Quantitative Research

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Maribel V.Adorable
Vivian E. Bangalaw
Melisa D. Camanso
Jessabel Magan
Aljo An M. Orbuda
Charlita Ypon


Chapter 1


PBL is a teaching method in which complex real-world problems are

used as the vehicle to promote student learning of concepts and principles

as opposed to direct presentation of facts and concepts. PBL can

encourage the development of critical thinking skills, problem-solving

abilities, and communication skills in addition to course content. PBL is a

student-centered approach in which students learn about a subject by

collaborating in groups to solve an open-ended problem. This issue is what

drives motivation and learning.

PBL is one of the strategy that physics used. Physics is defined as a

branch of study concerned with the structure of matter and the

interactions of the universe's fundamental constituents. Physics learning

exercises not only help students master the information they're studying,

but they also point them in the right direction, create process skills to

assist pupils in solving an issue that will have an impact on their cognitive

performance in the future (Erina and Kuswanto, 2015). However, when

students hear the physics subject, practically all of their expressions are

negative because they find it difficult. There are many approaches being

used to promote learning and scientific skills, one of it is the Project-Based

Learning. PBL is a teaching approach in which students learn by active

participation in real-world and personally meaningful projects (Walker,

Leary, and Silver ·2015). Learning by projects students must collaborate

on a project or activity with their peers to develop a product in this model.

This model has been shown to boost student motivation (Rahmini, Muris,

and Amin, 2015).

It is also one of the student-centered learning method providing the

students opportunity to take part in the learning environment, making

them take responsibility in their own learning and also develops their

creativity (Gültekin, 2007). Moreover, this approach supports students in

acquiring manual skills and learning more by performing original activities

(Chen, 2004). Due to these characteristics, the thought of using of project -

based learning environments providing many advantages for students is

gradually becoming widespread especially in lessons where daily life is

related more such as science and technology specifically in physics (Ayvacı

and Çoruhlu, 2010).

Studies made in recent years have shown that students face

difficulties comprehending some concepts related to physics. As Yılmaz,

Huyugüzel and Cavaş (2006), state that there are many studies available

in the literature on students’ misconceptions about physics. Thus, this

study aims to know the Student’s Perception in Teaching Physics using

Project-based learning method among BSED Science students in Agusan

del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology (ASSCAT).

Objectives of study

This study aimed to determine student’s perception in teaching

Physics using Project-based learning method among BSED Science

students in Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology

(ASSCAT), it aims to:

I. determine the profile of BSED Science students in terms of;

1.1. Age

1.2. Sex

2. determine the perception of students on the in teaching physics

using Project-based learning method in terms of:

2.2. Motivation to learn

3. determine if there is a significant difference on student’s

perception in teaching Physics using Project-based learning method

among BSED Science students when grouped according to their

Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information

and knowledge regarding the student’s perception in teaching Physics

using Project-based learning method from the respondents. This research

is significant to the following:

Student- This will enable them to determine whether the knowledge and

abilities acquired during the program will be relevant in their future jobs.

It will also motivate them to value and follow their chosen path.

Parents- this study would be beneficial to them because this will serve as

an assurance that their children are given more education that would

make them better students.

Teachers- they purposely discover how classroom management is

conducive to learning or how to assess the needs of 3rd year BSED Science

students of ASSCAT.

Administrator- will be guided on what should be emphasized by teacher

in the school curriculum to improved students’ performance in Physics.

Future Researcher- this will serve as guide to gather information or serve

as a reference to such any related study.

Scope and Limitation

The study was conducted at Agusan del Sur State College of

Agriculture and Technology located at Bunawan, Agusan del Sur. This

research focused the Student’s Perception in Teaching Physics using

Project-based learning method among BSED Science students in ASSCAT.

In order to understand the effect and the outcomes of teaching physics the

data will be collected through Online Survey Questionnaires, which is

adopted by the researchers.

Operational Definition of Terms

Project based learning method- an instructional approach designed to

give students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through

engaging projects set around challenges and problems they may face in

the real world.

