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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Romulo Blvd, Tarlac City, Tarlac


A Report Paper Submitted to Engr. Marc Florenz P. Arnaldo

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements of the Course Subject

Control Engineering – Lecture

by Group No. 1:

FIDER, Christian P.
RODRIGUEZ, Jayson Rei L.
TIPAY, Geremie L.
BALABAG, Joseph Christopher P.
ROSARIO, Ralph Vincent P.
TORRES, Dienies P.
BRIONES, Azhar Iman P.
GOH, Qing Mie P.

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

A.Y. 2021 – 2022

Report Paper No. 1:

Block Diagram in Control Systems

In control systems, in order to easily troubleshoot technical issues in electronics,

hardware, and software processes, engineers need a less detailed overview, hence they utilized

block diagrams. Block Diagrams are simply a representation of a control system using pictures

or elements, typically it is also used to build a mathematical model of a control system which

then can be emulated by the way of a computer by the use of softwares, and is used to

calculate the overall transfer function of the system, because in order to find the output with

respect ot any given input, the transfer function of the system is necessary.

. To summarize, block diagrams are used to discern system components, inputs,

outputs, and label the parts of the system.

Elements of a Block Diagram

A block is the representation of a components transfer function, it has single input and

single output.

Fig. 1.1
C( s)
G(s) = R ( s ) (Transfer Function)

To calculate the output of the block, multiply the input and the transfer function of the block,


C(s) = G(s)R(s)


 The input is represented by the signal that enters the block.

 The output is represented by the signal that leaves the block.

 The block diagrams show how the system's transfer function.

Fig. 1.1 is only a basic block diagram representation of a Control System, the real world

control systems are more complex because they contain subsystems, which are

interconnections of many blocks which are connected with branches and arrows. In

order to analyze those complex representations we need to understand some more

elements of block diagrams like summing point and take-off point.

Summing Point

A summing point is the representation of the dynamic summation of two or more signals

in a block diagram. It is also called summing junction.

Fig. 1-2

In Fig. 1-2, the Circle with addition (+) and subtraction (-) signs is the summing point. There are

two signals in the figure, let A1(s) be the arrow from the left side pointing the addition sign and

A2(s) be the upward arrow point the addition sign, therefore the resultant signal (which is the

arrow which start point is the circle pointing rightward ) will be A1(s)+A2(s). The polarity of the

signal plays a vital role in the summing junction/adder point. If the polarity is positive, so is the

signal, and if the polarity is negative, the signal will be negative.

Take-off Point/ Pick-off Point/ Branch Point

The take-off point in a block diagram is a point where the signal will be distribute to

several other branches or we can say that take-off point in a block diagram represents a point

where signal goes out simultaneously to other blocks or branches.

Fig 1-3

Here in Fig. 1-3 is a simple example of a take-off point, where the signal is being distributed to 2

branches from the take-off point.

Fig. 1-4

Here in Fig. 1-4 is another example of a take-off point in a block diagram of a control system

wherein the dot pointed by the arrow is the representation of the take-off point in the block

diagram. Basically, the use of take-off point is to distribute the signal from one branch into

several other branches, from the Fig. 1-4, the signal R(s) distributed into the three branches.
Reduction of Multiple Subsystems

Real world control systems or practical control systems are complex in nature, it can

contain multiple subsystems and in order find the final transfer function that will represent the

whole diagram, the reduction of the blocks into a single block is vital. Then, the resulting block

will be the final transfer function of the diagram. We need the overall transfer function of the

system, because it is an important parameter, in order to solve the output with respect to any

given input. In order to reduce the multiple subsystems into a single block, the utilization of

block diagram algebra is necessary, this block diagram algebra is based from block diagram

reduction rules.

Block Diagram simplifications

Feedback Connection Form



The loop gain or open-loop transfer function in the denominator is expressed as G(s)H(s). The

gain from input to output with the feedback path broken is the forward path gain ( G(s)).

