Ap State Police

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Chapter � 6
(See Order No.61-4)




Present (a) Period covered

Inspection by inspection:

(b) Dates of inspection:

Last inspection (a) Period covered

by inspection:

(b) Dates of inspection:


(a). Put up a statement showing clerk-wise, the number of cases pending at the beginning of the year, those received during the
year, those disposed of during the year and those pending at the end of year? (Comment the progress in disposal)

(b). Put up an abstract showing the number of references of over six months to one year and over one year, pending in each seat
& comment on pendency?

(c). Scrutinise some typical files among over one year and over six months and indicate the delays or deviations from the
prescribed procedures or any other peculiarities noticed therein. Suggest measures or changes in procedure that may help
expedite disposal.


(a) Who opens daily tappals? (Important items like D.O. letter, Telexes, Telegrams to be put up to head of Office. Is this being

(b) Is there an office order on this?

(c) Any bottlenecks in distribution?

(d) Are instructions written on these communications? (exact decisions wherever possible, to give action oriented disposal.)

(e) Does the tappal clerk maintain any register or registers for containing acknowledgements of tappals and valuables?

(f) Are these registers maintained properly and acknowledgement with dates obtained?

(g) Is the distribution of tappals prompt and punctual?


(a) Are distribution Registers maintained properly in the prescribed form?

(b) Is the officers opening tappals or the section head Initialing with date below the last number in the distribution register each

(c) Have all the numbers in the distribution register been acknowledged by the clerks?

(d) Have the distribution registers been compared with the personal registers by the section heads periodically and all currently
in the distribution register accounted for in the personal registers?

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(a) Are personal Registers maintained in the prescribed form by all the drafting clerks?

(b) Have all the pending currents of the previous years been brought forward to the new register on Ist April? (Vide extract of
note (1) under para 19 of the (DOM)

(c) Has a certificate to that effect been recorded in the register by the clerk and attested by the superintendent?

(d) Have currents been registered on the same date of receipt?

(e) Are the title heads entered in column of the Register brief and accurate? Do they adhere to authorised heads? (Vide paras 105
� 107 of D.O.M.)

(f) Have colums 7 & 8 showing the date of submission of papers and returned to clerk been filed up correctly?

(g) Have the reminders issued been entered in the columns 9, 10 and 11?

(h) Have replies to reference been entered in their turn on the dates of receipt in columns 2 and 3 and full details thereof in
columns 12, 13 and 14 against the old (List out delay of over one month and comment upon bad delays if any) case concerned?

(i) Have the disposal been returned to the record room promptly and got acknowledged

(j) Examine some disposal files and find out whether there was any closing of files prematuredly

(k) Have lie-over orders been taken unnecessarily for unduly long periods

(l) Is the programme for check of personal registers by section heads and the officers suitable?

(m) Is an index showing the due date for check and dates of actual submission attached to the running note file relating to each
personal register and maintained up-to-date?

(n) Have personal registers been checked by Superintendents and the officers concerned regularly on the due dates? (Para 120 of

(o) Have the remarks recorded in the running note files been awarded promptly?

(p) Have personal registers been checked by the section heads and the officers thoroughly and critically?


(Vide extract of paras 70,71 and 122 of D.O.M.)

(a) Is a consolidated list/calendar of periodicals maintained? for the office showing what would be maintained by which official
and when, to whom they should be sent? Is the section head watching this periodically?

(b) Is there scope for reducing the number of periodicals by discontinuing unnecessary one or by adopting leser frequency for
any periodical?

(c) Is a periodical register maintained by each clerks dealing with periodicals?

(d) Are the periodical, registers, maintained correctly and up-to-date?

(e) Have the periodical registers been checked along with the personal registers according to the programme?

(f) Have advance reminders been issued for periodicals due from sub-ordinates and prompt reminders in cases of delays by


(a) Is a periodical register maintained to ensure that every Govt. servant submits annual property statement vide Sub-Rules (10)
of Rules 9 of the A.P.C.S. (Conduct) Rules 1963?

(b) Are the authorities competent to receive the annual property statements properly and promptly scrutinising the statements
received from the Govt. servants having regard to the financial status and the general reputation of Govt. servant concerned.

(c) Having regard to the above factors on scrutiny and verification of the statements received from Govt. servants by the
competent authorities, if they give room for suspicion such cases should be referred to the A.C.B. for verification. Whether any
such cases could be detected and if so whether they have been referred to A.C.B. for verification.

