Blood Vessels & Circulation

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BLOOD VESSELS & CIRCULATION o Usually thinner and contain less

INSTRUCTOR: LAWRENCE TIMBREZA elastic tissue and fewer smooth

muscle cells
BLOOD VESSELS o Increase in diameter as they progress
Blood vessels contribute to homeostasis by toward the heart and their walls
providing the structures for the flow of blood to and increase in thickness
from the heart and the exchange of nutrients and o Can be classified:
wastes in tissues. They also play an important role in ▪ Venules
adjusting the velocity and volume of blood flow. ▪ Small veins
Blood vessels outside the heart are divided ▪ Medium sized veins
into two classes: ▪ Large veins
1. the pulmonary vessels, which transport blood • In summary, blood flows from the arteries into
from the right ventricle of the heart through the arterioles, arterioles into capillaries,
the lungs and back to the left atrium capillaries into venules, venules to small veins,
2. the systemic vessels, which transport blood veins return to heart.
from the left ventricle of the heart through all
parts of the body and back to the right BLOOD VESSEL WALLS
atrium. • Blood vessel walls consist of three layers,
Together, the pulmonary vessels and the excluding the capillaries and the venules.
systemic vessels constitute the circulatory system. • From inner to the outer wall, modifications of
this basic design account for the five types of
BLOOD VESSEL FUNCTIONS blood vessels and the structural and
1. Carry blood functional differences among the various
2. Exchange nutrients, waste products, gases vessel types.
within tissues • Always remember that structural variation
3. Transport substances correlate to the differences in function that
4. Regulate blood pressure occur throughout the cardiovascular system.
5. Direct blood flow to tissues o Tunica intima
The cardiovascular system contributes to ▪ Lines the lumen or interior of
homeostasis of other body systems by transporting the vessel is a thin layer of
and distributing blood throughout the body to endothelium (simple
deliver materials (such as oxygen, nutrients, and squamous epithelial cell)
hormones) and carry away wastes. The structures resting on a basement
involved in these important tasks are the blood membrane which provides
vessels, which form a closed system of tubes that resilience to the vessels
carries blood away from the heart, transports it to the ▪ Endothelial cells – little more
tissues of the body, and then returns it to the heart. than a passive barrier
The left side of the heart pumps blood through an between the blood and the
estimated 100,000 km (60,000 mi) of blood vessels. remainder of vessel wall. It is
The right side of the heart pumps blood through the now known that they are
lungs, enabling blood to pick up oxygen and unload active participants in a variety
carbon dioxide. of vessel related activities
VESSEL STRUCTURE • Physically influencing
• Arteries blood flow
o Carry blood away from the heart to • Secreting locally
other organs active chemical
o Large elastic arteries leave the heart mediators that
and divide into medium-sized influence the
muscular arteries that branch out into contractile state of
the various regions of the body the vessel’s overlying
o Normally classified into one of three smooth muscle
categories: • Assisting with capillary
▪ Elastic permeability
▪ Muscular ▪ Its cells fit closely together and
▪ Arterioles form a slick surface that
o Various arteries form a continuum decreases friction as blood
from the largest elastic arteries to the flows through the vessel
smallest arterioles. lumen.
o Blood flows from arterioles into o Tunica media
capillaries ▪ Bulky middle layer
• Capillaries ▪ Composed of smooth muscle
o The thin walls allow the exchange of and variable amounts of
substances between the blood and elastic and collagen fibers,
body tissues depending on the size and
o Blood flows more slowly in this type of vessels
structure and there are far more of ▪ Some of the larger arteries
them than any other blood vessel have elastic laminae, which
type are sheets of elastic tissue.
o Blood flows into the veins ▪ In addition to the scattered to
• Veins the scattered elastic fiber, the
o Blood vessels that convey blood from smooth muscle, which is
the tissues back to the heart, which controlled by the sympathetic
are usually deoxygenated nervous system, is active in
changing the diameter of the