In general:

Block Diagram Alegbra is the arithmetic involved with the basic elements that are in a

block diagram. It is often used to make simplified block diagrams into simpler form. Normally,

there are two type forms of this algebra; Moving blocks before or after over summing points and

moving blocks before or after past take-off points.


1. Moving the blocks over summing point

2. Moving blocks past take-off points

Table 1. Rules in Block Diagram reduction

1. Combine all cascade blocks

2. Combine all parallel blocks

3. Eliminate all minor (interior) feedback loop

4. Shift summing points to left

5. Shift takeoff points to the right

6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 until the canonical form is

Table 2. Basic Rules with block diagram Transformation

Let us simplify this block diagram using the Block Diagram reduction rules.
Step 1 – Use rule 1 for blocks G 1 and G 2. Use rule 2 for blocks G3 and G 4 .

Modified block diagram is shown in this figure.

Step 2 – Use rule 3 for blocks G 1 G2 and H 1. Use rule 4 for shifting take-off point after the block
G 5.
Modified block diagram is shown in this figure.

Step 3 – Use rule 1 for blocks (G 3 +G4 ) and G5.

Modified block diagram is shown in this figure.

Step 4 – Use rule 3 for blocks ( G 3 +G4 ) G 5and H 3.

Modified block diagram is shown in this figure.

Step 5 – Use rule 1 for blocks that are connected in series.

Modified block diagram is shown in this figure.

Step 6 – Use rule 3 for blocks that are connected in feedback loop.
Modified block diagram is shown in this figure.
Simplified Block Diagram

Hence, the Transfer Function of the system is,

Y (s)
G1 G2 G 5 (G 3+ G4 )
(1+G 1 G2 H 1) { 1+(G3 +G 4)G 5 H 3 } G5 −G1 G 2 G5 (G3 +G 4) H 2

Note: Follow these steps to calculate the Transfer Function of the block diagram that has
multiple inputs.

 Step 1 – Find the transfer function of block diagram and these are the points to consider.
(a) make one input at a time, (b) make the remaining inputs as zero.
 Step 2 – Repeat step 1 for the remaining inputs in the block diagram.
 Step 3 – Get overall transfer function by summing up all the transfer functions.

This Block Diagram reduction process takes time for those systems that are barely complicated.
We must sketch the block diagram after each step, to overcome this drawback. We need to use
signal flow graphs (representation).

Find the Transfer function of the given block diagram.
Solution: R(s) is the input and C(s) is the output, the Transfer function of the system will be the
C( s)
ratio of the output and input.
R( s)
Steps in solving the transfer function of the system.
Step 1: First, combine the two blocks in parallel using the value of the two blocks in parallel is


The block diagram will appear as,

Step 2: Combine the blocks in series using the value of the two blocks in cascade is multiplied
forming an equivalent block.
(9)(8) = 72

After the second step, the block diagram will appear as,
For the close loop transfer function,

C(s) 72 72
= +
R(s) 1 0.4
C( s)
R( s)
Transfer Function of the given block diagram,

Solution: The given block diagram has three loops. We first solve these three loops
Steps 1, 2, 3 are shown below.
Step 1: It has one block and a unity line in parallel. The equivalent value of the blocks in parallel
is added,
Step 2: It has two blocks. The one block is present in the feedback path.
We will use the transfer function formula where G(s) and H(s) are 1.5 and 1.
1.5/1 + 1.5(2) = 1.5/4
Step 3: The first two blocks in the series will be multiplied
(5) (-8) = -40
The resultant value of the block will be:
-40/1 + (40) (0.6) = -40/25
The resulted block diagram will appear:

Step 4: The transfer function of the block diagram will be

Vo(s)/Vi( s)=(−40/25)(3)/¿
Vo( s)/Vi( s)=(−120 /25)/2.8
Vo ( s ) / Vi ( s ) =−120 / 70
Vo(s)/Vi( s)=1.714

Despite the fact that the Block Diagram process is frequently used for straightforward systems,
it soon becomes complex in situations where there are several loops and subsystems, such as
MIMO. For such systems, we thus need a more organized and methodical approach.

