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Eris’ 14erEdit command list

This is designed to be a cheat-sheet for people who are new to 14eredit.

For a more thorough documentation on how to create your own brushes,
14er’s can be found here: 14erEdit Basic Documentation
Basic Commands 2

Basic terrain brushes: 3

Different brush shapes: 4

Sphere: 4
Ellipse: 4
Cylinder: 4
Cube: 4
Diamond: 4
Random Spheres: 5
Random Spheroids: 5
Splatter brush: 5
Spike brush: 5

Vines brush: 6

Grass brushes: 6

Tree brushes: 7

Biome brushes: 7

Process for creating schematics in 14eredit: 8

Making changes to a selected area: 8

Creating a brush that pastes a schematic: 9

Creating a line brush: 9

Creating a spike brush: 9

Saving and loading an operation from a file 10

Template brushes 11
Spawner brush 12
A brush to update spawners: 13

Multibrushes 14

Noise Brushes 15

Legacy Simplex brushes (outdated but still useful): 15

Other brushes: 19
Basic Commands
/fx br none
Removes brush from current item



/brmask air water lava

NOT like /mask in worldedit - changes the blocks that the brush will ignore. Good for
working under water/lava as brush won’t just act around the first water block it hits.

/fx br s 5 0.5 set air

br - brush
s - sphere
5 - radius of 5
0.5 - a weird adjustment that changes the shape of the sphere slightly (Just use 0.5)
set air - the operation for the brush, in this case sets everything to air, more examples
Below. It’s in italics because it’s optional for most brush types.
Basic terrain brushes:
/fx br s 5 0.5 if sandstone set stone else if not air set gravel
Replace sandstone with stone, and everything else that isn't air with gravel, radius 5
/fx br s 5 0.5 if dirt;sandstone set air
Replace dirt and sandstone with air, radius 5
/fx br s 5 0.5 set 50%dirt;50%coarse_dirt
Creates a brush that sets half and half dirt and coarse dirt.

/fx br v macro erode{11;melt;cut}

/fx br v macro erode{11;melt;raise}
/fx br v macro erode{11;melt;smooth}
/fx br v macro erode{11;melt;carve}
/fx br v macro erode{11;melt;lift}
/fx br v macro erode{11;melt;smooth}
These are all the different brushes for terrain erosion. The only thing to change here is the 11,
which is the radius of the brush. Smooth is in here twice because you’ll need it a lot.
Different brush shapes:
14eredit gives you a big range of brush shapes to use, but here are some of the basic ones - it’s
not an exhaustive list. The “set stone” section is the operation and can be substituted with
whatever you want. The “correction” value is now optional on most of these, but not all.

/fx br s 5 0.5 set stone
s - abbreviated version of sphere
5 - radius
0.5 - correction that adjusts the shape of the sphere. Leave at 0.5

/fx br e 3.5 2.5 3.5 0.15 set stone
e - abbreviated ellipse
3.5 - radius along the x axis
2.5 - radius along the y axis
3.5 - radius along the z axis
0.15 - correction value - changing this can give pretty cool results! Between 0 and 1.

/fx br cyl 3 10 y 0.5 if air set stone
cyl - abbreviated version of cylinder
3 - radius
10 - height (from top to bottom, not midway to top)
y - the axis that the cylinder points along (the y axis gives a vertical brush)
0.5 - correction value, leave at 0.5

/fx br cube 5 set stone
cube - brush shape
5 length of side (not radius)

/fx br d 5 set stone
d - abbreviated version of diamond
5 - radius (acts like sphere brush, not cube)
Random Spheres:
/fx br rs 5 15 0.5 set stone
rs - random sphere
5 - minimum radius
15 - maximum radius
0.5 - correction, keep at 0.5

Random Spheroids:
/fx br re 5 15 5 15 5 15 0.5 set air
re = random ellipse. Creates a brush that makes random spheroids varying in shape that
sets air. In this case 5 and 15 are the min and max size of each direction. Arguments are
in this order:
<x min> <x max> <y min> <y max> <z min> <z max> <correction> <op>

Splatter brush:
/fx br splatter 10 5 2 0.5 set stone
splatter - creates a splattering of spheres within a certain radius
10 - radius for the brush
5 - number of spheres to go within that radius
2 - radius of each sphere
0.5 - correction value for each sphere, leave at 0.5

Spike brush:
/fx br spike 20 4 set stone
Spike - crystal/shard shape
20 - height from top to bottom
4 - Radius of the widest point in the spike
set stone - operation that the brush carries out
Vines brush:
/script vines <radius> <length> <variance>
/script vines 12 5 3

/fx br v macro vines{15;9;5;0.2;vine}

vines brush, the {} brackets contains arguments that the macro takes, in this case:
15 - radius of the brush
9 - base length of the vines
5 - length variation, ie. each vine will be between 4 and 14 blocks long
0.2 - density (between 0 and 1, what proportion of blocks in the sphere should be vines)
Vine - block ID for the “vine” you want to use.