vessels and composed of have diameters of 5– 10 μm and form the U-turns that
outer layer of elastic connect the arterial outflow to the venous return.
connective tissue. Since red blood cells have a diameter of 8 μm, they
o Tunica adventitia must often fold on themselves in order to pass single
▪ Outermost layer file through the lumens of these vessels. Networks of
▪ Composed largely of dense capillaries are more numerous and more extensive in
fibrous connective tissue and the lungs and in highly metabolic organs such as the
its function is to support and liver, kidneys, skeletal muscles, and cardiac muscles.
protect the vessels
▪ The tissue becomes loose TYPES OF VEINS
connective toward the outer Blood flows from capillaries into venules and from
portion of the blood vessel venules into small veins.
wall. • Venules
TYPES OF ARTERIES o Venules have a diameter slightly
• Elastic Arteries larger than that of capillaries and are
Elastic arteries also are called composed of endothelium resting on
conducting arteries. They have the largest a delicate connective tissue layer.
diameter among arteries, but their vessel The structure of venules, except for
walls (approximately one-tenth of the their diameter, is very similar to that of
vessel’s total diameter) are relatively thin capillaries.
compared with the overall size of the vessel. • Medium sized veins
These vessels are characterized by well- o Medium-sized veins collect blood
defined internal and external elastic from small veins and deliver it to large
laminae, along with a thick tunica media veins. The three thin but distinctive
that is dominated by elastic fibers, called the tunics make up the wall of the
elastic lamellae Elastic arteries include the medium-sized and large veins. The
two major trunks that exit the heart (the aorta tunica media contains some circular
and the pulmonary trunk), along with the smooth muscle and sparsely
aorta’s major initial branches, such as the scattered elastic fibers. The
brachiocephalic, subclavian, common predominant layer in veins is the outer
carotid, and common iliac arteries. As blood tunica adventitia, which consists
is ejected from the heart into elastic arteries, primarily of dense collagen fibers.
their walls stretch, easily accommodating the • Veins
surge of blood. As they stretch, the elastic o Veins lack the internal or external
fibers momentarily store mechanical energy, elastic laminae found in arteries. They
functioning as a pressure reservoir. are distensible enough to adapt to
• Muscular Arteries variations in the volume and pressure
Medium-sized arteries are called of blood passing through them but
muscular arteries because their tunica media are not designed to withstand high
contains more smooth muscle and fewer pressure. The lumen of a vein is larger
elastic fibers than elastic arteries. The large than that of a comparable artery,
amount of smooth muscle, approximately and veins often appear collapsed
threequarters of the total mass, makes the (flattened) when sectioned.
walls of muscular arteries relatively thick. Thus, o Many veins, especially those in the
muscular arteries are capable of greater limbs, also contain valves, thin folds of
vasoconstriction and vasodilation to adjust tunica interna that form flaplike
the rate of blood flow. Medium-sized arteries cusps. The valve cusps project into
supply blood to small arteries. Small arteries the lumen, pointing toward the heart.
have about the same structure as the The low blood pressure in veins allows
medium-sized arteries, except for a smaller blood returning to the heart to slow
diameter and thinner walls. The smallest of and even back up; the valves aid in
the small arteries have only three or four venous return by preventing the
layers of smooth muscle in their walls backflow of blood.
• Arterioles
Arterioles are abundant microscopic Varicose veins. Varicose veins are common in
vessels that regulate the flow of blood into people who stand for long periods of time (for
the capillary networks of the body’s tissues. example, cashiers and hairdressers) and in obese
Arterioles have a thin tunica interna with a (or pregnant) individuals. The common factors are
thin, fenestrated (with small pores) internal the pooling of blood in the feet and legs and
elastic lamina that disappears at the terminal inefficient venous return resulting from inactivity or
end. The tunica media consists of one to two pressure on the veins. In any case, the overworked
layers of smooth muscle cells having a valves give way, and the veins become twisted
circular orientation in the vessel wall. They and dilated. A serious complication of varicose
are also adapted for vasodilation and veins is thrombophlebitis, inflammation of a vein
vasoconstriction. that results when a clot forms in a vessel with poor
circulation. Because all venous blood must pass
CAPILLARIES through the pulmonary circulation before
Blood flows from arterioles into capillaries. traveling through the body tissues again, a
Capillaries branch to form networks. Blood flow common consequence of thrombophlebitis is clot
through capillary networks is regulated by smooth detachment and pulmonary embolism, which is a
muscle cells called precapillary sphincters. These life-threatening condition in which the embolism
precapillary sphincters are located at the origin of lodges in a vessel in the lung. Gangrene may also
the branches of the capillaries and, by contracting result wherein lack of blood flow leads to death
and relaxing, regulate the amount of blood flow and infection of anaerobic bacteria.
through the various sections of the network. They


