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by Mtchael Fedo

L he charteredbus stoppcdat thecorncr cnts they werc, Jerry thought. nf" p.r.rrts
of Fourteenth and Squtrc. Jcrry smlled wouldn't dream of taklng ln thc carntval,
nervously.turned and wavedto hls mothcr, and Jerry somctlmes wondcred what they
who stood wceplng a few fcet away. and had to ltve for.
boarded tbe bus. The couplenoltccd Jerry sta.lng at thcm,
Hc returncd thc drlvcr's gllcnt nod and and hc cougbcd and faced thc front. Hc
scttled htmsclf in the only remalnlng scat - squlrmad In hls scat.
ncar the fiont - ncxt to a poorly drcssed Thc woman next to Jcrry nudgcd hlrn.
mlddlc-agcdwoman. "You don t look old cnough." she said. look.
Jerry tlngled rl'ith cxcttement.He glanccd lng stratght ahead.
around. cager for convcrsatlon.but thc "l m stxGen." Jcrry respondcdsharply.
othcr passengerswcre strangelysllent. Thls Thc womaD turned toward hlm. "They
puzzlcd Jcrry, for hc was looktng forward nevcr had these whcn I was slxtccn. I wish
wlth great antlclpatlon to thc carnlval. thcy had."
lnde.d, hc felt fortunatc Inhavtngwon lhc "u/hy? '
draMng at school whlch allowcdhtm to at- Thc woman tgnorcd hlm. "l hopc today's
tand thc carntval frce, as a spcclalguest of my day," she sighed. "Oh. let lt be roday,"
thc govcrnment. ln an cffort to cncourage Shc blewhcr noselnto a crumplcdhandkcr-
patronagc among young pcoplc, the gov- chlef and stared out of thc mud-splattcred
| €rnment agency- PopulaceControl- spon- wlndow.
Soreddrawlngs and contcsts for students. The bus rolled past gray nelghborhoods.
I Thc man and woman scatedbehlnd Jerry Sllent pcople on thc atrccts, nr€aringdls-
bcgan talklng about carnlvalsof yearsgonc tant. vacantfacca,dtd not look up as thcbus
by - how thcy us.d to be very popular with wcnt by.
klds. but weren't ncarly as cxcltlng as those Thc bus Joggledalong wlth lrs silent pas-
of today. From the way thef spoke. Jerry scngcts until lt came to a stop ln a part of
guessedthcy had attendcd many tgwn unfamiliar to Jcrry.
Hc tumcd around and saw theJru'crc about Thc driver stood and faced thc pas-
thc age of hls parcnts. scngers,"Allrtght, folks,"hc sald,"Thls ts lt.
How much morc lntercstlng than hts par- Gct your l.D. cards rcady. Thc P.C. offtcer

