Card 1990 Superior Province Canada

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Precambrtan Research, 48 ( 1 9 9 0 ) 9 9 - 1 5 6

Elsevier S o e n c e P u b h s h e r s B V , A m s t e r d a m - - P n n t e d m T h e N e t h e r l a n d s


A review of the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield, a product of Archean accretion
K.D Card
Geologtcal Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ont KIA OE4, Canada
(Received January 30, 1989, revised and accepted January 24, 1990 )

ABSTRACT Card, K D , 1990 A review o f the Superior P r o v i n c e o f the C a n a d m n Shield, a product o f A r c h e a n accretion P r e c a m b n a n R e s , 48 9 9 - 1 5 6 The Superior Province consists of northern and southern high-grade gneiss subprovlnces and a central region of alternating granite-greenstone and metasedlmentary belts Subprovmces are commonly fault-bounded and &splay contrasting hthologlcal assemblages, metamorphic and structural styles, geophysical characteristics, and ages, they are comparable to PhanerozoIc suspect terranes The Middle and Late Archean rocks of the Superior Province are of mantle and juvenile crustal origin with little evidence of inheritance of components older than ca 3 l Ga High-grade gneiss subprovmces are mainly deeper level equivalents of the supracrustal-rich belts but one, Minnesota River Valley, is part of an older, ca 3 6 Ga terrane that was juxtaposed late m the tectonic history Granite-greenstone terranes are characterized by low-grade voicano-se&mentary sequences (tholelmc-komatntic submarine lava plato, tholentlc-calc-alkahc s u b m a n n e to subaenal central complexes, early platform-type quartz arenlte-stromatolltlc carbonate, late Tlmlskamlng-type shoshomtlc/alkahc volcanic-fluvial sediment) that range in age from ca 3 0 Ga to 2 7 Ga The volcanlcs represent oceamc, island arc, and continental arc volcamsm, the quartz aremte-carbonate sequences deposition on relatively stable, early-formed ca 3 0 Ga crust, and the Tlmiskammg-type sequences deposition m pull-apart basins developed along strike-slip faults Late Archean, ca 2 75-2 70 Ga greenstone sequences occur throughout the Superior Province Middle Archean, ca 3 0-2 8 Ga sequences are common m northern and central Superior province, rare or absent in the south Volcamsm was accompanied by mafic to t r o n d h j e m m c plutomsm The metasedlmentary belts consist of variably metamorphosed volcanogenlc turbidites with detrital zircons ranging in age from ca 3 0 Ga to 2 7 Ga The metased~ments were deposited after major volcamsm and probably represent accretlonary prisms Late Archean orogenesls, accompanied and followed by calc-alkahc plutomsm, youngs southward from about 2 73-2 72 Ga to 2 70-2 68 Ga It revolved large-scale north-south compression and dextral transpresslon and displays thin- to thick-skinned transitions The contemporanelty of events along the lengths of the belts and their southward younging, coupled w~th the evidence of major compression, are consistent with subduction-driven oblique accretion of oceanic and continental volcanic arcs, accreuonary sedimentary wedges, older microcontinental fragments etc in a convergent margin setting analogous to parts of the Pacific Rim Differences (eg abundance o f k o m a t n t e s and tonahtic plutonlc states) are attributable to a hotter Archean mantle

Introduction The Superior Province, one of the world's largest Archean cratons, is exposed m the central part of the continent and together w~th other Archean cratons and Proterozo~c orogens, makes up the Canadian Shield, the Precambrian core of North America (Hoffman, 1988, Fig. 1 ). Over the past century, the Superior Prov0 3 0 1 - 9 2 6 8 / 9 0 / $ 0 3 50

race has been mapped by many geologists and recent advances, particularly m geochronology (Krogh, 1982), geochemistry (Patchett et al, 1981), kinematic analysis (Hanmer, 1986), and geophysics (Gupta et al., 1982, Dods et al, 1985 ) have provided new tools for unravelhng the complicated history of this ancient craton. In the following, the geology of the Superior Province is reviewed, comparisons are made with Phanerozolc Pacific-type orogens, and a

1990 Elsevier Science Publishers B V

LEGEND ~ - ~ Proterozolc, Phanerozolc rocks Subprownce boundary ARCHEAN SUBPROVlNCE TYPE ~ Plutomc Volcano-plutomc CAPE



H,gh-grade gne)ss
I 300 km I

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Fig 1 Subprovmces of the Superior Province

model revolving subduct~on-drlven accretion for assembly of the Archean craton ~s presented. Here, Early Archean refers to rock umts and events older than 3.4 Ga, Middle Archean to the interval 3.4-2.8 Ga, Late Archean to the interval 2.8-2.5 Ga, and Early Proterozolc to the interval 2.5-1.6 Ga. All isotopic ages quoted, unless otherwise specified, are based on mulUple U - P b determinations using zlr-

con, and have analytical errors of less than 5 Ma. Definition of provinces, subprovinces and the nature of their boundaries The geology of the Superior Province is shown m Figs 2, 4 and 5 With the exception of Proterozolc mafic dyke swarms, alkahc



rock-carbonatlte complexes, and scattered outhers of Proterozoic and Phanerozoic sedimentary cover, the rocks of this 2 million km 2 region are of Archean age. Furthermore, they are at most slightly affected by Proterozolc deformation concentrated along the SuperiorTrans-Hudson boundary in the northwest and northeast and along the Grenville front, Midcontinent rift, and Kapuskasmg zone in the south The Superior Province was stabilized near the end of the Late Archean, and with the exception of the aforementioned igneous activity and faulting, has remained stable since then. The Superior Province is a remnant of a more extensive craton now surrounded and truncated by Early Proterozolc orogens, many of which represent collision zones between Archean provinces (Gibb, 1983; Hoffman, 1988, Fig 1 ). The western, northern, and southeastern boundaries of the Superior Province with the Trans-Hudson and Grenville orogens are tectonic w~th thrusting and transcurrent fault. ing. The southern and eastern contacts with the Penokean and New Quebec (Labrador Trough) orogens represent Early Proterozolc supracrustal sequences unconformably overlying and thrust upon the Superior Province The Superior Province can be subdivided into volcano-plutonlc ("gramte-greenstone" ), metasedlmentary, plutonlc, and highgrade gneiss subprovinces on the basis of hthology, structure, metamorphism, geophysical and metallogenetic characteristics, and ages of rock units and tectonic events (Card and Cieslelski, 1986) These subprovmces (Fig. l ) Include northern and southern high-grade gneiss terranes, and a broad central region of alternating volcano-plutonlc and metasedlmentary subprovinces. The high-grade gneiss subprovinces are characterized by upper amphlbolite- and granuhte-facles gnelsses of supracrustal and plutonic origin and positive gravity and magnetic anomalies. The volcano plutonic subprovInces have low-grade greenstone belt metavolcanlc-metasedlmentary se-

quences surrounded and intruded by granltold bathohths whereas the Intervening metasedlmentary terranes consist mainly of variably deformed and metamorphosed turbldltes and anatectic granites Subprovince boundaries are commonly zones of structural and metamorphic transition of appreoable width in which faulting and igneous activity have masked any primary lithological transitions. Some subprovlnce boundaries (eg Sachlgo-Plkwltonel and Wawa-Kapuskasing) represent metamorphic transitions (Hubregtse, 1980 Percival, 1983 ), whereas others (eg. Mlnto-Bienvllle) correspond to changes in structural trend and style. Many subprovlnce boundaries are east-west faults that extend throughout much of Superior Province and juxtapose terranes of contrasting geological and geophysical character1sties. Some boundary faults are crustal-scale, affecting significant crustal thicknesses and producing geophysical anomalies attributable to changes in crustal structure (Hall and Brisbin, 1982) Some have histories of early dipslip movement, possibly thrusting, and late strike-slip displacement associated with shearing, metasomatic alteration, and formation of lode gold deposits (Card et al., 1989) The amount and nature of the displacements on these structures is generally unknown and late transcurrent movements may mask earlier displacements. Isotopic age determinations show that volcanic and plutomc rocks of Superior province range from about 3.1 Ga to 2.6 Ga and that within this range there is evidence for several major magmatic episodes at about 3.0 Ga and 2 7 Ga (Fig. 3) During these episodes, tholentic, calc-alkahc, komatntic and alkahc volcamcs and assocmted volcanogenlc clastlc and chemical sediments of the greenstone belts were deposited, as were the turbidltes of the intervening metasedimentary subprovlnces Early magmatlc episodes may have been accompanied or succeeded by regional deformation and metamorphic events to which names

I 92




Hudson Bay Basra

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W me m p~ g
~ Archeanrocksreworkedduring Proterozo orogenesls Late potesaicsuiteplutons-gramte grenodionte syenite Early eddic suiteplutons-quarrz diorite tonalite,grenodlorffe

x x

-p +


unclassifiedfeleic intermediate plutonicrocks GcetsaicplutonIc(tonaltte-grenodlorlte) / rocks withmaflcenclaves Grenulltefaciesortho-andparegnelss

Paragnelss mlgmatde dlotexlte


- ~ TulClldlticmotasedlmentswocke
conglomerate,pellte ~ Fluvlol/olluv,al sandstone

ccogk~morete,commonlywith alkelic volcenics Quartzaremte quartzpebble

conglomerate stromotolitic
mo vie

Lake Supenor

Tholeilec-komatlltic metavolcenic

Mlxad celo elkolicand tholelltJc:'~


Mafic ultremohcenorti~osfftc ~?v';






Penokean Orogen

Fault (solidcircleindicatesdownthrownside arrowsindicaterelativemovement) Thrust fault



Fig 2 Geology of the western Superior Province l = A t l k o k a n belt, 2 = A t l k w a bathohth, 3 = A u l n e a u bathohth, 4=Beardmore-Geraldton belt, 5 = B l r c h - U c h l belt, 6 = B i r d River belt, 7=Caribou Lake belt, 8 = C r o s s Lake belt, 9 = Dalles bathohth, 1 0 = Favourable Lake belt, 11 = Fort Hope belt, 12 = Georgia Lake area, 13 = Giants Range bathohth, 14 = Gods Lake belt, 15 = Hemlo belt, 16 = Horseshoe Lake belt, 1 7 = Island Lake belt, 18 = KaUala-Balrd bathohth, 1 9 = Lac du Bonnet bathohth, 20 = Lac des Isles complex, 21 = Lake of the Woods belt, 22 = Lake St Joseph belt, 23 = Lount Lake bathohth, 2 4 = L u m b y Lake belt, 25=Manltouwadge belt, 26=Manltouwadge gneiss, 2 7 = M a r m l o n bathohth, 28 = Melchett Lake belt, 2 9 = Mulcahy Lake complex, 30 = Muskratdam Lake belt, 31 = North Caribou Lake belt, 32 = North Trout Lake bathohth, 3 3 = N o r t h Spirit Lake belt, 3 4 = O n a m a n gneiss, 35=Oxford Lake belt, 3 6 = P i c k l e Lake belt, 3 7 = Pukaskwa gneiss, 38 = Rainy Lake belt, 3 9 = Red Lake belt, 40 = Rice Lake belt, 41 = Sabaskong bathohth, 42 = San Antonio Formation, 4 3 = Sandy Lake belt, 4 4 = Saganaga-Northern Lights bathohth, 4 5 = Savant Lake belt, 4 6 = Seine Group, 4 7 = Sen Bay gneiss, 4 8 = Shebandowan belt, 4 9 = Steep Rock Group, 5 0 = Sturgeon Lake bathohth, 5 2 = T r o u t Lake bathohth, 53 = Utlk Lake belt, 54 = Vermilion bathohth, 55 = Vermilion belt, 56 = Wabigoon diapinc axis


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104 TABLE l Summary of the isotopic ages of rock umts and events, southern Superaor Province Age (Ma) 2630 2650 H~gh-grade metamorphism and deformation (ca 2680-2620) Late plutons (2686-2665) Late deformation TlmlskamlngGroup Felslc plutons (2700-2690) Early deformation, metamorphism (2695 + 5) Volcamcs (2697) Minnesota River Valley Wawa Kapuskasmg Abmbt




Late plutons (2684-2660) Late deformation (2685 + 5) Shebandowan Group Felslc plutons (2700-2690) Late plutons Early deformation (2695 + 5 )

Late plutons, pegmat~tes (2687-2663)


Deformation, meta- Volcamcs (2696) morphlsm (ca 2700) 2710

Deformation and metamorphism (2690+5) Early plutons Sediments (2713)


Synvolcamc plutons Volcamcs (2749)

Supracrustal and intrusive precursors of KSZ high-grade gnelsses Synvolcanlc intrusions Volcamcs (2747)

2750 2770 2800 2900

Deformatmn, meta- Early volcanic and morph~sm, plutomc rocks plutonlsm (ca 2800-3000) (ca 2900)

3000 3100 3400 3600

Deformation, metamorphism Mortoman Event (ca 3600) Volcamc, plutonlc precursors of Morton, Montewdea gneiss

such as "Wamplgowan orogeny" and "Laurentlan orogeny" have been given (Stockwell, 1982; Ermanovlcs and Wanless, 1983). However, the effects of these early events have been largely obhterated by the polyphase deformation, regional metamorphism and widespread

plutomsm of the last major events to affect these rocks during the Kenoran orogeny (Stockwell, 1982 ). There is isotopm evidence, summarized m Fig. 3 and to be dealt with m later text, that the late, Kenoran events are not everywhere of the same age but that the cul-





Winnipeg River

Bird River

English River

Pegmat~te Late deformatton,

Late granite, pegmat~te

metamorphism Gramtes (2671-2653 ) Deformation

Grano&orlte sills (2687 ) Late gramtes Late deformation - wrench faulting (2585 + 5 )

DeformaUon (9) Sediments

Seine Group Felslc plutons (2710-2695)9 80

Late granite plutons (2700-2690)

Deformation, metamorphism (2710-2700)

Deformation metamorphism Deformation, (ca 2700) metamorphism (ca 2700)

Deformation, metamorphism (2680)

Calc-alkahne voicanlcs (2730-2710)

Grano&onte plutons (2709)


Synvolcanlc intrusions TholelltlC volcamcs (2775-2730)

Volcanlcs and synvolcanlc intrusions

Deformation (ca 2800) Volcanic and plutomc rocks ( 3100-2900)

Deformation and plutonlsrn (ca 2800)

Early gnelsslc plutonlc rocks (3170-3040)

mmatlon o f orogenic activity was older in the north than in the south (Krogh et al., 1974) The sequence o f major rock units and events for each subprovlnce IS summarized m Tables l and 2 There is a general lack o f evidence, in the

form o f unconformities, chemical contamination, or ISOtOpic inheritance, for older slallc basement to the voluminous 2 7 Ga metavolcanlc and metase&mentary accumulations. Rare unconformities and relatively mature shallow water platform and alluvial/fluvial


Summary of the isotopic ages of rock umts and events, northern Superior Province Berens River PIkwltone~ and Thompson Belt Eastmam, La Grande River Ashuampl Ungava Deformation, Sachlgo

Age Uchl (Ma)

2630 Deformation, highgrade metamorphism (26802629) PegmatRe (2690-2682)


2670 Late plutons (2715-2690) Plutons(2728-2708)

hlgh-grade metamorphosm (2650-2620 )

Tonahte plutons (2690) Plutons (2712)

DeformaUon, metamorphism Plutons (2760-2730) Deformation, metamorphism

Late plutons (2705-2680 Faulting Younger deformation metamorphism (ca 2700) Cross Lake, Island Lake Oxford Lake Groups Deformatmn, Deformation, metamorphism (2730metamorphism 2710) plutomsm (2719-2684) Plutons (2732-2712) Younger volcamcs and synvolcamc mtrumons (2757-2720)

Late plutons (2704-2668) 2690 Late deformation faulting (2710-2700) 2710 San Antomo Formation plutons (2720-2714 ) Deformation, metamorphism (27302710) Plutons (2731-2728) 2730 Younger, calc-alkahne 2750 volcamcs and synvolcanlc lntrusmns (2757-2731) 2770

Deformation, metamorpMsm (Blenvllle)

2780 2800

Deformation9 Oldergnelss Thompson Belt(3086-2926) Plutomc and volcamc rocks

Deformation9 Plutomc rocks

Thoemm-komatntm 2900 volcanlcs and g n e l s s l c plutomc rocks (ca 3000-2800) 3000

Deformatlon, plutomsm Gnelsslc plutonlc rocks (ca 2800) (ca 3000-2800) Volcamc and plutomc rocks (3023-2830)







sediments are apparently confined to the older, ca 3 0 Ga sequences and to the somewhat younger riftogenlc sequences present along some of the major subprovlnce boundary faults Much of the Superior Province represents new continental crust formed during several major mantle separation events in the Middle and Late Archean, probably in settings and by processes not unlike those existing today in parts of the Pacific Furthermore, the fault-bounded nature of Superior subprovlnces and their distinctive geological and age characteristics invite comparison with Phanerozolc "suspect terranes" such as those of the North American Cordillera (Coney et al, 1980) The description of these subprovmces will proceed generally from south to north summarizing geological relationships ~mportant to tectomc interpretations

neous and mafic gneiss and amphIbohte are metavolcanIc, suggesting the MRV IS of volcano-plutonic origin. Geochronological evidence (Goldich, 1972, Goldlch and Fischer, 1986) indicates orogenic events at 3.6 (Mortonian event), 3 0, 2.8, and 2.7 Ga, the latter perhaps suturing along the GLTZ The MRV is separated from the Wawa subprovince to the north by the Hillman and McGrath gneIsses, perhaps correlative with the MRV, and poorly known supracrustal belts Two tonahte plutons are 2688 Ma (Z.E Peterman, unpub, data)