Grass brushes:
/fx br s 0 0.5 macro grass{5;80%grass,10%lily_of_the_valley,10%tall_grass;2;0.5}
grass macro brush (not picky, will place grass on everything, including other grass or lava or
well, anything. Not good for grass but potential for other uses maybe.)

/fx br s 7 0.5 if both air at 0 -1 0 grass_block set 69%air;29%grass;2%lily_of_the_valley

Better grass brush, only places grass on top of grass_blocks with air above them. In this case it
places 69% air (nice), 29% grass, 2% lily of the valley. It doesn’t do tall grass but the next brush
solves that :D.

/fx br s 5 0.5 if both air at 0 -1 0 grass if % 20 / at 0 -1 0 set tall_grass[half=lower] set

Sets some of the 1 high grass to be 2 high grass.

/fx br s 11 0.5 if both air at 0 -1 0 grass_block if noise perlin 2 128 4 set 40%air;50%grass;10%fern
This creates patches of grass using noise so it forms in “clumps”. I won’t explain it here, but it’s
covered more in depth in the noise brush document (linked further down).
Tree brushes:
/fx br s 0 0.5 macro tree{redmushroom;red_mushroom_block;mushroom_stem;6;2}
Red Mushroom brush (uses tree macro)
redmushroom - specifies which type of tree you want
Red_mushroom_block - specifies block for leaves
Mushroom_stem - specifies block for trunk
6 - default height
2 - height variation

/fx br s 0 0.5 macro tree{brownmushroom;brown_mushroom_block;mushroom_stem;7;2}

The same as the red mushroom brush, but for brown mushrooms

/fx br s 0 0.5 macro tree{jungle;netherrack;nether_bricks;15;4}

The same as above, but for jungle trees made of netherrack I guess.

/fx br s 7 0.5 if #leaves set [persistent=true]

Makes all the leaves within the sphere persistent (ie won’t decay)

Full list of tree types: oak, branch, big, bush, birch, darkoak, redmushroom, brownmushroom, jungle

Biome brushes:
/fx br s 15 0.5 biome JUNGLE
Creates a sphere biome brush of radius 15, which sets the biome to jungle. Bear in mind that
14eredit supports 3D biomes, so using this will create a 3D sphere of jungle.

/fx br e 11 1 11 0.5 br col biome JUNGLE

Sets every block in a 11 block radius column to the jungle biome.

/fx sel op biome JUNGLE

Changes the current selection to be a Jungle biome (see below for more on making a selection)

You can find a full Spigot biome list to use here.

Process for creating schematics in 14eredit:
/fx sel pos1
/fx sel pos2
/fx sel copy
/fx schem save [filename]
Sets the two corner positions, then copies the selection, then saves it into the 14eredit
schematics folder. Alternatively, typing /fx wand will give you a selection wand which you can
use to select the corners with left and right click.

/fx schem load [filename]

This will immediately paste it, not load it to your clipboard.

/fx sel paste

Pastes your clipboard

/fx sel mirror x

Mirrors the current clipboard along the specified axis, - eg(x, y or z).

Making changes to a selected area:

Make a selection in the same way as above (in the schematic section), then use these.
/fx sel op (operation)
This lets you carry out an operation on a selection.
For example, turning all the stone in a selection to sponge, the command would be:
/fx sel op if stone set sponge

Or to set the selection to be 50/50 dirt and coarse dirt:

/fx sel op set 50%dirt;50%coarse_dirt
Creating a brush that pastes a schematic:
/fx br v macro schem{[schemName];[xOffset];[yOffset];[zOffset];[pasteAir];[mirrorAxis]}
This is the outline of a schematic brush - ie a brush that will paste down trees or structures from
your schematics folder.
The offset considers the very negative corner of your schematic as the origin.
An example command for pasting a 5x5 tree would be this:
/fx br v macro schem{tree1;-2;1;-2;false;t}
Note: the mirrorAxis argument is optional, but works in the same way as the
/fx sel mirror argument
tree1 is the schematic name
t is a placeholder - basically you can put anything here. As long as it doesn’t have an x,
y or z in it then it won’t mirror anything.