(d) Whether action is being initiated in time against the defaulters, who failed to submit the annual property statement.


(Vide extract of para 69 of the D.O.M)

(a) Is a call book maintained in the prescribed form and are all columns being filled in properly?

(b) Are there any entries in the call book where action is due within six months?

(c) Are there any delays in taking action when call book cases mature?

(d) Is the call book being checked periodically by the section Heads and the officers concerned?
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(Vide extract of para 121 of the D.O.M)

(a) Is an abstract of pending cases i.e. �new case� remaining undisposed of at the end of the previous month submitted to the
officers concerned each month as per para 121 of the D.O.M.

(b) Is it reviewed critically?


(Vide extract of para 125 of the D.O.M.)

(a) Are reminders issued promptly as per the procedure prescribed in para 125 of D.O.M.?

(b) Is the issue of reminders checked by the supervising officers along with the personal registers?


(Please furnish a chart showing the organisational setup of the office)

(a) Is there an office order showing the distribution of subject among the officers and sections and whether the distribution is

(b) Is the allocation of work between the heads of the departments and his Gazetted assistants properly and suitably made?

(c) Does any one in the section have to submit papers to more than one officer?

(d) Please furnish a statement showing the total number of currents received in each section during the previous 12 months and
the average number of currents per working days received by each Senior Asst. and Junior Asst. separately. Does it show
inequal distribution of work-load?

(e) Is the distribution of work among clerks and sections rational and equitable? If not, what changes are suggested to secure
grater efficiency?


(a) Composition of staff of internal audit wing sanctioned and utilised.

(b) Total No. of officers/Institutions to be internally audited/or inspected, periodicity of audit the extent, period upto which it
was done.

(c) Reasons for deficiency/arrears, if any

(d) Whether proper records/registers for watching completion of audits, issue of reports, pursuance of points noticed during
audit, are maintained and whether the action taken was adequate.


1.Strength of Office

(a) What is the sanctioned strength of the office under each category?



(b) Is the office adequately staffed? (Comment with reference to the average out-turn of work and other relevant factors)

(c) If the average out turn is more/less than the norm, are there any special features jusitfying the present scale of staff or is there

2.Yardsticks for Manpower Computation

(a) Specify the yardsticks norms prescribed for computation of �Man Power� requirement of various cadres in department,

(b) Whether the above norms are adopted in preparing the estimates of staff requirements at the time of initial sanctions and
annual budget estimates.

(c) If so norms exist, action taken by the department to prescribe the same and specify the method adopted for it.


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(a) What is the average out-turn of the typists?

(b) If the average out-turn is below the yardstick, are there any special features justifying the existing number of typists or is
there scope for reduction in the number of typists?

(c) Is any typist attending to any duties other than typing like dispatching etc.?


(a) How are the stenographers distributed and are they given adequate work?

(b) Are there officers who are handicapped for want of stenographers?

5.Junior Assistants

What is the work attended to by Junior Asst.?

Does he merely attend to routine work or note and draft also?

6.Rotation of Staff

(a) Is any member of the staff attending to the same subjects and items of work for more than three years?

(b) Have focal points been declared and, if so, what are those posts and whether the incumbents are continuing therein for more
that three years?

(c) In cases where the members have been retained in focal points for a longer period than three years, is there adequate
justification for such retention and whether the approval of Govt. in the administrative Dept. in respect of such gazetted officers
and next higher authority above the appointing authority in respect of such NGO�s has been obtained as required?


1.Stamp Account: (Para 24 of D.O.M)

(a) Is the stamp account maintained properly in the prescribed form?

(b) Has the accounts been checked daily by the Superintendent and periodically by an officer?

(c) Does the value of stamps on hand tally with the balance shown in the register?

2.Financial Account

(a) Budget (b) realization or resources (c) Expenditure

(i) Is there a separate accounts officer to look after budgetary preparation and control?

(ii) Is the head of office personally associated in the preparation of annual budget?

(iii) Are the budget estimates and number statements prepared in accordance with the prescribed instructions?

(iv) Are the estimates on contingencies and T.A. prepared according to the prescribed instructions?

(v) Have surrenders and excesses of the previous year kept in view in preparing the current year�s estimates?

(vi) Is an excess and saving statement maintained and reviewed periodically?