Wawa Subprovince A Late Archean volcano-plutomc terrane

The Wawa Subprovince extends east from the Vermihon district of Minnesota to the Kapuskaslng structural zone (KSZ) The subprovince is bounded on the south by the Early and Middle Proterozoic Southern Province and the Mid-Continent Rift and on the north by the metasedlmentary Quetlco Subprovince In the Vermihon district Bauer (1985) correlated structures across the faulted boundary between the low-grade Vermilion greenstone belt and the amphlbohte-facles Quetlco subprovlnce, implying the existence of an early major recumbent fold straddling this interface To the east, north-dipping mylonltes separate plutons of the Wawa Subprovlnce and QuetlcO schists and granites (Percival and Stern, 1984). Gramtes along the contact contain both amphibohte and paragneiss inclusions suggesting pre-granlte juxtaposition of the two terranes In the Shebandowan area, the contact is extensively faulted with north-dipping mylonite zones showing reverse displacement The deformation which produced these structures during juxtaposition of the subprovlnces has been dated in the Shebandowan area at 26892685 Ma (Corfu and Stott, 1986) To the east,

Minnesota River Valley Early Archean htgh-grade gneiss, a possible foreland

Minnesota River Valley (MRV) in the southwest is characterized by granuhte-facles plutonlc and supracrustal gneiss older than 2 6 Ga It is separated from the Superior Province by the Great Lakes Tectonic Zone ( G L T Z ) (Sims et al, 1980; Fig 2 ), a crustal-scale thrust dipping 30 north according to seismic evidence (Gibbs et al, 1984) MRV and simdar gneisses to the east (Morey et al, 1982) may represent a foreland to the Superior Province, amalgamated about 2 7 Ga ago and dismembered during Early Proterozolc orogenesis. MRV may alternatively have been accreted to the Superior Province during the Penokean orogeny at ~ 1 86 Ga The ~ 2 7 Ga plutons cutting both the MRV gnelsses and the adjacent Superior Province terranes suggest the former MRV gneisses were m e t a m o r p h o s e d at 5 57 kbar and 6 5 0 - 7 3 0 C (Perkins and Chipera, 1985) Geochemical evidence (Wooden et al, 1982) indicates the felsic gneiss is meta-lg-



Wllhams (1987, in press) described the Wawa-Quetlco interface as a zone of highly deformed, disrupted gabbro, anorthosIte, and mafic gneiss bodies enclosed in metasedlmentary migmaUte with mylomtes displaying evidence ofdlp-shp and strike-slip components of movement. The contact between the Wawa Subprovlnce and the KSZ is a 10 km wide gradatlonal zone displaying structural, hthologtc and metamorphic continuity albeit with some faulting. Cores od domal structures in the eastern Wawa Subprovmce have upper amphlbohte facies gneiss that continue uninterrupted into the KSZ where they are mlgmatlUC granuhtes with structures typical of the KSZ Within the transition zone metamorphic grade changes gradatlonally from amphlbohte to granuhte facies and structural style from domal to consistently northwest-dipping gneIssoslty (Percival and Card, 1983; 1985)

Supracrustal rocks
Greenstone belts of the Vermlhon and Shebandowan areas in the west (Fig. 2) and the Hemlo and Mlchlplcoten areas m the east (Fig 4) form about 35% of the Wawa Subprovlnce and consist of approximately 60% tholentlc and komatntlc mafic volcanics, 20-25% calcalkahc and tholentIc felsic, intermediate, and mafic volcamcs, 15-20% metasedlments, and minor alkahc and shoshonmc volcanics The Vermilion belt consists of thick lower sequences of pillowed tholentIc and calc-alkahc basalt, andeslte, and minor daote with jaspditlc ironstone overlain by mixed calc-alkahc felslc pyroclastlcs, mafic lavas, and ironstone, turbldltlC wacke, and conglomerate, all capped by calc-alkahc felsic volcanlcs in the east and by tholeutlc and calc-alkahc basalt, andeslte, komatnte, ironstone, and marble in the west (Sims, 1976, Shulz, 1980) Their geochemistry indicates that the volcanic rocks represent mantle-derived, juvenile crustal additions The basalts are similar to low-K tho-

lentes of Cenozoic island arcs, and the calc-alkahc felslc volcanlcs may have been derived by partial melting of tholentlc basalts at mantle depths (Goldlch, 1972, Arth and Hanson, 1975) The Shebandowan belt has two lower maficfelsic cycles of tholentic basalt with minor komatnte, mafic-ultramafic intrusions, and andesite with minor felsic volcanlcs and ironstone overlain by daclte and rhyolite tufts and flows (Shegelskl, 1980). A daclte is 2732 Ma (Corfu and Stott, 1986). This sequence is unconformably overlain by the Shebandowan Group of volcamc-clast conglomerate, crossbedded arkose, mudstone with ripple marks and desiccation cracks, ironstone, and dacite-andesIte pyroclast~cs and scoriaceous flows with calc-alkahc dlfferentlon trends and shoshonitlC affinities. A tonahte clast from conglomerate is 2704 Ma and a daclte flow 2689 Ma (Corfu and Stott, 1986). The Hemlo belt also comprises several mafic-felsic volcanic cycles with numerous mafic-ultramafic intrusions and metasedlments, chiefly volcanogenic wacke and ironstone. There is a general west to east facies transmon from coarse pyroclastlcs to eplclastic sediments in the upper part of the sequence (Muir, 1985) The Hemlo gold deposits occur m a shear zone within this transition Felslc volcamcs are 2770 Ma and 2695 Ma (Corfu and Muir, 1989a, b). The Mlchiplcoten belt has at least three blmodal mafic-felslc volcanic cycles with intercalated clastlc and chemical sediments, notably carbonate-facies and sulphlde-faoes ironstone (Goodwln, 1962; Sage, 1987) Two older cycles have tholeimc basalt and andeslte overlain by calc-alkahc daote and rhyolite The basalts are similar to oceanic island-arc tholelltes whereas the andesites are high alumina and LREE enriched. Some daotes are similar to the andesltes, whereas others have depleted HREE (Sylvester et al, 1987) The youngest cycle, separated from the lower cycles by clastlc metasedlments of the Dot6 Group, includes tho-



Fig 4 Geology of the southeastern Superior Province l=Abmbl belt, 2=Algoma bathohth, 3=Batchawana belt, 4=Belleterre belt, 5=Bell River complex, 6--Broadback River belt, 7=Cadillac Group, 8=Chapleau block, 9=Ch~bougamau pluton, 10=Cummings complex, ll=Fraserdale-Moosonee block, 12=Frotet-Evans belt, 13= Gamltagama belt, 14 = Gamltagama complex, 15 = Granada Formation, 16 = Groundog Rsver block, 17= L'apparent gneiss, 18= Lac Dot6 complex, 19= Lac Frechette pluton, 20 = Lac Slmard pluton, 21 = Latuhp bathohth, 22 = Mlchlplcoten belt, 23 = Mongoose Lake pluton, 24 = Muscocho pluton, 25 = Opemlsca pluton, 26 = Otto pluton, 27= Pontmc Group, 28=Prelssac-Lacorne bathohth, 29=Rlvlere Outaoums complex, 30=Round Lake bathohth, 31=Shawmere complex, 32 = Timlskammg Group, 33 = Watabeag bathohth, 34 = Wawa gneiss

leutes, m i n o r komatnte, and calc-alkahc volcanlcs, both low- and high-silica rhyolite with depleted H R E E and no Eu anomalies Sylvester et al ( 1987 ) noted similarities between the MlchlpIcoten volcanics and those o f the Taupo, N e w Zealand and Kermadec-Tonga regions o f the Pacific. Felslc volcanlcs from the lower cycles are 2749 M a and 2744 Ma, and from the upper cycle, 2698 M a and 2696 M a (Turek et a l , 1984) Still older volcanlcs have ages o f 2889 M a and 2881 M a (Turek et a l , 1988) Chemical sediments o f Mlchiplcoten belt include oxide ( m a g n e t i t e - c h e r t ) , carbonate (siderite-chert) and sulphide (pyrite) facies ironstone The thxck Helen iron formation caps a mafic-felslc volcanic cycle and comprises a lower siderite member, a middle pyritic car-

bonate member, and an upper chert-carbonate m e m b e r capped by black graphitlC, p y n t t c shale The ironstone is considered to have formed in a submarine cauldron environment by hotsprlng actlvtty and bacterial reduction of sea-water sulphate ( G o o d w l n et a l , 1985 ) Clastlc metasedlments o f the Dot6 G r o u p that u n c o n f o r m a b l y overlie volcanic rocks are mainly coarse conglomerate in the west and conglomerate, wacke, shale, and crossbedded arkose In the east (Attoh, 1981) A tonahte clast from conglomerate is 2698 M a (Corfu and Sage, 1987 ), similar to ages o f underlying felsic volcanlcs and intrusions (Krogh and Turek, 1982, Turek et a l , 1984) The satelllt~c G a m l t a g a m a greenstone belt consists of mafic and felslc metavolcanlcs and



metasedlments with an aggregate thickness of about 4500 m (Ayres, 1983) Lower and upper massive and pillowed basalts are low-K tholentes with flat REE patterns and no Eu anomalies (Smith et al., 1985 ). The felsic volcanics are LREE-ennched, HREE-depleted calc-alkahc rhyodaclte and rhyolite 2713 Ma old Correlative metasedlments are volcanogenlc.

Plutonlc rocks
Bathohths of the western Wawa subprovlnce, Including the Saganaga-Northern Lights, Sunbar-Batwlng, Manltouwadge, and Pukaskwa complexes, consist mainly of tonahtic gneiss with variable amounts of mafic enclaves of volcanic and dyke origin (Percival et al, 1985) Tonahtes have REE patterns suggestive of derivation by partial melting of a tholeiltiC parent at mantle depths (Arth and Hanson, 1975) Early synvolcanic to synkinematlc plutons are mainly quartz diorite, trondhjemlte and granodiorite, one, the Shebandowan pluton, has an age of 2696 Ma (Corfu and Stott, 1986) Late- to postkinematlc plutons in the Shebandowan area are 2684 Ma (Corfu and Stott, 1986) and near Hemlo, 2674 Ma (Corfu and Muir, 1989a) The late kinematic Giants Range bathohth of the Vermilion district is monzogranite with a low Imtlal Sr ratio, LREE enrichment, HREE depletion, and a negative Eu anomaly Late syenite-diorite plutons have high Mg numbers and Sr, Ba, and LREE contents typical of"sanukItolds" derived by partial melting of LILE-enriched mantle sources (Shirey and Hanson, 1984 ) Gabbro, monzogranlte, and syenite Intrusions In the east include early synvolcanic plutons ranging from 2745 Ma to 2699 Ma and later, synkinemat~c to post-kinematic plutons ranging from 2694 Ma to 2662 Ma (Krogh and Turek, 1982, Turek et al, 1984, Sullivan et al, 1985, Frarey and Krogh, 1986) Early trondhjemitlC intrusions have high A12Oj, low SIOE,

depleted HREE, low initial Sr ratios, and were probably derived by partial melting of basaltic sources The younger plutons are commonly granitic, have high K, higher initial Sr ratios, low total REE, enriched LREE, depleted HREE, negative Eu anomalies, and were probably derived from partial melting of siliceous granuhte or greywacke (Smith et al, 1985 ) The Wawa bathohthlc complex consists mainly of tonahte gneiss with kilometre-scale mafic metavolcanxc enclaves forming prominent xenohth-rlch zones. Metasedimentary enclaves near Borden Lake include stretch-pebble conglomerate and wacke The gneiss is cut by concordant to discordant bodies of granodiorite, granite, syenite, and pegmatite The age of zircons in the Wawa gneiss complex decrease systematically from about 2707 Ma or older In the west to about 2650 Ma or younger in the east near the Kapuskaslng structural zone Sphene and monazlte have ages of 26492642 Ma A granodlorlte intrusion is 2677 Ma, late granites 2633 Ma and 2637 Ma, and a tonallte cobble from Borden Lake conglomerate is 2664 Ma (Percival and Krogh, 1983; Krogh et al., 1986b) Conversely, near Wawa, a granite is 2888 Ma (Turek et al, 1984)

Structure and metamorphism

Structural studies in the Vermilion district by Hooper and Ojakangas (1971), Bauer (1985) and Huddleston et al (1988) indicate that early deformation, for which there IS little fabric evidence, resulted in recumbent, nappestyle folding of supracrustal sequences of both the Vermilion greenstone belt and the adjacent Quetlco Subprovince A second, polyphase event, accompanied by low-pressure greenschist to amphlbohte facies metamorphism resulted in upright, moderately to steeply plunging folds with axial plane foliation and steep hneatIon Increasingly brittle late deformation led to further folding and formation of kink bands, shears, and dextral faults The polyphase deformation represents a single major



200 I

Ungava Bay

z -58

^ ~ ~ ),. t,,.

'1,',,I, ',1,,,,1,',1,,,I, ,,I \

/ f

j ~


James Bay


J ~



Fig 5 G e o l o g y o f the northeastern Superior Province 4 = L a Grande River belt

1 =Eastmam

R w e r bell, 2 = D u x b u r y

gneiss, 3= Kovlk gneiss,

transpresslonal event with north-south shortenlng and dextral shear with a north-side-up component of displacement compared by

Huddleston et al (1988) to deformation m Phanerozoic orogens attributed to oblique accretion of hthosphenc plates



Stott and Schnelders (1983) described the structure of the Shebandowan belt in terms of a southern domain characterized by a single, early (DI) generation of upright, northwestplunging folds w~th weak to moderate axial planar foliation and axial hneatlon, and a northern domain in which the early (D1) folds are affected by a second (D2) event resulting in tight to lsochnal, east-plunging structures with well-developed fohations and hneatIons and numerous high strain zones The early (DI) event is attributed to diaplric uprise of the bathohths and is placed at approximately 2696 Ma, the age of the Shebandowan pluton. The second (D2) event, which is ascribed to regional transpresslon involving northwestsoutheast compression and simple shear, is bracketed between 2696 Ma, the age of the Shebandowan pluton, and 2684 Ma, the age of the post-kinematic Burchell Lake pluton D2 was probably contemporaneous with TlmlSkamlng-type volcanism at 2689 Ma and was accompanied by low-grade regional metamorphism The Hemlo rocks have been multiply deformed and regionally metamorphosed at grades ranging from greenschist to upper amphibohte facies Walker (1967) demonstrated a northward increase in metamorphic grade In the central part of the belt where he mapped biotite, garnet, and silhmanite isograds in metasediments The isograds are not obviously related to granitoid bathohths but rather increase toward the Quetlco SubprovInce boundary Major structures include east- and north-trending, upright lsochnes and east- and northwest-striking faults There are well-developed, east-west, dextral shear zones with subhorizontal stretching hneation and mylonItlC fabric in the Hemlo area Michiplcoten and Gamitagama belts have been metamorphosed under low pressure greenschIst and lower amphlbolite facies condItlOnS (Ayres, 1969, Studemeister, 1983), have undergone at least two periods of folding, and are cut by north-trending sinistral faults

Mlchiplcoten belt is crudely syncllnorlal with east-west to northwest trending lsochnal folds, at least three regionally developed fohatlons, macro- and meso-scale recumbent folds, thrusts, and major overturning of stratigraphlc sequences (Attoh, 1981 ) Llthologlc units are commonly bounded by bedding-parallel faults that were active early in the evolution of the belt when recumbent folding and overturning occurred Later NW-SE shortening caused steepening of dips, development of steep cleavages, and pervasive shearing (McGill and Shrady, 1986 ) In the Wawa gneiss complex, metamorphic grade increases eastward from low amphlbollte facies (hornblende-plagloclase) to upper amphlbollte (gamet-chnopyroxene-homblende-plagloclase) facies near the KSZ The gnelsses form domes with culminations at 2530 km intervals Minor folds and stretching hneatlons are generally incongruent with the domal structures, and this together with evidence for multiple deformation such as rootless intrafohal folds and discordant internal foliation in xenohths suggest that the domal structures are the product of superimposed folding events, not simple dmplrism Steeply dipping gnelssoslty IS transected and rotated by zones of flat-lying fohation, possibly the result of ductile extension (Moser, 1988 )

Kapuskasing Structural Zone

An Archean crustal cross-section

Kapuskaslng Structural Zone (KSZ) is a discontinuous, partly fault-bounded, northeast-trending zone of high-grade gneiss marked by positive gravity and magnetic anomalies that cuts across the east-west trends of the lower grade, supracrustal-rlch subprovinces of the central Superior Province (Fig 4) Geophysical anomalies associated With the structure extend northward into James Bay where they are abruptly terminated, possibly by faults of the Wlnlsk River system (Figs 6 and 9)


O Z ), Z D1 r"

