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हमारे सामाजिक कार्य को सपोर्य कीजिर्े जिससे हम अधिक से अधिक लोगों की मदद कर सकें.
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Website: Reiki and Astrology Predictions

Reiki healing and astrology counseling cases:

A case of an American scientist solved with Reiki healing as well astrology counseling.
Hi, I am U.S. based scientist and I got my national award for my research work. Everything
was going fine but after few months later getting award, my seniors rejected to work with me
and reported that they don’t want me to be with them. I was also surprised how it was
happened even for my performance I received the award too. I asked for Reiki to make better
the situation and harmony. I started taking Reiki and continued. As Reiki master also practice
astrology he suggested me “we can also diagnose the problem by astrology if you wish but I
can’t force it too”. I agreed, he asked about my birth details and started working on that. He
did his reading and told me there is no possibility of leaving job at present so it is sure for
coming time you will going to continue your job. He also suggested me to do some remedies
to sort the problem out as early as possible. I also followed all remedies mostly. Meanwhile
we continued Reiki too. Here the senior panel was not agreed to accept me. Whenever I
supposed to go for seminar or presentation I always used to consult with reiki master. He
gave me remedies for wearing gems, wearing particular color dress, eating habit etc. I used to
ask success of my experiments also, by horoscope reading he gave me predictions about it
that also helped me. Once he told me your experiment will not be successful this time but in
next occurrence you will be get successful this kind predictions also I saw, was correct. We
keep doing Reiki along with. Many times meeting about my job with seniors was going on.
He also predicted how they will be going to reply me or how they will help me, I found it
right. In the end of our all efforts I continued my job on my same post. Thanks.
Kidney stone
Hi, I was taking Reiki healing for my kidney stone problem in 2003-04. It was really bad and
painful when stones blocked the path of passing urine. I used to cry with the pain. There were
5 stones the biggest was 8-9 mm other 7, 5, 4, 2 mm in size. I started taking reiki healing for
7 days then continued to 21 days. In those days when I was taking healing the pain was
continued, I met my Dr. to and we planned to operate it. The operation was fixed after few
days later and I continued taking reiki healing. I saw white color while passing the urine as
well relief in pain too. I asked to Mr. Antas Billorey, he told me it may be possible the stone
got removed. The day arrived when I was ready for operation. My Dr. checked again and did
the required tests. He found there were no stone. I just called to Mr. Antas Billorey told about
it and went to meet him with some sweets J. I thank to reiki healing it’s a noble work.

Reiki healing for patients in hospital: I have always seen positive changes and fast recovery
in all cases when people suffering from chronic disease or admitted for any operation. It is
also suggested whatever treatment is taken by the patient it should be continued as their
doctor suggested. In last few days also given reiki healing to people who were facing problem
with their past. They were facing trouble to make better their life due to their past. One of my
friend who is talented actor of television and film industry facing some stomach and
headache problem, he also recovered in 14 to 21 days distance reiki healing sessions. Keep
practicing Reiki healing it works for everyone.

B.E. student got relive from depression.
Hi everyone Reiki means wonder for me thank you sir for building my confidence. I am a 21
years B.E. student during my exam I came under depression. My result is not good enough
what I suppose, so I eat lots of sleeping pills that time you are my neighbor you help me lot.
After that I came to know about reiki I take reiki more than 1 month. I feel completely
change. It gives me concentration in my studies. Now I don’t have stress in exam time. My
grades are also improved after this. Thank you very much.