(vii) Was there any rush of expenditure at the end of the previous years if so, what steps you would suggest to eliminate such

(viii) Are the accounts regularly reconciled with those of AG�s office and monthly reconciliation certificate issued

(ix) Are the instructions issued in G.O.Ms.No.101, Finance BG.II) Dept., dt.18-5-1967 and No.4378-A/47/W&M.I/80 dt.31-
1-1980 being scrupulously followed?

(x) Is there a proper phasing of expenditure over the entire financial year?

3.Permanent Advance Register and Cash Book

(a) Is a permanent advance register maintained properly in the prescribed form?

(b) Is the register being submitted to the officer daily or whenever there are transactions?

(c) Is the permanent advance being recouped at least twice a month?

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(d) Is the permanent advance sanctioned for the office adequately or excessive

(e) Is the cash book being maintained properly in the prescribed form?

(f) Are the cash balance under permanent advance and all other accounts entered daily in the cash book?

(g) The officer in whose favour of T.A. is sanctioned shall send an acknowledgement to sanctioning authority in the form given
under article 98 of APFC Volume-I for the amount due from and accountable by him as on 31st March proceeding or on date of
change in the incumbency of the post or in the amount of advance sanctioned.

4.Resources & dues to Government to be Realised

(a) What are the heads of revenue for the realization of which the department is responsible and what are the exact amounts to
be realized under:-

i) arrear

ii) current

(b) Has any programme of collection been prescribed?

(c) What is the progress of realisation (Comment critically the method applied for realisation and their adequacy)

(d) Whether the realisation of dues is progressive and satisfactory?


(a) How many cases have been detected after last Accountant General�s inspection?

(b) Whether the Departmental officer has taken action as per the provisions contained in chapter XII of the A.P.F.C. Volume-I?

(c) Please go through the files on misappropriation cases of the Accountant General�s audit objections and initiation of action,
Comment on whether action was initiated within a reasonable period say 3 months after the misappropriation was brought to the
notice/attention of the concerned officer. If there is delay set a time for all the cases and comment on other recommendations
made by the inspecting officer.

6.Register of un-disbursed pay and T.A.etc.

(a) Is it maintained properly in the prescribed form?

(b) Is there a periodical check of this register?

(c) Whether the head of the office is obtaining the acknowledgements for the amounts paid towards pay leave salary,
Allowances etc., on the office copy of the bill, if not, whether a separate acquaintance roll in form 88 is obtained.

(d) Whether a register of un-disbursed pay in APFC from 20 (for watching the disbursement of money down from treasury and
not disbursed on the same day) is maintained.

7.Register of Contingent Expenditure

(a) Is a contingent register maintained properly in the prescribed form?

(b) Is each item of expenditure in the contingent register being attested by the officer?

(c) Have instructions regarding economy in expenditure been adhered to?

(d) Is the register in Form 7 of Andhra Pradesh Financial Code Volume-I maintained in the office of the countersigning authority
and the figures posted in it under article 110 of A.P.F.C. Volume-I?

8.Is A.P.F.C. forms 25 and 26 maintained for expeditious submission of D.C. bill to the Accountant General or the monthly
return of A.C. bills drawn and D.C. bills submitted.

9.List of Valuable Items (Securities) Register

(a) Whether the security register is maintained in form 17 of A.P.F.C. Volume-I ?

(b) Whether it is checked periodically by the officer?

10.Personal Security Register

11.Register of T.A. & other Temporary Advances

(a) Whether a register of T.A. and other temporary advances is maintained?

(b) Whether advances paid are entered in the register and agreed with the total amount under each head of account?

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(c) Whether the adjustment of advances is watched and action taken against defaulters?

(d) Whether the register is enclosed with monthly extracting details of the advances pending adjustment?

12.Register of Audit objection on TA and other temporary advances

(a) Put up a statement of audit objections pending disposal?

(b) What is the total amount covered by the objection?

(c) Are the periodical returns prescribed on the subject promptly despatched?

(d) Is the repetition of the objections of the previous years avoided?

(e) Are the audit objections being answered promptly?


1.Stock files office orders

(a) Has a list of subjects on which stock files should be maintained?

(b) Are stock files on all such subjects maintained?

(c) Is an index put up in all stock files?

(d) Are the stock files maintained properly and upto-date? Have obsolete orders been removed?

(e) Are the stock files being checked periodically?

2.(a) Whether the Department Manual is available in the Departments? Yes/No.

(b) If yes, whether update or not?

3.Attendance Registers

(a) Is an Attendance Register maintained properly in the prescribed Form?