> Z

I f

Fig 6 Total field magnetic rehefmap of the Superior Province

1 14


Faults associated with the KSZ extend southwestward, possibly to Lake Superior The western boundary of the KSZ with the Wawa gneiss terrane has been described previously and may represent an exposed example of the Conrad mldcrustal seismic dlscontlnmty (Peroval, 1986). Across the entire transmon, metamorphic pressures decrease from 7 to 9 kbar in KSZ granuhtes to 5-6 kbar m amphlbollte facies Wawa gneiss to 2-3 kbar m greenschxst facies metavolcanlcs of Mlchlplcoten greenstone belt (Percival, 1983, Studemelster, 1983) Profiles and radlometrlc ages across this transxtlon show decreasing apparent ages with increasing paleopressure In zircon (2 7-2 62 Ga) and sphene (2 69-2 49 Ga) (Peroval and Krogh, 1983; Krogh et al., 1986b), K / A t hornblende (2.69-2.48 Ga) and biotite (2 5-2.0 Ga) (Hunt and Roddlck, 1987 ) and Rb-Sr biotite (2.50-1.93 Ga) (Z E Peterman, pers comm., 1985). Furthermore, age gaps between systems with different blocklng temperature widen with increasing pressure In the east, the contact between high-grade KSZ gneiss and low-grade greenstone and gramte of the Abltlbi Subprovmce, the Ivanhoe Lake fault, c o m o d e s with a hnear magnetic anomaly and with paired high ( K S Z ) low (Abltlbl) gravity anomalies. The fault is marked by seismic reflectors dipping approximately 35NW (Cook, 1985) and is interpreted as a thrust (Percival and Card, 1983 ). The southern part of the KSZ has moderately NW-dlpplng units of orthogne|ss, paragne~ss, and the Shawmere layered gabbro-anorthoslte complex These rocks were deformed and metamorphosed under upper amphlbohte to granuhte faoes conditions (700-800 C, 78 kbar, Percival, 1983) KSZ tonalite gneisses have variable LILE contents, variable but minor Rb relative to K depletion, slgmficant U depletion relative to Th, steep REE patterns, and fractlonated HREE (Rudmck et al., 1985 ). The highest grade KSZ rocks are slgmficantly depleted in K, Rb, Ba and U relative to their

lower grade equivalents in the Wawa Subprovlnce (Ashwal et al, 1987) and in B and L1 relative to average upper crustal rocks (Shaw et al, 1988) Fired inclusions m KSZ granuhtes are dominated by C02 and H20 (Rudmck et al., 1984) The northern part of the KSZ, the Fraserdale-Moosonee block, is fault-bounded and has been considered a "pop-up" similar to the Laramlde Ulnta Mountains of Utah (Percival and McGrath, 1986 ) The Groundhog River block of granulltes is interpreted as a perched thrust tip as it lacks a gravity anomaly

Kapuskasmg crustal cross-section

High-grade rocks of the KSZ represent the basal part of an oblique crustal cross-section, a 120-km wide zone extending from low-grade supracrustal rocks of the Mlchlplcoten greenstone belt metamorphosed at pressures of 2-3 kbar corresponding to depths of 5-10 km, through amphlbollte facies gneiss of the eastern Wawa Subprovmce metamorphosed at pressures of 4-6 kbar corresponding to depths of 15-20 km, to granullte facxes rocks of the KSZ metamorphosed at pressures of 8 + 1 kbar corresponding to depths of 30 km (Percival and Card, 1983, 1985, Percival and McGrath, 1986). This crustal cross-section comprises three megalayers. ( 1 ) an upper ca 10 km layer ofgreenschlst to amphlbollte faoes supracrustal rocks with abundant discordant plutons and steeply-dipping, commonly brittle, structures, (2) a 10-20 km Intermediate layer consisting ofgnelsslc plutomc rocks with domal and ductile extensional structures (Moser, 1988) and remnants of supracrustal rocks, all metamorphosed at amphlbohte facies, and (3) a lower layer of upper amphibollte to granuhte facies gnelsses of plutonlc and supracrustal origin, and metamorphosed bo&es of mafic, ultramafic and anorthosltlC rocks, all w~th ewdence for high-strain, ductile deformation. The crust beneath the southern KSZ is over 50 km thick, 10-5 km thicker than in adjacent areas (Bo-


I 15

land et al., 1988) This Moho bulge may be a crustal root supporting the dense near-surface granuhte slab Geological relationships and geochronological data indicate that the KSZ rocks are Late Archean, essentially the same age as rock units of the adjacent subprovlnces. The KSZ could represent the basal part of a magmatlc arc where supracrustal rocks were progressively buried, probably both magmatlcally by volcanic accumulations and lntraplated tonahtlc intrusions, and tectonically by accretIonary processes. The pattern of decreasing radlometrlc age w~th depth may represent progressively slower cooling with depth followed by later thrusting and transport of a cool crustal slab toward surface, or, alternatively, to prolonged metamorphism and magmatlsm at depth with addition of mantle-derived material resulting in vertical accretion and crustal thickening (Corfu, 1987). Uplift of the KSZ occurred m the Late Archean and Early Proterozolc, possibly in response to remote compressional tectonlsm. North-trending dykes of the 2450 Ma Matachewan swarm (Heaman, 1988) cross the southern KSZ with only minor offsets, implying that major thrusting preceeded 2450 Ma.

Abitibi Subprovince
Home of the world's largest Archean greenstone belt
The Abitlbi Subprovince is dominated by the Abitibl greenstone belt, which, covering an area of over 85,000 km 2, is the world's largest relatively contiguous area of low-grade Archean volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Fig. 4). The Abitlbi belt is also one of the world's richest mining areas, in the past 100 years, over 100 million ounces of gold and major amounts of copper, zinc, silver, and iron ore have been produced from the Tlmmlns,, Karkland Lake, Noranda, Vol D'or, Matagaml, and ChIbougamau camps

The Abltibl belt, mainly because of its accesslblhty, excellent state of preservation, and economic importance has been intensely studied and explored Much of this work is summanzed in a hthostratigraphlc map of the belt published by Quebec and Ontario (MERQOGS, 1984) and in recent papers by Dlmroth et al. (1982, 1983a, b, 1984, 1985a, b), Hodgson (1983), Gelinas and Ludden (1984), Allard et al ( 1985 ), Jensen ( 1985 ), and Ludden etal (1986). The Abltibl Subprovlnce is bounded on the west by the KSZ and on the east by the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone, a zone of ProteroZOlC faulting and cataclasis that forms the boundary between the Superior and Grenville provinces. North of the Abitlbl greenstone belt, orthognelss and plutonlc rocks with remnant greenstone enclaves are in ill-defined contact with paragneiss and orthognelss of the Opatica Subprovlnce In the southeast, the AbItIbI metavolcanlc sequences are m fault contact with Archean metasedlments of the Pontiac Subprovince. In the southwest, the Abitlbi Subprovince rocks are unconformably overlain by Early Proterozolc sediments of the Huronian Supergroup and Middle Proterozolc, Keweenawan volcanlcs and sediments In the Abltibi Subprovlnce, the magnetic (Fig 6) and gravity (Fig. 7) fields reflect the surface geology with greenstone belts and tonahtic plutons having negative magnetic and positive gravity expression and gramtlc plutons positive magnetic and negative gravity anomalies. Major faults are expressed by discontinuities or steep gradients in the potential fields. Interpretation of the gravity field across part of the AbltibI greenstone belt and granitic batholiths indicates that the greenstone belts extend to depths of less than 5 km on average with deeper keels to 6-8 km. The bathohths are tabular, extending to depths of 3-5 km (Card et al, 1984). Seismic refraction experiments suggest that the Moho topography is uneven and possibly deepens southward (Ludden et al., 1986) Recent seismic reflection experl-


o 640~



44 0o~

"::::i < Z;

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t2 t~

Fig 7 Bouguer gravity map of the Superior Province


1 17

ments revealed numerous shallow-dipping reflectors, possibly major thrusts.

Supracrustal rocks
The Abitlbi Subprovlnce consists of approximately 40% supracrustal rocks, concentrated mainly in the AbItlbl greenstone belt, but also m the Batchawana belt m the west, and 60% granItold rocks. Volcamcs and related Intrusions constitute about 80% of the greenstone belts, metasedlments 20% Of the volcamc sequences, 70% are tholelltlC and 25% calc-alkahc with m i n o r komatntlc and alkahc varieties Goodwln (1977) estimated that the volcanic sequences of the southern Abltlbl belt consist of 55% basalt, 34% andeslte, 7% daclte, and 4% rhyolite Tholentlc and calc-alkahc volcanlcs each comprise about 40% of the southern sequences, alkahc volcanlcs 12%, and komatntes less than 10%. The Batchawana greenstone belt consists of an older sequence of Fe-nch and Mg-nch tholelltlC pillowed flows and sills that form an easttrending, fault-bounded h o m o c h n e in the western part of the belt dlsconformably overlain by clastic sediments (Corfu and Grunsky, 1987 ) A younger sequence of mixed tholelitlc and calc-alkahc flows and breccms with abundant interflow sediments and tufts and conformably overlying volcanogenic wacke and conglomerate forms the eastern part of the belt. A chert-magnetite iron formation lies between the upper and lower sequences. Felslc volcanics have ages ranging from 2729 Ma to 2698 Ma. Corfu and Grunsky cited the lack of inheritance in the zircon isotopic system as evidence that the rocks were formed from juvenile mantle-denved material The Abltlbl greenstone belt comprises several major volcanic cycles, some consisting of a lower ultramafic-mafic division, a middle tholentlc basalt division, and an upper diverse tholentlC and calc-alkahc mafic-lntermediate-felsic division. Locally, there is an unconformably overlying alkahc-shoshonitic dlvi-

slon that includes the Tlmlskamlng Group and similar sequences (Dlmroth et al., 1982; Jensen, 1985 ) These sequences form three major types of physiographic elements, submarine lava plain, submarine to subaerial central volcanic complexes, and subaerial to submarine rift basin fill. S u b m a n n e lava plains, formed of both komatlmC and tholentlC flow sequences, and little else, are 5-7 k m thick, have broad lateral extent, and low rehef. Individual flow units are traceable long distances and were probably erupted mainly from fissures under relatively deep-water conditions (Dlmroth et al., 1985a) Komatntlc pyroclastlcs present in the Val d'Or and T l m m l n s areas suggest that not all komatlltlC volcanism represents fissure eruptions. The submarine lava plato accumulations, formed of stacked, overlapping, thin but extensive flow units, are similar in many ways to Cenozoic subaerial sequences such as those of the Snake River Plain, Idaho, similar Cenozoic oceanic lava plains have been described near Hawan (Holcomb et al., 1988). The central volcamc complexes, commonly about 30 km in diameter, are composed of tholentlc and calc-alkahc sequences characterlzed by concentrations of felslc volcanlcs of both subaqueous and subaerial pyroclastlc orlgm (DeRosen-Spence et al, 1980; G o o d w m and Rldler, 1970, G6hnas and Ludden, 1984 ). Some central volcanic complexes are s~mple shwld volcanoes but most comprise a number of overlapping and coalescing volcanoes. There are abrupt but systematic proximal-distal fao e s and thickness changes related to distinct volcanic centers. Individual flows have lateral extents of a few kflometres, features such as lava lakes and calderas are present, and many central volcamc complexes are cored by synvolcanic plutons Dlmroth et al. (1982, 1985a, b) compared the physiographic evolution of Abitlbl belt to modern island arcs. Submarine fissure eruption of komatntes and primitive low-K tholelItes formed submarine lava plains of immature, submarine, volcanic arcs Eruption of



calc-alkalic and tholentlc lavas and pyroclastics formed edifices within central volcanic complexes which were built up to sea level Maturation of the island arcs through continued volcanism, plutonism and crustal thickening led to emergence of volcanic islands Erosion, accompanied by voluminous pyroclastic eruptions, resulted in formation of aprons of volcaniclastlc debris and turbidltiC sediments, shed into neighbouring submarine basins In some areas, extension led to rifting, uplift, erosion and deposition of coarse clastic debris Dimroth et al. (1985a, b) noted that modern island arcs and the Abitlbl belt are comparable in many ways, including linear distribution of volcanic centres, volcanic and sedimentary asymmetry, volcanic rock chemIStry, evolutionary histories, and paucity of shallow-water sediments Dlmroth (1985) estimated that the rate of magma emplacement in Abltlbi belt was comparable to that of Mesozoic-Cenozoic island arcs, implying largescale crustal recycling in both time periods Komatntes form parts of thick sequences of ultramafic and mafic flows and intrusions with minor felslc tuffs and chert None of the komatntes have been directly dated but they probably belong to two age groups, one older than 2725 Ma, the other 2715-~2700 Ma. Rhyohte at the base of a komatutlc sequence in the Lake Abitibi area is 2714 Ma and a pyroclastlc unit near Karkland Lake is 2705 Ma (Corfu et al., 1989) Interlayered perldotitic, pyroxenitIC, and basaltic komatntes with Mgand Fe-rich tholentes form cycles ca. 1 km thick which extend over large areas. K o m a t n t e flows are characterized by olivine and pyroxene spinifex texture, and polyhedral jolntlng. Some flows are layered with a lower cumulate zone, central spinifex zones, and an upper, chilled, polyhedrally jointed zone (Pyke et al., 1973 ). Thick layered perldotitic flows (Arndt, 1977) merge with sill-like layered mafic-ultramafic complexes. The geochemistry of Abitibl komatlItes has been investigated by Arth et al (1977), Dupr6 et al (1984) and Barnes

( 1985 ) who concluded that they were derived from partial melting of mantle sources depleted in LIL, LREE, and incompatible elements Catell et al. (1984) found some komatxltes depleted in A1203, LREE and HREE whereas others are A1EO3-undepleted with flat HREE and depleted LREE patterns They attributed these differences to mixing of melts derived from heterogeneous, variably-depleted mantle sources, a conclusion shared by Ludden and Gelinas (1982). Arndt and Nlsbet (1982) found Abltibl komatntes and komatntIc basalts depleted in T1, Zr, and LREE, Mg-basalts enriched in incompatible elements and with flat REE patterns, and Fe-tholentes enriched In Zr, T1, Y, and LREE. The geochemical differences indicate different magma sources for the interlayered komatntes and tholentes, all were probably derived from heterogeneous, variably depleted mantle sources. The thick tholentic sequences that form the lower and middle parts of major volcanic cycles throughout Abitibi belt consist mainly of pillowed and massive basalt flows with minor dacltlC, rhyolitic, and sedimentary units. Both Mg- and Fe-, quartz-normative and olivinenormative tholentes are similar to MORB in their major and trace element compositions (Goodwln and Smith, 1980) They have unfractIonated REE patterns, are LILE depleted, and were probably derived from weakly depleted mantle sources (Ludden et al., 1986 ) In the northern Abitibi belt, large layered gabbro-anorthosite complexes intrude the lower tholentlc sequences The Lac Dor6 complex (Allard et al., 1985) near ChIbougamau is a 5 50 km intrusion consisting of a lower zone of cyclically repeated anorthosite, gabbroic anorthoslte, and gabbro units, a layered zone of ferrogabbro, pyroxenite, gabbroic anorthoslte, a vanadium-rich magnetltite unit, a sodic granophyre zone, and an upper border zone of gabbro and gabbroic anorthosite The complex is 2725-2728 Ma old (J Mortensen, pers. comm., 1987) The Cummings complex near Chibougamau, consists of three separate


1 19

layered sills, a lower dunlte-perldotlte sill, a middle pyroxenlte-gabbro-granophyre sill, and an upper gabbro-pyroxenite-ferrodiorite-granophyre sill. The differentiated, calc-alkahc and tholei1tic felslc-mafic volcanic sequences that form the central complexes range in age from about 2720 to 2709 Ma with a second major pulse represented by the Blake River Group at 27032697 Ma (Nunes and Jensen, 1980; Nunes and Pyke, 1981, Mortensen, 1987, Corfu et al, 1989 ) Several of these sequences, for example the Blake River Group, consist of lower tholelltlC basalt and andeslte and upper calc-alkahc basaltic to rhyolitic lavas and pyroclastics The transition from tholentic to calcalkahc volcanism is abrupt and marks a change from tholentes with LILE depletion and unfractionated REE patterns resembling oceanic basalts to calc-alkahc volcanlcs resembling modern oceanic island andesites (Baragar, 1968) that are LILE undepleted, LREE enriched, and HREE depleted. Goodwln and Smith (1980) suggested that the transition marks a change from melts derived from depleted mantle sources to melts derived from mantle unmodified by crustal additions Capdevila et al (1982) suggested that the transition marks a decrease in the depth of melting, and increase m the degree of partial melting and fractional crystallization. Ujike and Goodwln ( 1987 ) concluded that felslc volcanlcs in the Noranda area are products of fract~onation of mafic magmas in extensional settings similar to the Miocene Japan Sea Alkahc and shoshonitic volcanics form parts of the Timlskaming Group (Cooke and Moorhouse, 1969) and the Hatiy Formation (P1card and Piboule, 1986) in the southern and northern parts of Abitibl belt respectively The Tlmlskaming volcanics, Including trachyte, trachyandesite, leucltite, and mugearlte, form four, dominantly subaerlal flow and pyroclastic units They have highly fractlonated REE patterns with LREE enrichment suggesting derivation from enriched mantle sources

(Capdevila et al., 1982, Basu et al, 1984). Ujlke (1985) concluded that the Timlskaming volcanlcs are chemically similar to modern alkalic volcanlcs of mature island arcs implying the TimiskamIng represents the last stage of island arc volcanism in settings similar to modern arc systems. The Tlmiskaming volcanlcs and associated fluvial conglomerate and sandstone were deposited about 2680-2700 Ma ago, Basu et al (1984) have determined a N d / S m age of 2702 + 105 Ma on Timlskamlng volcanlcs The Tlmiskamlng Group, like other similar sequences in Superior Province, is associated with a major subprovince boundary fault, the IOrkland Lake-Cadillac fault that forms the contact between the Abltibi and Pontiac subprovlnces In the Noranda-Val D'or region Pelagic and chemical sediments, including oxide, sulphide, and carbonate ironstone, chert, and mudstone form thin, laterally persistent units within the lower submarine lava plain accumulations Resedimented or turbidltlC facies wacke, conglomerate, siltstone, and minor iron formation form thick, widespread units, notably within and about the central volcanic complexes Some of the conglomerates are composed solely of volcanic debris whereas others are rich in plutonic material presumably derived from erosion of synvolcanic plutons. Some sequences show transitions from shallow manne through slope to submarine fan facies (Mueller and Dlmroth, 1984) Alluvial and fluvial sediments have been described by Hyde (1980) and Dlmroth et al (1982) as forming the lower parts of predominantly turbIditic sequences, or as lateral facies equivalents of turbldltes. However, most of the alluvial-fluvial sediments form parts of Timlskaming-type sequences which unconformably overlie the older volcanic sequences and hence may be younger than the turbidltes. The Timiskamlng Group and similar sequences such as the upper part of the Porcupine Group near Timmins, the Duparquet and La Bruere formations near Noranda, and part



of the Opemisca Group near Chlbougamau, are coarse conglomerate, conglomeratic sandstone, and argalhte with numerous unconformities, rapid vertical and lateral facies changes, large-scale cross-bedding, and locally derived clasts, both from underlying older sequences and from within the younger sequences themselves Alkalic and shoshonltiC flows, brecclas, and hypabyssal intrusions form parts of these sequences and their erosion has contributed clastlc debris. Most Timiskamlng-type sequences are spatially related to major faults such as the Karkland Lake-Cadillac and Porcupine-Destor structures

syemte as well as monzonite, diorite, and pyroxenlte, are mainly massive, post-kinematic intrusions with ages of 2678-2668 Ma (Corfu and Grundsky, 1987, Corfu et al., 1989) Some may be similar in age to the Timlskamlng alkahc/shoshonltiC volcanlcs Small porphyritic felsic intrusions in the Tlmmlns area, some of which contain lode gold deposits, intrude folded volcanic rocks but are themselves deformed and altered, have ages ranging from 2691 to 2688 Ma (Corfu et al, 1989) Major folding thus occurred before 2691 Ma and was followed by shearing and formation of gold deposits.

