Theo Spirituality Synstheis

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Spirituality is a simple but vast word encompassing the different realms of human

experience in search for life significance. It pertains to the human spirit or soul that is innate
and personal, which impacts a person's individuality in a holistic manner. In a broader sense,
spirituality involves our pursuit to find inner light in hopes of achieving utmost fulfillment
beyond the materialistic world. It does not merely center towards the question of "when," but
much more a question of "where." "Where will my Self feel most alive?" Spirituality enables a
quest for seeking meaning and purpose in life not only within the sphere of religion but also
beyond, as it exists and connects within one's self regardless of beliefs and/or standpoints. In its
entirety, spirituality has something to do with building one's feeling of serenity while making
profound connections. Hence, spirituality is directed not only in establishing connections within
ourselves but also with others, and most especially with God. And because it anchors us to
what we believe should matter most in life, spirituality provides a basis for the values and
principles we choose to conduct our lives with. It promotes human development as the
internalization and solitude it brings helps us reflect on our actions, provide a sense of comfort,
peace, and wholeness making it the gateway towards the genuine self. Spirituality enlightens
the human self that there is something more beyond our eyes—that there is a continuous
search and divine unfolding of our life purpose beyond physical existence. Most especially,
spirituality also defines our Faith towards God by accepting His truth and divine mercy.
As spirituality connotes the spirit having precedence over non-substantial and material
things, examples of such focus on the individual's practice of strengthening and manifesting his
or her spirituality in everyday life. These include taking care of one's self, meditating, resting,
developing a sense of appreciation and gratitude, taking the time to breathe, and serving others
selflessly. For example, in the practice of meditation, the moment we close our eyes, a
complete state of peace takes over within; thus, when our eyes are opened, a question about
"What can I do for others?" arises. This signifies the type of service that comes with a "will" to
help others unconditionally–an innocent and purely intentional service to achieve spirituality.
Spirituality can also come in the form of dreams deeply embedded within our existence as it
carries the purpose that guides us to the direction we want to take. In this journey, we engage
with different people, places, hobbies, ideas and beliefs. Throughout our journey, we establish
significant connections as we invest time and effort in them– our desire to do so is what we can
call our spirit, which draws out our motivation and drive. In a religious sense, praying is the best
way to portray spirituality and faith. By knowing and accepting that God is the center of our life,
we align our values and moral beliefs with the teachings of the Church and the Bible. Spirituality
can also be traced to how we call for God’s help during our darkest times as we believe that He
is the sole light for the redemption of our sins. By having faith in God, we can attain a joyous life
and harmonious relationship with our fellows.
The benefits of being spiritual are the emotions and will that we grasp from the
experience. It is deemed essential to focus on one's spirituality as it plays a significant role in
one's individuality and holistic view in life. A healthy spirituality implies having a sense of peace
and wholeness beyond luxury and material things. Thus, a spiritual person is one whose soul
views the world from a wider perspective of gratification. In a sense, it affects various aspects of
human functioning as spirituality moves those whom it touches, giving them direction and a
sense of purpose. As spirituality entails self-reflection and faith to discover the meaning and
worth of one's existence, it leads us to a better knowledge of how we should live to find
comfort and serenity. By enriching our spirituality, we attain an authentic life and an optimistic
view when challenges arise. As a result, we are most likely to develop positive relationships
with others, avoid indifference, promote equality and justice, and manifest compassion and
forgiveness in the name of God. Moreover, spirituality guides us towards a genuine and healthy
way of self-development as it allows us to reflect and rethink our life choices. It guides us
towards a path of enlightenment that encompasses all material and tangible aspects of our
life. A spiritual person is self-realized—one whose knowledge has emerged from within. Thus,
being spiritual allow us to act in harmony with our words, stand for what we truly believe in,
and spread meaning.

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