Signal Flow Graph (SFG): visual depiction of an equation system that:

Variables  nodes of SFG

Relationship between variables  branches of SFG

Coefficient  gains of branches in SFG

Key Definitions:
1. Input Node: Node with solely egressing branches
2. Output Node: inbound branching node
NOTE: By including a branch with gain = 1, every node that isn't an input can
become an output.
3. Path: a group of branches connected in a single direction
4. Forward Path: a route that visits the same node more than once from input to
5. Gain of Forward Path: The product of all gains branches in the direction of travel.
6. Loop: a route that starts and ends at the same node. There is just a single visit to
any other node.
7. Loop Gain: branch gains in a loop's product
8. Non-Touching: If two components of an SFG do not share at least one node, they
are not touching.


Input Node: x 1

Output Node: every node except x 1 .

Forward Path: if x 5 is the output node, then Path 1 = x 1, x 2 , x 3 , x 4 , x 5 ;

Path 2 = = x 1, x 2 , x 4 , x5

Gain of Forward Path: Path 1: M 1 = abcd; Path 2: M 2 = afd

Loop: x 3 x 4 x 5

Loop Gain: P1=−ce

Algebra of SFG:
• A node's output variable is the weighted total of all incoming branches
multiplied by the gains of the branches.
x 2=ax 1 , x 3=bx 2−ex 4 , x 4 =cx 3+ fx 2 , x 5=dx 4
 Parallel branches

Note: • Every branch must point in the same direction (otherwise they form a loop.)

 Series branches

Note: between x 1 and x 4 there are no intermediary entering or outgoing branches.

Block Diagram to Signal Flow Graph

 Steps to convert a block diagram to a signal flow graph:

1. Place a node for each signal on the block diagram after identifying
and labeling them all.
2. Each signal place a node
3. Attach the nodes using the branches in place of the blocks.
a. It needs to the correct direction maintain
b. Branch names with compatible transfer functions
4. c. Negative feedback may be obtained by denying transfer function.
5. If required, simplify where possible.

Convert to a signal flow graph

 Label any signals with no labels.

 • Add a node for every signal.
 Join nodes with branches, each of which stands for a system block.

 Take note of the -1 to comment negatively on X 1 (s)

 If required, nodes with a single input and single output can be removed:
o This makes sense for X 1 (s) and X 2 (s)
o Leave U(s) to indicate the controller and plants are separated.

Signal Flow Graphs vs. Block Diagrams

 Block diagrams and signal flow graphs are two additional, yet comparable,
techniques for graphical depiction of linked systems.
 A broad statement (not a rule)
o Signal flow graphs – utilized more frequently when addressing state-
space system models.
o Block Diagrams – utilized more frequently when addressing transfer
function system models

Mason’s rule
One input-to-output transfer function was used to represent a complex block diagram.
 Several simplifying steps
The same overall transfer function may be calculated using Mason's rule's formula.

 Single application of the formula

 Can get complicated
Term definitions are necessary before presenting the Mason's rule formula.

Loop Gain

Loop Gain - total gain (product of individual gains) around any path in the signal flow graph

 Beginning and ending at the same node

 Not passing through any node more than once

Here, there are three loops with the following gains:

1. −G1 H 3
2. G 2 H 1
3. −G2 G 3 H 2

Forward Path Gain

Forward Path Gain – from the input to the output, there is always a gain.

 Only traveling via each node once.

There are two forward-looking routes here, with the following gains:

1. G 1 G 2 G3 G 4
2. G1 G 2 G5

Non-Touching loops

Those loops that share none of their nodes is called Non-touching loops

1. −G1 H 3 does not touch G2 H 1

2. −G1 H 3 does not touch −G2 G 3 H 2

Non-Touching loop gains

Non-touching loop gains – the loop gain from non-touching loops, taken in multiples of two,
three, four, or more.