Plutontc rocks
Early, pre-klnematlc tonahte gneiss forms batholithlc complexes in and around the greenstone belts, contain mafic volcanic enclaves, and are intruded by syn- and post-kinematic plutons In the L'apparent complex, Raclcot et al. (1984) recognized multiple deformatlonal and intrusive events and suggested that some old, pre-greenstone plutonlc rocks are present. Pre- to synkinematic quartz diorite, tonallte, and granodlonte plutons are commonly similar in chemistry and age to associated felsic volcanics and form the cores of central volcanic complexes. The 2689 Ma (Mortensen, 1987 ) Round Lake tonalite bathohth which intrudes Abitibl greenstones near Karkland Lake displays trondhjemitlC differentlatlon trends, LREE ennchment, and a negative Eu anomaly (Lafleur, 1985) The Chibougamau dlorite-tonahte pluton, which intrudes lower volcanics and is unconformably overlain by an upper sedimentary sequence, is 2717 Ma (Krogh, 1982) Late- to post-kinematic granodlorlte and monzogranite intrusions that interrupt structural trends and commonly have amphlbohte facies metamorphic aureoles range in age from 2699 to 2673 Ma (Frarey and Krogh, 1986, Corfu and Grunsky, 1987) SyenltiC plutons, including both quartz- and nephehne-beanng

Structure and metamorphtsm

AbltIbl greenstone belt has major domal antlforms, commonly cored by granitic bathollths, and synforms occupied by thick volcanic sequences such as the Blake River Group DImroth et al. (1983a), Jensen (1985) and others have suggested that this pattern was estabhshed at an early evolutionary stage with domes initiated by the formation of central volcanic complexes and synchnorla by synvolcanlc normal faulting Gibson et al (1986) postulated that Abltlbl volcanism occurred in an extensional tectonic regime not unlike those in which modern backarc basins and island arcs develop Significant synvolcanlc extension led to listrlc normal faulting, subsidence and tilting, resulting in steeply-dipping homochnal sequences of great apparent thickness but limited depth extent and uniformly low metamorphic grade. It is also possible that these structures are not formed by large-scale folding of thick stratified sequences, but rather by thrusting and juxtaposition of diverse sequences. Corfu et al ( 1989 ) cited geochronological evidence that the two limbs of the Blake River syncllnonum are not correlative. The greenstone sequences have isochnal to open folds that are the products of at least two phases of deformation Near Timmins, the Shaw done and Porcupine synform are polyphase struc-



tures with early major folds that predate formation of younger east-west lsocllnes The older folding also predates deposition of Timlskammg-type sediments The younger folds, which post-date the sediments, have axial plane foliation and east-plunging llneatlon and are overprinted by crenulat~on cleavage and shears The Abitibl greenstone belt in the IOrkland Lake area is divided into a n u m b e r of weakly deformed domains, each hawng distinctive hthologlcal and structural characteristics, by narrow, hnear high-strata zones characterized by strong cataclastic fohatlon, mylomtes, and faults (Toogood and Hodgson, 1986). Shearrelated S-C fohatlon patterns and displacements m the shear zones indicate late dextral transcurrent m o v e m e n t In the Noranda area, doubly-plunging first-order synchnorla and antlchnoria are composed of folds with subvertical, east-west trending axml surfaces and steep plunges These structures were formed by superposmon of east-west folds on early folds of variable trends The central parts of the major synchnoria and ant~clinoria are low strata zones whereas the margins are highly strained, commonly faulted, zones Hubert et al (1984) emphasized the importance of wrench faultrag, speofically smlstral strike-shp movements on the Porcupme-Destor and Klrkland Lake-Caddlac faults, in the tectomc evolution of the Noranda area However, Dimroth and Rocheleau (1985) and Archambault (1985) pointed out that regional fold trends and hneatlon attitudes are not consistent w~th sinlstral wrench-faulting but are more hkely the products of north-south compression of a heterogeneous, anlsotropic regmn Hubert and Ludden (1986) further emphasized the role of wrench faulting with the development of lozenge-shaped domains bounded by faults and h~gh strain zones that juxtaposed different htho-tectonlc domains to form a collage of teetonically accreted blocks Major east-west faults such as the Porcupme-Destor ( P D ) and Klrkland Lake-Cadillac (KLC) structures form boundaries be-

tween domains of contrasting structural and metamorphic characteristics They also control distribution of some rock units, notably Timiskamlng-type sequences and porphyry dykes. Dimroth et al. ( 1983a, b) described the PD as a dextral transcurrent fault and the KLC as a steep north-dipping thrust Robert ( 1989 ) described the KLC in the Val d'Or area as a high strain zone dipping 80 north with an early DI foliation oblique to the zone boundaries with subvertical elongation llneaUon and subhorlzontal to subvertical folds indicating d~p-slip Later D2 strata characterized by moderately to steeply plunging asymmetric folds and associated cleavage records dextral transcurrent shearing. Robert interpreted the KLC as a dextral transpressive structure that evolved from a zone of shortening into a zone of transcurrent shearing The AbItlbl greenstone belt is notable for its generally low grade of metamorphism, much of the belt ~s in low greenschlst facies and large areas are m subgreensch~st, prehnite-pumpellyxte facies (Jolly, 1978; Fraser et al, 1978, Fig 8) Only in contact metamorphic aureoles about gramtic intrusions are grades of upper greenschlst and lower amphlbolite, or hornblende hornfels, reached Jolly (1978), Dlmroth et al (1983b), and Gehnas et al (1982) recognized several different types and ages of metamorphism, including early sea-floor m e t a m o r p h | s m and metasomatlsm, locahzed hydrothermal metasomat~sm related to volcanogemc massive sulphldes, and burial metamorphism SynkInemat~c regional metamorphism related to plutonIsm resulted in formation of low-pressure greensch~st and amphlbohte facies assemblages There was also widespread late metasomaUc carbonat~zation, sericmzatlon, and slhclficatlon, notably along faults and shear zones Ductile deformaUon and m e t a m o r p h i s m began in Abitlbl belt, judging from the zircon ages of the youngest deformed volcamc rocks, approximately 2700 Ma ago Late, increasingly brittle deformation persisted until about 2680 Ma, the age of late-



to post-kinematic plutons, and was probably coeval with Tlmxskaming volcanism and sedimentation.

Pontiac Subprovince
A Late Archean metasedlmentary terrane m the southeast The Pontiac Subprownce is bounded on the south and east by the Grenville Front Tectomc Zone, and on the north by the Karkland LakeCadillac (KLC) fault (Fig 4). In the northwest, a narrow trough of Proterozolc sediments probably covers a major north-trending fault that juxtaposes Pontiac metasedlments with Abltlbl metavolcanics (Kalhokoska, 1987) The Pontiac Subprovince has a northern zone of low- to m e d i u m grade metasedlments, the Pontiac Group, a central region of metasedlmentary gneiss and granitic intrusions, the Rivi~re Outaouais complex, and a southern area of low-grade metavolcanIcs, metase&ments, and related plutonlc rocks, the Belleterre volcanic d o m a i n (Fig 4). Supracrustal rocks In the north, turbidltiC wacke, pehte, and minor conglomerate of the Pontiac Group from a sequence at least 3 km thick exposed in an east-west belt approximately 15-20 km wide and 150 km long Where little metamorphosed and deformed, the rocks display primary structures such as graded beds, ripple crosslaminations, Bouma divisions, load-casts, and flames. Several cyclically-repeated facies include massive wacke with beds 30-60 cm thick, medium-bedded wacke (30 c m ) with pehtlc lnterbeds and partings, and thin-bedded sequences with approximately equal proporUons ofwacke and pehte (Holubec, 1972 ) There are horizons rich in amphiboles, possibly metamorphosed carbonate-rich beds and concretions, along with m i n o r amounts of lean oxide-

and sulphide facies ironstone and graphltlC schists. Lajole and Ludden (1984) noted that the Pontiac metasediments are rich in framework quartz and display southward decreasing average gram size and bedding thickness and Increasing sand/shale ratios They also found large variations in REE enrichment, L R E E / HREE ratios, and relatively high Cr, N1, and Sc abundances They concluded that the Pontiac sediments were derived from a complex source region to the north that had a high proportion of tonahtlc plutomc rocks Rocheleau and Dlmroth (1985) pointed out that the Pontiac greywackes are volcanogenlc with abundant matrix derived from breakdown of plagioclase and rocks fragments and compositions approximating andesxte and rhyodaclte Rocheleau and Dxmroth ( 1985 ) and Dlmroth et al ( 1982 ) considered the Pontiac, Cadillac, and T~miskamlng groups as correlatives, representing distal, medial, and proximal facies respectively of a northward and upward-coarsening sequence Gari6py et al (1984) found several different types of detrltal zircons in Pontiac metawackes, some approximately 2714 Ma, others 2925-3000 Ma old They concluded that the sediments were derived mainly from 2 7 Ga volcamc and plutomc sources, but that there was a significant contribution from older, ca 3 0 Ga sources as well The ages of the youngest detrltal zircons demonstrate that deposition of the Pontiac sediments occurred after most, if not all, of the volcanism m the adjacent Abltlbl subprovlnce In addition to the predominant wacke sequences, the Pontiac Group has local lnterbeds of polymict conglomerate with metavolcanic and metasedlmentary clasts, and m o n o m i c t greywacke pebble conglomerate (Goulet, 1978) Near or at the base of the sequence are mafic and ultramafic metavolcanics which have been tenuously correlated with various volcanic groups north of the KLC (Dlmroth et al., 1982) In the north, Pontmc turbidItes are in contact with Tlmlskaming-type conglomeratic



sediments (Goulet, 1978; Dlmroth et al., 1982 ) These units, like the Timiskaming of the Karkland Lake area, unconformably overlie the Blake River Group Their southern contact with the Pontiac sediments, where not faulted, has been interpreted as an unconformity (Holubec, 1972) and as conformable (Goulet, 1978, Dlmroth et al, 1982) The latter authors explain the conformable relationship between the Tlmiskaming and Pontiac, and the unconformable relationships between the Timlskaming and Blake River, which they correlate with the Pontiac, as the result of repeated uplift north of the KLC fault and subsequent prograding of alluvial fans southward. It IS also possible that the Timlskamlng-type sequences are younger than the adjacent Pontiac turbldltes and may represent late alluvial/fluvial sediments deposited in pull-apart basins formed by transcurrent movements on the KLC. In the Belleterre volcanic domain m the south, low-grade metavolcanlcs of the Baby greenstone belt unconformably overlie wacke and argilhte tentatively correlated with the Pontiac Group (Imreh, 1973).

gabbro (Van de Walle, 1978 ) and have ages of 2687 and 2678 Ma (Mortensen et al, 1988 )

Structure and metamorphism

Stratified rocks of the Pontiac subprovlnce have been folded about east-west isochnes with north-dipping axial surfaces and are cut by north-dipping faults (Van de Walle, 1978, Dimroth et al, 1983a) These south-verging structures are the product of polyphase deformation including early flexural folding, later ductde deformation, and still later brittle shearing and faulting, all under conditions of north-south compression In the higher grade ROC, the dominant structures are south-verging thrust imbrications and recumbent folds cored by granitic intrusions (Van de Walle, 1978, Cardet al, 1981) Regional metamorphism that accompanied deformation increases southward from low greenschlst to upper amphibohte facies (Jolly, 1978 ) Kyanlte-, sllhmanlte-, and garnet-bearing assemblages indicate medium pressure Barrovian-type metamorphism In contrast to the low pressure Abukuma-type of Abitlbl belt The southward increase in metamorphic pressure-temperature is probably attributable to significantly greater uplift in the south and to heat effects of the numerous plutons The ages of the pre- to synklnematlc Lac des Qulnze complex (2695 Ma) and the post-tectonic syenltlC plutons (2687 Ma) demonstrates that major deformation and metamorphism in the Pontiac Subprovince occurred at about 2700-2690 Ma, coeval with events in the Abltlbl Subprovlnce Pegmatltes from ROC have monazite ages of 2668 and 2663 Ma, demonstrating that higher temperature conditions persisted here later than in Abltibi subprovince The Pontiac Subprovince has rock types and structural-metamorphic patterns that are generally similar to those of Quetico subprovince and may, like Quetlco, represent an accretionary prism.

Plutonlc rocks

In the central Pontiac Subprovlnce, gneissic, non-mlgmatltiC metasedlments and granltold intrusions in approximately equal proportions form the Rivi6re OutaouaIs complex (ROC) Plutonlc rocks include the 2695 Ma Lac des Quinze tonahte (Mortensen et al, 1988), numerous peralumlnous granite and pegmatite bodies with accessory muscovite, garnet, and beryl, and monzogranlte, granodlorlte, and syenltiC plutons Massive, post-kinematic syenitic intrusions which also intrude the lower-grade supracrustal sequences to the north and south, comprise syenite, syenodiorlte, and



Quetico Subprovince
An accrettonary prism The 10-100 km wide Quetlco metasedimentary belt extends 1200 km from beneath PhanerozoIc cover in Minnesota eastward to the KSZ in Ontario East of the KSZ, similar metasedimentary schists and gnelsses of the Opatica subprovince extend into Quebec (Figs. 2 and 4) The Quetico Subprovince has regional aeromagnetic (Fig 6) and gravity (Fig. 7) lows Seismic studies (Young et al, 1986, Halls, 1982) indicate that the crust is 35-42 km thick, comparable to that of adjacent volcano-plutonic terranes. However, the midcrustal discontinuity is about 18 km beneath the Quetlco versus some 30 km beneath the Wabigoon volcano-plutonlc terrane The northern boundary of the Quetico Subprovince with volcanic and plutonic rocks of Wablgoon subprovince is largely faulted In the west, the Rainy Lake-Seine River fault system separates Quetlco metasediments from overturned, polydeformed greenstone belt sequences of Wabigoon subprovlnce (Poulsen et al, 1980; Blackburn et al., 1985). Conglomerate of the Seine Group occurs sporadically along the boundary, possibly in pull-apart basins in a dextral wrench zone (Poulsen, 1986) The Rainy Lake-Seine River system merges with the Quetico fault and this structure, characterized by a 100 km dextral displacement (Blackburn et al, 1985), forms the boundary eastward toward Lake Nlplgon Recent detailed studies by Kehlenbeck (1986) have defined the boundary in the Beardmore-Geralton area east of Lake Nipigon as a structurally distinct zone wherein displacement of refolded folds and older fabric elements along faults and shear discontinutles has resulted in a pseudostratigraphy of juxtaposed hthotectonic panels Williams (in press) described the Interface as fault-bounded panels of metasediments floored by basalts that represent separate, successively more distal seg-

ments of a prograding clastic wedge. Thinskinned imbrication of these panels occurred along north-dipping thrusts that were originally at a shllow angle but rotated towards vertical by continued right-lateral convergence resulting in progressive internal shortening, lsochnal folding, metamorphism, plutonlsm, and crustal thickening in a regional transpresslve regime Supracrustal rocks The Quetico Subprovlnce has marginal lowto medium-grade and interior high-grade metasedlments Metavolcanic rocks, now mainly mafic gneiss, are minor The low-grade metasediments, thin- to medium-bedded wacke, sIltstone, and minor conglomerate, are turbIdites, deposited mainly in distal fan environments (Wood, 1980) Most are arkosxc and hthIc wacke of both felsic and mafic volcanic provenance (Ojakangas, 1985; Sawyer, 1988 ) A mixed population of detntal zircons yielded ages ranging from 3009 to 2698 Ma (Davis et al, in press) indicating that Quetico sediments are younger than any igneous activity in the Wabigoon or Wawa subprovInces except for late Timlskaming-type sequences and late plutonlsm Quetico sedimentation is bracketed between 2698 Ma, the age of the youngest detrital zircons, and 2688 Ma, the age of a postkinematic pluton (Davis et al, in press) Gnetsstc and mtrustve rocks Gnelsses of the interior parts of Quetlco subprovlnce were derived mainly from wacke and siltstone, display increasing metamorphic grade inward to upper amphibollte and granullte facies, and are commonly migmatitic The oldest intrusions are rare tonahtes with mafic inclusions, granodionte sills, and bodies of amphlbohte and gabbro Younger leucogranite with tonallte and mafic gneiss inclusions forms dykes and large complexes such as the Lac La Croix bathollth of the Vermilion



district (Southwick and Sims, 1980). The leucogranite is a potasslc, high-silica rock with low trace element and REE abundances indicating a tonahtic source Peraluminous granite with metased~mentary inclusions is characterized by accessory muscovite, garnet, cordiente, sllllmanlte, and tourmaline Beryl and spodumene are present in associated pegmatites (Pye, 1965) Their peralumlnous composition, mineralogy, and low trace element and REE and high Ba and Be contents indicate there are S-type granites formed by anatexls of alumlnous sediments Monazite ages of 2671-2653 Ma for Quetlco granites and pegmatites (Percival and Sullivan, 1988 ) show that major magmatism in the Quetlco Subprovince was later than that in the Wabigoon and Wawa subprovlnces

