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Nica M.

Year and Section: 1-Y
Class code:00493


1. Introduction to assigned crime

-Contemporary terrorism violence is thus distinguished in law from “Ordinary” Violence
by the classic terrorism “triangle”

2. Effects of Globalization
-The effects of terrorism can cause ripple effects through the economy that have negative
impact .The most obvious is the direct economic destruction of property and lives.Terrorism
indirectly affects the economy by creating market uncertainly,xenophobia, loss of tourism,and
increased insurance claims.

3. Current situation of Globalization?

-There is high threat of kidnap in the Philippines. Foreign nationals have been targeted by both
criminal and terrorism groups. The country ranks in 16 th place on the Globalization index 2022
list of countries must affected by terrorism.

4. Government Countermeasure
-Countermeasure against organized crime in the Philippines have included legislation,
specialized law enforcement units, and programs of various internationals and national
organizations as well as the government.

5. Give suggestion for countermeasure of our government not done by government

-My suggestion for countermeasure of our government is more strengthen or have more
enforcement of anywhere in the Philippines specially Mindanao to conduct safety for the

1. Introduction to assigned crime

-Human trafficking is a crime where a person is controlled and exploited for the benefit of
someone else. It involves activities,such as recruiting people,moving them from one place to
another,or keeping them in secret place or the purpose of exploiting them.

2.Effects of Globalization
-Due to the rise in socioeconomic disparities, globalization is a key factor in the fueling of this
crime. Through trade routes and national borders, economic globalization encourages the trade
of people. By paying off the authorities, traffickers may simply control their illegal activities.
People are driven to migrate abroad in search of better paying jobs, where they are more prone
to fall victim to human trafficking in the host nations. The export of women for sexual
exploitation and labor exploitation is made easier by globalization due to the internet.

3.Current situation in the Philippines

-Of the 50,000 Filipino children employed as domestic workers in the Philippines, it is estimated
that nearly 5,000 are under the age of 15. The Philippines is one of the largest known sources of
online sexual exploitation of children. Between 60,000 and 100,000 Filipino minors are thought
to be affected by sex or labor trafficking overall.

4.Government Countermeasure
-The government sustained its efforts to provide anti-trafficking training to its officials by
supporting the provision of basic and advanced skills training through 136 programs that
included a focus on the investigation and prosecution of cases involving forced labor,child
soldier,child victims of online sexual.

5.Give suggestion for countermeasure not done by government

-my suggestion for our countermeasure not done by our government is continue to provide the
needs for the victims of human trafficking and make better training to stop and prevent human
trafficking for our country.

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