रे की मेरे ललए एक चमत्कार है . सर आपको िन्र्वाद मेरा आत्मववश्वास िगाने के ललर्े. मैं २३ साल
का बी. ई. का छात्र हूँ , मै अपनी पढाई के ललए पर्यतः समवपयत था मेरी परीक्षा के समर् मे मै अपने
लमत्रों को भी पढ़ता था. अधिक से अधिक मेहनत के बाद भी मै फ़ैल हो गर्ा वपछली बार भी मै कुछ
ववषर्ों मे अर्क गर्ा जिन लमत्रो को मै पढ़ता था वे पास हो गर्े. अपनी असफलता से मै इतना अधिक
परे शान हो गर्ा की मैंने पेरालसर्ामोल की गोललर्ाां आवश्र्कता से अधिक खा ली थी. उस समर् सर
मेरे पडोसी थे िब मेरी मम्मी ने घबरा कर सबको बुलार्ा सर भी आर्े मुझे उल्र्ी करवाई गर्ी. उस
समर् मेरी नानी मौसी मम्मी से चचाय के दौरान सर ने मेरी िन्मपत्रत्रका से बतार्ा की मेरा र्े समर्
ठीक नहीां है पर गस्
ु सा करने से गलत काम करने से और त्रबगड़ेगा. र्े समर् मैडडर्े शन करो, मन्त्र करो.
उन्होंने मझ
ु से पछा क्र्ा तुम गवनयमेंर् सववयस मे इांर्ेरेस्र्े ड हो? मैंने कहा हाूँ. मेरे दोस्त Night study
करके ही पास हो िाते है पर मेरे पेपसय बैक हो गर्े. सर ने मझ
ु े कहा की अपने दोस्तों की नक़ल मत
करो र्दद वो रात को िागते हैं तो सकता है की उन्हें रात का र्ाइम साईकल सर् करता हो पर तुम्हारी
होरोस्कोप से पता चलता है की तुम्हे सुबह िल्दी उठ कर ही पढ़ना ज्र्ादा फलदार्ी रहे गा. आगे का
समर् अच्छा है . मेहनत करोगे तो सफलता लमलेगी. क्रोि पर ननर्ांत्रर् रखो. आगे समर् अच्छा है
वाइफ suportive रहे गी. इस समर् मैंने रे की के बारे मे भी िाना. एक महीने से अधिक रे की लेने के बाद
मुझे positive पररर्ाम लमलने लगे रे की ने मेरे िीवन को नर्ी दशा दी. मुझे मड जस्वांग की परे शानी से
भी ननिात लमला. सर आपको बहुत – बहुत िन्र्वाद.

Mother got his lost son.
Reiki gives me the best gift on this mother’s day. My 23 year old son left home. We don’t
have any idea about him. As I am a high BP patient it affects my health. I do all remedies to
find my son. At that time I search on Google about reiki and I got sir’s number. On the same
date I got the opportunity to meet him. He also told me to bring horoscope of my son. Due to
my sickness I was not able to sit. After taking reiki he also suggest me some remedies. He
assured me that my son is fine and soon (on a particular date he wrote) he will come. And I
was wonder that on the same date my son is with me. This feeling I want to share to show my
gratitude for you and for reiki, thank you so much.

इस मातदृ दवस पर मझ
ु े रे की ने ददर्ा एक ववशेष उपहार मेरा खोर्ा हुआ बेर्ा मझ
ु े वापस लमला. मेरा २३
साल का बेर्ा एक ददन अचानक घर छोड़ के चला गर्ा. हमें उसके बारे मे कोई िानकारी नहीां लमल पा रही
थी. मै हाई बी.पी. की परे शानी थी और इस घर्ना ने मेरे स्वस््र् पर भी प्रभाव डाला. हमने अपनी सारी
कोलशशे की उपार् ककर्े और कफर गगल पर हमने रे की सेण्र्र सचय ककर्ा और हमें आपका मोबाइल न.
लमला. आपने मझ
ु े उसी ददन लमलने का कहा पत्रत्रका लाने के ललए भी कहा. मेरे अस्वस्थता की कारन मै
बैठ पाने मे भी समथय नहीां थी. रे की ली कफर आपने मझ
ु े कुछ उपार् भी बतार्े और बतार्ा बेर्ा सरु क्षक्षत है
और िल्दी ही (और एक ननजश्चत तारीख ललखी) आ िार्ेगा. मै उस ददन आश्चर्यचककत रह गर्ी र्ह वही
तारीख थी और मेरा बेर्ा मेरे सामने था. मै अपने भावनाओां को र्हाूँ शेर्र करना चाहती हूँ और आपको
हाददय क िन्र्वाद दे ती हूँ आि आपकी और रे की उिाय की विह से मेरा बेर्ा मुझे लमला.