Creating a line brush:

/fx br v macro line{lime_terracotta;10;1}
This basically draws a line from you to the point you’re looking at. Useful for planning
Building stuff at angles or trees also.
lime_terracotta - the block used to draw the line
10 - the number of blocks used in the line
1 - the distance in front of the player that the line begins, in this case it will start right in
your face.

Creating a spike brush:

/fx br s 3 0.5 $ line{cobblestone;20;1}
creates a spike where the base has a radius of 3 - change that to make it broader
or slimmer.
The inside of the { } arguments are the same as for the line brush!

/fx br s 1 0.5 $ line{oak_wood;20;1} - good for tree branches!

/fx br spike 20 4 set stone - same as above, this creates a double sided spike whereas using
the line macro only gives half a spike, so there’s a place for both
Saving and loading an operation from a file
Sometimes if you wanna start putting together complicated brushes, they can be too long to put
inside the chat box. Also, for long complicated brushes it can be easier to remember a short file
name rather than a 200 character command. Thankfully 14eredit allows you to save operations
inside a text document that you can then use for brushes etc. Here’s how to do it:

To do this, simply create a text document with your operation in it.

Eg: if air set stone

Save the file with your desired filename

Eg: stoner.txt

Then add this file into the 14erEdit/ops folder *BEFORE* you boot up the MMS (it loads them up
when you open the server. If you want to edit operations whilst your using the server you need
to go into the profile/plugins/14erEdit/ops folder.

Then to use the desired operation simply put “file <filename>” into a brush or selection
command where you would usually use an operation.
In this example, the original brush might be:
/fx br s 5 0.5 if air set stone

And the new version with the filename in would instead be:
/fx br s 5 0.5 file stoner.txt

Obviously in that case, using a file would be a bit unnecessary, but for longer commands like
“deflatten.txt” it’s much smoother to use files.

If you use a file command and then make changes to it, you need to run this command to reset
it (otherwise it will keep using the old version):
/run dealloc file <filename>
Template brushes
Templates can be used to save a specific command in a way that lets you change specific
parameters about it when you put it in a brush. They can also be used to put minecraft
commands inside of 14erEdit brushes, which I talk about further down.

That’s not a hugely clear explanation, so let’s imagine a use for it!

Let’s make a basic sphere brush into a template: /fx br s 5 0.5 set stone

That command becomes: fx br s 5 0.5 set $1 - which we save inside a file, in this case called
sphere.txt and save it in the 14erEdit/templates folder

We then create the brush for this with the command: /template sphere dirt - which will
substitute dirt into the sphere brush we made above.

Now for something a bit more complicated. Let’s say you have a brush that adds grass to the
floor of an area. With templates, you could easily save that brush in a file, and then change what
block the grass gets placed on, whether it’s actually grass that’s placed and what type of flower.

So, let’s grab our grass brush from above:

/fx br s 7 0.5 if both air at 0 -1 0 grass_block set 69%air;29%grass;2%lily_of_the_valley

Now, in order to let 14erEdit know what things we want to take as “parameters” (ie. how we can
tell it where to substitute in) we simply replace arguments from the brush with our “template
parameters” - placeholders which look like this: $1 $2 $3 etc

So, in the case of our grass brush with controllable target & flower, the brush becomes:
fx br s 7 0.5 if both air at 0 -1 0 $1 set 69%air;29%$2;2%$3
Note! The / at the beginning has also been removed!

Now we need to save this in a .txt file, for this example I’ll save it in grassy.txt and then save
that file in the 14erEdit/templates folder on the MMS.
Then once you boot up the server, simply create a brush using the following command
/template grassy.txt dirt grass fern

Or in a more generalised form:

/template <filename> [argument1] [argument2] [argument3] ...
Spawner brush
This is here as an extension of the template brush segment because it is a specific use case
that is really powerful for quickly iterating areas with different mobs in CTM maps.

Template brushes can be used to nest minecraft commands inside of 14erEdit brushes, which
means that we can use them to create a brush that sets specific blocks to custom spawners in
no time at all.

So, if you want to make a brush that replaces all of the Gold Blocks in an area with custom
spawners simply create a template file (as above) with the correct setblock command in and
then nest a template command inside a brush.

If, for example we wanted to place lots of spawners for glowing creepers in an area, we would
create a template file with the following inside it and (for this example) save it as

setblock ~ ~ ~
ayerRange:16,SpawnData:{id:"minecraft:creeper",Glowing:1b}} replace

Save the file in the 14erEdit/templates folder and then simply create the brush as follows:
/fx br s 20 0.5 if gold_block template glowingcreeper.txt 0

Then your set, you have a brush that places spawners with custom data that will spawn glowing
creepers! Which, imo, is pretty cool. Obviously to change the spawners that the brush places,
simply edit the setblock command above using
A brush to update mobs from spawners:
I’ve left this here because it works and it’s an interesting use case of “vanilla commands bound
to a brush” - but you probably want to use the Bulk Spawner Editor by Gibbs instead for this

This allows you to quickly update all the spawners in an area, which is great for quick
rebalancing. There are two methods to do this, both following a simple 4 step process. The first
is easier and works if you still know the command for the old spawner. The second requires you
to get the coordinates of one of the old spawners and use it as a "reference" to compare to.

