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Ballistics (gr. ba'llein, "throw") is the science that deals with the motion, behavior, and effects of
projectiles, especially bullets, gravity bombs, rockets, or the like; the science or art of designing and
hurling projectiles so as to achieve a desired performance. A ballistic body is a body which is free to
move, behave, and be modified in appearance, contour, or texture by ambient conditions, substances,
or forces, as by the pressure of gases in a gun, by rifling in a barrel, by gravity, by temperature, or by air

Firearm ballistics information is used in forensic science. Separately from ballistics information, firearm
and tool mark examinations involve analyzing firearm, ammunition, and tool mark evidence in order to
establish whether a certain firearm or tool was used in the commission of a crime.

Ballistics is sometimes subdivided into:

Internal ballistics, the study of the processes originally accelerating the projectile, for example the
passage of a bullet through the barrel of a rifle;

Transition ballistics, the study of the projectile's behavior when it leaves the barrel and the pressure
behind the projectile is equalized.

External ballistics, the study of the passage of the projectile through space or the air; and

Terminal ballistics, the study of the interaction of a projectile with its target, whether that be flesh (for a
hunting bullet), steel (for an anti-tank round), or even furnace slag (for an industrial slag disruptor).

“Ballista” is a gigantic bow or catapult which was used to hurl large objects such as stones at a particular
distance to deter animals or enemy forces.

Today, the word Ballistics is frequently used synonymously in the press and in the Police Parlance to
Firearms Identification.

It is a science in itself because it evolved from systematic knowledge, research and development,
training, experience and education of those who pioneered in this field.

Technically speaking, it refers to the "science of firearms identification which involves the scientific
examination of ballistics exhibits such as: fired bullets; fired shells; firearms; and allied matters, used in

Legally speaking, ballistics is the microscopic examination of fired cartridge cases and bullets together
with the recording and presentation by means of photography of what is revealed by the microscope.


Ballistics is the scientific study of the propulsion and motion of projectiles such as bullets, artillery shells,
rockets and guided missiles. Also includes the study of the destructive action of such projectiles.

The drag of a projectile moving head on is now usually divided into three parts:

bow resistance - due to air pressure at the head of the projectile;

skin friction - caused by the friction of air moving along the middle portion of the body; and

base drag - due to the under-pressure and disturbance  of the air behind the base.

The following are pioneers in the study of force and projectiles:

GALILEO, NEWTON, and LEIBNIZ established the principles of dynamics and the methods of calculus,
studies which helped the rapid development of external ballistics.
GALILEO and NEWTON were both interested in the force called air resistance, now usually called
aerodynamic drag, which reduces the speed of a projectile.

In 1707, CASSINI, an astronomer suggested measuring firearms muzzle velocity.

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