PULMONARY CIRCULATION VESSELS the carotid canals and contribute to
The pulmonary circulation is the system of the cerebral arterial circle (circle of
blood vessels that carries blood from the right Willis) at the base of the brain. The
ventricle of the heart to the lungs and back to the vessels that supply blood to most of the
left atrium of the heart. It is composed of two major brain branch from the cerebral arterial
blood vessels: pulmonary trunk and pulmonary veins. circle.
The pulmonary trunk carries blood from the right 3. Vertebral Artery
ventricle towards the lungs while the pulmonary - The vertebral arteries supply blood to
veins exit the lungs and carry oxygen-rich blood to the spinal cord as well as the vertebrae,
the left atrium. muscles, and ligaments in the neck.
4. Basilar Artery
SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION VESSELS - The basilar artery supplies blood to the
The systemic circulation is the system of blood pons, cerebellum, and the midbrain. Its
vessels that carries blood from the left ventricle of the right and left branches contribute to
heart to the tissues of the body and back to the right the cerebral arterial circle.
atrium. Oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins
passes from the left atrium into the left ventricle and ARTERIES OF THE UPPER LIMB
from the left ventricle into the aorta. Arteries 1. Axillary Arteries
distribute blood from the aorta to all portions of the 2. Brachial Arteries
body. 3. Ulnar Arteries
4. Radial Arteries
PARTS OF THE AORTA The subclavian artery, located deep to the
1. Ascending Aorta clavicle, becomes the axillary artery in the axilla
- Passes superiorly from left ventricle (armpit). When the axillary artery extends into the
2. Aortic Arch arm, it is then referred to as the brachial artery. Blood
- Contains three major arteries which pressure measurements are normally taken from the
carry blood from aorta towards the brachial artery. The brachial artery branches at the
head and upper limbs elbow to form the ulnar artery and the radial artery,
3. Descending Aorta which supply blood to the forearm and hand. The
- Extends through the thorax and radial artery is the one most commonly used for
abdomen to pelvis taking a pulse. The pulse can be detected easily on
4. Thoracic Aorta the thumb (radial) side of the anterior surface of the
- Part of the descending aorta that wrist.
extends through thorax to diaphragm
- Descending aorta that extends from 1. Visceral arteries
the diaphragm where it divides at the 2. Parietal arteries
common iliac arteries a. Posterior intercostal artery
b. Superior phrenic artery
ARTERIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK 3. Internal thoracic artery
1. Branches of aortic arch 4. Anterior intercostal artery
- The first vessel to branch from the aortic The branches of the thoracic aorta can be
arch is the brachiocephalic artery. This divided into two groups: The visceral arteries supply
artery extends a short distance and the thoracic organs, and the visceral branches of
then branches at the level of the the thoracic aorta supply the esophagus, the
clavicle to form the right common trachea, the parietal pericardium, and part of the
carotid artery, which transports blood lung. The parietal arteries supply the thoracic wall.
to the right side of the head and neck, The major parietal arteries are the posterior
and the right subclavian artery, which intercostal arteries, which arise from the thoracic
transports blood to the right upper limb. aorta and extend between the ribs. They supply the
- There is no brachiocephalic artery on intercostal muscles, the vertebrae, the spinal cord,
the left side of the body. Instead, both and the deep muscles of the back. The superior
the left common carotid and the left phrenic arteries supply the diaphragm.
subclavian arteries branch directly off The internal thoracic arteries are branches of
the aortic arch. They are the second the subclavian arteries. They descend along the
and third branches of the aortic arch. internal surface of the anterior thoracic wall and give
The left common carotid artery rise to branches called the anterior intercostal
transports blood to the left side of the arteries, which extend between the ribs to supply the
head and neck, and the left subclavian anterior chest wall.
artery transports blood to the left upper
2. Cerebral Arterial Circle 1. Celiac trunk arteries
- The common carotid arteries extend 2. Superior mesenteric arteries
superiorly along each side of the neck 3. Inferior mesenteric arteries
to the angle of the mandible, where 4. Renal arteries
they branch into internal and external 5. Hepatic arteries
carotid arteries. The base of each 6. Testicular arteries
internal carotid artery is slightly dilated 7. Ovarian arteries
to form a carotid sinus, which contains 8. Inferior phrenic arteries
structures important in monitoring 9. Lumbar arteries
blood pressure (baroreceptors). The The branches of the abdominal aorta, like
external carotid arteries have several those of the thoracic aorta, can be divided into
branches that supply the structures of visceral and parietal groups. The visceral arteries are
the neck, face, nose, and mouth. The divided into paired and unpaired branches. There
internal carotid arteries pass through are three major unpaired branches: (1) the celiac


