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Nama : Ayumi

NIM : 18510070
Class : Manajemen C

The Impact of Lockdown on the Indonesian Economy

At this time almost all countries in the world are facing the spread of the covid-19
virus which caused some countries to take over lockdowns to prevent the expansion
of covid-19 spread in their countries.at this time the lockdown step taken to prevent
ISSUE the chain of distribution of co-19 still causes pros and cons in the community
especially for the people of Indonesia. In Indonesia, the Lokcdown step has not been
implemented in its entirety, but only in a few parts of Indonesia, which were the most
impacted by Co-19.
Recently the World Health Organization (WHO) sent an official letter to
President Jokowi, urging the Government of Indonesia to seriously deal with the
Corona pandemic. WHO also asked Jokowi to immediately establish a national
emergency status related to the spread of Corona in Indonesia. In addition, there has
been much pressure for the government to implement a lockdown policy.
However, economists assess that the lockdown will actually have a negative
impact on the domestic economy in the short term. Lockdown is considered to cause
high inflation.Indef's researcher, Ariyo DP Irhamna, said that the lockdown would
complicate the distribution of goods. While next month has entered Ramadan, where
demand for goods will increase. "However, that will affect inflation. Because the
supply of imported goods will be disrupted, while demand will increase, otherwise it
Supporting will approach the month of Ramadan," Ariyo said in an online discussion at Indef. ,
(Argument In addition to those described by economists above, there are also several reasons that
For or
Against) have made Indonesia not lockdown, such as the following explanation from the
figures, Economist of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance
(Indef), Bhima Yudhistira Adhinegara, suggested that the government not be in a
hurry in taking action to lockdown because 70 percent of money also revolves in
Jakarta, like there is a stock exchange, there is a central bank.
"It's too risky if we take the lockdown step. This will trigger a panic in the financial
markets. Understandably 38 percent of debt securities are held by foreigners. If
simultaneously out of panic of course. Indonesia could be in crisis because of the
lockdown in Jakarta," he said.
In fact, the country of China did not do a complete lockdown, only at the
epicenter of the corona outbreak, namely in Hubei province. "Are Shanghai and
Beijing locked down too? As far as I know, not to mention that Indonesia's economy
is structurally not as strong as China, of course it is quite dangerous to just join
China," he said.
According to him, the wiser step is Singapore, not by lockdown but limiting the
activities of the elderly, because this is the most vulnerable to being infected with the
corona virus."Events that involve many people are postponed even though religious
Points events. So clear, there is no need for lockdowns, and the spread of corona can be
prevented with strategies that are on target," he concluded.
For or
Against) According to Menko Luhut, isolation or lockdown still does not need to be done.
Each country has different problems in handling co-19 spread.
Especially in the policy making process, President Jokowi listens to all input from
various parties and circles. So that they can make decisions carefully and wisely.
"If there is only one angle for comments, we see from various angles in the national
interest," said Coordinating Minister Luhut.
In Indonesia, all can still be controlled properly and safely. School policies and
work from home are appropriate in the current conditions. Even Luhut considers that
this method is considered more efficient in the world of work."Everything has been
very good, just learning ahead means to have a meeting like this," said Coordinating
Minister Luhut.

But there are also some Indonesian people and prominent figures who suggest or
urge the government to immediately announce the lockdwon policy as follows, Chair
of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Rosan Roeslani said,
his party had met directly with President Jokowi on Wednesday (11/3) submit a
Points proposal to apply a lockdown status. This is in response to the Corona Virus
pandemic which began to upset the Indonesian people.
"Yes, we will see it like this, everything if needed to be done (lockdown) such as
schools, universities, to be closed in advance," said Rosan in the Kelapa Gading area,
Jakarta, Saturday (3/14).

This status is expected to reduce Covid-19 transmission, which is susceptible to

crowds at the gathering point. "We talked about the possibility (lockdown), we
discussed it," he added.
Rosan also called on the government to prioritize the safety of the Indonesian
people from the Corona virus pandemic which is increasingly widespread in various
regions of the archipelago.
Indonesian Economist and Research Director at the Center of Reform on
Economics (CORE), Piter Abdullah Redjalam, assessed that the economic slowdown
Contrasting caused by the corona virus is something that cannot be avoided.
(Elaboration) "What needs to be done is like China, Italy and other countries, which focus on the
safety of the nation from the threat of the corona virus," he said.Although, now all
sectors will be potentially disrupted if a lockdown is carried out, such as several
schools, universities, business entities, etc., will stop because they cannot stand the
pressure, and change the approach from offline to online.
"In my opinion the government should focus on overcoming the spread of epidemics
with lockdown and improving health facilities for the community, meaning that the
stimulus must be prioritized to finance public health, not to restrain the economic
slowdown, because the economic slowdown is a necessity," he concluded.

From some of the above opinions we can conclude that lokcdown is very
influential on the state of the Indonesian economy and other subsectors, as a good
society and wise we only need to follow the government for now and not prioritize
our selfish feelings that make us demand the government to follow our wishes
on or because Of course, before issuing a policy, the government has seriously considered
tion its impact on the country and its people, and all of this policy will certainly be good
for us, if the facts on the ground are not in line with expectations, let us help the
government to break the chain of distribution of co-19 by following health protocol
because it is for our common good, hopefully the motherland will quickly improve
and we can immediately see the beauty and beauty of our motherland.

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