(b) Is a late Attendance Register maintained showing the time of arrival of the late comers?

(c) Have the attendance and late attendance registers been seen by an officer daily?

(d) Is forfeiture of casual leave according to provisions in D.O.M.

4.Fair Copying Register

(a) Is the fair copy register maintained properly in the prescribed form?

(b) Is the register checked by an officer periodically?

(c) Are there delays in fair copy and despatch?

5.Despatch by post & local delivery Book

(a) Are register for local delivery and despatch by post maintained properly in the prescribed form?

(b) Are there any cases where letters which could be sent by local delivery were sent by post?

(c) Have those registers been checked by the Superintendent and the officer concerned periodically?

6.Office Accommodation

(a) Is the accommodation adequate?

(b) Are the office rooms and halls maintained neatly?

(c) Are fire extinguisher maintained in serviceable condition?


(a) Is a records-register maintained up-to-date?

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(b) Are the records neatly and properly arranged?

(c) Is the record room maintained securely and free from white ants and rats?

(d) Is the weeding of ripe records up-to-date?

(e) Is a register showing the handing over and taking back of the sealed bag containing the keys of the record room maintained

8.Indices of Record

(Vide paras 99-101 of the D.O.M.)

(a) Have indices been prepared up-to-date?

(b) Have any unauthorised title heads been adopted?

9.Library & reference Books

(a) Is a receipt register maintained up-to-date?

(b) Is a catalogue of books maintained up-to-date?

(c) Is issues register maintained correctly and up-to-date?

(d) Is an arrear list prepared every month and action taken for the return of books pending for more than a month?

(e) Has a physical verification of books been made annual?

(f) Is a register showing reference books issued to sections and officers maintained?

(g) Is a list of reference books maintained in each section and does it tally with those supplied

(h) Are reference books kept up-to-date with the latest correction slips pasted therein?

10.Forms and Stationery

(a) Are the registers maintained properly in the prescribed form

(b) Are acknowledgements obtained for each item of issue?

(c) Have receipts of stocks from the Commissioner of Printing and Stationery been verified and attested by an officer?

(d) Have the closing balance of previous registers been carried over correctly to the current register?

(e) Does the stock on hand tally with that in the register?

(f) Have the stocks been physically verified periodically?

(g) Is the stock of form or stationery much in excess of normal requirements?

(h) Has there been any delay in sending the indents for forms or stationery to the Commissioner of Printing and Stationery or in
supplying them?

(i) Have the instructions regarding economy in stationery and forms been implemented?

11.Typewriters, Duplicators and Photo copiers

(a) Is an adequate number of typewriters maintained in working condition?

(b) Are the machine card maintained for each typewriter and duplicator?

(c) Are the machines being inspected periodically?

(d) Is a register of typewriters, duplicators and photo copiers maintained up-to-date?


(a) Is a register showing the stock of furniture maintained properly and up-to-date in the form prescribed?

(b) Is an inventory of furniture kept in each room section or hall and kept up-to-date

(c) Does the stock according to the register tally with the total of the articles in the inventories?

(d) Has the furniture been physically verified annually by the officer concerned and action taken to rectify the discrepancies if

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(e) Have unserviceable articles been disposed off promptly?

13.Office Vehicles� state of Repair


1.Cadre strength & Office strength

(a) What is the total cadre strength?



(b) Has action been initiated to make permanent, all temporary posts which have been in existence for three years or more? (Vide
G.O.Ms.No.122/Fin.&Plg. Fin. Exp. HG)

2.Typists and Stenos & Junior Assistants

(a) What is the average out-turn of the typists?

(b) If the average out-turn is below the yardstick, are there any special features justifying the existing number of typists or is
there scope of reduction in the number of typists?

(c) Is any typist attending to any duties other than typing like despatching etc.

(d) How are the stenographers distributed and are they given adequate work?

(e) Are there officers who are handicapped for want of stenographers?

(f) What is the work attended to by Jr. Assts.? Does he merely attend to routine work or note and draft also?

3.Rules for the Posts

(a) Whether all posts are covered by rules general/special or adhoc (Instructions were issued in G.O.Ms.No. 322/GA(SER)
Department, dt.7-4-1976.

(b) What are the reasons, if any, for non-issue of rules covering any posts?

4.Temporary Appointments

(a) Are temporary appointments made only when candidates selected by competent authority are not available?