trunk, (2) the superior mesenteric artery, and (3) the internal jugular veins. The external jugular veins are
inferior mesenteric artery. The celiac trunk supplies the more superficial of the two sets. They carry blood
blood to the stomach, pancreas, spleen, upper from the posterior head and neck, emptying
duodenum, and liver. The superior mesenteric artery primarily into the subclavian veins. The internal
supplies blood to the small intestine and the upper jugular veins are much larger and deeper. They
portion of the large intestine, and the inferior carry blood from the brain and the anterior head,
mesenteric artery supplies blood to the remainder of face, and neck. The internal jugular veins join the
the large intestine. subclavian veins on each side of the body to form
There are three paired visceral branches of the brachiocephalic veins. The brachiocephalic
the abdominal aorta. The renal arteries supply the veins join to form the superior vena cava.
kidneys, and the suprarenal arteries supply the
adrenal glands. The testicular arteries supply the VEINS OF THE UPPER LIMBS
testes in males; the ovarian arteries supply the 1. Brachial veins
ovaries in females. 2. Cephalic veins
The parietal branches of the abdominal 3. Median cubital veins
aorta supply the diaphragm and abdominal wall. The veins of the upper limbs can be divided
The inferior phrenic arteries supply the diaphragm; into deep and superficial groups. The deep veins,
the lumbar arteries supply the lumbar vertebrae and which carry blood from the deep structures of the
back muscles; and the median sacral artery supplies upper limbs, follow the same course as the arteries
the inferior vertebrae. and are named for their respective arteries. The only
noteworthy deep veins are the brachial veins, which
ARTERIES OF THE PELVIS accompany the brachial artery and empty into the
1. Common Iliac Artery axillary vein. The superficial veins carry blood from
2. External Iliac Artery the superficial structures of the upper limbs and then
3. Internal Iliac Artery empty into the deep veins. The cephalic vein, which
The abdominal aorta divides at the level of empties into the axillary vein, and the basilic vein,
the fifth lumbar vertebra into two common iliac which becomes the axillary vein, are the major
arteries. Each common iliac artery extends a short superficial veins. Many of their tributaries in the
distance and then divides to form an external iliac forearm and hand can be seen through the skin. The
artery, which enters a lower limb, and an internal median cubital vein usually connects the cephalic
iliac artery, which supplies the pelvic area. vein or its tributaries with the basilic vein. Although
this vein varies in size among people, it is usually quite
ARTERIES OF THE LOWER LIMB prominent on the anterior surface of the upper limb
1. Femoral Arteries at the level of the elbow, an area called the cubital
2. Popliteal Arteries fossa, and is often used as a site for drawing blood.
3. Anterior and posterior arteries
4. Fibular Arteries VEINS OF THE THORAX
Like the arteries of the upper limbs, the 1. Right and left brachiocephalic veins
arteries of the lower limbs are named differently as 2. Azygos veins
they pass into different body regions, even though 3. Internal thoracic veins
there are no major branches. The external iliac artery 4. Posterior intercostal veins
in the pelvis becomes the femoral artery in the thigh. 5. Hemiazygos vein
The femoral artery extends down the thigh and Three major veins return blood from the
becomes the popliteal artery in the popliteal space, thorax to the superior vena cava: the right and left
which is the posterior region of the knee. The brachiocephalic veins and the azygos vein. Blood
popliteal artery branches slightly inferior to the knee returns from the anterior thoracic wall by way of the
to give off the anterior tibial artery and the posterior anterior intercostal veins. The right and left
tibial artery, both of which give rise to arteries that brachiocephalic veins, and azygos vein drain blood
supply blood to the leg and foot. The anterior tibial from the thorax into superior vena cava. These veins
artery becomes the dorsalis pedis artery at the ankle. empty into the internal thoracic veins, which empty
The posterior tibial artery gives rise to the fibular into the brachiocephalic veins. Blood from the
artery, or peroneal artery, which supplies the lateral posterior thoracic wall is collected by posterior
leg and foot. intercostal veins that empty into the azygos vein on
the right and the hemiazygos vein or the accessory
VEINS hemiazygos vein on the left. The hemiazygos and
1. Superior Vena Cava accessory hemiazygos veins empty into the azygos
2. Inferior Vena Cava vein, which empties into the superior vena cava.
Veins return blood into the heart. In the
systemic circulation, the blood returning to the heart VEINS OF THE ABDOMEN AND PELVIS
is deoxygenated. In the pulmonary circulation, the 1. Common iliac vein
blood returning to the heart in the pulmonary veins is 2. External iliac vein
oxygenated. The superior vena cava returns blood 3. Internal iliac vein
from the head, neck, thorax, and upper limbs and 4. Renal vein
empties to the right atrium of the heart, and the 5. Suprarenal vein
inferior vena cava returns blood from the abdomen, 6. Testicular vein
pelvis, and lower limbs and empties to the right 7. Ovarian vein
atrium. Common iliac vein is formed by the external
and internal iliac veins, and it empties into the inferior
VEINS OF THE HEAD AND NECK vena cava. External iliac vein drains blood from
1. External jugular vein lower limbs and empty into the common iliac vein.
2. Internal jugular vein Internal iliac vein drains blood from the pelvic region
3. Subclavian veins and it empties into the common iliac vein. The renal
4. Brachiocephalic veins vein drains blood from kidneys, suprarenal vein
The two pairs of major veins that collect drains the adrenal gland, testicular veins drain the
blood from the head and neck are the external and