Structure and metamorphtsm

The Quetico subprovlnce has a straight, eastwest trending, deceptively slmple-appeanng structural fabric that is primarily attributable to upright folds with a strong fohatlon into which hthologlcal layering has been transposed The planar fabric is at a high angle to, and superimposed upon, structures within the adjacent Wabigoon and Wawa volcano-plutonic subprovinces Furthermore, this fabric is developed throughout the Quetico Subprovlnce and is c o m m o n l y at a low angle to the belt boundaries (Williams, in press). The Quetico metasedimentary sequences comprise mainly north-facing homochnal panels separated by zones up to 2 km wide with abundant folds and soft-sediment deformation features (Williams, 1987) Early isochnes are cut by a pervasive foliation and are refolded about shallow-plunging folds formed during or after migmatizatIon (Percival and Williams, 1989) The foregoing deformation is the result of major n o r t h - s o u t h shortening followed by dextral transpression under increasingly brittle conditions that culminated in dextral m o v e m e n t s along the major boundary

faults and complementary oblique slnistral m o v e m e n t on the northeast-trending Gravel River fault. There is thus evidence in Quetlco subprovlnce, and in adjacent parts of the Wabigoon Subprovince, for early thin-skinned tectonism involving thrust juxtaposition of diverse supracrustal sequences followed by thickskinned accretion culminating in strlke-shp faulting (Williams, in press) Abukuma-type regional m e t a m o r p h i s m accompanying and following the second phase of deformation and approximately coincident with granitic plutonism resulted in the metamorphic zonation from marginal greenschxst facies to interior low pressure amphibohte and granuhte facies (Fig. 8 ) The symmetrical patterns of metamorphism are consistent with structural thickening and differential uplift of the central parts of the belt Estimated metamorphic conditions are 500C and 2 5 kb in the west and 700-780C and 6 kb in the eastern and central parts (Percival, 1989) Percival estimated a geothermal gradient of 203 7 C / k m between 7 and 18 km depth and a lateral thermal gradient of 50-100 C / k m The high gradients, the low pressure of metamorphism, and the timing of regional metamorphism relative to granite emplacement indicate that metamorphic heat was supplied by rising anatectic magmas Percival and Williams (1989) suggested that the Quetico belt represents an accretlonary prism with submarine fan and abyssal turbidites accreted onto the Wabigoon arc and later compressed by docking of the Wawa arc They compared the Quetlco-Wawa boundary with the Izu collision zone of central Japan where the Izu-Bonin arc impinges on the Honshu accretlonary complexes They ascribed the hightemperature m e t a m o r p h i s m to conversion from a fore-arc to a back-arc setting d u n n g colhsion Such a model is in accord with the relationships among the Quetlco, Wablgoon, and Wawa subprovinces, their tectono-magmatic histones, the evidence for early thin-skinned and later thick-skinned tectonlsm, the charac-

LEGEND Unmetarnorphosed, weakly metamorphosed mtrusmns I I I Subgreenschmt facms I Greenschlst, lower amphlbohte facies Amphlbohte facms m ~--~ Granuhte upper amphlbohte facies Retrograded granuhte facies




\+ , + ~ c/+--+fD+J.~i


300 KM

Fig 8 Patterns of regional metamorphism

tenstlcs of the Quetlco metasedlments, and the time constraints ( 10-20 Ma) on their deposition, deformation, and metamorphism.

Wabigoon Subprovince
A middle to late Archean volcano-plutontc terrane

The Wablgoon volcano-plutonlc subprovince, averaging 100 km wide, is exposed for some 900 km eastward from Manitoba and Minnesota, to beneath the Proterozolc cover of the N~plgon Embayment, to and beneath Phanerozolc cover of the Moose River basin (Fig 1 ) Gravity data (Fig 7) indicate greenstone

belts in the Lake of the Woods, Sioux Lookout, and Sturgeon Lake areas extend to depths of about 5 km, batholithlc complexes to 4-7 km and late plutons to about 2 km (Dusanowskyj and West, 1976, Bnsbln and Green, 1980) Seismic reflection and refraction studies reveal a three-layer crust, an upper 16 km layer with few reflectors, a middle layer ca 5 km thick corresponding to the mid-crustal velocity discontinuously, and a lower layer with numerous reflectors extending to the Moho at a depth of ca. 38 km (Hall and Brisbln, 1982) The Wablgoon Subprovlnce is bounded on the north by plutonlc and metasedlmentary rocks of the Winnipeg R~ver and Enghsh River subprovinces This boundary, generally placed


12 7

at the contacts between plutomc rocks on the north and supracrustal rocks on the south, has been variously interpreted as intrusive (Breaks et al, 1978 ), as a tectonically modified unconformity (Clark et al., 1981 ), and as a fault (Wilson, 1971, Blackburn et al., 1985, Davis et al, 1989) The Wablgoon Subprovlnce consists of about 65% plutonic and 35% supracrustal rocks, including 60% tholentlc and minor komatntlC volcanics, 30% calc-alkahc and minor shoshonltIC volcamcs, and 10% metased~ments A western greenstone d o m a i n in the Lake of the Woods-Rainy Lake-Savant Lake area is separated from an eastern greenstone domain in the Atikokan-Geraldton area by a plutonlc domain, the Wablgoon diaplriC axis (Edwards and Sutchffe, 1980)

Supracrustal rocks
The greenstone belts of the western Wablgoon Subprovmce generally consist of lower mafic volcamc sequences (Keewatln Series of Lawson, 1885) overlain by mixed felsxc and mafic volcanics and turbldlUc sediments (Coutchiching Series of Lawson, ibid. ), all overlain unconformably by alluvial/fluvial sediments (Seine Series of Lawson, 1bid ) This stratlgraphic sequence is generally repeated throughout the Wablgoon Subprovince (Blackburn et al, 1985) The lower mafic sequences are mainly subaqueous tholentlc basalts with some basaltic komatllte Some have MORB-hke chemistry and display slight LREE enrichment and minor Eu anomahes (Shlrey and Hanson, 1986) The ages of these sequences are poorly constrained, a felsic unit within the lower mafic sequence of the Sturgeon Lake belt is 2775 Ma (Davis and Trowell, 1982, Davis et al, 1988) Overlapping, more locahzed felslc, intermediate, and mafic calc-alkahc and tholentic sequences, in part subaerial, have high REE abundances, especially HREE, slight LREE enrichment, and negative Eu anomalies They

range from 2745 to 2703 Ma (Davis et al, 1982) Metasedlments of the western Wabigoon greenstone belts include thin xnterflow Ironstone and shale units, and thicker turblditic wacke, siltstone, and conglomerate units, mainly in the upper part of the piles, and Timlskamlng-type alluvial/fluvial conglomerate and sandstone, commonly unconformably overlying volcanic rocks. In some sequences, alluvial/fluvial sediments unconformably overlying volcanlcs are in turn overlain by turbldltes (Turner and Walker, 1973, Teal and Walker, 1977) The petrography and chemistry of the turbldltes indicate a volcanic provenance, mainly 2 7 Ga dacitlC to basaltic volcanlcs with some contribution from ca 3 0 Ga crustal sources (Shxrey and Hanson, 1986) The turbidltlC sequences are coeval with, and derived largely from, the mixed volcanic sequences The Tlmxskaming-type conglomerate-sandstone sequences, also containing siltstone, ironstone, and shoshonltlC volcanics, consist of locally-derived detritus The Seine Group occurs along the Quetico and Seine River faults which form part of the Wablgoon-Quetico subprovincial boundary The Seine Group was deposited between 2695 Ma, the age of a tonalite clast, and 2688 Ma, the age of a post-tectonic pluton (Davis et al, 1986) The Max Creek conglomerate along the WablgoonQuetlco boundary west of Lake Nlpxgon IS younger than 2684 Ma, the age of a tonahte clast (Percival and Sulhvan, 1986), and alluvial conglomerate in the Sturgeon Lake belt in younger than 2698 Ma (Davis et al, 1989) The eastern Wablgoon greenstone belts are generally similar in hthology and age (26692692 Ma, Anglln and Franklin, 1989) to those of the west except for the presence of ca 3 0 Ga supracrustal sequences in the Lumby Lake and Atlkokan belts The Lumby Lake belt consists of a lower blmodal mafic-felslc sequence with rare komatntes and an upper sequence of ironstone, stromatohtic marble, quartz aren-



lte, and argilhte These strata unconformably overlie the Marmion bathohth. Davis and Jackson ( 1988 ) obtained zircon ages of 3003 Ma for the batholith and 2999 Ma for overlying felslc volcanics. They also obtained an age of 2809 Ma on tltanite from the bathohth which they interpreted as evidence for an early metamorphic event. In the Atikokan belt, a sequence of conglomerate, stromatohtic limestone, ironstone, and ultramafic tuff, the Steeprock Group, unconformably overlies the Marmion batholith (Jollffe, 1966, Wilks and Nlsbet, 1985). The similarities between the Steeprock Group and the Lumby Lake sequence suggest that the former is also of Middle Archean age and may represent an early rifted margin deposit (Davis and Jackson, 1988 )

Plutomc rocks
Plutonic rocks form large bathohthlc complexes both within and around the greenstone belts and can be subdivided into early, synvolcanlc ultramafic, mafic, and granltold intrusions, and later, syn- to post-tectonic granitold intrusions Synvolcanic mafic intrusions include the Bad Vermilion Lake gabbro-anorthosite complex of the Rainy Lake area with a S m - N d age of 2747 Ma (Ashwal et al., 1985) and the Mulcahy Lake layered mafic intrusion with a age of 2733 Ma ( M o m s o n et al, 1985 ), similar to the 2732 Ma age of tonahte of the Atlkwa batholith (Davis and Edwards, 1982, 1986 ). Geochemical data indicate that the Mulcahy intrusion and associated mafic volcanlcs were derived from a depleted mantle source (Morrlson et al, lbid) The Lac des Iles complex, a platinumbearing ultramafic-mafic intrusion (Sutchffe and Sweeny, 1985) has an age of 2693 Ma and the Beldleman Bay subvolcanlc trondhjemite sill is 2734 Ma, similar in age and chemistry to the volcanic rocks it intrudes (Davis et al, 1985) The Wabigoon dlaplric axis (Thurston and

Davis, 1985) comprises several granitoid batholIths with greenstone remnants, now mainly amphlbohte and mafic gneiss, forming xenohth-rlch zones linking greenstone belts and forming septa between domal structures in the gneiss. The pre- to synklnematic gnelssic intrusions are mostly tonahte and granodlorite Contacts with greenstones are commonly highly strained but locally can be seen to be intrusive The intrusive rocks display limited compositional range, trondhjemltiC differentiation trends, low initial Sr ratios, low 180 ratios, moderately enriched LREE, depleted HREE, and no Eu anomalies suggesting derivation by partial melting of basaltic rocks (Blrk, 1979; Blrk et al., 1979, Longstaffe, 1979). Rocks of this suite in the Rainy Lake area have compositions, and N d / S m and ~80 isotopic ratios, indicating derivation from mantle and crustal sources younger than 3 0 Ga (Shirey and Hanson, 1986) Many have N d / Sm ratios that plot near a 2764 Ma "isochron", a m i n i m u m age for mantle enrichment accompanying or preceding a major crust-forming event in this part of Superior province Some gneissic intrusions are 2 752 70 Ga, others are 3 1-2 9 Ga (Goldich and Fischer, 1986, Davis et al, 1988 ) Late- to post-kinematic plutons are mostly granodlorlte, granite, and monzodiorlte. Some intrusions are structurally concordant, others distinctly discordant Some have tectonlzed margins and massive interiors, possibly the result of their emplacement as magmatlc diaplrs (Schwerdtner et al, 1979) They are chemically diverse but their initial Sr and 180 ratios indicate little involvement with older crust (Longstaffe et al., 1982 ) The granitic plutons may have been derived by partial melting of tonalities Monzodlorite intrusions in the Rainy Lake area are chemically similar to mantle-derived, hlgh-Mg andesites (sanukites) of Cenozoic island arcs presumably derived by direct melting of mantle material enriched by subductlon of crustal material shortly before the melting event (Shlrey and Hanson,



1984, 1986; Stern et al., 1989). The late plutons are 2701-2682 Ma, placing a limit on the age of major tectomsm m this part of Superior province

Structure and metamorphtsm

The Wabigoon Subprovince supracrustal rocks form cuspate synformal wedges between and surrounding domal bathohthIc complexes. At greenstone-bathohth contacts, generally zones of high strain, gneissosity and hneation m the plutonic rocks are steep and parallel to structures in the supracrustal rocks Away from these contacts and toward the int e n o r of the bathohths, gneIssosity commonly dips at low angles, forming elhpt~cal structures of various dimensions (Schwerdtner, 1984). Some elliptical structures are true domes with fiat fohation dipping progressively more steeply away from leucocratic, relatively massive cores toward more mafic outer zones. Schwerdtner et al. (1979) considered these to be formed by gravity-driven diapirlsm when ductility contrasts between the plutonic rocks and metavolcamcs were lowered by heating from the intrusions themselves. However, folIation in other elliptical, non-domal structures in lnchned to vertical throughout. Percival et al. ( 1985 ) described the structure of the Sowden-Wab~kami lakes complex as a series of generally east trending, sinuous antfforms and synforms defined by gneIssoslty dipping 45 to vertical. The gneisses are structurally complex with cataclastlc and blastomylonitic zones, rootless recumbent isochnes, refolded folds, and steep, complex lineatmn patterns indicative of multiphase deformation. D I a p i n s m played a role in the structural evolution of Wablgoon subprovince, but was only one of a n u m b e r of tectomc processes operative at various times, levels, and scales. Several episodes of deformation and regional m e t a m o r p h i s m have affected the supracrustal rocks. Poulsen et al. (1980) deduced that folds m part of the wedge-shaped area be-

tween the Quetlco and Seine River faults are downward-facing structures developed on strata that had been previously inverted as a result of early, nappe style deformation. F~nally there was development of crenulation cleavage, minor folding, shearing, and late transcurrent faulting. The shears, which are related to the regional fault systems, are vertical, have subhonzontal shckenside hneations, and include east trending dextral and northeast- to north-trending sinistral sets. They reflect late tectonic regional shortening about a northwest-southeast subhorlzontal axis Gold-bearing quartz vein systems in the Rainy Lake area and throughout the Wablgoon Subprovince are closely related to these shear zones (Poulsen, 1983). Major folds in greenstones of the Calm Lake area (Borradalle, 1982) are lsocllnal, steeply plunging structures with axial plane fohatlon and lineatlon. These folds were produced by north-south shortening and subvertlcal extension. The folds are warped about gramtoid bathohths and may have resulted from tilting and rotation of early recumbent folds about rising dlapinc intrusions Folds and fohatlons in the supracrustal rocks are concordant with foliation in the plutomc gneisses. The early major structures are overprinted by local crenulatmn cleavage and minor folds. In the southern part of the Beardmore-Geraldton greenstone belt, Kehlenbeck (1986) described the dominant (F2) folds as east-west upright buckle-style lsoclines with a penetrative axial plane foliation ($2) that affects bedding (So) and an early bedding plane foliation (SI). These folds are disrupted by shear surfaces parallel to the $2 fohatlons and are contamed within fault or shear-bounded panels. There are reversals in the structural facing directions of the F 2 folds, both from one panel to another and along the lengths of individual panels The early bedding plane foliation, reversals in structural facing directions, and small scale refolded folds imply the presence of earher folds of regional extent which were re-



folded by later F2 folding. The F 2 structures were themselves modified by late, north-striking kinkfolds The shear zones described by Kehlenbeck ( 1986 ) coincide in part with major east-west, south-dipping faults with dextral strike-slip and reverse dip-slip components of movement that mark abrupt changes in structural facing and trends, and control gold-bearing quartz vein systems (Macdonald, 1983). Complementary northeast-striking shears and faults such as the Marmlon and Minlss River faults are slmstral These conjugate structures reflect northwestsoutheast regional shortening Low-pressure greenschist facies metamorphism in greenstone belt interiors grade outward to amphlbolite facies in the margins and m surrounding meta-plutonlc rocks Borradalle ( 1982 ) noted that the metamorphic isograds crosscut fold axial surfaces and also greenstone belt-orthogneiss contacts. Metamorph|sm, therefore, is not related to emplacement of the gneiss but may be related to the syn- to late-kinematic plutons. Isotopic age data indicates that major ductile deformation occurred at about 2710-2700 Ma and was accompanied and outlasted by plutonism and regional metamorphism (Table 1 ) Early deformation may have involved major thrusting as Davis et al (1989) cited evidence for juxtaposition of older sequences over younger m the western Wabigoon Subprovlnce. Increasingly brittle deformation, culminating in transcurrent faulting, persisted until ca. 2685-2680 Ma.

types and ages similar to those of the Wablgoon dlaplrlC axis of Wabigoon subprovlnce and it is possible that the two terranes were once contiguous Plutonlc rocks Winnipeg River Subprovmce consists of over 95% plutonlc rocks, a gnelsslc suite, a sodlc plutonlc suite, and a potasslc suite in general order of decreasing age. Gnelsses which form approximate 25% of the terrane are quartz diorite, tonahte, and granodiorite with inclusions of mafic metavolanics, mafic dykes, and metasedlments and later fohated to massive quartz diorite to granite intrusions (Breaks et al, 1978, Beakhouse, 1985). The predominant tonahte gneiss represents plutonic rocks derived from partial melting of mafic rocks, the granitic rocks differentiates oftonalltlC magma, and the mafic Inclusions are chemically similar to oceanic basalts (Gower et al, 1983) The gneiss complex represents multiple intrusion into pre-existing greenstones with ongoing deformation and metamorphism and contains rocks with ages ranging from 3170 to 2840 Ma (Krogh et al., 1976, Corfu, 1988) Sodic plutonic rocks that form approximately 35% of the terrane are fohated to massive, metamorphosed, recrystalhzed diorite to granodiorlte. They form parts of gneiss complexes and more homogeneous syn- to late-kinematic bathohths and plutons Many intrusions have strongly fohated margins and more massive interiors, possibly indicating diaplriC emplacement. They display trondhjemltiC differentiation trends, low total REE, fractlonated REE patterns, HREE depletion, and were probably derived from partial melting of basaltic sources (Beakhouse, 1985) They range from about 2760 Ma to 2700 Ma (Beakhouse et al, 1988; Corfu, 1988) A granodiorite straddhng the Winnipeg River-Wablgoon boundary is 2709 Ma indicating that these subprovlnces were juxtaposed at or by this time.