Here, there are just two sets of non-touching loops in this instance.

1. [−G1 H 3] ∙ [G 2 H 1]
2. [−G1 H 3] ∙ [−G 2 G 3 H 2]

Mason’s Rule
Y (s ) 1
T(s) = = ∑T ∆
R (s ) ∆ k=1 k k
P = Number of forward paths
T k =¿ gain of of the k th forward path

∆=¿ 1 - ∑ (loop gains)

+∑ ( non−touching loop gains takentwo at a time )

-∑ ( non−touching loop gains takenthree at a time )

+∑ ( non−touching loop gains taken four at a time )

-∑ …

∆ k =∆ −∑ (loop gainterms ∈∆ that touch the k th forward path )


# of forwards paths: ∑ (NTLGs takentwo at a time):

P=2 (−G 1 H 3 G 2 H 1 ¿ + (G 1 H 3 G2 G3 H 2 ¿

Forwards path Gains: ∆:

T 1 = G 1 G 2 G3 G 4 ∆=1−¿ + G2 H 1 - G2 G3 H 2)
T 2 = G 1 G 2 G5 + (−G1 H 3 G2 H 1+G1 H 3 G 2 G 3 H 2)

∑ (loop gains) :
−G1 H 3 + G2 H 1 - G2 G3 H 2

Mason’s Rule – Example - ∆ k

Calculating ∆ with the k th path eliminated is a quick technique to determine ∆ k terms, but
you also need to remove nodes.

k = 1:

There are no loops when forward path 1 is deleted, therefore

∆1 = 1 – 0
∆1 = 1

Similar to how deleting forward path 2 eliminates loops
∆2 = 1 – 0
∆2 = 1

Example 2:

T 1 = G 1 G 2 G3 G 4
T 2 = G 1 G 2 G5

∆ = 1 + G1 H 3 −G 2 H 1 +G2 G3 H 2−G 1 H 3 G2 H 1+G 1 H 3 G 2 G3 H 2

∆1 = 1
∆2 = 1

Y (s ) 1 P
T(s) = = ∑T ∆
R (s ) ∆ k=1 k k

The closed-loop transfer function:

T 1 ∆1 +T 2 ∆2
T(s) =

G1 G2 G3 G4 +G1 G2 G5
T(s) =
1+ G1 H 3−G2 H 1+ G2 G3 H 2−G1 H 3 G2 H 1 +G1 H 3 G2 G3 H 2

In the given signal flow graph, y / x equals to:
Solution: There is only one loop in the signal flow graph. The gain of the loop is given by
2 / (1 + 2(1)) = 2 / 3
All the other branches are connected is series, therefore the result will be the product of the
values at three nodes.
y / x=4( )(3)
y / x=8

Find the transfer function of the given signal flow graph.
Solution: We know that the Transfer function is calculated using the mason’s gain formula
which is given by:

∑ P k ∆k
T (s )= i=1

Pk is the forward path gain
∆ it is the loop gain
∆ k it is calculated by eliminating all loops touching the forward path Pk.
Summation of all loop gain + Summation of gain product of two non-touching loops
Solution of the given signal flow graph.
There are two forward paths.
P1= 5
P2= 1(2)(3)(4) = 24
There are four individual closed loops.
L1 = -5
L2 = -2
L3 = -3
L4 = -4
There are only two non-touching loops, l2 and L4. The product of these two loops is 8
Hence, the transfer function of the given signal flow graph is,

¿ 5(1+3)+24 /1+(5+2+3+ 4)+8

¿ 44 /23

Electrical4U (2021). Block Diagram of Control Systems. (Transfer Functions, Reduction, Summing
Points And How To Read Them)

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M.R. Azimi. (n.d.). ECE 411- control systems - Walter Scott, Jr.. college of engineering.
Retrieved June 27, 2022, from

Neso Academy, (2021) Introduction to Block Diagrams
Control system: Examples with Explanation - javatpoint

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