Better preparation of IIT exams
Hi I am a student of class XII. I had taken reiki for my IIT exam. I am feeling blessed by
taking reiki from you. This reiki energy changes a lot in my day to day routine. I wonder that
how you came to know about my weakness in my studies. My concentration power increase
now I feel more concentrate and energetic in my studies and waiting for my results.

मै कक्षा बारहवी का छात्र हूँ. मै अपनी IIT परीक्षा के ललए रे की ले रहा हूँ. मै अपने आपको भाग्र्शाली
समझता हूँ की मुझे सही समर् पर आप लमले. रे की ऊिाय ने मेरी ददनचर्ाय पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डाला. मै
उस समर् अचांलभत हो गर्ा िब आपने रे की द्वारा मेरी कमज़ोररर्ो से अवगत करार्ा और उसका ननदान
ककर्ा. मेरी एकाग्रता बढ़ी और मै अधिक ऊिाय से िुर् गर्ा. अब इांतिार है पररर्ाम का, आपको िन्र्वाद.
मै पर्यतः आश्वस्त हूँ आपकी रे की सेवाओां से.

Got bail from court.
First Thank you sir, it was 10 o’clock in night when I was at sir’s place. I have done a big
mistake sir and now I am in a big problem. It was my first sentence. “Due to some property
matter I had fight with my Uncle. Now it was my mistake that I am in judicial custody. How
can you help me?” I asked sir. By seeing my horoscope he told me do some remedies and
takes reiki for 7 days, after one month I am in court and I got bail on same day. my hearty
wishes sir for his job and fully satisfied from his services.

सबसे पहले आपको मेरा प्रर्ाम, उस ददन रात की १० बि रही थी और मै सर आपके सामने सर मुझसे
गलती हो गर्ी. मेरा अपने ताऊ से प्रॉपर्ी से सम्बांधित वववाद चल रहा था और मेरी ही एक गलती से मै
आि कोर्य के झमेले मे फांस गर्ा हूँ. मेरी िन्मपत्रत्रका से दे ख कर और रे की दे कर सर ने मझ
ु े उपार् बतार्े.
लगभग एक महीने उपार् करके िब वह ददन आ गर्ा. अब मै िि के सामने था मझ
ु े सिा लमली पर उसी
ददन मझ
ु े िमानत भी लमल गर्ी.
Memory loss problem
Hi I am a 41 years man working in an MNC. I had short term memory loss problem even
sometime I forgot my colleagues name. In this competitive world it is big problem. I went in
reiki center in Mumbai. After taking reiki for 21 days I found change in my problem. During
my reiki days he also removes one of my mind hurdles that even I was completely forgotten.
He asked me that did you had something bad memories related to Gold, I was completely
shocked this man don’t know me even it is hardly 5-6 days when I met how he know about
me? I replied “yes sir I am only 8 years old and that time I was in Canada. We have big gold
brick in our house. One day it was raid and we flush that brick.”
Now he said “This is your problem although it is in your subconscious mind it affects you.” It
is reiki energy that finds the main reason. Now I feel more confident and strong memory
मेरी आर्ु ४१ वषय है , मै एक मल्र्ीनेशनल कांपनी मे कार्यरत हूँ . वपछले कुछ ददनों मे मैंने अनुभव ककर्ा
कक मेरी स्मरर् शजक्त कम हो रही है . मै अपने साथ काम करने वालो के नाम तक र्ाद नहीां रख पा रहा
हूँ . इसका प्रभाव मेरी काम करने की क्षमता को प्रभाववत कर रही थी. मैंने रे की सेण्र्र मुांबई मे ववजिर्
ककर्ा. मैंने २१ ददन रे की ली और अपने अांदर सुिर पार्ा. मेरी रे की के दौरान सर ने मेरी एक बड़ी
समस्र्ा से मुजक्त ददलार्ी िो की मै भी परी तरह से भल चका था. सर ने पछा “ क्र्ा आपको सोने से
कोई कडवी र्ाद है र्ा कुछ हादसा िो सोने से िुडा है ?” मै अचांलभत था र्े िो मुझे मुजश्कल से ५ -६ ददन
से िानते है इन्हें र्े कैसे पता चला. मैंने कहा “ िी हाूँ, िब र्ह घर्ना मेरे बचपन की है , मै ८ साल का
था और तब मै कनाडा मे रहता था. मेरे पापा के पास एक सोने की ईर् थी और एक बार हमारे घर मे रे ड
पड़ी थी मिबरन हमें उस फ्लश करना पड़ा था.”तब उन्होंने कहा “र्ही िड़ है आपकी परे शानी की
हालाूँकक र्े आपके सक्ष्म मजस्तष्क मे मौिद थी और आप पर प्रभाव डाल रही थी.” र्े रे की ऊिाय ही है
जिसने इस कारर् को ढूँ ढा और दर ककर्ा. अब मै पहले से अधिक आत्मववश्वास और स्रोंग मेमोरी
पॉवर से कम कर पा रहा हूँ .

