Leo's Homework 4

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The Onion, an online spoof newspaper that tackles current events, enter -
tainment, and myriad other media topics with biting satire and a keen eye,
addresses the culture of entitlement among privileged teens in this 2008
satire, the newspaper proves its message by demonstrate the words spo -
ken by someone who represents the law, detailed description of the action
of Wentworth, and the strong contrast between the rich and the poor.

The description of many actions reflects Wentworth's arrogance and im -

moral performance. During Wentworth's brief time in custody, he was get -
ting impatient and start “swearing, vomiting, and kicking at the windows of
the squad car” and then “summoned the strength to refuse a field sobriety
test”. All these descriptions add up to acts of defiance against the law
based on his privilege. However, his father explains the reason that his son
was acting violent because he “is strong” and not like others who “con-
fessed and accepted punishment for their mistake”. In the common under -
standing, every wrongdoer should be punished accordingly, the conse-
quences of resistance are also serious. Not to mention he resisted when
the polices were preparing to take him into custody, the courts haven't
even decided the consequences yet, this is pushing the boundaries of law
and morality; disregard for the law. The audience, primarily people who
read this article(who like to read spoof newspaper), will think the law is cor -
rupt and consider about whether that's happening in their society(usually

What the chief of police said shows the corruption of the law. He said “
Wentworth did not experience a single repercussion for consuming alcohol
under age…” and he was totally “unaware that he did anything wrong” so
he is “a very lucky boy.” All these informations reflect what Wentworth did
is innocent and unmeant. We all know that “consuming alcohol under age
or operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated ” is illegal, there's no way
anyone didn't know, so Wentworth's total ignorance of what he did is an ex -
cuse. He was aware of the rule, but knowing he has the privilege, he ig -
nored and broke the law. But considering how people feel about this, the
police chief said he avoided punishment because he was lucky rather than
rich deliberately to cover up the fact that he's privileged. The audience, es -
pecially people who read this newspaper, knowing that these "guardians of
the law" were trying to help maintain Wentworth's good fame for personal
gain, which against what they were supposed to do: To keep the society
peaceful and not chaotic.

Irony and contrast are also used to show the eventual results of people
who meet with that incident. Wentworth is relaxing comfortably “in a chaise
lounge by his backyard pool”, while the four victims are received treatment
from hospital. The contrast is striking, a rich person who hit four people
with his car, but relaxing in his luxurious swimming pool. And the four vic -
tims, who should be enjoying themselves, are recovering in a poor
hospital(quite poor). In general, you can't continue get a good treatment af-
ter you hit someone with your car, and there were four of them. Usually
stay in jail and hence also lose the chance to go to school— life will be
hard. But, there’s no punishment and no affect to his school career, and
didn't go bankrupt because expensive car was wrecked or paid for his vic -
tims. The audience, especially people who read this, feel funny about such
ridiculous ending, that's what makes this article so fascinating.

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