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