Execution Is Very Crucial Even For The Perfect Plan

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Execution is very crucial even for the perfect plan

Ideas come quotidian but why do we see a few of them succeed, the answer is “EXECUTION”.
Without great execution no idea could achieve the heights it is supposed to reach.

Planning and execution together make a deadly combo, alone either is of no use. Only planning out
and not executing it will not yield the out results we are expected to get from planning. Also,
execution without planning is like going directionless, meaning we are continuously working hard
enough but do not know what is the out result we are working for.

Every year, we plan dozens of activities and set KPIs to measure the success rate. It could be the
sales of our product or getting our body in shape and many others. Eventually, the better the KPIs,
the healthier our activity.

Generally, KPIs do not go the way as expected, there are a lot of inefficiencies that creep up while

As we all know the "New Year Resolution" theme, everyone takes a resolution at the start of the
year and is supposed to achieve the goal by the end of that year. For better understanding, let us
take the example of losing weight or getting our body in shape.

Planning: This activity includes a diet plan, basically what we are going to eat and what we are going
to stop eating for the betterment of the body. Next, it will include which day we are going to do
which kind of workout. And many others will also be in the planning structure.

Now let us see the KPIs we put to measure the health of the activity. The most common and
important one is the amount of intake and burning of calories in a day. Track the fat we reduced
from our body. Track of the sleep we are taking and so on.

But as we all know, the majority of us will follow that resolution for no longer than a month, a week,
and in some cases a few days only. Some may get injured during starting days so they won't be able
to continue to work out. Some might get sick and due to this, they won't be able to follow the diet
plan. Some might go out on office tours and are unable to maintain consistency. So, these are the
inefficiencies we spoke about earlier.

So, what is lacking here, planning or execution? Of course, execution, as we already planned to
achieve a goal by planning it and decided on several KPIs to measure it, but we are unable to keep
the track of these KPIs and unfortunately, we are unable to achieve our main goal. If we executed
the decided plan, we must have got better health, good body shape, confidence to complete any
task, and joy by achieving the goal that we set.

Planning well is important, we all know that. But do you know what really holds the key to success?

If I want to put that in numbers, in my belief and experience, success depends 75% on execution and
20% on planning.

So, in my opinion, planning is a small bit of the entire strategy but getting things done is the key to
getting success.

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