Teaching physics- involves more than writing formulas on a chalkboard.

It involves helping students to see the world in a new way. It involve s

crafting a learning environment where students are able to explore and

understand how the physical world works, and to connect complex

scientific concepts to their daily lives.

Student-centered learning method- gives students the opportunity to

decide two things: what material they learn and how they learn it.

Inquiry-based learning- a learning process that engages students by

making real-world connections through exploration and high-level

questioning. It is an approach to learning that encourages students to

engage in problem-solving and experiential learning.

Analytic skill- the ability to collect and analyze information, problem-

solve, and make decisions. You use analytical skills when detecting

patterns, brainstorming, observing, interpreting data, and making

decisions based on the multiple factors and options available to you.


The following paradigm shows input, process and output of the



1) Data collection of
student’s profile
Profile of college Determine the
2) Data Gathering
students student’s perception
through Survey
according to: in teaching Physics
using Project-based
a) Age 3) Organization of learning method
b) Sex Students responses among in 3rd year
students BSED
4) Statistical
Science students in
analysis of Data
5) Interpretation of

Figure 1. Conceptual framework

The model illustrates the relationship between the three major parts of the

research paradigm namely the input, process, and output.

The input is about student’s profile. These inputs will be needed as

variables to come up with the output.

The process involves the use of student’s profile with survey

questionnaires and statistical analysis such as percentage and mean to

come up with the results.

The output or the outcome of the study are evaluation of service recovery

strategies and ways to improve the strategies of the management.


Review of Literature and Studies

PBL: Project-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a classroom activity approach that

differs significantly from traditional teacher-centered practices. Long-

term, multidisciplinary, student-centered project-based learning activities

are blended with real-world concerns and problem solving. This strategy

encourages the exploration and resolution of complicated challenges

through abstract tasks (Condliffe, 2016; Iwamoto et al., 2016; Harmer &

Strokes, 2014; Harmer & Strokes, 2014). Rather than just exercising rote

memory skills, it increases knowledge of the underlying concepts. The

project-based learning approach use projects as vehicles for motivating

students. Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate and explain

what they've learned. PBL requires students to investigate, evaluate,

analyze, and synthesize information.

PBL methodology is part of the larger framework of inquiry-based

learning (Loyens et al., 2012), and various authors have found it to be

quite useful to tertiary education. PBL is seen as a viable technique for

developing 21st-century abilities since it encourages critical thinking,

problem-solving skills, teamwork, and leadership by its very nature (Chu

et al., 2017; Krajcik & Czerniak, 2018; Miller & Krajcik, 2019; Virtue &

Hinnant-Crawford, 2019). Because it stresses learning in situations

relevant to students and their daily lives, PBL has a great potential for

enhancing equity in STEM education (Craig & Marshall, 2019).

Furthermore, Almulla (2020) discovered that the PBL increases student

involvement by encouraging students to promote, share, and discuss their

knowledge and experiences.

Review of the Research on Project-Based Learning

It is critical to corroborate past research regarding the influence of

Project-Based Learning on enhancing student accomplishment and

improving student motivation and attitudes before implementing the

action research. The researcher's efforts to execute a treatment in the field

were informed and guided by this analysis. Students become stronger

problem solvers, researchers, and critical thinkers as a result of PBL,

according to study (Bell, 2010; Thomas, 2000; Condliffe, 2016).

Several research has looked into the usefulness of PBL (Condliffe,

2016; Iwamoto et al., 2016; Chiang & Lee, 2016; Mayer, 2016; Cervantea,

et al., 2015; Khaliq, et al., 2015; Harmer & Strokes, 2014; Redmond, 2014;