(b) Where temporary appointments are made, do the candidates posses the prescribed qualifications?

(c) Whether any vacancies which ought to have been notified to the Employment Exchange have been filled up without such
notification? If so, give particulars.

(d) Has concurrence of the A.P.P.S.C. been obtained where necessary for temporary appointments exceeding three months

(e) Has prompt action been taken for regularisation of temporary appointments?

(f) Have increments been sanctioned upto date various temporary members of the staff?

5.Annual Performance Reports

(Annual Confidential Reports)

(a) Are annual performance reports/data for all employees maintained properly and up-to-date? Is an index maintained in the
prescribed for each APR?

(b) Have the officers who relinquished charge on transfer or for other reasons enclosed certificates to their handing over charge
reports that they have written the confidential reports up-to-date in respect of all for whom they have to write the reports?

(c) Are annual certificates of completing the APR obtained from the sub-ordinate officers and also furnished by the head of the
Department to the concerned administrative department of the Secretariat.

(d) Have adverse remarks, if any, been communicated to the concerned officials and other acknowledgements filed in the annual
performance report?

(e) Are character rolls maintained for last grade Government servants (Vide G.O.Ms. No. 179/GA(SER.�) Dept., dt. 15-2-1963.

6.Inspection by Supervising Officers

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(a) What is the minimum touring to be done by the supervisory officers as per standing orders?

(b) Have they toured regularly as stipulated in (a) above?

(c) Whether the tour notes pointing out the defects are sent regularly by the supervising officers to the subordinate officers to
rectify the defects pointed out in the inspection notes during the tour?


(d) Whether rectification reports from subordinate officers are obtained regularly and if not, the reasons therefore?

7.Declaration of Probation

(a) Is a register of probationers maintained upto date separately for each category of Govt. servant?

(b) Had it been examined every month and action initiated in all cases due to declaration of the completion of probation?

(c) Have probation sheets been opened for all persons regularly appointed?

(d) Are there any delays in passing orders of completion of probation?

8.Service Registers

(a) Are service register maintained for the entire personnel in accordance with the instructions in FRs?

(b) Have certificates of verification of services been furnished in the service registers up-to-date?

9.List of Vacancies

(a) Is list of vacancies under each category maintained up-to-date?

(b) Whether action has been taken to fill up vacancies as per Rules?

10.Postings and Transfers

(a) Are posting orders or transfers dealt with on priority basis after verifying vacancy position?

(b) Were there any cases of transfers within a period of three years what were the grounds?

(c) Are posting orders for officers and staff returning from leave or deputation issued in advance promptly?

11.Panels of Approved Candidates

(a) Are panels prepared in time of approved candidates for promotion to higher categories?

(b) What is the procedure followed in preparing them?

(c) Is it in accordance with the instructions laid down therefore

(d) Are promotions made by appointing the persons included in those panels?

12.Disciplinary Cases

(a) Put up statements showing the details of disciplinary case disposed during the period covered by inspection and pending

(b) Examine some cases disposed of and state whether the procedure has been followed correctly in accordance with the APCS
(CCA) Rules?

(c) Are there any undue delays in the disposal of the disciplinary cases?

(d) Are the punishments imposed appropriate?

(e) Have the punishments imposed been noted in the personal files and the service registers of the individuals concerned?

13.Pension Cases

(a) Put up a statement showing details of pension cases disposed of during the year and another statement showing the pending

(b) What were the reasons for the delay in sanctioning pension?

(c) Was any anticipatory pension sanctioned in respect of long pending cases?

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(d) Has prompt action been taken in sanctioning family pension?

14.Public Relations

(a) i) Is a Gazetted Officers entrusted with public relations work in terms of government orders on the subjects?

ii) If so is he sufficiently senior and empowered to pursue the matters represented and liaise with all branches and sections?

iii) Do the public know about his role?

iv) Has his role as public relations officer been effectively played and made use of by the public?

v) Any suggestions to make his role really effective and useful to public.

(b) Is there a receptionist to receive and guide the public?

(c) Have suitable arrangements been made for visitors when it become necessary for them to wait, before they can meet the
officer, they have come to see?

15.Redressal of Public Grievances

(Vide G.O.Ms.No.560, G.A. (IV.I) dt. 16-9-1979 and subsequent Government orders)

(a) Has a complaints register been opened?

(b) Where is it kept?

(c) Are the public making use of it? Give/Statistics and analysis of complaints registered redressed?

