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Correspondence Section Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg (2021) 61, 710e711

the full length of time required to achieve sufficient power
for such hard clinical endpoints if there is no effect on
The Metformin for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Growth growth within the first few years of treatment. A double
Inhibition (MAAAGI) Trial blind RCT design would require either a shorter phase II trial
Worldwide about 20 million people have an abdominal to prove an effect on growth followed by a phase III trial to
aortic aneurysm (AAA) and rupture leads to approximately show clinical endpoints or a larger long term study directly.
200 000 deaths annually. To prevent rupture, early detec- The current open label design with blinded primary
tion and preventive surgical repair of large AAAs is recom- outcome assessment (growth) provides a pragmatic solu-
mended, and several countries have AAA screening tion allowing for an interim analysis of growth at two years
programmes.1 However, most detected AAAs are small at with full power. If no effect is seen after two years, it is
the time of detection, and are monitored by regular repeat unlikely that the drug will have a long term clinically sig-
imaging, usually over many years, until they reach the nificant effect and the study will be terminated prema-
threshold diameter that justifies surgical treatment. turely. If there is a positive trend at two years a great
Thus, a growth inhibitory treatment could be employed amount of time is saved by allowing the same subjects to
to reduce the later risk of surgery and rupture, and such a continue for the full five years rather than starting a new
treatment option is most warranted. However, previous RCT to assess clinically relevant endpoints. Although an
attempts with antiplatelet drugs, statins, angiotensin con- interim analysis is theoretically possible with a double blind
verting enzyme inhibitors, beta blockers, antibiotics, and design, it is not feasible in an academically driven trial. Thus,
mast cell inhibitors have all failed to stop AAA growth,2 and although the lack of double blinding is a natural short-
currently there is no drug therapy for small AAAs. coming, it also provides an opportunity, and we believe this
Observational studies have repeatedly shown that dia- may be a useful model for future drug trials with patients
betes is associated with lower development of AAAs, and with small AAAs.
recent experimental and observational studies suggest that The current strategy for the management of small
metformin, the most commonly used antidiabetic drug for AAAs, with regular surveillance imaging and prophylactic
type 2 diabetes, slows AAA growth by inhibiting key path- surgical repair when the aneurysm reaches  5.5 cm for
ological mechanisms implicated in AAA: inflammation and men and  5.0 cm for women, is safe. Therefore, to
extracellular matrix remodelling (Fig. 1).3e5 become an option in a real world setting, any medical
The MAAAGI trial (NCT0422405) is an investigator driven option with the intention to replace or delay AAA surgery
population based multicentre, prospective, parallel group, needs to be cost effective and highly tolerable for the
randomised, open label trial with blinded outcome assess- patient in the long term. Metformin is an established
ment to assess whether metformin up to 2 g daily over a drug, is generally well tolerated with few serious side
five year period (vs. standard of care) reduces AAA growth effects and fulfils these criteria. A Markov cohort model
in non-diabetic patients. Primary efficacy will be assessed suggests limited effect on life years gained by slowing
by difference in AAA diameter determined by computed AAA growth but a major shift in events with fewer repairs
tomography after five years vs. at baseline, with a pre- and more patients under longer surveillance. This results
planned interim stop/go analysis at two years. Secondary in a major cost difference in favour of medical treatment,
outcomes include AAA volume and ultrasound diameter if the cost of the drug is low and the growth inhibitory
growth, AAA events (rupture or elective repair), quality of effect is large enough. For metformin, which is extremely
life, and health economic assessment. A total of 500 pa- cheap (0.1 Euro/day), the required growth inhibitory ef-
tients with small AAA (maximum aortic diameter of 30e fect for it to become cost effective is low, starting
49 mm for men and 30e44 mm for women) are recruited at > 10% growth reduction. The low cost required for a
from six Swedish sites and randomised in a 1 : 1 ratio, giving drug to be a realistic treatment alternative for this
an 80% power to detect a 30% reduced growth rate at two particular disease reduces the economic incentive for
and five years, or a 30% reduced need for elective surgical pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs against
repair at five years, assuming a 30% dropout rate. Obser- AAA expansion and prompts academically driven research
vational data suggest this is a conservative estimate of the on already available pharmaceuticals.
effect size. The first MAAAGI patient was randomised on 14
As AAA diameter is the strongest predictor of rupture and February 2020. Shortly thereafter the COVID-19 pandemic
the main indication for prophylactic surgical repair, growth hit the world. The target group for the MAAAGI trial is all
rate is often used as the primary outcome measure of AAA elderly people who are at higher risk if infected with SARS-
drug randomised controlled trials (RCTs), allowing for CoV-2. In order not to expose patients with AAAs to a risk
smaller randomised cohorts with limited follow up. Given of infection during study visits, inclusion was temporarily
that AAA growth rate is expected to be the main driver of paused. As soon as circumstances allow, recruitment will
repair or rupture, it is probably futile to continue a study for resume.
Correspondence Section: Research Letter 711

Metformin mechanism:
ECM remodeling
SMC apoptosis
Inflammatory cells

Figure 1. Suggested mechanisms of action of metformin in abdominal aortic aneurysm pathology. By reducing
extracellular matrix (ECM) remodelling (inhibiting matrix metalloproteinase [MMP] activity, preserving
smooth mucle cells [SMC], and reducing proteolysis of mainly elastin and collagen), angiogenesis, and
inflammation (inhibiting T cell and macrophage infiltration and activation, and reducing the expression of pro-
inflammatory cytokines) aneurysm development and growth may be reduced.


Department of Surgical Sciences, Vascular Surgery, Uppsala University,
None. Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Surgical and Peri-operative Sciences, Umeå University,
FUNDING Umeå, Sweden
The Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation, King Gustaf V and Jon Unosson, Kevin Mani
Queen Victorias Frimurarestiftelse, and the Uppsala Örebro Department of Surgical Sciences, Vascular Surgery, Uppsala University,
Regional Research Council. Uppsala, Sweden
Anders Gottsäter
REFERENCES Department of Vascular Diseases, Skåne University Hospital and Lund
University, Malmö, Sweden
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2 Golledge J, Moxon JV, Singh TP, Bown MJ, Mani K, Wanhainen A. Uppsala University, SE-75185 Uppsala, Sweden.
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