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ABB Technical Documentation

North America - Substation Automation Products

MicroSCADA SYS 600:

IED LED Indicator – Engineering & Operation

Applicable versions
SYS 600 9.3 and later

The IED LED Indicator function is meant to bring the state of LEDs on the front of
IEDs to the HMI screen. Typically these LEDs are mapped to GGIO logical nodes
(IEC 61850) and can thus be reported back to the HMI. By installing an IED symbol in
the process displays it’s possible to bring up a Control Dialog with the LED indicators.
The LED indicators are configurable (color, steady-blink) to match the actual IED
LEDs. There is also a button to send a LED reset to the IED.

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While the function is mainly developed for mirroring LEDs, it can be used to add alarm
or event objects as well. Supported protocols are IEC61850 MMS, DNP3, IEC-60870-
101/104 and -103 as well as Modbus RTU (serial or TCP).


The function expects that the point (process object) database has been built. If there
is no database it’s not possible to connect points to LED indicators during installation.
However, it is possible to install an “empty” function and connect each LED one-by-
one later from the Control Dialog. The Engineer is expected to have basic experience
in installing SA-LIB functions.

Installing the SA-LIB function

The IED LED Indicator function is installed from Object Navigator. Make sure Process
Objects are selected in the left pane and select from menu “Object>Install Standard
Function…”. Browse to the IED LED Indicator and click Install. Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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The Standard Configuration Tool (SCT) opens up to allow you to input parameters for
this function.

Following is a step-by-step instruction for filling out the attributes.

1. CREATE_NEW_POINTS should be checked if you are creating new process

objects. If not checked, it is assumed that the process objects exist and will be
mapped later using the addresses.

2. STATION_TYPE. This determines the protocol used, if IEC61850 use the default

3. Select UNIT_NUMBER from the drop-down list. Note that if you type in a number
that is not listed, it may not create the process objects later if the UNIT_NUMBER you
typed in does not exist in the system.

4. Enter the Object Identifiers STATION_NAME, SPECIAL_IDENTIFIER_1 and


5. Enter a DEVICE_NAME, e.g. “LEDS”

6. Enter a P_OBJECT_LN, process object name. This should be a unique string and it
is typically built from using the Object Identifiers, in example here e.g.
“OPUS13_2KV_MAIN1_LEDS” Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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7. Enter a DIALOG_TITLE. This test will be visible in the Title bar of the Control
Dialog. If left empty it will use the Object Identifiers as title. The DIALOG_TITLE will
also be used as the object text for the group alarm (see later in this document for
details on the group alarm).

8. Enter NR_OF_LEDS_PER_PAGE. Min 1, max 64 LEDs per page.

9. Enter NR_OF_PAGES. Min 1, max 6 pages.

10. If you have a reset LEDs command available you can check the box for
USE_LED_RESET_COMMAND. This will enable the Reset LEDs button in control

11. If you checked USE_LED_RESET_COMMAND you can select an existing Reset

LED control point in LED_RESET_CMD_POINT. Select from pop-down list or write
the Logical Name (LN) and Index (IX) of the control point. The format is “LN:pIX”. You
can also leave this empty and the function will create the control point for you.

The control point must be a direct single command.

12. If there are different Reset commands for different levels, you can check option
ONE_RESET_CMD_PER_PAGE. Then it will create a control point for each page.

13. GROUP_ALARM can be used to create a common group alarm for all alarms
included in the pages. There two types of group alarms:

a. Function Group Alarm. The function creates its own programs (command
procedures and action channels) to handle the group alarm.

b. Application Group Alarm. This will create a group alarm in the Group Alarm
standard function provided by the application. This option is only available if the
Group Alarm function has been initiated in the Group Alarm Editor Tool.

By default no group alarm is created. Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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14. In case of IEC61850, the OPC_ITEM_PREFIX may be filled out as a common

part of the OPC Item path, normally at least the Subnet, IED name are common for all
points. When a UNIT_NUMBER is selected, the OPC_ITEM_PREFIX pop-down list
will be populated with options (if any). Note that the entire OPC item path is built using
You can leave OPC_ITEM_PREFIX EMPTY and put Subnet, IED name, Logical
Device name and Logical Node name in the PAGEx_GGIO_BLOCK attribute. The
Data Object name and Data Attribute name is point specific and must be entered in
U_OBJECT_ADDRESSES. Some examples:





U_OBJECT_ADDRESSES: (“Ind1.stVal”,”Ind2.stVal”,”Ind3.stVal”…)


OPC_ITEM_PREFIX: <left blank>



U_OBJECT_ADDRESSES: (“Ind1.stVal”,”Ind2.stVal”,”Ind3.stVal”…) Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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OPC_ITEM_PREFIX: <left blank>

PAGE1_GGIO_BLOCK: <left blank>

PAGE2_GGIO_BLOCK: <left blank>

WA1.IED1.LD0.SP16GGIO1.Ind2.stVal”,” WA1.IED1.LD0.SP16GGIO1.Ind3.stVal”…)


If you are using other protocols than IEC61850 MMS, the OPC_ITEM_PREFIX and
PAGEx_GGIO_BLOCK attributes can be left blank and have no meaning.