wtll bc boardlng ln a mlnute, Thosc wlth wcnt to thc front of the bus. whcrc the
govcrnhent passesstep to the front " PopulaccControl offtcer was standlng,
Jcrry got up. "Just a second.boy," hcsatd, asJerry hcld
.You got a pass?" the \roman ncxt to hlm
out hls ldcnttflcatlon and pass. "l havc an
askcd. announcem.nt to makc.' The passchgcrs
"Yes." Jerry sald. "l won lt at school." llstlcssly ratsed thclr heads.
The woman turned a{rayagaln, and Jc!ry .As you know," he bcgan, "somc of you
may not bc maklng the rcturn trlp on thls. amusemcntshe grantcdto chance.
b u s.' No soond had hc removcAthc map froln
Jcrry wlshcd thc offlcer would hurry. hts pocket than two burly mcn. struggllng
Dtdn't hc know thcrc was a carnlval out rdth somethtng tn a largc plastlc bag.
there? Couldn't hc tell that nobody wantcd passedhlm. They half-draggcdthclr load to
to hear hlm dronc on and on? Wdl. hurry a hugc ptt and tosscd lt ln.
up. J.rry wanted to ahout. Hurry uP! Jcrry wander.d ovcr to the cdgeof the plt.
Th c r n a n completid hls mcmorlzc d It wasenormous- a hundrcd yards square
presentatlon and lookcd at Jerry. who was and no lclllng how dceP.
chewtng hts knucklca ln lmpatlcncc. "Takc "The odds arc onc In ctght youll make tt,
it easy.son." the officcrsald. -Thcre's plenty ktd,'one of thc mcn sald wlth a crookcd
of time - plent:/ of opportuntty for smllc. "On. ln etght today." Boih mcn
everyon€.' laughcdand walk€d away.
"Yes. str." Jerry sald. Jcrry pccrcdInto lhcptt. Thereseemedto
He leapcd from the bus as soon as thc bc a mountaln of black plasttc bags rlslnE -
offlcerhad punched hls pass, and ran tojoln , from the tloor.ofthe aby$. Jcrry shuddcrcd
thc damorlng throng at thc carnlval's maln bricfly. thcn turned away.
gare. Hc dldn't look back, but sought cheerlcr
Ir wasjust thc way hc had plcturcd lt. Thc slghtslnstcad - th. llashtng ncon llghts dll
brtghl.llghts. thc scuffllng notses of thc abouthlm. Thcapcclaclcwasbrcathtaktng.
mass of movlngpeople. the laughtcr and thc Jerry had nevcr ln hls llfc bccn so cxcltcd.
shrleks of those who had dar.d board thc But then hc had neverknonn such causcfor
dcath.d.fytng rIdcs. excltcmcnt.clthcr.
Jerry's heartbeat qulckcned as he walked He felt in hts pockct for hls pags and
along the mldlvay. stoppcdfor a drlnk from a water fountaln.
''Ftrst ttme. sonny?" an anclent carny thcn contlnucd along thc mtds'ay.
calledto hlm.'lchance your ltfc on thts llttlc The sky was darkenlng sllghdy, but Jcrry
spin. why don t you?" dldn t cxpcctraln. The forecasthad satd no
Jerry gazcd at the whlrltng machlnc hlgh raln. and thc Wcather Control Ccntcr was
above hls head. "l mlght latcr." hc sald. ncvcr wTong,
'lf !,ou're Iucky." the carny repllcd. Jerry got Into thc llnc of pcople who
Jerry found hlmsclf belng swcpt along want.d to rldc on thc Thundcr Clappcr.ln
wlth the crowd. Ahead ofhlm a pollce offtce. front ofhlm stoodayoung man wlth glas3.s.
was lcading a young woman by the arm. Shc Hc vas swcatlng profuscly, although thc
was sobbing and tclltng thc offlc€r9hc dtdn't tcmPcraturewa3 on the cool sldc.
want to leavcher husband. Thcyoung man glancedovcrhls shoulder.
Jerry hardly notlccd. He had more lmpor- lFtrst tlmc?" hc asked, nervouslyrubblng
tant tblngs on hts mind. Hc was attcndlng hls hands togethcr,
hls flrst camtval. and he had to mak. thc "Yca,"Jerry answcrcd.
most of tt. H. lnhalcd deeply, then reachcd "Cood luck.' the man sald. "This onc s a
. lnto his pockct and clutched hls pasa. rcal ktller. '
Thc crush of the crowd took Jerry several Jery sawthe contraptlon resttngflfty fcet
hundred yards south ofthe rndln gate. Hun- ahead. You ever been on lt bcforc?"
daeds of attractlons awaltcd the cuatomeB. Th. man clcarcd hls throat: "Nopc. But
Jerry sat down or! a bcnch to study a map of l've gonc on a lot of the othcr ones."
the carnlval {rounds and dccldc ivhlch "Thls ts my ftrst rlde." Jcrry sald.

Thcyoung man laughcd."Yousureptcked It rumbled and coughcd. then galncd
a good one for a starter." momcntum as lt llfted thc apparatusand lta
"l hopc ao." Jcrry satd, occupants Into lhe atr. lt ptcked up spccd
Thc rldcrs grcw funcreally sllent as th€y now. and the low rumblc becamca vlolent
camcup to thc boarding ramP. Jerry took a roaf.
decp brcath, He could fcel hts pulse ln hls Jcrry fclt bis gtomach knot b.ncath thc
throat. Hc atcppcd on to thc ramp and straps holdtng hlm. H. hopcd he wasn't
sdcctcda scat ncxt to thcyoung man he had gotng to be stck.
met ln the !lnc. Thc roar was dcafcnlng, Jcrry scrcamed,
An attcndant came ovcr and strapped but no sound scemcdto comc from hls llps.
thcmboth tn. Thcstraps covcrcdmost ofthc Llghtntng crackcdaUabout htm, comlng so
qody and wcre faatcned v€ry ttghtly. Jerry closc he thought he could fccl lts lntcnse
found brcathtng dtfftcult. heat.
,"That'Uhold you, Shorty," thc attendant Thcn suddcnlythc roar substdcd.and the heftnlshcd wtth Jerry. Jerrynottced hug. metal whecl was gcntly eascdonto lls
that the attcndant wore thlck-solcd boots basc. The attcDdant unst.apped Jerry and
and carrled heavyglovesln bla back pocket, thcyoung man ncxt to hlm. Thcyoung man
An announccmcntwas madc,statlngthat dtdn't rnove.and two mcDcameoverto taka
the rtde wor.rld!a9t only ntneq scconds,lt htm from thc scat.
was cveryonc fot hlmself. The announcer Jerry boundcd qutckly do$'n thc ramp "l
thcn Mshcd thc rtdcrs good luck, and the dtd ttl I rnadctt on my flBt tryl" hesh.tckcd.
motor startcd. ha.lf.stumbltngback onto thc mldway.