testes in males, and ovarian veins drain the ovaries in Therefore, the pulse pressure is greater than
females. normal, even though the same amount of blood is
ejected into the aorta as in a normal person.
HEPATIC PORTAL VEIN Arteriosclerosis increases the amount of work the
1. Splenic vein heart performs because the left ventricle must
2. Superior mesenteric vein produce a greater pressure to eject the same
3. Inferior mesenteric vein amount of blood into a less elastic artery. In severe
4. Hepatic vein cases, the heart’s increased workload leads to heart
The liver is a major processing center for failure.
substances absorbed by the intestinal tract. The The alternating expansion and recoil of an
hepatic portal system is a vascular system that artery that occurs with each heartbeat of the left
begins with capillaries in the viscera and ends with ventricle creates a pressure wave or pulse that
capillaries in the liver. The major vessels of the travels through the entire arterials system. Normally,
hepatic portal system are the splenic vein and the the pulse rate equates to heart rate. The pulse
superior mesenteric vein. The inferior mesenteric averages from 70-76 beats per minute in a healthy
vein empties into the splenic vein. The splenic vein resting person which are influenced by activity,
carries blood from spleen and pancreas. The postural modifications, and emotions.
superior and inferior mesenteric veins carry blood Health professionals should know the major
from the intestines. The splenic vein and the superior locations of pulse detection because monitoring the
mesenteric vein join to form the hepatic portal vein, pulse can yield important information about the
which enters the liver. heart rate, the heart rhythm, and other
characteristics. For example, a weak pulse usually
VEINS OF THE LOWER LIMBS indicates a decreased stroke volume or increased
1. Femoral veins constriction of the arteries.
2. Great saphenous veins
The veins of the lower limbs, like those of the • Blood is forced along a descending pressure
upper limbs, consist of deep and superficial groups. gradient.
The femoral vein empties into the external iliac vein. • Pressure in blood vessels decreases as
The great saphenous vein originates over the dorsal distance from the heart increases.
and medial side of the foot and ascends along the • Pressure is high in the arteries, lower in the
medial side of the leg and thigh to empty into the capillaries, and lowest in the veins.
femoral vein. It is a superficial vein. The popliteal When the ventricles contract, they force
veins drain blood from knee and empty into the blood into large, thick-walled elastic arteries close to
femoral vein. the heart that expand as the blood is pushed into
BLOOD PRESSURE The high pressure in these elastic arteries
The function of the circulatory system is to forces the blood to continuously move into areas
maintain adequate blood flow to all body organs. where the pressure is lower. The pressure is highest in
Adequate blood flow is required to provide nutrients the large arteries closest to the heart and continues
and oxygen to the organs and to remove the waste to drop throughout the systemic pathway, reaching
products of metabolism from the organs. Blood flows zero at the right atrium. Recall that the blood flows
through the arterial system, primarily as a result of the into the smaller arteries, then arterioles, capillaries,
pressure produced by the contractions of the heart venules, veins, and finally back to the large vena
ventricles. cava entering the right atrium of the heart. It flows
Blood pressure is the pressure the blood exerts continuously along a pressure gradient (from high to
against the inner walls of the blood vessels, and it is low pressure) as it makes its circuit, day in and day
the force that keeps the blood circulating out. The valves in the large veins, the milking activity
continuously even between heart beats. In arteries, of the skeletal muscles, and pressure changes in the
blood pressure values go through a cycle that thorax are so important because together they
depends on the rhythmic contractions of the heart. ensure blood flows back to the heart to be pumped
When the ventricles contract, blood is forced into out to the body again. The pressure differences
the arteries, and the pressure reaches a maximum between arteries and veins become very clear when
value called the systolic pressure. When the these vessels are cut. If a vein is cut, the blood flows
ventricles relax, blood pressure in the arteries falls to evenly from the wound; a lacerated artery produces
a minimum value called the diastolic pressure. The rapid spurts of blood. A similar pressure drop occurs
standard unit for measuring blood pressure is as blood flows through the pulmonary pathway.
millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Resistance to blood flow is related to
diameter of the blood vessel. The smaller the
PULSE PRESSURE diameter of the blood vessel, the greater the
The difference between the systolic and resistance to flow. As a consequence, there is also a
diastolic pressures is called the pulse pressure. For more rapid decrease in pressure as blood flows
example, if a person has a systolic pressure of 120 through smaller vessels. This is evident in the arterioles
mm Hg and a diastolic pressure of 80 mm Hg, the and capillaries because their small diameters
pulse pressure is 40 mm Hg. Two factors affect pulse increase resistance to blood flow.
pressure: stroke volume and vascular compliance. The low blood pressure in veins is actually due
When the stroke volume increases, the systolic to their large diameters which decreases the blood
pressure increases more than the diastolic pressure. resistance. Though blood pressure is low, other
This leads to an increase in the pulse pressure. During structures participate to ensure that the blood within
periods of exercise, the stroke volume and pulse veins would still flow. It is ensured by the valves that
pressure increase substantially. Vascular compliance prevent backflow, as well as the skeletal muscle
is related to the elasticity of the blood vessel wall. In movements that periodically compress veins forcing
people who have arteriosclerosis, the arteries are less blood to flow toward the heart.
elastic than normal. Arterial pressure increases CAPILLARY EXCHANGE
rapidly and falls rapidly in these less elastic arteries.