Winnipeg River Subprovince

A middle and late Archean plutonlc terrane The Winnipeg River Subprovlnce, mainly felsic and intermedmte felsic plutonic rocks with minor supracrustal remnants, is bounded on the north by supracrustal and plutonlc rocks of the Bird River and English River subprovlnces The eastern boundary is placed at the MlnlSS River fault but Winnipeg River has rock



Potasslc intrusions that form approximately 40% of the bedrock are mainly massive, unrecrystallized leucogranlte and granodlorlte Granite forms several large, late- to post-kinematic, homogeneous bathohths with calc-alkahc dlfferentmtlon trends. They are geochemically evolved with high K, Rb, LREE, Y and initial Sr ratios suggesting derivation by partial melting oftonahte (Beakhouse, 1985 ) Their ages range from about 2705 to 2660 Ma (Beakhouse et al, 1988 )

a major tectono-metamorphtc event to the north Bird River Subprovince

The Bird River Subprovlnce is a wedgeshaped volcano-plutonlc terrane between the Winnipeg River plutonlc and English River metasedlmentary subprovlnces The Bird River greenstone belt is similar to the greenstone belts of the western Wabigoon Subprovrace, approximately the same age (2745-2740 Ma, Tlmmlns et al., 1985) and has an extensive, chromlte-beanng ultramafic-mafic sill (Scoates, 1983 ) Plutonlc rocks are generally similar to those of the Winnipeg River Subprovmce and include early gnelsslc to fohated sodlc intrusions, one of which is 2779 Ma (Tlmmlns et al, 1985 ), and late potassic intrusions, including pegmatitlC granite and rare element pegmatltes (Cerny et al, 1981 ). These are peralumlnous, K-rich, slllClC, highly fractlonated rocks with low Ba, Sr, T1, Zr and LREE contents and high ~80 values indicating they are Stype granites. Associated complex pegmatltes are enriched in elements such as Ta, L1, and Be (Ayres and Cerny, 1982 )

Deformatlon and metamorphism

The Winnipeg River Subprovlnce has undergone polyphase deformation and amphlbohte to low pressure granuhte facies regional metamorphism In the Dryden area, where lowgrade Wablgoon metavolcanlcs and metasedlments are juxtaposed with medium- to highgrade Winnipeg River gneiss, metamorphic grade increases rapidly but uniformly northward with metamorphic lsograds parallel to the faulted subprovincial boundary (Bartlett, 1978) Early deformation, expressed by foliation and rootless lsocllnes m the supracrustal remnants and tonalltlC gneiss, is overpnnted by a second phase of folding that coincided with emplacement of early plutons and regional metamorphism The second phase was followed by emplacement of mafic dykes and then by increasingly brittle deformation that culminated in transcurrent faulting (Beakhouse, 1985, Gower and Clifford, 1981 ). There is isotopic evidence for three tectonometamorphic events (Corfu, 1988). Metamorphic zircons In tonahte gneiss are 2790 Ma and may date early plutomsm A second event at 2710-2700 Ma involving deformation, metamorphism, and plutonism may be correlative with similar events in Wablgoon subprovince (Table 1 ). A third event involving granuhte metamorphism and deformation at 2680 is concentrated near the Winnipeg RiverEnglish River boundary and may be related to

English River Subprovince

The English River metasedlmentary subprovince is exposed in the area between Lake Winnipeg and Phanerozoic cover of the Moose River basin (Fig. 2 ) The Nemlscau River and Oplnlca River metasedimentary terranes of Quebec (Fig 5) may be the eastward extensions of the English River Subprovlnce The English River Subprovlnce is bounded on the north by volcanic and plutonlc rocks of the Uchl Subprovlnce where major dextral transcurrent faults, the Sydney lake and Lake St Joseph structures, juxtapose high-grade Enghsh River metasedlments with low-grade greenstones (Stone, 1976; McRltchle and Weber, 1971 ). This boundary is marked by paired



positive (Enghsh River) and negative (Uchl) gravity anomalies indicating that it may represent a major suture zone

Supracrustal rocks
Metasedlmentary rocks, originally turbldltic wackes and slltstones now mainly gneiss and mlgmatlte, form approximately 65% of the bedrock In addition, there are minor amounts of mafic gneiss, probably of both volcamc and intrusive ongln, and lean ironstone (Meyn and Palonen, 1980). The metasedlments have mineralogical and chemical compositions indicating a m~xed volcanlc-plutonlc (Breaks et al, 1978) or dacltlC volcanic (Van de Kamp and Beakhouse, 1979) provenance Progressive anatexls has resulted in widespread mlgmatlzat~on. There are minor amphlbohtes, probably of volcanic and intrusive origin, intercalated with the metasedlments and in the Melchett Lake area a small greenstone belt is capped by ironstone and turbldltiC metased~ments.

Breaks, 1978). Early deformation, formation of upright isocllnes with axial plane foliation, was accompanied by mlgmatlzatlon A second phase, development of variably plunging Z folds and penetrative foliation, was accompained by further mlgmatizatlon. During a third, increasingly brittle phase, there was Sfolding, development of cleavage, cataclasis, and faulting. The English River Subprovlnce, like Quetlco, has symmetrical patterns of metamorphism with greenschist facies marginal zones increasing to amphIbolite and low-pressure granuhte facies m the interior Maximum metamorphlc temperatures and pressure were 700750C and 4.7-5.4 kb (Chipera and Perkins, 1988) Uchi, Sachigo, and La Grande River subprovinces

Mtddle and Late Archean volcano-plutonlc terranes tn the north

The Uchl, Sachlgo, and La Grande River subprovlnces are characterized by narrow, sinuous, partly interconnected greenstone belts surrounded and Intruded by voluminous granltold rocks (Figs 2 and 5) Structural trends are predominantly east-west to northwest

Intrusive rocks
Peralumlnous, S-type granite with metased~mentary inclusions and minerals such as garnet, cordlerite, sllhmanlte, and tourmaline occurs throughout the migmatltiC complex. Some associated pegmatites have LI, Be, U, and Th minerals (Breaks et al., 1985). A pegmatltlC leucosome m migmatitlc paragnelss is 2681 Ma (Krogh et al, 1976). There are also early, preto synkinematic tonahte and granodlorlte intrusions and late- to post-lonematlc granitegranodiorite plutons. A late pegmatlte is 2652 Ma (Krogh et al, 1976)

Structure and metamorphism

Structural trends, including folds and fohatIons, are subparallel to subprovlnce boundaries and were formed dunng polyphase deformation and metamorphism (Thurston and

Supracrustal rocks The greenstone belts of the Uchl Subprovlnce, including the Rice Lake, Red Lake, and Blrch-Uchl belts, consist of lower blmodal basalt-rhyolite cycles and upper calc-alkahc and tholentlc basalt-andes~te-rhyolite sequences Their geochemistry indicates that the basalts are mantle-denved, oceanic tholentes, whereas the LREE-ennched andesltes and strongly fractlonated felslc volcamcs were derived by melting and assimilation of slahc crust by mantle-derived mafic magmas in large, zoned magma chambers (Thurston and Fyer, 1983 ). The volcanlcs range from 2990 and 2732 Ma and generally form two age groups, an older



group about 3.0-2.8 Ga and a younger group about 2 75-2 73 Ga (Nunes and Thurston, 1980, Ermanovlcs and Wanless, 1983, Corfu and Wallace, 1986; Corfu and Andrews, 1987, Turek et al, 1989) The Birch-Uchl and Red Lake belts have tectonlcally juxtaposed sequences of these two age groups. Metasedlmentary rocks In the Uchi greenstone belts include stromatolltiC marble units intercalated with the older, ca. 3.0 Ga volcanic cycles of the Blrch-Uchl belt (Hofmann et al., 1985 ), volcanogenlc wacke, conglomerate, and ironstone, notably in the upper parts of the sequences, and younger, Tlmiskamlng-type crossbedded quartz arenite and conglomerate of the San Antonio Formation of the Rice Lake belt. The San Antonio Formation is younger than ca 2730-2715 Ma plutonlsm and deformation (Turek et al., 1989) but was affected by later, ca 2700 Ma deformation. The greenstone belts of the Sachlgo Subprovince are cyclic sequences of tholentic basalt overlain by mixed calc-alkahc felsic and intermediate volcanlcs and sediments (Ayres, 1977; Gilbert, 1985 ). They range in age from over 3000 to about 2720 Ma and form two age groups, one about 3023-2860 Ma, another about 2750-2720 Ma (Corfu and Wood, 1980, Nunes and Wood, 1980; Corfu et al, 1985; Turek et al., 1986 ). Several belts, notably North Spirit Lake, North Caribou Lake, Sandy Lake, and Muskratdam Lake, have lower sequences of relatively mature, crossbedded quartz arenIte, quartz pebble conglomerate, and stromatohc carbonate (Donaldson and Jackson, 1965; Wood, 1977, Thurston and Chlvers, m press). These shallow-water, platform-type sediments are associated with mafic/ultramafic lavas, subaerlal to subaqueous felslc pyroclastlcs, and ironstone. Most if not all, are ca. 3 0 Ga and may represent passive margin deposits developed on early-formed sialic crust (Thurston and Chivers, in press). Younger, Timiskaming-type sequences in the Cross Lake, Oxford Lake, and Island Lake

areas consist of crossbedded conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone intercalated with shoshonltlC mafic and felslc volcanlcs with high LILE contents, unfractionated HREE profles, and no Eu anomalies (Brooks et al., 1983) These shallow-water sequences commonly rest unconformably on older volcanic sequences and are spatially related to major faults. They display rapid facies variations, numerous internal unconformities, and consist largely of locally-derived detritus. They have been compared with late rift deposits of modern evolved island arcs (Brooks et al., lbld) and to deposits of pull-apart basins developed along transcurrent faults (Thurston and Chlvers, in p r e s s ) Volcanlcs from the Cross Lake and Oxford Lake sequences are 2706 Ma (D Davis, pers c o m m , 1986) The greenstone belts of the La Grande River Subprovince have lower basalt-rhyolite cycles and komatiItes overlain by differentiated calcalkahc and tholentlc volcanics and sediments. Skulskl et al. ( 1988 ) found that the lower tholelltiC volcanIcs have a MORB geochemistry and were probably formed by fractional crystallization of komatlitlC magmas. Late-stage basalts and andesltes are considered to be the products of crustal contamination of komatiltlC liquids Sequences of relatively mature quartz pebble conglomerate, quartz arenite, carbonate, ironstone, and greywacke with mafic-ultramafic flows, tufts, and Intrusions are also present (Roscoe and Donaldson, 1988).

Plutontc rocks Plutonlc rocks of the Uchi and Sachlgo subprovinces include an early pre- and synklnematlc, deformed, metamorphosed sodlc quartz dionte-tonahte suite, and a later syn- to postlonematic potasslc granlte-granodlonte-syenlte suite (Ermanovlcs et al., 1979; HiUary and Ayres, 1980). Many of the early sodlc plutons have ages of 3.0-2 8 Ga, similar to the older volcanic sequences. Others with ages of 2.752.73 Ga are coeval with the younger volcanlcs.



The younger granitic plutons are generally postvolcanic and syn- to post-tectonic with respect to Late Archean events, they range In age from 2730 to 2680 Ma (Krogh et al, 1974, Corfu et al, 1985, Krogh et al., 1985; Corfu and Wallace, 1986; Corfu and Andrews, 1987, Turek et al, 1987 ) A late monzonlte pluton that is possibly coeval with Tlmlskamlng-type sequences is 2705 Ma (Turek et al, 1986) The Berens River Subprovlnce, a plutonic terrane between Uchl and Sachigo subprovinces (Fig. 2), has plutonlc suites similar to those of Uchl-Sachigo (Ermanovics et al, 1979) ranging from 3000 Ma to 2690 Ma (Krogh et al., 1974, Ermanovlcs and Wanless, 1983, Corfu and Ayres, 1984). The older plutonic rocks were metamorphosed under intermediate pressure-temperature conditions (Ayres, 1978 ) and polydeformed under general north-south compression (Park and Ermanovlcs, 1978 ). Bienvllle subprovlnce, a plutonlc terrane north of the La Grande River belt has 2800 Ma tonahte-granodlorite gneiss with small greenstone remnants and late granodlorite plutons, one with an age of 2712 Ma (Mortensen and ClesielskI, 1987) Structure and metamorphtsm Uchl and Sachlgo subprovinces were affected by low pressure regional metamorphism and polyphase deformation involving northsouth shortening about 2.73-2.70 Ga ago Early ductile deformation formed upright lsochnes with variable trends, axial plane foliation, and steeply plunging elongation hneatlon This was accompanied by low pressure greenschlst to amphibohte facies metamorphism that displays steep gradients toward granitic plutons (Ayres, 1978; Thurston and Breaks, 1988), occurred before deposition of Tlmiskamingtype sequences, and was coeval with emplacement of 2730-2715 Ma plutons. In the Sachigo Subprovlnce, there is a general increase in metamorphic grade toward the Pikwitonel Subprovince (Weber and Scoates, 1978 ) This

regional gradient may be attributable to exposure of progressively deeper crustal levels toward the Plkwitonel and consequently regional metamorphism is related to depth as well as to plutonism. A second, post-Tlmlskaming phase of deformation represents a brittle-to-ductile transition and resulted in further folding and development of conjugate shears Northwest dextral and northeast Slnlstral deformation zones developed dunng the late deformation have subhorizontal hneatlon, hydrothermal alteration, and, locally, gold-bearing quartz vein systems (Andrews, 1983 ) Corkery and Lenton (1984) described juxtaposition of older and younger volcanic sequences along arcuate deformation zones with transposed foliation Late deformation events were coeval with granite plutonlsm and deposition of Tlmiskammg-type sequences about 2.7 Ga ago

Pikwitonei, Minto, and Ashuanipi subprovinces and the Superior-Trans-Hudson boundary zone
Hzgh-grade and reworked terranes tn the north In the northwest, the Pikwitonel subprovlnce, an arcuate high-grade gneiss terrane, is bounded on the southeast by the Sachlgo Subprovince and on the west by the Thompson belt, a zone of reworked Archean and Early Proterozolc rocks that separates Archean gneiss of the Superior Province from Early Proterozoic supracrustal and plutonlc rocks of the Trans-Hudson orogen (Weber and Scoates, 1978; Green et al., 1985, Hoffman, 1988) The Plkwltonel-Sachlgo boundary is an orthopyroxene lsograd that obliquely transects structures and rock units of both subprovinces (Weber and Scoates, 1978, Hubregtse, 1980) The Pikwltonel-Thompson belt contact is a narrow transition zone that represents the eastern limit of Proterozolc structural and metamorphic overpnntmg of Pikwitonei gneiss (Bell, 1971) Within this zone, east-trending



Plkw~tonel structures are overprmted by northeast-trending structures of the Thompson belt, PlkwItonel granulites are retrogressively metamorphosed, and Molson dykes, a swarm of mafic dykes emplaced 1883 Ma ago (Heaman et al, 1988 ) are transposed and metamorphosed The western boundary of the Thompson belt, the Nelson front, is a fault zone with both dip-slip and sinlstral strike-slip movements (Green et al., 1985 ). The Pikwitonel Subprovlnce has positive magnetic and gravity signatures and the Superlor-Trans-Hudson boundary zone is marked by magnetic and gravity lows, seismic discontinuities, and variations in crustal structure (Green et al, 1985). In the northeast, southern supracrustal-nch terranes, the La Grande River, Nemlscau River, and Opinaca River subprovlnces are separated from northern and eastern plutomc and high-grade gneiss terranes by faults expressed by discontinuities in the magnetic patterns (Fig. 6) The northern boundary of the Superior Province has commonly been placed at the southern edge of the Proterozoic Cape Smith belt (Stockwell, 1982; Taylor, 1982) However, Hoffman ( 1985 ) has proposed that the Cape Smith belt is allochthonous implying that the KovIk gnelsses lmmedmtely north of the Cape Smith belt are also part of the Superior Province.

