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Caraig, Justine Claire C. April 18-22, 2022

Grade 11- Humss 1 Quarter 4 - Week 1

● Activity 1: Elicit
1. Information can be conveyed from a source to a recipient via communication media

2. Since successful communication is crucial in the industry to inform and influence

behavior, it is necessary to choose a suitable communication channel to accomplish
your work.

3. Some examples of Communication Media Channels are Emails, Social Media, Phone
Calls, Text Messages, Video and Audio Conferencing, Etc.

4. The wealthiest communication channel is face-to-face interaction.

5. A communication channel failure results in inefficient dissemination of information.

● Activity 2: Engage
1. The social media platform I mostly use is Facebook Messenger.
2. I constantly use it because it serves as my communicator, allowing me to stay in touch
with my family and friends despite the outbreak, and it's also where I get updates and
instructions from my teachers on what we should do.
3. I suppose it's really effective in all regards to the fact that it's very convenient to use, and
you can use it even if you don't have internet; you can use it even if it's just free data.
You may also make free video calls to your family members who are far away. You only
need to connect to the internet.
- We are all aware that social media has become an integral part of our everyday lives. It
frequently turns into a hobby, a pastime, a stress reliever, a source of satisfaction, and,
of course, it is one of the platforms that provides a free and convenient way to
communicate as well as interact with other people virtually. While the underlying
concept of public media is to interact with one another and exchange information, it is
also crucial to understand how individuals utilize each social network in greater detail.
Facebook, Facebook is the most popular social site. We utilize it to check what our
network is up to on a daily basis. Social media allows us an immediate connection to
people without the need for a third party. As opposed to the prices of print, television,
and other conventional platforms, digital advertising is very inexpensive. Social media
also aids in SEO techniques, raising the ranks of any firm's site.

● Activity 3: Explain. Think-Pair-Share

● Activity 4: Elaborate
The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) has addressed the country's
demands for higher capacity in telecommunications services. They are the driving force
behind a surge in economic output as well as the fulfillment of Filipinos' daily
communication demands. The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) generally
plays the role of the supervision, assessment, and control of the country's radio
communications, telecommunications, and broadcast infrastructure and services. The
National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) issues contracts for the use of channels
for radios, broadcast, telecommunication networks, and internet services. The commission
has the authority to conduct inspections into allegations and to require that
telecommunications providers comply with service standards. To safeguard the welfare and
protection of our people, NTC deliberately and continuously creates a reactive regulatory
system for a sustainable, inexpensive, effective, and inclusive telecommunications and data
public infrastructure.

● Activity 5: Test your Knowledge

1. Personally and in my comprehension of what I read, Mass media is indeed a
communication medium. This could take the shape of writing in magazines,
newspapers, or blogs. It may also be done by broadcasting or speaking, such as radio,
video and audio conferencing, television, movies, advertising, and so on. Mass media
refers to technology that is designed to reach a large number of people. It is the
principal mode of communication for the great majority of the general populace. While
its conceptual definition says Mass media refers to All forms of communication that are
devoted to transmitting standardized messages to widespread audiences.
Descriptors Mass Media Social Media

Similarities They both spread news, Both forms of

messages, and pieces of Communication
information. Technology.

Differences Offers one way of The public in general is the

communication while audience in mass media,
Social Media offers two or however, with social
more ways of media, the public may be
communication. both the audience and the
content providers.
3. Telecommunication, as far as I understand it, is a sort of transmission that offers or
communicates messages, signals, sounds, energy, pictures, and even information to any
nature via cable, radio, visual, or electromagnetic systems. It is referred to as
telecommunication when the transmission of information between communication
partners incorporates the use of technology.

● Assessment
1. A process evaluation may help us recognize, prepare for, and respond to citizens'
requirements in sectors such as broadcasting, telecommunications, print media, postal
services, data processing, and so on. The more you learn about your audience, the more
you will be able to tailor your message to their interests, values, beliefs, and language
level. Audience analysis is identifying the audience and tailoring a speech to their
interests, degree of knowledge, attitudes, and views. Another factor to consider when
assessing audience needs is the average age of the target.
2. Assessments are conducted prior to taking action and are used to establish present
circumstances and identify concerns that need to be addressed. Needs evaluations lay
the groundwork for critical planning. A requirements assessment is a step in the process
of the planning process. A requirements assessment is crucial because it assists an entity
in bridging the difference that is keeping it from achieving its objectives.
3. When speaking with people, we frequently concentrate on what we should say.
Effective communication, on the other hand, is less about talking and more about
listening. Listening properly is not just comprehending the words or information being
delivered, but also comprehending the feelings the speaker is attempting to express.
Your words and body language convey a lot to the person with whom you are
4. Monitoring produces observations and documentation of how the communication
initiative or strategy is carried out. Evaluation, on the other hand, refers to the process
of establishing the worth, relevance, or validity of anything by detailed examination and

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