The major forces responsible for moving fluid The sympathetic division also regulates
through the capillary wall are blood pressure and hormonal control of blood flow through the release
osmosis. Blood pressure forces fluid out of the of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal
capillary, and osmosis moves fluid into the capillary. medulla. These hormones are transported in the
Fluid moves by osmosis from the interstitial space into blood to all parts of the body. In most blood vessels,
the capillary because blood has a greater osmotic these hormones cause constriction, which reduces
pressure than does interstitial fluid. Recall that water blood flow. But in some tissues, such as skeletal
moves to areas of higher concentration of dissolved muscle and cardiac muscle, these hormones cause
molecules, and the greater the concentration of the blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow.
dissolved molecules in a fluid, the greater the
osmotic pressure of the fluid. Blood has a greater MEAN ARTERIAL PRESSURE
osmotic pressure because of the large Adequate blood pressure is required to
concentration of plasma proteins that are unable to maintain blood flow through the blood vessels of the
cross the capillary wall. The concentration of proteins body, and several regulatory mechanisms ensure
in the interstitial space is much lower than that in the that blood pressure remains adequate for this task.
blood. The mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) is slightly less
Approximately nine-tenths of the fluid that than the average of the systolic and diastolic
leaves the capillary at the arterial end reenters the pressures in the aorta because diastole lasts longer
capillary at its venous end. The remaining one-tenth than systole.
of the fluid enters lymphatic capillaries and is The body’s MAP is equal to the cardiac
eventually returned to the general circulation. The output (CO) times the peripheral resistance (PR),
capillary wall acts as a selectively permeable which is the resistance to blood flow in all the blood
membrane, which prevents proteins from moving vessels:
from the capillary into the interstitial space but allows MAP = CO x PR
fluid to move across the capillary wall.
The mean arterial pressure changes over our
LOCAL CONTROL OF BLOOD FLOW lifetime. MAP is about 70 mm Hg at birth, is
Blood flow provided to the tissues by the maintained at about 95 mm Hg from adolescence
circulatory system is highly controlled and matched to middle age and may reach 110 mm Hg in a
closely to the metabolic needs of tissues. healthy older person.
Mechanisms that control blood flow through tissues
are classified as (1) local control or (2) nervous and BARORECEPTOR REFLEX
hormonal control. Baroreceptor reflexes activate responses
Local control of blood flow is achieved by that keep the blood pressure within its normal range.
the periodic relaxation and contraction of the These baroreceptor reflexes regulate blood pressure
precapillary sphincters. When the sphincters relax, on a moment-to-moment basis. When a person rises
blood flow through the capillaries increases. When rapidly from a sitting or lying position, the
the sphincters contract, blood flow through the baroreceptor reestablishes a normal blood pressure
capillaries decreases. The precapillary sphincters are within a few seconds. Baroreceptors respond to
controlled by the metabolic needs of the tissues. The stretch in arteries caused by increased pressure. They
concentration of the nutrients also controls the blood are scattered along the walls of most of the large
flow. Blood flow increases when oxygen level arteries of the neck and thorax, and many are
decrease. located in the carotid sinus at the base of the
internal carotid artery and in the walls of the aortic
Nervous control of blood flow is carried out
primarily through the sympathetic division of the CHEMORECEPTOR REFLEX
autonomic nervous system. Sympathetic nerve fibers Chemoreceptor reflexes respond to changes
innervate most blood vessels of the body, except the in blood concentrations of O2 and CO2, as well as
capillaries and precapillary sphincters, which have pH. Carotid bodies are small structures that lie near
no nerve supply. the carotid sinuses, and aortic bodies lie near the
An area of the lower pons and upper aortic arch. They send action potentials along
medulla oblongata, called the vasomotor center, sensory nerve fibers to the medulla oblongata. There
continually transmits a low frequency of action are also chemoreceptors in the medulla oblongata.
potentials to the sympathetic nerve fibers that This increased blood pressure causes a
innervate blood vessels of the body. As a greater rate of blood flow into the lungs which helps
consequence, the peripheral blood vessels are raise blood oxygen and reduce blood carbon
continually in a partially constricted state, a dioxide levels. They only function only emergency
condition called vasomotor tone. Changes in situation and usually do not play a major important
vasomotor tone will alter blood flow as well as blood role in regulating the cardiovascular system. They
pressure. An increase in vasomotor tone causes also respond strongly only when oxygen levels in
blood vessels to constrict further and blood pressure blood fall to very low levels or when carbon dioxide
to increase. A decrease in vasomotor tone causes levels become substantially elevated.
blood vessels to dilate and blood pressure to
decrease. Nervous control of blood vessel diameter
is an important way that blood pressure is regulated.
Nervous control of blood vessels also causes
blood to be shunted from one large area of the
body to another. For example, nervous control of
blood vessels during exercise increases vasomotor
tone in the viscera and skin and reduces vasomotor
tone in exercising skeletal muscles. As a result, blood
flow to the viscera and skin decreases, and blood
flow to skeletal muscle increases.