(d) Are the complaints referred from Divisional Grievance Officers registered in it?

(e) Are the complaints pertaining to field officers being sent to the Divisional Grievance Officers?

(f) Is there prompt and effective action on the complaints received from Divisional Grievance Officers?

(Review critically)

16.Review of action on public Grievance

(a) Is there a calendar of check of the register by the head and is a run on note file maintained?

(b) Is the head of office/department critically reviewing the action taken for redressal of the public grievances?

(c) List of suggestions made by superior officers during their visits in the year.

(d) List of grievances redressed by the officers during their tours. (the inspecting officer should give his considered analysis and
assessment of the grievances redressal work, to be written by him and not by the inspecting staff)



(a) Have all the defects pointed out in the previous notes of inspection been rectified and report sent in the proforma as
prescribed in the U.O. note No.34-A/IC-II/77-3, G.A. (IC.II) Dept., dt. 16-1-1978.

(b) Findings of the inspecting officers on the working of the Department/Office and his specific recommendations for securing
greater efficiency in its working? (Vide para-5 of G.O.Ms.No.176/G.A.(ARC&S) Dept., dt.21-3-1968.

(c) Overall impression of the working of the office inspected. (The inspecting officers general comments & suggestions should
be given.)

Copy of: The D.O.Letter No.145/IC/96, dated 23-1-1999 from P.P. Williams, IAS

Commissioner of public Enterprises and E.O. Principal Secretary to Government General Administration Department,
Secretariat, Hyderabad.


Dear Sri Raghotham Rao,

Sub:- OP-Scheme of Inspection � Allocation of offices of Head of Departments for inspection for the years
1994-95, 1995-96, 1996-97,

1997-98 and 1998-99 � Regarding.

Ref:- D.O.Lr.No. 145/IC/96-1, Dated: 28-1-1997.

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In the D.O. letter cited (copy enclosed) a copy of the questionnaires for taking up inspection of heads of
departments has been communicated to the Departments of Secretariat and they were requested to give a questionnaire on the
points on which the inspection of their Departments has to be conducted to ensure that Inspection is conducted on correct lines.

2.In response to the above D.O. letter interim replies have been received from certain Departments only.

3.Chief Secretary to Government desired to convene a meeting with all the special Chief Secretaries/Principal
Secretaries/Secretaries to Government to discuss the above matter.

4.The meeting will be held at 11-30 A.M. on 30-1-1999 in the conference Hall of �C� Block in 4th Floor of General
Administration Department.

5.I request you to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting without fail.

6.I also request you to kindly furnish a draft questionnaire for each of the Heads of the departments under your administrative
control duly covering all the items/points that are required to form part of the Inspection Reports. The new format should have
questions on Prajala Vaddaku Palana, Sramadanam, Janmabhoomi, working of Eight self help groups) working of Nodal Officers

7.The draft questionnaires in respect of each Head of Department under your Administrative control should reach this
Department by 27-1-1999.

With regards,

Sri A.Raghotham Rao, IAS,

Principal Secretary to Govt., Home Department.

Yours sincerely,

Sd/- P.P. Williams.

Section Officer.





No.3152/Genl.B/A1/99-1. Dated: 27-1-



Sub:- OP � Scheme of Inspection � Allocation of Offices of Heads Of Departments for inspection for the year 1994-
95, 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997-98 and 1998-99 � Regarding.

Ref:- D.O. Letter No. 145/IC/96, dated 23-1-99 of Sri P.P.Williams, IAS, Commissioner of Public Enterprises & E.O.
Principal Secretary to Govt. Genl. Admn. Dept.


A copy of the D.O. letter cited along with its enclosures is communicated to all Heads of Departments under the control
of Home Department. They are requested to furnish a draft questionnaire of the Department duly covering all the items/points
that are required to form part of the inspection reports. The new format should have questions on Prajala Vaddaku Palana,
Sramadanam, Janmabhoomi, working of 8 (eight self help groups: working of Nodal Officers etc. to the Commissioner of Public
Enterprises and E.O. Principal Secretary to Government General Administration Department by 28-1-1999.

� This may be treated as Most Urgent �

A. Raghotham Rao,
Principal Secretary to Government.
https://www.appolice.gov.in/jsp/appm/appm/PART II/MANUAL-ANNEXURES/Annexure1.htm 11/12

Heads of Departments.

� 2015 Police Computer Services & Standardisation, AP Police Department.

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