Step 1:
Option A:
execute if block ~ ~ ~ <spawner_to_replace> run setblock ~ ~ ~ <new_spawner>
Take this command and replace both <spawner_to_replace> and <new_spawner> with the spawner data from a
mcstacker setblock minecraft:spawner command, that is: spawner{SpawnData:{...}}


Option B:
execute if blocks ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <coords_of_reference_spawner> masked run setblock ~ ~ ~ <new_spawner>
Replace <new_spawner> with the spawner data from a mcstacker setblock minecraft:spawner command, that is:
Then input the coordinates of the “reference spawner” you using instead of the <coords_of_reference_spawner>

Step 2:
Save that single line with the new spawner data in a .txt file named OldtoNew.txt

Step 3:
Move it into the 14erEdit/templates folder.

Step 4:
Boot up the MMS, then use this brush:
/fx br s 10 0.5 if spawner template OldToNew.txt 0

Then you're done! Your brush will replace only the specific type of spawner you want it to!

To summarise what each step is doing for clarity:

Step 1 - create an execute command that checks if the spawner is the one you’re looking for
Step 2 - save that command inside a .txt file
Step 3 - put that file in the right folder
Step 4 - make a brush that targets spawners

P.S. If you're using option B be careful not to overwrite your reference spawner.
P.P.S. If you're using lots of different variants of the same mob in a small space, it may be safer to use
Option B.
Wanna run one brush after another with a different radius or shape but you absolutely refuse to
click more than once? This is for you! The process is *similar* to the above process of saving
and loading an operation from a file and very similar to the process for Template brushes, but
with some minor (but important) differences. In earlier versions of 14eredit you could not undo a
multibrush, but now you can.

The first thing to do is to find where you should save your brushes for this. To create a
multibrush you will need to save your multibrush file into the 14erEdit/multibrushes/ folder.

Once you’ve found the folder, you can create a multibrush! Here’s a quick example of what the
text file for a basic multibrush might look like:

s 15 0.5 if $1 set red_concrete

s 12 0.5 if red_concrete set white_concrete
s 9 0.5 if white_concrete set blue_concrete
s 6 0.5 if blue_concrete set yellow_concrete
s 3 0.5 if yellow_concrete set black_concrete

So save that in a file, let’s imagine we’ve saved ours as circles.txt for this example. Now in order
to create the brush for this we’ll simply use the following command:

/fx br multi circles.txt stone

Okay … but what’s this doing?

Well, the command creates progressively smaller sphere brushes with different colours of
concrete. The $1 bit takes the argument that we give it after our filename. In this case, all we’d
be doing would be swapping out the $1 for stone.

You can use multiple of these arguments if you so desire! For example:

s 5 0.5 set $1
s 9 0.5 if not $1 set $2

/fx br multi circles.txt stone glass

In this case - $1 is stone, $2 is glass

This will create 2 sphere brushes. The first will have a radius of 5 and set everything to stone.
The second will have a radius of 9 and set that *isnt* stone to glass. Easy peasy!
This is a bit dense but the best way to get used to these is to have a play with it.
Noise Brushes
14erEdit has got a big noise update recently, so rather than allowing this section to become 5
pages long, I’ve created a separate doc which I will be updating over time (with pictures for
examples!). You can find that here.

Legacy Simplex brushes (outdated but still useful):

Thanks to Prince Banger for helping to put this section together.

These brushes are commonly used to add block-variation to an area in a way that’s more
sophisticated than just random noise.

They are more finicky than the FAWE version, but you therefore have more control. These
example brushes should give you a good starting point depending on what you’re going for.
Pictures included for reference.

The simplex operator takes 3 arguments, the dimensions, the cutoff and the scale factor. These
examples show what happens when you vary each one.

