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Communication and Globalization

What is Globalization?

According to WHO, it refers to the increased interconnectedness of people and countries.

It is generally understood to include two interrelated elements:

 the opening of international borders to increasingly fast flows of goods, services, finance,
people, and ideas; and
 the changes in institutions and policies at national and international levels that facilitate or
promote such flows.

Some sources would define it as:

 the process in which people, ideas, and goods spread throughout the world, spurring more
interaction and integration between the world’s cultures, governments, and economies;
 a process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments of
different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by
information technology;
 a term used to describe the increasing connectedness and interdependence of world cultures
and economies.

World Englishes
 Inner Circle – USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand
 Outer Circle – Bangladesh, Kenya, Pakistan, South Africa, Malaysia, Philippines
 Expanding Circle – China, Egypt, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia

Usages Unique to a Variety of English

Philippine English “I bought some dirty ice cream for you.”
Canadian English “I’m going to write a test today in English.”
Australian English “That book has good oil.”
South African English “She is coming just now.”
Singapore English “He always likes to action in front of the ladies.”

Homework #1

Look up the meanings of the following examples in the table. Then, provide alternatives that will be understood
by other English speakers from different regions of the world.
Culturally Sensitive and Bias-Free Language
1. Race and Ethnicity
*Racism – a form of discrimination against a person or persons of a different race


“Naturally, the Asian students won the math contest.”

2. Gender and Sexual Orientation

*Sexism – the prejudice and discrimination based on sex or gender


Manpower – labor woman lawyer – lawyer

Layman’s term – ordinary terms male nurse – nurse

3. Social Class
*Class discrimination or classism – a form of prejudice against a person or people because of their
social class


White trash



4. Age
*Ageism – a form of discrimination against other people because of their age


Assuming that older people are less physically, intellectually, and emotionally able than other age

5. Disability
Discrimination in this area often arises because of lack of understanding and awareness.


Disability first: The blind student used a special keyboard during the exam.

Person first: The student, who is visually impaired, used a special keyboard during the exam.

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