The Plkwitonel Subprovlnce consists oftonahtlc gneiss, paragnelss, calc-slhcate gneiss, and mafic, ultramafic, and anorthosltlC bodies, all deformed and metamorphosed to granuhte grade. These rocks are probably the high-grade equivalents of plutonlc and supracrustal rocks exposed in Sachlgo subprovlnce. Gnelsses are 2719-2736 Ma and late pegmatltes 2629-2598 Ma (Krogh et al., 1986a) Northwest- to west-trending structures of Plkwltonel subprovince were formed by early lsochnal folding accompanied by amphlbohte facies metamorphism followed by emplace-

ment of mafic dykes and further folding, granuhte metamorphism, and mlgmatlzatlon at 630-800C and 7.9 kb (Mezger et al, 1986). Major metamorphism occurred at 2684-2736 Ma ago but there was also earlier metamorphism, probably connected with plutonism at 2719-2690 Ma, and emplacement of pegmatltes at 2589 Ma (Krogh et al, 1986a) Thompson belt consists mainly of amphlbollte facies tonallte gneiss, the retrograded equivalents of Pikwltonei granuhtes Gnelsses of the eastern and central parts of the belt are 2770 Ma whereas those in the west are 30862926 Ma (Machado et al., 1987) The Archean rocks are cut by Proterozoic granites and ultramafic intrusions and are overlain by deformed, metamorphosed Early Proterozolc sediments and mafic-ultramafic volcanlcs The Ashuanlpl complex in the east consists of granuhte facies mIgmatitlc paragnelss and rare mafic gneiss with sheets of tonahte gneiss and fohated to massive tonahte, diatexite, granite, and syenite (Eade, 1966; Percival and Girard, 1988). A tonahte pluton is 2690 Ma and metamorphic zircons from diatexlte range from 2688 to 2620 Ma (Mortensen and Percival, 1982 ). These ages indicate that Ashuanlpl complex is the high-grade equivalent of the Oplnaca River and Nemlscau River metasedimentary subprovinces. Mlnto subprovInce consists of orthopyroxene-bearlng plutonic rocks of charnockxtic affinity, diorite, granodlorlte, diatexlte, and granite with inclusions of granuhte facies metasediments and metavolcanics (Stevenson, 1968). A late granodlorite in the east is 2721 Ma (Machado et al., 1989) Dominant northerly structures are overprinted by east-west structures, possibly faults, revealed by the magnetic patterns (F~g 7 ). The Kovlk terrane north of Cape Smith belt has Archean gnelsses with deformed Proterozolc supracrustal remnants. The gneisses have Rb-Sr ages of 29002600 Ma (Doig, 1987) The northerly structural trends and orthopyroxene-beanng plutonIc rocks of Minto sub-

136 province indicate that this terrane is distinct from other parts of Superior province and may represent a relatively late addition to the craton The mixed Archean-Proterozolc terrane north of Cape Smith belt may be analogous to the T h o m p s o n belt of the northwestern Superior Province.

KD CARD terranes were accreted along a suture represented by the G r e a t ' L a k e s Tectonic Zone Minto subprovince has northerly-trending structures and may also be a distinctive terrane juxtaposed late m the tectonic history The remaining high-grade subprovmces are equivalents of low-grade, supracrustal-rlch terranes and represent exposures of the lower levels of a layered crust, not fundamentally different types of crust

Summary of the geology and tectonic evolution

The Superior Province consists of approximately 75% gnelsslc and plutonic rocks and 25% low- to medium-grade supracrustal rocks that form terranes with distinctive hthological, tectono-metamorphic, age, and geophysical characteristics. Gneiss terranes are concentrated in the north and southwest whereas the central part of the craton consists of low-grade granlte-greenstone and metased|mentary subprovinces (Fig. 1 ). The Superior Province IS a remnant of a larger Archean continent, assembled in the Late Archean, fragmented in the Early Proterozoic, and modified by colhsional deformation during Proterozoic events. With the exception of the Early Archean Minnesota River Valley terrane, the rocks were formed during the Middle and Late Archean Southern terranes such as the Abltibl Subprovlnce conSlSt mainly of Late Archean juvenile crust of Island arc origin. Terranes in the north, for example Uchi and Sachigo, preserve multiple generations of arcs and other elements ranging in age from 3.0 to 2.7 Ga.

Plutontc rocks
Plutonlc rocks of the granlte-greenstone and plutonlc subprovinces include early pre- to synklnematlc, follated, sodlc plutonlc suites and later, syn- to post-kinematic, generally massive potasslc suites. The sodlc plutonlc rocks have mafic enclaves of metavolcanic and Intrusive origin, display trondhjemltlC differentiation trends, limited compositional ranges, low initial strontium and oxygen ratios, fractlonated REE patterns with LREE e n n c h m e n t and HREE depletion, and no or slightly negative Eu anomalies They were probably formed by partial melting of enriched mantle or juvenile mafic crustal rocks Many have ages similar to those of associated volcanic rocks and to mafic intrusions The calc-alkallC potasslc intrusions have high K, Rb, and Y contents, low strontium and oxygen isotopic ratios, low total REE, e n n c h e d LREE, depleted HREE, negative Eu anomalies, and variable Rb isotopic compositions They were probably derived by partial melting oftonallte or siliceous granuhte Many are coeval with major tectonlsm and in several greenstone-granite subprovinces there is evidence for a l 0 to 20 million year hiatus between cessation of the volcanism and onset of the late potasslc plutonism. Highly fractlonated potassic granites, for example those of the Bird River Subprovince, and some syenitic intrusions may be A-type, analogous to post-colhsional granites of Phanero-

Htgh-grade gnetss
High-grade gneiss subprovinces consist of upper amphlbohte and granuhte facies orthoand paragnelss with anorthosltlC and charnockltiC intrusions. Gneisslc foliation, domal structures, and high-strain zones, the products of polyphase ductde deformation, are typical. There are some differences among the various high-grade terranes. The Minnesota River Valley has 3.6 Ga rocks and may represent an Early Archean foreland onto which the younger arc



zoic orogens such as the Alaskan Cordillera (Sylvester, 1989) Other syenite-diorite plutons have high Mg, N1, Cr, and LILE contents similar to "sanukltold" volcanics of Cenozoic island arcs Peraluminous, S-type gramtes prevalent in the metasedlmentary subprovlnces are highly fractionated, have low LREE contents and high oxygen isotopic ratios, and were derived by anatex~s of alumlnous sedimentary rocks. Fohated plutonlc rocks and supracrustal remnants of the plutonlc and granite-greenstone subprovlnces were metamorphosed under amphibohte facies conditions They display domal structures, the result of multiple deformation including early ductive folding, dIapinsm, and late brittle deformation Some plutomc subprovlnces have positive gravity signatures, suggesting that dense lower crust may lie at shallow depths This, coupled with the evidence for somewhat higher metamorphic pressures suggests that they represent somewhat deeper-level equivalents of the granite-greenstone terranes Several subprovxnces, notably the Wabigoon, Uchl, and Sachlgo, have older ca 3 0 Ga granitold domains Some (eg Marmlon bathohth of Wabigoon subprovince) constitute basement to ca 3 0-2.8 Ga supracrustal sequences and may have had similar relationships to the younger, ca. 2 7 Ga greenstones. However, contacts between the older plutonlc and younger supracrustal rocks are mainly tectonic This, taken together with the general lack of isotopic or geochemical inheritance in the younger igneous rocks, suggests that their juxtaposition was essentially tectonic. Some of the older plutonlc units, for example those of the Wablgoon dmplriC axis and Winnipeg River subprovlnce, may represent remnant microcontlnents

Supracrustal rocks
The volcanic-sedimentary sequences of the greenstone belts range in age from about 3.0 to

2 7 Ga Supracrustal rocks in the south are mainly younger than 2 8 Ga whereas in the north, older, 3.0-2.8 Ga sequences are more common Five mare facies associations are present ( l ) platform-type quartz arenltestromatohtlc carbonate sequences, (2) maficultramafic submanne lava plain sequences, (3) mixed mafic-felslc submanne to subaerial central volcamc sequences; (4) turbldltiC clastic sequences, and, (5) Tlmlskaming-type shoshonitic volcanic-alluvial/fluvial sedimentary sequences. Crossbedded quartz arenlte and quartz pebble conglomerate, commonly with stromatohtic carbonate, komatnte, ironstone, and subaerial pyroclastlcs, are present in the Wablgoon, Uchl, Sachlgo, and La Grande River subprovlnces These relatively mature, shallow-water sediments have a sialic provenance and were probably deposited under relatively stable conditions m continental platform or rafted margm environments Most, if not all, are older than 2 8 Ga Mafic-ultramafic submarine lava plain sequences consisting of pillowed and massive tholeutic flows with komatntes, mafic/ultramafic sills, sulphide facies ironstone, chert, and argflhte, form the lower, areally extensive parts of greenstone belts. Most are 2 75-2 70 Ga They are chemically similar to oceanic volcanics (MORB, immature arc, oceanic island) and are comparable to oceanic submarine lava plain and Hawaiian-type shield volcanic accumulations Mafic-felsic volcanic sequences that form the more areally restricted central complexes are chemically diverse, including both calc-alkahc and tholentlc compositions Many are bimodal mafic-felslc sequences whereas others are more fully fractlonated comprising andesltlC and dacitic compositions as well These sequences commonly shallow upward, with lower subaqueous basalt and andesite overlain by shallow-water to subaerial dacltiC and rhyohtic pyroclastlcs, Ironstone, and epiclastic sediments They are probably the products of arc



volcanism, both evolving island and continental arcs Most are 2.75-2.70 Ga but ca 2.8 Ga arc volcanics and associated plutons are present in the Uchl and Sachigo subprovinces Turbidxtic clastic sediments, mainly greywacke and siltstone with m i n o r conglomerate, form thick units m the greenstone belts, typically within and as aprons about the upper mixed volcanic sequences Turbldites also form the extensive, variably metamorphosed sequences of the metasedlmentary subprovinces These texturally Immature rocks, composed largely of felsic volcanic detritus, were derived mainly from 2 75 to 2.70 Ga complexes and hence were deposited after, or during and after, major volcanism in the nelghbouring granlte-greenstone subprovlnces The Tlmlskaming-type accumulations consist of Immature fluvial/alluvial sediments, typically crossbedded arenite and conglomerate with some shale and ironstone, and calcalkahc to alkahc, shoshonltlC subaerial volcanics These sequences display rapid faoes variations and internal unconformities, consist largely of locally-derived debris, and unconformably overlie volcanics and subvolcanic plutons. Most are affected only by late deformatlonal and metamorphic events Many Timiskammg-type sequences are associated with subprovince boundary faults and may have been deposited in pull-apart basins developed by late transcurrent m o v e m e n t s on these structures Others may be comparable to late shoshonltic volcanic-clastlc sediment rift sequences of m o d e r n evolved island arcs. In the northern Superior Prownce, deposltmn of Tlmiskaming-type sequences occurred about 2 71-2 70 Ga and in the south, about 2.69-2.68 Ga

Structure and metamorphism

The dominant east-west structural trends (Fig. 9 ) and metamorphic zonation (Fig 8 ) of the Superior Province are the products of several orogenic events Evidence for ca 3 0 -

2 8 Ga events is sparse and consists of scattered isotopic ages of metamorphic rocks and minerals, unconformities between 3 0-2 8 Ga supracrustal and plutonlc rocks, and hints of old structural elements The effects of these events have been largely destroyed by late, polyphase deformation, metamorphism, and plutonism during the ca 2 7 Ga Kenoran orogeny There is evidence that these late, Kenoran events are generally younger in the south than in the north The absolute ages of the youngest deformed, metamorphosed rocks, principally metavolcanlcs, and the oldest, unmetamorphosed, post-tectonic intrusions in the Sachlgo and Uchl subprovlnces indicate that ductile deformation began at about 2 73 Ga and later, increasingly brittle deformation persisted until ca 2 70 Ga In the Wawa, Abltlbl, and Pontiac subprovlnces, deformation began at about 2 70 Ga and continued until ca 2 68 Ga Several greenstone belts, for example the Vermilion belt, contain evidence of pre-cleavage deformation. Major downward-facing structures, possibly nappes, are present in the Rainy Lake and MlchIplcoten belts The Abltlbl belt has major antlformal domes and synformal basins that were apparently established at an early stage and were subsequently modified by polyphase deformation involving folding, thrusting, and transcurrent faulting During Late Archean orogenesls, early ductile deformation involving major north-south shortening and subvertical extension attributable to north-south subhorizontal compression was accompamed by low- to intermediate-pressure metamorphism Late, increasingly brittle deformation with folding and formation of conjugate shears and major northwest dextral and northeast sinlstral transcurrent faults also involved north-south shortening by oblique compression or transpresslon In the volcano-plutonlc subprovlnces, synchnorial and antlchnorial greenstone belts bifurcate and wrap around domal bathohthlc complexes Although there was appreciable diapirism in connection with emplacement of



LEGEND ~ ~, u~. Fault displacement undefined transcurrent, thrust, normal "~ ~, Fold antlchne or antfforrn synchne or synform /'+ Foliation inchned subhorlzontal trends based on magnetics ~n part



__7 --v


- ; " .-" . - ~ . "

"-'-'-" "k; ;- "-




300 km

Fig 9 Major faults and general structural trends FL=Favourable Lake fault, GFTZ=Grenvtlle Front Tectonic Zone, GL=Gwllltm Lake fault, I L = Ivanhoe Lake fault, K= Kenyon fault, K L C = Karkland Lake-Cadillac fault, L= Lepage fault, LGR = La Grande River fault, LSJ= Lake St Joseph fault, M R = Mmtss River fault, NF= Nelson Front, O= Onapmg fault, PD=Porcupme-Destor fault, Q=Quetlco fault, SL=Sydney Lake fault, SR=Seme River fault, T=Tlmlskammg fault, WR = Wmxsk R~ver fault

the bathohths, m a n y o f the domal and elhptlcal structures are the product o f polyphase deformatxon Some structures m the plutonlc gneiss complexes, for example the Wawa gnexss domain, are possibly the result o f ductile tensxonal flow Quet~co m e t a s e & m e n t a r y s u b p r o v m c e has early r e c u m b e n t folds overprinted by major east-west s u b h o n z o n t a l xsochnes with vanable facing dlrectmns that are m turn overp n n t e d by late, doubly-plunging folds and east-

west transcurrent faults. The Pontiac Subprovrace has south-verging structures that probably constitute a series of thrust imbrications and recumbent folds cored by granmc intrusions Regional m e t a m o r p h i s m ranging from subgreenschlst to granuhte facies accompanied and outlasted the deformatlonal events and generally coincided with major plutonlsm. M e t a m o r p h i c grades m the volcano-plutonlc subprovlnces generally range from subgreensch~st to low amph~bohte fac~es In the



KM 0

~ +
~ . . . .

=.o, oo
. . . . . . -~7,,

>_ -f ~

= .....
~ ~

+oo,.+ ~
. . . . ~..,..cZ~---

SSE 0 KM -10 20 3O 4O

NW KM 0 1020 3040LEGEND
Proterozolc rocks




~ SEN +




Archean I + I Felsic plutons Tonahte gneiss

[ ~ I, I

Granuhte gneiss

1 Metased . . . . tary belt

I Greenstone belt

Fig 10 Cross-sectlonsofthe Superior ProvmceArchean crust

metasedlmentary subprovlnces, metamorphic grades increase inward from low greenschist in marginal zones to amphlbohte, and locally, low-pressure granuhte facies m the interiors Plutonic complexes in the central parts of the belts are possible sources of heat for this hightemperature, low-pressure m e t a m o r p h i s m
Crustal structure

The Archean crust of the Superior province, as interpreted from seismic studies, modelling of gravity and magnetic data, and observation of suspected crustal cross-sections, is grossly layered (Fig. 10) An upper layer approximately 10 k m thick with no or few seismic reflectors, possibly a consequence of steeply-dipping structures, has greenschist to amphlbohte facies supracrustal sequences and plutons that extend, on average, to depths of about 5 k m with local keels to 10 km. Below this IS a 1020 km thick intermediate layer consisting of

gnelsslc, generally tonahtlc plutonlc rocks with supracrustal remnants, all metamorphosed to amphlbohte grade, and more massive intrusions A lower layer of granuhte facies gneiss of plutonlc and supracrustal origin extends to the base of the crust at an average depth of 40 km. The middle and lower layers have numerous seismic reflectors probably attributable to subhonzontal, heterogeneous layering and to thrusts Much of the hthologlcal and structural variation evident in Superior province is probably the result of differential uplift and exposure of different levels of this layered crust. G e o b a r o m e t n c calibration of metamorphic mineral assemblages Indicates that the greenstone belts were metamorphosed at pressures of ca 3-4 kb or depths of less than l0 k m whereas the high-grade m e t a m o r p h i s m of the metasedlmentary belts occurred at pressures of 4-6 kb, and the high-pressure granuhtes of the Kapuskaslng and Plkwltonel terranes represent m e t a m o r p h i s m at depths of 20-30 km.



Tectomc htstory
The Superior craton was formed in the Archean by the assembly of diverse elements, some of which were generated primarily in the Late Archean, others of which have significant Middle Archean components, and, m the case of the Minnesota River Valley, Early Archean rocks and tectomc events. Most subprovinces are complexes that represent collages of smaller, previously-formed terranes. The existence of ca 2.8 Ga quartz arenite-carbonate

platform sequences suggests that some of the early-formed terranes were relatively stable and
possibly extensive.