15. Select the GGIO blocks that are connected to LEDs in PAGEx_GGIO_BLOCK,
This function assumes that one GGIO block is used for each page.

16. Select the AUTHORIZATION_GROUP. You can write the name of a new group
and assign permissions in the User Management Tool later.

Below is a screenshot with the attributes filled in. Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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17. If you are creating new points (i.e. checked the attribute
CREATE_NEW_POINTS): Go to the Tools tab. Open U_OBJECT_TEXTS. On each
row starting on row 1, enter the object text. This is the name of the alarm or indication,
e.g. High Winding Temperature, 51N TRIP etc. Use max 63 characters on each row.
If you have selected NR_OF_LEDS_PER_PAGE = 11 and NR_OF_PAGES = 2, you
have 22 points to create, rows 1..11 is for page 1 points, rows 12..22 is for page 2
points. If you leave a row empty it will be replaced by the text “Alarm”. Below is an
example with 11 alarm texts entered.

When done, go to menu File > Update and close the editor.

18. If you are creating new points (i.e. checked the attribute
each row starting on row 1, enter the object address. If you are using IEC61850 it’s
the OPC Item (depending on what you have entered in OPC_ITEM_PREFIX and
PAGEx_GGIO_BLOCK, see step 14 for examples). The rows follow same structure
as for U_OBJECT_TEXTS. If you leave a row empty, the point will not be addressed. Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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When done, go to menu File > Update and close the editor.

Entering addresses for other protocols goes as follows:

a. For all IEC and DNP3 protocols:

One object address (index) per line of type integer in U_OBJECT_ADDRESSES


b. For Modbus RTU protocol:

One Block^Bit address per line, e.g:

2^2 Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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19. When all attributes are filled in, go to the “Tools” tab, select “Process Object Tool”
from the list.

The Process Object Tool should show that 3 process objects (points) will be created
provided that the attributes are filled in as in the example. Below is a table of the
process objects and their explanations.

Index Type Object Text Mandatory / Description

(IX) Optional

10 Binary Input Common LED Mandatory This is a common alarm

Alarm point that will alarm
when any of the LEDs Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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are active

13 Binary LED Reset Optional If the

MMAND is checked and
NT is left empty, this
gives you the possibility
to create the LED Reset
command point.

19 Analog Input Selected on Mandatory Indicates to the system

monitor that the control dialog is
opened in an HMI

To create all the points suggested, click Create All button. As a minimum the indices
10 and 19 must be created.

If CREATE_NEW_POINTS is checked, there will be process objects with index

1001..1064 for page one, 2001..2064 for page 2 etc. How many process objects per
page is defined by NR_OF_LEDS_PER_PAGE attribute.

20. If you know the address of the LED Reset command point, you can now go to the
“Existing” tab and enter the unit number and Object Address here. Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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If you haven’t assigned addresses you can come back and do this later. You can now
close the Process Object Tool and click OK in the SCT.

The symbol in the process display starts blinking and the LED Common Alarm is
activated as soon as one LED in the specific IED is illuminated. The frame around the
symbol starts blinking with the alarm color (typically red).

Click on the IED symbol to open the IED LED Indicator control dialog. Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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When the control dialog is opened the frame around the IED image turns white (or
whichever color is used for selected object). When all control dialogs are closed the
color would change to reflect the state of the common alarm.

Each page is a tab in the control dialog. Each LED is represented as a row in the

The upper part has two control buttons:

· Acknowledge Common Alarm. This button will acknowledge the common alarm
that will alarm as soon as any LED in the control dialog is turned on.

· Send LED Reset Command to Device. This button will issue a LED Reset
command to the IED. If the button is disabled, the option
USE_LED_RESET_COMMAND is not checked in the Standard Configuration
Tool (see the Installation section of this document). Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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More features are accessed from a menu by right-clicking the LED table. The menu
items are:

· Acknowledge Alarm. This will acknowledge the alarm for the selected LED.
This option is dimmed if the LED is not alarming or if the LED is not connected
to an alarming point. Requires 1-Control level authorization.

· Reset Latched LED. This will reset an LED that is configured as Latched.

· LED Configuration…. Configuration for the selected LED. See below for more
detailed information. Requires 2-Engineering level authorization.

· Connect to Point…. This allows you to connect the selected LED indication to
another point in the database. It can only be connected to single indications
(alarming or not). Requires 2-Engineering level authorization.

· Disconnect from Point…. The LED is disconnected from the point. It can be
reconnected to a point again using the Connect to Point menu item. Requires
2-Engineering level authorization.

