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WORKSHEET: Hydrocarbons

1. Complete the data in the given table.

Type of Illustration Number of Number of Example

Hydrocarbons Carbon Hydrogen
Atoms Atoms

Alkane 2 Carbons 6
Atoms Hydrocarbon Ethane

Alkene 2 Carbons 4
Atoms Hydrocarbon Propene

Alkyne 2 Carbon 2
Atoms Hydrocarbon Butyne

NOTE: For the illustration, you may paste the photos of your models or draw them.

2. In not less than five sentences, describe the composition of each structure with a
molecular formula.

Types of Hydrocarbon Molecular Formula Description

Alkane CnH2n+2 It is an organic compound

composed of single-bonded
carbon and hydrogen atoms.
It is considered a saturated
hydrocarbon since it is a
single bond. Observing the
molecular formula tells that
Alkane has more hydrogen
atoms than Alkene and
Alkyne. In the composition of
the structure of Alkane, all of
the carbon atoms (parent
chain) have an equal
distribution of hydrogen
atoms all around it. The
equal distribution of the
hydrogen atoms as the side
chain of the parent chain,
which is the carbon atoms is
because it is a single bond,
and the hydrogen atoms in
the molecular formula
increased into two, unlike
Alkene and Alkyne, it
reduced the number of
hydrogen atoms.

Alkene CnH2n Alkene is a hydrocarbon

composed of carbon to
carbon double bonds. It is
called unsaturated
hydrocarbon since it has at
least a double bond between
carbon atoms. In an analysis
of the molecular formula, it
has fewer hydrogen atoms
than Alkanes, which is one
of the reasons it is called
unsaturated. In the
composition of the structure
of Alkene, it is evident that
the number of hydrogen
atoms is reduced to two,
which is relevant to its
molecular formula since the
formula did not add two
hydrogen carbons. The
hydrogen atoms are possibly
reduced into two because
Alkene is a double-bonded

Alkyne CnH2n-2 A hydrocarbon composed of

carbon to carbon triple
bonds. Similar to Alkene, it
is an unsaturated
hydrocarbon for it possesses
at least a triple bond
between carbon to carbon
and has fewer hydrogen
atoms. Observing the
molecular formula of Alkyne,
it reduced more hydrogen
atoms than Alkene. The
molecular formula dictates
the structure of Alkyne.
There are only two hydrogen
atoms in the structure while
the carbon atoms are triple
bonded since, as seen in the
molecular formula, it
decreased the hydrogen
atoms into two.

3. Name the following examples of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes.

Types of Hydrocarbon Model Nomenclature

CH3(CH2)7CH3 Nonane
C7H16 Heptane

C2H4 Ethylene
C4H8 1-Butene

C2H2 Acetylene
C4H6 1-Butyne


In not less than three sentences, answer the following questions:

❏ Is learning Hydrocarbons important? Why or why not?

Hydrocarbons are carbon-containing organic compounds that provide a source

of energy and raw materials. It is a principal constituent of petroleum and natural gas.
It can help the real world as it helps people to work easier. In addition, it will be helpful
for other students that will take science-related courses in college, such as medicine,
electrical and chemical engineering.
❏ How can Hydrocarbons be helpful in the real world?

Hydrocarbons can help the real world since it serves as fuel to have electricity,
transportation, and home heating. In transportation, Gasoline and diesel used by
vehicles are considered hydrocarbons. In-home heating, one of the gas components is
methane, a hydrocarbon. Lastly, hydrocarbons form the basis of other essential energy
sources such as electricity. Therefore, it is helpful in the real world since it is beneficial
for us to do work without exerting much energy.


Carey, F. A. (2020, November 4). hydrocarbon. Encyclopedia Britannica.

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