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7º ANO


1) Complete com there is ou there are.

1. ____________ a TV in the living room.

2. ____________ a picture on the wall.
3. ____________ two sofas in the room.
4. ____________ three chairs and a table.
5. ____________ a rug under the sofas.
6. ____________ a stereo set under the window.

2) Complete com A ou AN.

a) _______ rug
b) _______ armchair d) _______ oven
c) _______ microwave e) _______ sofa

3) Observe a imagem e complete com a preposição adequada.

4) Leia o texto e marque T (true) ou F (false).

5) Use is there ou are there.

1. __________________ a lamp in the living room?

2. __________________ cupboards in the kitchen?
3. __________________ a swing in the yard?
4. __________________ pictures on the walls in the living room?
5. __________________ chairs in the kitchen?

6) Complete usando there isn’t ou there aren’t.

a) ________________ sofas in the living room.

b) ________________ a chair in the kitchen.
c) ________________ pink pillows on my bed.
d) ________________ a white fridge in the kitchen.
e) ________________ five pictures in my bedroom.

7) Relacione as colunas.

a) Cupboard ( ) Pia
b) Table ( ) Fogão
c) Fridge ( ) Lava-louças
d) Stove ( ) Armário
e) Wardrobe ( ) Mesa
f) Washbasin ( ) Travesseiro
g) Dishwasher ( ) Almofada
h) Washing machine ( ) Guarda-roupa
i) Pillow ( ) Geladeira
j) Cushion ( ) Máquina de lavar roupas

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