Dokumen - Tips - 26 in Re Galang

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Case #26 (Zosa) full- ascertain or determine applicants moral

[A.C. No. 1163. August 29, 1975.] character.
IN RE: RAMON E. GALANG, alias ". As to )hat crime in!ol!es moral turpitude9 is
ROMAN E. GALANG, 1971 Bar for the Supreme Court to determine. ence9 the
Examinee, respondent. necessit- of la-ing 'efore or informing the Court
of ones personal record D )hether he )as
Topic: Requirements for application to the Bar – criminall- indicted9 acquitted9 con!icted or the
no filed or pending case of moral turpitude case dismissed or is still pending D 'ecomes
more compelling.
1. The case is one of the consolidated cases in In /. In 1%E/ and 1%E;9 )hen $alang too> the Bar
re anue!o. for the second and third time9 respecti!el-9 the
application form pro!ided '- the Court for use
". Ramon #. $alang passed the 1%&1 'ar of applicants alread- required the applicant to
e(amination 'ut his e(am papers )ere su'*ected declare under oath that he has not 'een accused
to unauthori+ed re,correction and re,e!aluation of9 indicted for or con!icted '- an- court or
 '-  e(aminers. tri'unal of an- offense in!ol!ing moral
turpitude7 and that there is no pending case of
/. An in!estigation '- the 0BI re!ealed that nature against him.
• that Ramon Roman2Rom-3 )as a
student of School of a) of 4567 ;. B- 1%EE9 )hen $alang too> the Bar
• that in Sept 89 1%%9 he )as charged e(aminations for the fourth time9 the application
)ith the crime of slight ph-sical form prepared '- the Court for use of applicants
in*uriesSI3 of another student of the required the applicant to re!eal all his criminal
same uni!ersit-7 cases )hether in!ol!ing moral turpitude or not.
• that in a 1%&/ hearing9 he )as et9 $alang continued to intentionall- )ithhold
or conceal from the Court his criminal case of
confronted )ith this information 'ut
slight ph-sical in*uries )hich )as then and until
declared he does not remem'er 'eing
no) is pending in the Cit- Court of 4anila7 and
charged )ith the same.
thereafter repeatedl- omitted to ma>e mention of 
the same in his applications to ta>e the Bar
;. <ictim )as summoned and narrated the case
e(aminations in 1%E&9 1%E% and 1%&1.
and identified $alang as the !er- same person
charged )ith SI in that case.
. That the concealment of an attorne- in his
application to ta>e the Bar e(aminations of the
. An administrati!e proceeding )as filed for his
fact that he had 'een charged )ith9 or indicted
dis'arment along )ith Bar Confidant anue!o.
for9 an alleged crime9 is a ground for re!ocation
of his license to practice la) is )ell D settled.
=hether or not $alang must 'e stric>en off in
E. 6nder the circumstances in )hich respondent
the roll of attorne-s for concealing his case of
Ramon #. $alang9 alias Roman #. $alang9 )as
allo)ed to ta>e the Bar e(aminations and the
highl- irregular manner in )hich he passed the
?#CISI@0: #S
Bar9 =# ha!e no other alternati!e 'ut to order
1. 6nder Rule 1"&9 Sec " e!er- applicant is dut-
the surrender of his attorne-s certificate and the
 'ound to la- 'efore the Court all his
stri>ing out of his name from the Roll of
in!ol!ement in an- criminal case9 pending or
other)ise terminated9 to ena'le the Court to

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