· Process Object Properties…. Opens up all properties for the selected point.
Requires 2-Engineering level authorization.

· Reset All…. This option will remove all connections done using Connect to
Point menu item. All settings in LED Configuration are reset to defaults.
Requires 2-Engineering level authorization.

· Change Page Title…. Changes the tab title. The default is “Page x”. From here
you can enter a different title which will be saved and used later. Requires 2-
Engineering level authorization.

· Show Time Column. If checked, the time and date column with the latest time
stamp is shown. Requires 1-Control level authorization.

· Acknowledge All Alarms With Common. When this option is checked, all the
individual unacknowledged LED alarms can be acknowledged when
acknowledging the common alarm. Requires 1-Control level authorization.

· Help…. Opens up this manual. Also available from F1 key. Requires 0-View
level authorization.

LED Configuration Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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The LED Configuration menu item opens up a new dialog with LED Configuration
options, see screenshot below.


· Process Object LN & IX. Shows the point name and index as reference.

· Point type. A selection of “Generic Event” or “Alarm”. The difference is in

how the LED is turned on and off. For an Alarm, the LED will turn on if the
point is in alarming state. For a Generic Event it is selected by the LED
Light On Value setting when the LED is turned on. Also the colors are by
default different, for Alarm, the system alarm color is used (typically red), for
Generic Event the Warning color is used (typically yellow).

· Text. Modifies the text description of the LED. The text is also saved to the
Object Text (OX) attribute of the connected point.

· LED On Color. Select the On state color for selected LED.

· LED Off Color. Select the Off state color for all LEDs.

· LED Mode. For a Generic Event you can select modes: Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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o Normal. The LED turns on and off as the point changes value

o Latched. The LED turns on and stays on until the LED is reset
manually from the context menu (Reset Latched LED)

· LED Light On Value. The value of the point that illuminates the LED.

· LED Light On Mode. Determines if an illuminated LED should be blinking or

steady on. The options are:

o Blinking when Unacknowledged. Only selectable if the type is Alarm.

As long as the alarm is unacknowledged, the LED will blink. After
acknowledging the alarm, the LED is steady on if the alarm is still
active, steady off if the alarm is not active.

o Blinking. Always blinking as long as the LED is in ON state.

o Steady on. Always steady on as long as the LED is in ON state.

Display Engineering
There are several different symbols to choose from. Alarm Tile, Alarm LEDs, Status LEDs
and Indication LEDs. You can also use Alarm Tags (a text field with either dynamically
colored background or text) or a Trip Tag. All LEDs can have object text on the left or right
side or no text at all. The Alarm LEDs allows you to open up the control dialog for e.g.
acknowledging alarms. Some examples are shown below.

1. Alarm Tile

2. Square Alarm LED with object text on right

3. Alarm tags, with dynamically colored text and background. Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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The symbols are installed using Object Browser and drag & drop the selected item to
process display. For more information on installing display symbols, see manual
SYS600_Process Display Design, chapter 5: Power process functionality.

Engineering Notes
Some technical notes for engineers:

· The configuration for each installed IED LED Indicator function will be stored in a SCIL
database type of file located in sc\apl\’apl_name’\PAR\APL folder with the name
‘LN’.SDB where LN is the process object logical name (P_OBJECT_LN) for the
function. This file is saved when the LED Configuration is changed and every time the
control dialog is closed. To return to the default configuration the file can be deleted
manually, however it is easier to use the context menu option Reset All to do the same

· When the function is installed some additional application objects will be created:

o Command Procedure NAM_IEDLED_COMMON. This command procedure is

executed every time one of the LED process objects is updated. It takes care of
setting the Common alarm and also setting Latched LEDs. The command
procedure must be run in a parallel queue, by default 15 is used. If this queue is
used for other critical executions, you can change the parallel queue to another
one. More about parallel queues in manual SYS600_System Objects, search
for “parallel queue”.

o Event Channel NAM_IEDLED_COMMON. This event channel will be attached

to all LED process objects and will execute command procedure
NAM_IEDLED_COMMON whenever a LED process object is updated.

o Process Objects SAI_IEDLED_LATCHES:P’n’ where ‘n’ is running number

starting from 1. These process objects are used by latched LEDs to keep the
value active until the operator resets the LED. When one of these process
objects are used, the IU (In Use) attribute is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0. As Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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more process objects are needed they will be created automatically with an
increasing index number.

· The LED Reset command must be a direct command as the function currently does
not support a Select-Execute operation.

· When installing the IED LED Indicator function, the IED_TYPE attribute is written to
CX attribute of index 10, the “Common LED Alarm”. The Generic IED subdrawing will
display the CX attribute and this text can be changed at any time.

ABB Inc.
PSNM Substation Automation Products
1021 Main Campus Dr
Raleigh, NC 27606
1 800 HELP 365
+1 440 585 7804 Tech Support: 1800 HELP 365

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