Holmes, 2012; Bell, 2010; Yancin et al., 2009; Thomas, 2000; Katz &

Chard, 1992; PBL has been shown to improve students' problem-solving,

research, and critical thinking skills (Thomas, 2000; Bell, 2000). Project-

Based Learning activities are long-term, interdisciplinary, student-

centered and integrated with real-world problem solving and issue. This

method fosters abstract tasks to explore and solve complex issues

(Condliffe, 2016; Iwamoto et al., 2016; Harmer & Strokes, 2014; Harmer

& Strokes, 2014; Holmes, 2012; Bell, 2010; Thomas, 2000; Katz & Chard,

1992). This promotes understanding of the basic concepts rather than just

doing memory skills. PBL method also helps the learners to demonstrate

and explain what they have learned yet making their outputs or projects

as means of encouragement and motivation for them. By this kind of

approach, the students will do more about exploring, synthesizing,

interpreting, create judgements, and develop information in their own

creative ways. Project-Based Learning is a good resort in developing the

21st century skills of the students (Educational Technology Division,

Malaysia, 2006). Ravitz, Hixson, English, & Mergendoller (2012) defined

21st Century skills as: productivity and accountability, social and cross -

cultural skills, creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem

solving, communication and collaboration, information, communication

and technology literacy, flexibility and adaptability, initiative and self-

direction, and leadership and responsibility. PBL also fosters learning that

is a result from the demonstration of their performance where the learners

are going to utilize the knowledge and skills they gained. According to

Harmer and Strokes, (2014) PBL has key features which give its
distinction; learning by doing, role of the facilitator, interdisciplinary,

collaboration on the group work, and an end product. The genesis of PBL

is inquiry where children pursue knowledge by asking questions that

triggered their natural curiosity (Bell, 2010).

Research has proven that through PBL, students become better

problem solvers, researchers, and critical thinkers (Bell, 2010; Thomas,

2000; Condliffe, 2016). Students who may struggle in a traditional

instructional setting have often been found to do well when they work in a

PBL class (Bell, 2010; Thomas, 2000; Condliffe, 2016). The effectiveness

of PBL has been investigated in various studies (Condliffe, 2016; Iwamoto

et al., 2016; Chiang & Lee, 2016; Mayer, 2016; Cervantea, et al., 2015;

Khaliq, et al., 2015; Harmer & Strokes, 2014; Redmond, 2014; Holmes,

2012; Bell, 2010; Yancin, et al., 2009; Thomas, 2000; Katz & Chard, 1992;)

in different subject areas as well as deepening students’ transfer skills.

Research has proven that through PBL, students become a better problem-

solvers, researchers, and critical thinkers (Thomas, 2000, Bell 2010,

Harmer and Strokes, (2014), Condliffe, 2016). Students in PBL not only

learn realworld application of knowledge and skills but also analytic skill

(Katz & Chard, 1992).

A study conducted by Yalcin, Turgut, and Buyukasap, (2009) aimed

to discover the effect of Project-Based learning on Science Undergraduates’

learning of electricity, attitude towards physics and scientific process

skills. The total 90 undergraduates (prospected teachers) in the Science

Teacher Training Department in Bayburt education faculty in Turkey was

used in the study. A set of pretest and posttest was administered to the

experimental and control group to discover if there is a statistical

difference in their achievement and attitudes towards physics and science

process skills. The results show that there were statistical differences

between experimental and control group with respect to students’

attitudes and the results also proved that project-based learning enhanced

the learning of the students through authentic teaching and learning


Project-Based Learning isn't just good for improving academic

performance; it's also good for personal development pupils' academic

achievement, as well as the ir attitude and passion toward learning (Altun

Yancin, et al., 2009; Chiang & Lee, 2016; Erdem, 2012;).

Altun Yancin et al. (2009) looked at the impact of project-based

learning on student performance. The attitudes of first-year science

undergraduates toward physics, electricity achievement, and abilities in

scientific process development. Ninety first-year science students took part

in the study at Bayburt Education's Science Teacher Training Department

undergraduate students Turkish professors. Both the experimental and

control groups received pre and post tests. The electricity unit was taught

utilizing a project-based learning method while a more traditional teacher-

centered approach was adopted in the control group. The experimental

group's achievement scores in the unit regarding electricity were

statistically significantly higher than the control group's. It was also

discovered that the experimental group scored higher than the control

group in terms of scientific process skills and attitude.