The structure of a simplex brush is as follows:

/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 2 128 4 set white_concrete else set black_concrete
This is a sphere brush of radius 20, that targets bedrock and replaces it with a
simplex pattern of white and black concrete (used for contrast here, to illustrate
Adjusting dimensions. From left to right: 2, 3 and 4
/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 2 128 4 set white_concrete else set black_concrete
/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 3 128 4 set white_concrete else set black_concrete
/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 4 128 4 set white_concrete else set black_concrete

Adjusting cutoff. From left to right: 64, 128 and 192

/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 3 64 4 set white_concrete else set black_concrete
/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 3 128 4 set white_concrete else set black_concrete
/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 3 192 4 set white_concrete else set black_concrete
Adjusting scale factor. From left to right: 2, 4 and 6
/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 3 128 2 set white_concrete else set black_concrete
/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 3 128 4 set white_concrete else set black_concrete
/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 3 128 6 set white_concrete else set black_concrete

Nested Simplexes:
14eredit has the ability to run brushes within other brushes. In this case, we’re going to put
simplexes inside other simplexes, to help create even cooler block variation. From left to right:
one with glowstone, one without.

/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 4 128 6 set white_concrete else if simplex 4 128 4 set
black_concrete else set gray_concrete
/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 4 128 6 set white_concrete else if simplex 4 128 4 set
90%black_concrete;10%glowstone else set gray_concrete
/fx br s 20 0.5 if bedrock if simplex 3 128 4 set white_concrete else if near white_concrete 2 range
0 2 set red_concrete else set black_concrete
Other brushes:
This is where I paste brushes and stuff that people post in CTMC that I intend to add to the doc
later. I lurk and I steal your commands >:]

Clone / stack command:

/fx sel clone <xOffset> <yOffset> <zOffset> <times> <deleteOriginal>

Overlay brush:
/fx br s 7 0.5 if both not air at 0 1 0 air / / set grass_block at 0 -1 0 set dirt at 0 -2 0 set dirt

Schematic shaped brush:

Snow brush that only place snow on blocks with direct sky access:
/fx br s 7 0.5 ? sky 15 ? & air & at 0 -1 0 not air at 0 -1 0 not snow set snow

Brush that removes floating stone blocks:

/fx br s 5 0.5 if stone if exposed 6 set air

14er’s favourite “blob style” brush

/fx br b 17 49 0 0.5 br rote 7 20 set air

Randomly rotated glazed terracotta:

/fx br s 10 0.5 if stone set

Set the outer layer of stone to glass:

/fx br s 5 0.5 if both stone exposed 1 set glass
Add a layer of glass to the outside of a structure
/fx br s 5 0.5 if both air @ - 1 6 stone set glass

Bury coal blocks in a patch of coal ore

/fx br s 5 0.5 if both coal_ore adjacent range 0 0 air set 80%coal_ore;20%coal_block

To do:
Add an explainer / examples of the below, above, near, range, adjacent and exposed operators
Play with the “smallruin” command

smallruin 4 xRange yRange floorRange op

/fx br v smallruin range 3 5 range 3 5 range 2 2 set mossy_cobblestone

3D noise brush
/fx br s 10 0.5 #a ## perlin 3 120 4 -120 10 set gold_bock

Catenary (droopy line): the -22 will do very different things depending on your y coordinate,
more positive gives a bigger droop, more negative gives an arch, idfk either tbh
/script catenary stone -22 0.01

Spike brush with obsidian/crying obsidian simplexed in:

/fx br spike 25 4 if air if ## simplex 4 128 4 set obsidian else set crying_obsidian
Add ice to the outside of said spike:
/fx br s 9 0.5 if both obsidian;crying_obsidian exposed 1 set ice

Jungle diamondblock replacer

/fx br s 25 0.5 if both diamond_block;bedrock at 0 1 0 air set grass_block else if
diamond_block at 0 2 0 air set 85%dirt;15%stone else if
diamond_block;bedrock;glowstone set

Noise nodes with multiple cut-offs (m#):

/fx br s 12 0.5 if bedrock m# 3 ## perlin 3 120 3 set white_concrete set orange_concrete
set magenta_concrete

Paste a schematic that only replaces air:

/runat ~0 ~3 ~0 schem 14er_clipboard if air set schem
T-jski’s diamond fractal thing:

/fx br s 10 if glass if exposed 5 set glowstone

/fx br s 10 if glass if exposed 4 if bl 5 set blue_stained_glass

/fx br s 10 if blue_stained_glass set sea_lantern

/fx br s 10 if glass if exposed 3 if bl 1 set blue_stained_glass

/fx br s 10 if blue_stained_glass set shroomlight else if sea_lantern;glowstone set glass

/fx br s 10 if air if bl 10 set cyan_stained_glass

/fx br s 15 if shroomlight set glass

also should mention that i started with a large diamond brush
then for the next iteration change all the glass into cyan_stained_glass and do it all again
and the pattern on the out side is if exposed 4 set sea_lantern and for the terracotta: if not bl 10
if bl 8

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