Good relationship in future.
Hi I am a government officer. I had problems with boss. I heard about reiki than I search for
reiki center at Indore and I came to know about you. I take reiki for more than 21 days and I
know many things related to my problem. Some weakness that I had in my past but it affects
my present. Now I have good relationship with my boss. I wonder even colors related to my
cloths gives me good result and all it is I feel that even I was not believed before. I thank you
sir for being with me when I need support.

Bed wetting (child) problem
Hello I am 27 old year’s old mother and my 8 years daughter was suffering this problem. She
is embarrassed when we are visiting our relative’s home and staying one night. One day she
asks me mummy I feel very shameful and depress when it happens. That day I talk this with
my friend she suggest me about reiki. When I meet sir in reiki center Indore he gave my
daughter reiki and it continue for 21 days. From 3rd day we observed that now that problem
is no more. I am very happy that reiki is not having any side effects but it removes other
obstacles related to a person. My best complements to you to boost up confidence in my
daughter’s life, thank you sir.

Other cases solved by reiki healing.

Case – Superstitions, fibroid and health problems:
Case – Exams, good study and concentration:
Case – Superstitions, cheated in love affair:
Case – Bed wetting (Child):
Case – Typing speed:
Case – Menstruation problem:
Case – Asthma:
Case – Acidity, sleeping disorder:
Case – Allergy:
Case – Constipation:
Case – Diarrhea:
Case –Digestion:
Case – Depression:
Case – Arthritis:
Case – Migraine:
Case – Obesity:
Case – Sinus:
Case – Varicose Veins:
Case – Wounds:
Some other cases handled by me

Three cases 4 to 8 years kids.

1. Kid hyperactive restless not able to concentrate in studies. When came to my center with
his parents not able to sit properly. He was touching everything moving here and there. He
picked up reiki healing crystals. I was on that time and his parents was not able to control
him. His parents mentioned kid is adopted so we much take care of him.
2. Kid is hyperactive, very sensitive and asthmatic. Very fast affected by allergies. When we
start reiki healing he was in lie down position crystal kept on his forehead and body, crystals
fell down on the left and right side because of his restlessness.
3. Kid is very restless and sad with bed wetting. His parents were more concentrated to
resolve the problem of bed wetting.
We started Reiki healing. First of all in all three cases kids got asleep with 1 or one and half
minutes. Hyperactivity controlled in 2-3 days. Bed wetting was controlled from 3rd day.
Reiki was given till 7 days. Asthmatic patient got relief from 8th day. Reiki was given till 21
days. Kid 1 taken reiki 21 days and now very normal in behavior. Now he is able to
understand and enjoying study with teacher and parents.
I seen in most of cases kids and children recover faster than young or elders.

