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English 8

Quarter 4 – Week 3


Synthesize essential information found in various source


As you begin your joyful journey in learning, kindly set aside other tasks so you can clearly
focus and learn successfully.

1. Read the instructions carefully.

2. Make use of marginal notes to track information easily.
3. Do not skip lessons and activities because you might miss significant details.
4. Answer all the activities with the information gained in each lesson.
5. Learn and enjoy meaningfully!


At the end of this module you should be able to:

 recall concepts about primary and secondary sources;
 identify the relationship among sources to write a synthesis; and
 create an effective synthesis from various sources.


TRUE or FALSE: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is

false. Write your answer on the spaces provided before the number.
_________1. Synthesis means taking information from various sources.
_________2. Synthesis is a written discussion which can be drawn from different sources.
_________3. Synthesis is combining different ideas from different sources to create larger map
of idea.
_________4. Primary sources are first-hand information or original materials.
_________5. Secondary materials include personal interviews and observation.

Pick and Think!

Directions: Categorize the following words in their respective type of


Primary Sources Diaries Secondary Sources
Personal Experience


Synthesis is a written discussion taken from different sources. Simply, you take
information from different references relevant to your topic and then create an overall point. It is
important that you analyze the interrelationship among sources to come up with a good

In creating synthesis, you must analyze the relationship or connection of these sources
and the ideas must be assessed and put in an orderly manner.

Primary sources are first-hand or direct accounts from people. Also, these reflect the
individual viewpoint and can be either verbal or non-verbal. In literature, those who have written
a novel or poem are considered primary resources. The books or article about the novel or poem
are labeled as secondary resources. In history, during the Edsa Revolution in 1986, those who
have witnessed this event may write or share their experiences through a diary, interview,
photographs, speeches, audio recordings, or poem (primary sources). On occasion, those who
will study the same topic can analyze or interpret these primary sources and produce another
work which will be noted as secondary source. Secondary sources are documents written based
from the primary sources.

Additionally, synthesis and summary are not the same. In synthesis, you will combine
different ideas from relevant sources to come up with a concrete point. On the contrary,
summary is plainly an organized written presentation from a single text.

The process of synthesizing is normal since you often infer relationship between the
movies you have watched with the books that you have read. Also, you may look for the
similarities and differences in doing synthesis. Examples are provided below.

Topic: Dr. Jose Rizal and his works

Source #1: Dr. Jose Rizal is one of the famous nationalists in our

Source #2: He wrote the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

Source #3: He wrote these novels, Noli Me Tangere and El

Filibusterismo, during the Spanish colonization.

(Note: There are three different sources which are all about Dr.
Jose Rizal and his famous works. From these pieces of information, you will be able to
come up with a basic synthesis.)

Synthesis: Dr. Jose Rizal is a famous nationalist and novelist during Spanish
colonization. He has written various novels that depicts his love for our country. Two of his
famous works are Noli Me Tangere, which is dedicated for our motherland, and El
Filibusterismo, which is about revenge and anger. Both novels moved the Filipino people.

Here, there are three different sources with points relevant to the topic. These concepts
are combined to create an overall point. This is the simple process of synthesis. Another example
of synthesis is given below.

Topic: Superstitious Belief (sleeping with wet hair)

Primary source #1: I think sleeping with wet hair is uncomfortable

because it makes my pillow wet.

Primary Source #2: My sister would prefer to sleep with wet hair
because it makes her comfortable.

Secondary Source #1: According to ancestors, sleeping with wet hair

will make you crazy.

Secondary Source #2: Based on research, it is bad to sleep with wet hair because it can lead to
hair damage and breakage.

Synthesis: Have you ever slept with your hair wet? Or do you make
sure that your hair is dry before you sleep?

We have different opinions when it comes to that practice. Personally, I do not

sleep with wet hair because I find it uncomfortable for it makes my pillow wet.
However, for my sister, sleeping with wet hair makes her feel comfortable.

Moreover, our ancestors would not believe that it is good to sleep with wet hair.
It is because of the superstitious belief that until now being practiced. According to
them, sleeping with wet hair would make us lose our mind. There is no scientific
support to this belief. Science, on the other hand, explains that sleeping with wet hair
would cause hair damage and breakage.