The adrenal medullary mechanism results The walls of all arteries undergo changes as
from stimulation of the adrenal medulla by the people age. Some arteries change more rapidly
sympathetic nerve fibers. The adrenal medulla than others, and some individuals are more
releases epinephrine and smaller amounts susceptible to change than others. The most
of norepinephrine into the bloodstream. These significant effects of aging occur in the large, elastic
neurohormones affect the cardiovascular system in arteries, such as the aorta; in large arteries carrying
a fashion similar to direct sympathetic stimulation, blood to the brain; and in the coronary arteries.
causing increased heart rate, increased stroke Changes in arteries that make them less
volume, and vasoconstriction in blood vessels to the elastic, referred to as arteriosclerosis, occur in nearly
skin and viscera. Epinephrine also causes every individual and become more severe with
vasodilation of blood vessels of the heart. The advancing age. A type of arteriosclerosis called
adrenal medullary mechanism is short-term and atherosclerosis results from the deposition of material
rapid-acting. It responds within seconds to minutes in the walls of arteries that forms plaques. The
and is usually active for minutes to hours. Other material is composed of a fatlike substance
hormonal mechanisms are long-term and slow containing cholesterol. The fatty material can
acting. They respond within minutes to hours and eventually be dominated by the deposition of dense
continue to function for many hours to days. connective tissue and calcium salts