One of my friend good television and film artist asked reiki healing last month. I asked to tell
her the objective of healing. She told me for her better work, to get rid of frustration and to
avoid smoking. I asked her, does she like smoking or do occasionally. She said during tension
she used to smoke. We started healing sessions, after 2-3 days I felt she is not disturbed with
smoking habit and asked the exact reason. We discussed in detail. Later on after another
session I realized the reason and it was less work in a month and shooting dates. She also
agreed. Then we started reiki healing for her work only and did 21 days session. we took a
break for 2-3 days then again started reiki healing sessions. Now she is getting more work as
well as calmness and peace of mind. We are also working together to control her addiction
completely in coming days.

A thalassemia patient 14 year’s boy, in Kokilaben hospital Mumbai. I am giving distance
healing from Indore. Yesterday successfully blood changed. During the process of blood
he got unconscious later on all fine with the grace of God.
I was giving healing to a cancer patient since last 6 days. She was not able to take her diet
too. On 7th day when I reached to the hospital I knew yesterday evening she started liquid
diet. Thanks to Reiki healing.

A patient was suffering with stomach cancer. During reiki healing I was able to see her
wounds inside the stomach and asked about it. Her family members agreed that wounds were
hurt yesterday and blood in vomiting. So it is possible to scan the problem inside the body by
reiki healing.

A person age of 70 to 75 asked me reiki for acidity, Insomnia (sleeping disorder) blood
pressure, memory. He said because of improper sleep he is facing problem in digestion and
its creating acidity. So we decided first to heal and reiki treatment for proper sleep. We
started reiki, his wife was also present in the room and watching the process too. In next ten
minutes person got asleep. His wife was also so surprised to see that he is now snoring. We
keep doing reiki for next 15 to 20 minutes. He had taken reiki for next 7 days and he found
the healing was helpful.

A lady age 62 years asked reiki for her knee pain. She was facing the problem since long time
and due to weight gain pain was increased day by day. We started reiki for 7 days. She told in
few days the pain is reduced gradually. We completed healing for 7 days. When next time we
talked about her pain after 4-6 month, she told even now the pain is not same as before reiki
healing. Due to some reason she couldn't continue the reiki healing.

A person from Malaysia contacted me on whatsapp. He told about his injuries in accident
pain in leg and spinal injury. I asked how you will take reiki in paid sessions or free sessions.
He told me free sessions. We started it in evening for couple of days then took a break then
started again. In most cases he was also able to feel the healing and relief. When we started
second time he asked me to contact me on a mail and to share about my website link, i sent
an email. In a reply he told me that he want to pay or donate something for my healing. I told
as i offered you free healing not any intention to get money from you and you can also
continue reiki healing in future too. He forced to share some money not to pay, we exchanged
the ac details and he transferred good amount on the same day. Now we are continuing reiki
for his relief. Sometimes I asked about his pain what i feel or scanned during the healing he
also accepts about it. Now we share about our self. He told me he is also a reiki master and
before sometime in an accident he was injured badly. I am grateful that with the reiki and
distance healing i could be able to serve him from my country. There are many cases where
people ask reiki and get relief. I love to keep doing my healing work.

A female asked reiki for her job marriage and physical problem of irregular menses cycle. In
next 4-5 days she told she find completely relief in her physical problem. Now she is taking
reiki for her other wishes to be fulfilled. Hope she will get all well soon.

A guy was taking reiki for quitting tobacco chewing and for good job. He taken reiki
regularly and he always say he can feel reiki energy. He is having good sleep nowadays. He
also accepted he can feel strong feeling of quitting chewing tobacco. Now he is taking Reiki
continuously for his wish. Hope he will get all well soon.

A person was taking reiki for his health and wellness of his son and daughter. In the
beginning 3-4 days I found at the time of sending him distance healing his running name is
different and in past another name. I asked him after distance healing session about it, he said
yes it is different. So in Reiki it can be also scanned as well the reason of sickness or illness.
Now he is taking Reiki continuously for his wish. Hope he will get all well soon.
Please support our social work cause so that we can help more people.
हमारे सामाजिक कार्य को सपोर्य कीजिर्े जिससे हम अधिक से अधिक लोगों की मदद कर सकें.
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91-8109812284 Like us: Reiki Master Astrologer

Website: Reiki and Astrology Predictions

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