Understandably, both superstitious belief and science would agree that it is not
advisable to sleep with wet hair.

Identify Me!

A. Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Identify and underline the word which
makes the statement incorrect. Replace it with the word which will make the
statement correct. Write your answer on the space provided.
Summary 1. Synthesis is an organized written document based on a single text.
_________ 2. Secondary sources are based on direct account or personal experience.
_________ 3. Articles or published documents are example of primary sources.
_________ 4. Summary is a written information taken from various sources.
_________ 5. Interviews, observations, and diaries are example of secondary sources.
B. Directions: Put on the space provided before the number if the statement is
true about synthesis. Otherwise, put X mark.
________ 6. Synthesis is the same in summary.
________ 7. One source can be used to create an effective synthesis.
________ 8. In creating synthesis, information gathering is an essential aspect.
________ 9. Non-verbal and verbal sources cannot be used to compose a synthesis.
________ 10. Synthesis is a combination of information from different sources relevant
to one another.

Write your THOUGHTS

Directions: Provide the details needed below and create a good synthesis based on your
chosen topic. Use the same rubric from the Activity A.

Primary Sources (Use your own experience or knowledge about the topic.)
Secondary Sources (Use secondary accounts or documents related to your topic and indicate the
references used.)




Sum it Up!

It provides your paper with relevant and

specific evidences

It simply means combining of ideas and sources

It is a written discussion taken from to create an overall point.
various sources.


Do you Understand?

Directions:Fill in the rectangular boxes with appropriate information.


Primary SYNTHESIS Secondary

Sources Sources


A. Directions: Create an effective synthesis from the sources provided below. Use the
rubric provided.

Topic: Philippines’ interesting and fun facts

Primary Source #1: I have visited Sagada, Mountain Province and the people there are very

Primary Source #2: Vigan’s famous longganisa and empanada are tasty delights which I never
missed whenever we visit there.

Primary Source #3: I am proud and honored to be a Filipino because we are known to be happy
people despite the difficulties that we encountered.

Secondary Source #1: There are over two hundred volcanoes in Philippines and one of the
famous volcanoes is the Taal Volcano in Taal Lake and is known as a volcano inside another
volcano. Many reckon it as the most active among the world.

Secondary Source #2: Filipinos observe the longest Christmas season. It begins with the playing
of carols in September and officially ends in January with the Feast of the Three Kings. As part
of the festivities, they celebrate Simbang Gabi, or Night Mass, where Catholics attend nine
Simbang gabi until Christmas Eve. Filipinos’ Christmas feasts are also called Noche Buena.



Directions: On the space provided below, draw an object that represents the concept of synthesis. Write
five sentences to explain your drawing.

English 8
Quarter 4 – Week 3


Synthesize essential information found in various source

Name: ___________ Grade & Strand/Sec.: _____________Teacher: ____________

PRE-TEST: TRUE or FALSE: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is
false. Write your answer on the spaces provided before the number.
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. ____ 5. ____

LOOKING BACK TO YOUR LESSON: Categorize the following words in its proper
Primary Source Secondary Source

ACTIVITY 1: Read the sentences carefully. Identify and underline the word which makes
the statement incorrect. Replace it with the word which will make the statement correct.
Write your answer on the space provided.

Directions: Put on the space provided before the number if the statement is true
about synthesis. Otherwise, put X mark.


ACTIVITY 2: Provide the details needed below and create a good synthesis based on your
chosen topic. Use the same rubric from the Activity A.

Primary Sources Secondary Sources

1. 1.
2. 2.


3. 3.

CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING: Using a mind map, explain the topics given below.
Fill in the rectangular boxes with appropriate information.
A. Summary B. Primary Sources C. Secondary Sources
1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

POST TEST: Create an effective synthesis from the sources provided below. Use the
rubric provided.


REFLECTION Directions: On the space provided below, draw an object that represents the
concept of synthesis. Write five sentences that explain your output.

10 AUTHOR: Vanessa P. Cudilla

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