Five students from the experimental group were interviewed and

asked questions that led to them scoring higher on the post -test. The

interview revealed that, with the support of the driving question at the

beginning of the course, students gained confidence in the ir own learning

and initiative to discover knowledge and abilities required to complete the

project. Time on task, division of labor, and locating the right people are

all challenges. Because project-based funding is so popular among

interviewees, they had never tried this method of learning before.

Chapter 3

Research design

This study is designed as a quantitative study, aiming to determine

the student’s perception in teaching Physics using Project-based learning

method among BSED Science students in Agusan del Sur State College of

Agriculture and Technology (ASSCAT).

This quantitative rese arch study, survey research will be used in

this study to investigate students through questionaries’ by using the

google form. The purpose of all survey is to describe the characteristics of

population (Wallen and Fraenkle , 2006).

Research Instrument

The researchers will use a modified research questionnaire from research

on project-based learning and understanding by design and their effects

on the science achievement and attitude of science students (R. Rubrica,

2018) and Student Outcomes from High-Quality Project-Based Learning:

A Case Study for PBLWorks (Evans, Ph.D., 2019). The questionnaire will

evaluate the level of Thoughts and feelings of BSED Science students

towards the Effects of using Project-based Learning in Physics.

Table 1 Data will be interpreted using the table below:

Interval Descriptive

Rate Scale Rating Interpretation

This means that the

4 3.26 - 4.00 Strongly Agree respondents strongly agree

on the use of PBL in Teaching


3 2.51 - 3.25 Agree This means that the

respondents agree on the use

of PBL in Teaching Physics.

2 1.75 - 2.50 Disagree This means that the

respondents Disagree on the

use of PBL in Teaching


1 1.0 - 1.74 Strongly Disagree This means that the

respondents Strongly

Disagree on the use of PBL in

Teaching Physics.
Data Gathering Procedure

Fundamentally, the data used in this study will be gathered from

the acknowledged respondents. The survey is related to the participant’s

perception regarding Project-based Learning Method in Teaching Physics.

In the questionnaire, Likert scale was used to determine if the respondents

are Strongly Agree, Agree, Strongly Disagree and Disagree in a statement.

After the research adviser approved the questionnaire, copies were

distributed to all 3rd year BSED Science students of ASSCAT through

google form. Participants were given time to respond and then the

researchers colle cted the survey questionnaires.

Statistical Treatment

The study will make use of proper statistical tools. The student

profile will be determined using frequency and percentage. To determine

the Student’s Perception in Teaching Physics using Project-based learning

method, weighted mean will be used. Moreover, to determine the

significant difference on the Student’s Perception in Teaching Physics

using Project-based learning method among BSED Science students when

grouped according to their profile, ANOVA will be used.


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Survey Questionnaires


Student’s Perception in Teaching Physics using Project-based

learning method among BSED Science students

Adopted from Rubrica (2018) and Evans, Ph.D. (2019)

Part I. Profile of the respondents.

Name (optional):


Female Male


18-20 21-23 24 and above

Part II. Students perception Teaching Physics using Project-

based learning method

Thoughts and Feelings Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

1. I find it challenging in doing


2. I really like doing projects.

3. Project based-learning is an
effective way to learn physics.

4. I learned to use project

management processes, tools,
and strategies.

5. I like to listen to the ideas of

my classmates in doing the

6. I reflected on my work and

learning during this project.

7. I think I am capable to do
work with my group well.

8. I learned how to be a more

effective team member or
leader in doing projects.

9. I am motivated to work hard

in physics.

10. I made choices about my

topic, activities, and/or
11. I know what it means to use
critical thinking during project
in physics.

12. I can use critical thinking to

think about a better project.

13. I managed myself and other

team members in order to be
successful in our project.

14. I am good at solving

problems in Physics.

15. I enjoy finding solutions to

problems in Physics.

16. I enjoy working in small

groups to complete work.

17. I know how to work well in

a small group.

18. I learn more when I work

with other students in the

19. What did you like most using Project Based Learning?



20. What changes would most improve your experience with Project

Based Learning?


21. Do you agree with the idea that students should work on projects

together? Why?



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