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Senior 2


Student's name:
50 She said that... He told me th at.,
Last week you went to a party. A lot of your friends Today you meet Paul. You tell him about the
were there. Here are some things they said to you: party. You tell Paul what your friends said:

m enjoying my new j o b j O Clare said that she was enjoying
am | her new job.
—>was O
is J She said that her father wasn't
father isn't w elQ

I We're going to O Sarah and Ben said that they
^ ' buy a house. are —>were were going to buy a house.

I have to leave early. ^ O Peter said that he had to leave

have 1
has !
•had ear|y-
My sister has O He said that his sister had gone
gone to Australia. to Australia.

f I can't find a job^J can could O ^ate sa^ t ^iat s^e couldn't find
a job.

phone you.} O Steve said that he would phone
will —>would me.
J I don't like my job. ) O Rachel said that she didn't like
her job.
f son doesn't did
O She said that her son didn't like
* like school.

M,KE ( You look tired ") look —>looked O Mike said that I looked tired.
I feel fine. feel —>felt O I said that I felt fine.
etc. etc.
YOU (present) (past)

say ( — > said) tell (-> told)

O He said that he was tired. O He told me that he was tired.
(not He said me) (not He told that)
O W hat did she say to you? O W hat did she tell you?
(not say you) (not tell to you)

We say he said to me, I said to Ann etc. We say he told me, I told Ann etc.
(not 'he said me' 'I said Ann'). (not 'he told to me', 'I told to Ann').

You can say:

O He said that he was tired, or He said he was tired, (without that)
O Kate told me that she couldn't find a job. or Kate told me she couldn't find a job.

110 ( I told you to ... ^ Unit S3

6 D Read what these people say and write sentences with He/She/They said ( th a t). . . .

| ^ J 'v e lost my watch?^

...He said

ve>7 busy.}

^ f \ can't go to the party.^ <*1 ^,/j've just come back from holiday.^

if \ have to go out^ g°'ng tQ buV a guitar.^

^Jj'nn learning Russian.^ ^ ^/^We haven't got a k e y )

g g | y se the pictures to complete the sentences.

1 I met Clare last week. She sa id she was.enjoying.her n e w jp b .

2 Emma didn't want anything to eat. She sa id ...........................................
3 I wanted to borrow Mike's ladder, but he sa id ........................................
4 Hannah was invited to the party, but she sa id ........................................
5 Susan told me she didn't want the picture. She sa id .........................
6 Martin has just gone away on holiday. He said .....................................
7 I was looking for Robert. Nicola sa id ............................................................
8 'W hy did David stay at home?' 'He sa id ..................................................
9 'Has M ary gone out?' 'I think so. She sa id .............................................

C T i Write say/said or tell/told.

1 He said. he was tired. 7 The w o m a n she was a reporter.
2 W hat did she you? 8 The w o m a n us she was a reporter.
3 Anna she didn't like Peter. 9 They asked me a lot of questions, but I
4 Jack me that you were ill. did n't............... them anything.
5 Please d o n 't Dan what happened. 10 They asked me a lot of questions, but I
6 Did L u c y she would be late? d idn 't............... anything.

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