Narrative On Brigada Eskwela Report 2022-2023

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of____

A Narrative Report on Brigada Pagbasa/ School Based

Reading Program 2022-2023
Richard Allington quoted that, “the best way to become a better reader is to read more.” That is why
_______________ come up with a project that will help learners improve their reading ability, help learners
to develop their reading habits towards becoming independent readers, and nurture a culture of reading at
Literacy, most especially amongst the children and the youth, is one of the key factors that determine how
well a country progresses in this rapidly-changing world. Reality shows that both young and old Filipibons
are still struggling with their literacy skills- Mr. Rommel Fuerte, Executive Director of World Vision in the
The aim of education is to provide literate pupils/students. Teach literacy among young people to equip them
in their lives and discover their full potential.
The teacher alone can't address the colossal problem in reading. Shared by all members of the community is
key to solving the recurrent problem, by building relationships, collective responsibility, and promoting
ownership of literacy Turner (2019)
Our school-based Pre implementation stage
(a)    Conceptualize the reading initiative
(b)   Identify /select target participant thru Phil-Irri or (your school-based reading program)
(c)    Orientation of Brigada Pagbasa or School Based Reading Program in the Project
(d)   Preparation of activities, reading materials, and deploying volunteers based on the mapping
(e)    Parents signed an agreement form or consent after the orientation
In the implementation stage
(a)    Implementation begins with a pre-test among selected participants both in English and Filipino.
(b)   Printed reading materials were given to learnings whose parents were to pick up the materials in
school and some were distributed by the teachers. Parents guided their children in reading the given
materials. Teachers did home visitation to monitor the pupils individual reading progress.
(c)    Lecture on teaching beginning reading and drills.
(d)   Preparation of progress report and evaluation of reading performance.
Overall, the Project __________ was implemented smoothly, and it was a success. Teachers planned to
continue the project and hope the program will help advocates continuity in learning amid covid-19.
the Pre-

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