In response to reduced blood pressure, the
kidneys’ release of renin increases the blood pressure
toward its normal value. Renin acts on the blood
protein angiotensinogen to produce angiotensin I.
Another enzyme, called angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE), found in large amounts in organs,
such as the lungs, acts on angiotensin I to convert it
to its most active form, angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is
a potent vasoconstrictor.
Angiotensin II also acts on the adrenal cortex
to increase the secretion of aldosterone.
Aldosterone acts on the kidneys, causing them to
conserve Na+ and water. As a result, the volume of
water lost from the blood into the urine is reduced
and blood pressure is maintained.


A peptide hormone called atrial natriuretic
hormone is released primarily from specialized cells
of the right atrium in response to elevated blood
pressure. Atrial natriuretic hormone causes the
kidneys to promote the loss of Na+ and water in the
urine, increasing urine volume. Loss of water in the
urine causes blood volume to decrease, thus
decreasing the blood pressure.
The workings of the aldosterone and ANP are
antagonistic with each other.


When the concentration of solutes in the
plasma increases or when blood pressure decreases
substantially, nerve cells in the hypothalamus
respond by causing the release of antidiuretic
hormone (ADH), also called vasopressin, from the
posterior pituitary gland (figure 13.32). ADH acts on
the kidneys and causes them to absorb more water,
thereby decreasing urine volume. This response helps
maintain blood volume and blood pressure. The
release of large amounts of ADH causes
vasoconstriction of blood vessels, which causes
blood pressure to increase.

Overall, the baroreceptor, chemoreceptor, and

adrenal medullary reflex mechanism are most
important in the short-term regulation of blood
pressure. On the other hand, hormonal
mechanism, such as renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system, antidiuretic hormone, and
atrial natriuretic hormone are more important in
the long-term regulation of blood pressure.



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