A unlformed statlstictan smiled at Jerry's admlratlon. 'l thlnk thts wlll bc just as
exuberance,and contlnued wlth hls work. tough." hc sald. wlthout convtc on
In the 'Dcparture" columD on thc paper In "l doubt tt."Jerry scoffed. "But tdl proba.
front of blm. he added another checx. bly belp bulld your conftdcnce."
Jerry wanted to shout hls success: he Thc thrlll-scekers wcre lcd to thctr places
wanted to run. but there was noroom on th€ by Whlrl-Away attcndants, and strappcd
crowded mldway. into thc spokes of the rr|achhc tn uprtght.
What's so lough about thts anyway? Jerry standlng posltlons.
thought. If you takc a postttve approach. Agaln thcrc was aD annouDcemcnt over
You ll ovcrcomc lt. thc publlc addrcss system. lt nras thc usual
He had eastlymct thechallenge ofthts ftrst drtvel that Jerry hardly heard.
ride - the one everybody had satd would be Jerry was rclaxed: acalm smtlcplaycdover
thc roughest. Wcll, he had comc through. hls Ups. Hc settled back, ready to cnjoy thts
almost wlthout nlnchlng. new cxpcrlcnce to thc fullcst.
The tasteofthls ktnd ofsuccesswas some- Thc Whlrl-Away began to vibratc.'tts en.
thtng he had not known beforc. Hc felt so glncs whooshlng ltkc a grcat wtnd storm.
exhllarated that he glggled in sptte of htm- Thc structure throbbed and gatncd spccd
self. untll the passcngers ncar thc rtm wcre mov.
He would try hls luck agaln aftcr he had ing at about two hundred mlles an hour.
had some food. He walked ovcr to a rlfresh- Jerry was thlDklng of thc storles hc'd tcll
ment stand and boughi iwo hot dogs. "I'vc his classmates at school tomorrow. How hc
Just been on thc Tbunder Clapper."he told t o o k o n t h c T h u n d e r Cla p p c r a n d t hc
the conccsslonalrc. Whlrl'Away. stratght off. "You take thc
"That's ltvtng prctty daDgerousty,"the rncanest ones flrst." he would tcll them.
man sald. Thc Whlrl-Away. sptnnlng at an cvcr-
"ls thcre any othcr way?" Jcrry asked increaslngspecd, rose three hundred fcet off
llghtly, paylng for thc food. the ground.
He ate rapldly. anxtous to get back into Jcrry bccame awarc of a dlzzy sensauon.
actlon. A.lthoughhe reveledln hls achlev€- Thcn the sensc of motlon ccascd, and gud.
ment. he kncw thai he could rcally prove hts denly he was fr€c of movemcnt and sound.
mettlc only by con nuing to acccpt chal- Hc was ln the alr. hurtllng hcadlong down-
lenge, As soon as he had swallowed thc last ward. "lt isn t falr!" he trted to shout. "Thcy
bite. he Joincd a red-halrcd boy about his sald onc in etght - onc tn .lght!-
onryrage In the llne for the Whl.l-Away. M€n from thc pit movcdInro posl on wlth
Thc other boy smllcd and rold Jcrry that their black plastlc bags. But Jerry dld not
thls was to bc hts flrst rtdc. see them: nor was he congclous whcn hc
"Thts ls nothtng, 'Jcrry told hlm. "I'vejust ceasedto be - approachtng the carth. mcct-
comc off the Thundcr Clappcr." ing lt facc to face at almost thc spced of
Thc rcd-hatred boy's eyes wtdeDcd with sound.


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