Renewed magmatic activity in the Late Archean resulted m volcamsm, plutonlsm, and sedimentation throughout the Superior Province. In the northern Superior Province volcanism ended about 2 73-2.72 Ga ago with the onset of major polyphase deformation, regional metamorphism, and plutonlsm Early
ductlve deformation under conditions of

north-south compression and low-pressure


Mafm dyke Alkalic r o c k - c a r b o n a t i t e complex

\\ \~ xx\ \


// /

\ \ \



~ ~\\ /\ Ii




I 3 0 0 KM I






F~g 11 Proterozoac marie dyke swarms, alkahc rock-carbonaUte complexes, and tectomc elements 1 = Matchewan dykes, 2 = Molson dykes, 3 = Prelssac dykes, 5 = A b m b l dykes, 6 = Keweenawan dykes, 7 = Grenvdle dykes




E /'SGa

2 71 Go

MRV +++++ ++++++ .......

AW / , - - / 1 ~ . ..~ 0 ~,1 -'k z~l,~ ... , I




O--x " "

~ / ~@ 0 + . ~-.i x +

@ 0 -

~I / \ l \


-t ~ -I-_.

2 70-2

6 8 Go

Fig 12 Cross-sections depicting Lake Archean tectonic evolution of the Superior Province revolving southward obhque accretion of island arcs, accretlonary prisms, m]crocontments, etc A W= Ablnbi-Wawa island arc terrane, E R = English River accrenonary prims, M R V = Minnesota River Valley foreland, P = Pontiac accretionary prism, Q--Quetlco accretionary prism, US=Ulchl-Sachlgo ~sland arc terranes, W=Wablgoon island arc and m~crocontlnent terranes, W R = Wmmpeg River mIcrocontlnent

m e t a m o r p h i s m was succeeded by increasingly brittle deformat|on in a dextral transpresslve regime that culminated m transcurrent faultrag, shearing and low-grade m e t a m o r p h i s m Deposition of late alluvial-fluvml sedimentary and shoshomtic volcamc sequences at approximately 2 71 Ga during this late brittle deformation was followed by emplacement of post-kinematic gramtic and syeninc Intrusions about 2 70-2 67 Ga ago In the southern Superior Province, major volcanism ended about 2 71-2 70 Ga ago with onset of polyphase deformation, again under general north-south major compression, with accompanying plutonlsm and low-pressure regional m e t a m o r p h i s m Deposition of the thick turbidlte sequences of the metasedlmentary belts also occurred at about this time. Later, increasingly brittle deformation attributed to north-south dextral transpresslon was coeval with deposition of alluvml-fluvial sedimentary and shoshonltlC to alkahc volcanic sequences, notably the Tlm~skaming Group, about 2 70-2 68 Ga ago, and followed by emplacement of post-kinematic granitic, syemtic, and pegmatltlC intrusions 2 68-2 65 Ga ago The last major orogenic events to affect the Superior province, the Kenoran orogeny

(Stockwell, 1982), occurred some 20 mllhon years earlier in the north than in the south The main terminal orogenic events, probably correlative with docking of the various terranes, occurred at about 2 72 Ga in the Sachlgo and Uchl subprovinces, about 2.71 Ga in the Wablgoon and Quetlco subprovlnces, and about 2 70 Ga in the Abitlbl, Wawa, and Pontiac subprovlnces (Fig 12) Furthermore, although uplift and cratonizatlon of most of the Superior Province occurred prior to emplacement of Early Proterozolc mafic dykes of the Matachewan Swarm, granuhte faoes metamorphism in high-grade gneiss terranes such as Kapuskaslng and Plkwltonel was followed by magmatlsm and slow cooling at great depth with the result that zircons from these highgrade rocks yield U - P b isotopic ages as young as 2 6 Ga. Uplift and erosion of some highgrade terranes may have occurred in the Early Proterozoic, possibly in connection with colhslonal orogenic events about the margins of Superior craton Superior Province is apparently underlain by a thick, metasomatlzed, hthospheric root. Late Archean and ProterozoIc magmatic rocks unit of probable mantle origin within and about Superior Province, including H u r o m a n basalts



(Jolly, 1987), mafic dykes (Condie et al, 1988), and alkahc rock-carbonatlte complexes (Bell et al., 1986), show evidence in their trace element and isotopic compositions of derivation from variably depleted and enriched mantle sources The isotopic data indicates that mantle metasomat~sm occured at least 2 7 Ga ago and hence is probably connected with large-scale melt extraction and crustal recycling during formation of the Superior crust (Shlrey and Carlson, 1986). Tectonic models Various tectonic models that have been proposed for the Superior Province can be viewed as either "fiXlSt" or " m o b l h s t " depending on whether the rocks units are considered to have been brought together principally by vertical or horizontal mechanisms of assembly (Blackburn, 1980). Most fixist models assume a preexisting smhc crust with formation of supracrustal sequences i n r i f t s or linear downwarps initiated in the crust by mantle processes Continued downwarplng (sagductlon) and partial melting followed by plutonlsm, dlapirlsm, deformation, metamorphism, thickening, and uplift, all the products of vertical, gravity-driven tectomcs, resulted in formatron of an Archean craton rich in plutonlc rocks and greenstones. Examples of fix1st models include those of Goodwln (1977), Young (1978), and Ayres and Thurston (1985) In contrast, mobllist models assume mobile, mainly oceamc crust within a plate tectomc framework involving subducUon and horizontal accretion (Talbot, 1973), mainly in convergent plate boundary settings. Examples of mobfllSt models include those of G o o d w m and Rldler (1970), Langford and Morin (1976), Dimroth et al ( 1983a, b), Ludden et al (1986), Sylvester et al (1987), and Peroval and Williams ( 1989 ) In the author's opinion, any model proposed must satisfy the following (1) Field and isotopic evidence indicates

that most Superior Province supracrustal sequences were not deposited on older slahc crust nor were slahc rocks older than 3 1 Ga involved m a significant way in their evolution The ca 2.8 Ga quartz arenlte-carbonate platform sequences in the north are an exception but do not lnvahdate the generalization ( 2 ) S u p e r i o r province rocks represent newly-formed crust, derived from mantle or recycled juvenile crustal sources d u n n g Middle and Late Archean magmatic events that represent major episodes of crust-mantle separation preceeded or accompanied by largescale mantle enrichment, probably the result of rapid recycling of oceanic crust (3) The supracrustal sequences, m terms of their stratigraphy, rock associations, and geochemistry are most closely comparable to volcamc and sedimentary sequences of modern, Pacific-type marginal orogens They do not resemble rifted margin or continental rift sequences They do resemble oceanic, island arc, and continental arc accumulations (4) Plutomc rocks of Superior province bear many similarities to those of younger orogens. Granuhte gnelsses of the high-grade terranes and tonallte gnelsses of the volcano-plutonlc subprovlnces have their counterparts in younger magmatlc terranes such as the Coast plutonlc complex of the Cordillera Superior Province trondhjemltlC synvolcanlc plutons, younger syntectonlc calc-alkahne bathohths, and still younger, post-tectonic granitic to syemtic plutons are matched by similar suites in many Phanerozoic orogens (Woodsworth et al, 1983, Roddlck and Hutchlson, 1972 ) ( 5 ) There is evidence for early thin-skinned deformation with formation of thrusts and nappes, followed by thick-skinned deformation with rotation of early-formed structures and formation of new upright structures, culminating in transcurrent faulting Similar evolutionary patterns are present in younger orogens Furthermore, the belt-like architecture of Superior province IS reminiscent of Phanerozoic orogens The southern Wab~goon and



adjacent parts of Quetlco subprovlnces are similar to Cordilleran fold and thrust belts with the interior of Quetico subprovlnce representing an internal m e t a m o r p h l c - p l u t o m c zone Southern Abitlbi and Pontiac subprovlnces may constitute a similar example (6) Superior province crust is about 40 km thick, is layered, and displays variations in metamorphic, structural, and hthologlc characterlstics that correspond in part to different levels of exposure of this layered crust (7) The construction and evolutxon of the alternating, linear volcano-plutonic and metasedimentary belts, and their southward younglng, is consistent with lateral accretion of complex, long-lived volcanic arcs, oceanic islands and plateaux, microcontments, and accretionary prisms in a regime with an oblique dextral c o m p o n e n t of plate convergence

magmatism throughout the northern Superior Province, including formation of the Berens River plutonlc arc Late tectomsm culminated with transcurrent faulting and deposition of Tlmlskamlng-type sequences Accretion of mainly Late Archean volcanoplutonlc complexes of Wawa and Abitlbl subprovinces and accreUonary sedimentary complexes of Quetico and Pontiac subprovlnces occurred about 2 7 Ga ago Again, shallow northward subduction resulted in magmatism and tectomsm culminating in transcurrent faulting and deposition of the Tlmlskamlng Group and similar sequences. The Minnesota River Valley may also have been juxtaposed at this time Post-tectonic plutonlsm and elevated temperatures persisted for another 1020 milhon years in the volcano-plutonlc belts and for 30-50 million years m the high-grade terranes

A tectomc model for Superior Provmce Posstble settzngs and modern analogs
A model that best accounts for the foregoing features of the Superior Province involves subductlon-drlven accretion of Archean crustal elements, most of which range in age from 3.1 to 2 6 Ga Some terranes, for example Uchl, Sachlgo, and Wabigoon, are complexes consisting of Middle and Late Archean rocks juxtaposed by early accretlonary processes that resulted in formation of relatively stable cratonic elements some 3 0-2 8 Ga ago when mature platform-type sequences were deposited During Late Archean orogenesls, northward-directed subduction led to successive accretlon of alternating volcano-plutonIc and metasedlmentary terranes (Fig 12) Uchi and Sachlgo subprovinces were amalgamated about 2 72 Ga ago. The Winnipeg River and Wabigoon subprovlnces, along with the newlyformed English River accretionary sedimentary complex, were accreted to the Uchl-Sachlgo terrane approximately 2.71 Ga ago along a suture that generally corresponds to the English Rlver-Uchx boundary Northward subductlon at a low angle resulted in renewed Modern analogs of the Superior Province may exist in the convergent-plate boundaries of the western Pacific, for example those of the Indonesian, Philippine and Japanese regions described by Hamilton ( 1979, 1988 ), Karlg et al. (1986), and Talra et al (1985). In the northwest Pacific, on-going accretion results from subductxon of the Philippine Sea and Pacific plates beneath the margins of Eurasia These plates, which are being consumed at subductlon zones such as the Ryuku and Marlanas trenches, carry a variety of active and remnant volcanic arcs, trench and basin sedimentary accumulations, seamounts, oceanic plateau, and submerged mlcrocontlnents Colhslon between elements such as the Mananas ridge and Japan arc cause uplift, erosion, and sedimentation of volcanlclastlc turbldites into adjacent trenches and basins (Maynard et al., 1982 ) With continuing subductlon, relatively buoyant elements such as the sedimentary accumulations, island arcs, seamounts, and submarine plateaux will not subduct but rather are



accreted (Talbot, 1973; Hamilton, 1988). By analogy, the lower tholent~c-komatntlC subm a n n e accumulations of the Superior Province greenstone successions would represent a submanne lava plato, Hawanan-type stratavolcanoes, or volcamc plateaux. Recent studles (Holcomb et al., 1988) have revealed the presence of extensive Cenozoic submarine basalt flows w~th similarities to the lower, mafic sequences of many Archean greenstone belts. The calc-alkahc central volcamc complexes would be the upper parts of mature ~sland arcs and continental arcs; blmodal states may be the products of volcanism on stretched continental crust in back-arc basins Turbl&t~c sediments may represent trench fill, inter-arc basra, accretmnary prism, or deep-sea fan deposits. Some late fluvml-alluvml se&mentary and shoshonlt~c-alkallc volcamc sequences may represent late rift-phase sedimentation and volcanism m mature island arcs. Other T~mlskamlng-type sequences are probably pull-apart basin deposits developed dunng late transpress~on. The synvolcamc plutons are comparable to those of the roots of m o d e m arc systems The later plutomc states represent syntectomc magmat~c arcs and post-tectonic gramt~c to syenlt~C magmat~sm. In Cenozoic orogens deformation occurs in two mare stages, an early, thm-slonned, lowtemperature stage revolving major thrusting, recumbent folffmg, wrench faulting, and shearmg associated with detachment and incorporation of the accret~onary complexes, and a later th~ck-slonned, h~gh-temperature stage assocmted with emplacement of younger plutomc rocks. In the Superior Province much of the deformaUon and metamorphism is of the second, h~gh-temperature stage, but vestiges of early, low-temperature thrusting and recumbent folding are preserved in many areas. In the northwest Pacific regmn, accretmn has produced elements that resemble Archean terranes in terms ofhthologic and structural complexity The Philippine Islands, for example, are described by Hamilton (1979) and Karig

et al. (1986) as a jumble of subduct~on complexes, magmatlc rocks, and volcanlclasUc se&ments of several different arc systems. These rocks, along with back-arc basin and continental margan volcano-sedimentary sequences, were brought together through a complex sequence of convergence, rifting, stnkeshp faulting, lsocllnal folding and plutomsm The Japanese Islands are also an excellent example of an accretlonary complex with a history of subductmn, colhslon, faulting, volcamsm, se&mentat~on and plutomsm extending from Paleozo~c to Recent Ume (Yosh~da, 1975, Talra et al, 1983). There are many &fferences between the Superior Province and possible Phanerozolc anflogs such as Japan. The Superior Province has a high proportion of plutomc rocks, notably of tonahte referred to be the product of partial melting of subducted oceamc crust. Komatntes, formed from magmas approaching mantle composmon, are abundant m Superior Province, rare m Phanerozo~c volcamc terranes. The proportions of daclte, rhyohte, and pillow basalt forming blmodal sequences are higher, and andesltes lower, in Superior greenstone sequences, especmlly in comparison to m o d e m oceamc ~sland sequences. Steeply &pping structures are prevalent m the upper crustal levels represented by Superior Province greenstone and metase&mentary belts, many Phanerozo~c orogens are characterized by thrusts and nappes Bluesch~st facies metamorphism, characteristic of paired metamorphic belts m some Phanerozo~c orogens, is absent in Superior Province. Some of the foregoing differences, for example the h~gher proportmn of plutomc rocks, may be attributable m part to exposure of deeper average crustal levels m Superior Province. The dominance of steep structures and paucity of thrusts and nappes in Superior Province may be more apparent than real. Early thrusts and recumbent folds, spora&cally preserved m some belts, may have been largely obhterated by late d m p m s m and



transpresslon Recent selsmlc work suggests that flat structures may be much more abundant and important than previously recognized Models of global thermal evolution and the presence of komatntes indicate that the mantle was significantly hotter during the Archean than at present Archean heat flow was consequently greater, and most of this heat was lost through production of new oceanic crust (Blckle, 1978; Abbott and Hoffman, 1984) Increased production of oceanic crust implies increased subduction and rapid recycling of young crust which would produce blmodal basalt-daclte suites and abundant tonahtes (Abbott and Hoffman, 1984), rock types characteristic of the Superior Province. Subduction of young oceanic crust increases the probability of spreading ridge subductlon which would also promote blmodal volcanism and tonahtIc plutonlsm (Abbott and Hoffman, 1986). Subduction of a spreading ridge, or any buoyant element, beneath an active arc would result in uplift of the arc, cessation of volcanism, and low-grade m e t a m o r p h i s m and calc-alkahc intrusive activity. Uplift of the arc would also result in erosion, the products of which could be deposited locally as subaerial clastic sediments or distally as turbldltes In Superior Province, spreading ridge subductlon could account for the pattern of cessation of volcanism followed by deformation, plutonlsm, low-grade metamorphism, and uplift of the volcano-plutonic terranes and deposition of turblditltiC sediments in adjacent metasedimentary subprovlnces. A hotter Archean mantle would result in a thicker oceanic crust with density stratification and zones of lntercrustal melting and magma formation (Blckle, 1986). Such a crust would be buoyant, would resist subductlon, but when subducted would do so at a low angle (Sleep and Windley, 1982 ). This would result In broad zones of igneous activity and metam o r p h i s m w~th production of abundant tonahtic magma emplaced as horizontal sheets

with the crust, features characteristic of the Superior Province A thick, density-stratified oceanic hthosphere would tend to delamlnate d u n n g subductlon (Hoffman and Ranalh, 1988) This would facilitate removal of the upper, more buoyant parts thus promoting "skimming tectonics" (Talbot, 1973), and leaving a denser, more easily subducted lower slab Colhslon of oceanic and continental plates leading to delamination and tectonic interleaving of the upper parts of the oceanic crust with the deeper parts of the continental crust provides a mechanism for transporting supracrustal rocks to deep levels thus accounting for their presence in high-grade terranes (Sleep and Wlndley, 1982). The model presented here is, taking Into account factors such as higher Archean heat flow, in general accord with the geological characterIStiCS of the Superior Province Further tests of this model might involve investigations of the question of Inheritance of older isotopic or detrital components The model also predicts that horizontal tectonlsm was more important than has heretofor been recognized. If so, thrusts, nappes, and superposltlOn of older over younger sequences should be c o m m o n Reflection seismic experiments and integrated structural-geochronological studies have potential for investigating these problems

This synthesis is a synopsis of work done toward compiling the geology of Superior province for the geological and tectonic maps of North American and the Canadian Shield Volu m e of the Decade of North American Geology. Sandra Barnes, as research assistant, contrlbuted much to this synthesis. Critical reviews by Paul Hoffman, John Percival, Jon Scoates, and Phi1 Thurston significantly improved the manuscript. Nancy Devine patiently and expertly typed numerous versions. Tim West drafted some of the figures. Geophysical maps



were supphed by the Geophysical Data Centre, Geologtcal Survey of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada Contrlbutmn 42388. References
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