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(RECE! VED SEAOIL pate: 2205-08 Time: eas By perce 26 November 2007 DENR - EMBI ' OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau Region-| Subject: Application for Environmental Compliance Certificate Dear Sir: May we request for the issuance of an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for our Proposed Seaoil Gasoline Filling Station located at De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan. In support of this request, we are submitting three (3) sets of the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist for your evaluation. We look forward to your kind approval and preferential action on this matter. Very truly yours, SILVANO R. RAMOS orporate Lawyer SEAOIL Philippines, Inc. Ground Floor, Meridien Building, 29 Annapolis Street Geenhills, San Juan Metro Manila, Philippines Telephones: 723-5272 ; 531-9051-55 Fax: 531-6462 7 UO INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXAMINATION FOR THE PROPOSED SS ca { SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION DE VENECIA HIGHWAY, BARANGAY BANAOANG, CALASIAO, PANGASINAN PREPARED BY: ROSTICO Z. TERENCIO PREPARED FOR SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. Ground Floor, Meridien Building, 29 Annapolis Street Greenhill, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC, ‘wr ‘mies chectast for Gasatine sation ‘SEAOIL GASOUNE FILLING STATION * F y ‘De Venecla Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Colaslao, Pangasinan INSTRUCTION MANUAL Pursuant fo the DENR Administrative Order No. 37, Series of 1996 and its procedural manval, all gasdline, service and refueling station projects are considered projects to be required by an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) document|and pee to secure an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the DENR Regional Offices prior to project construction and operation. | As such, this ini Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist was conceptualized to simplify the format of the information needed to be submitted by all government and private sector proponents applying for an ECC for a new proposed gasoline station. The information contained in the checklist will serve as a ‘basis for the review and assessment of the information presented. However, should additional information be required in order to have an informed decision, the proponent is therefore requested to.submit such. The IEE checklist will be reviewed by the DENR Regional Offices-EMPAS. This checklist will also facilitate the processing jof ECC application and to assist project proponents and EIA prepares in |the IEE preparation activity. | 1.0 CONTENTS This IEE Checkist is divided into four (4) major sections: | . Section 1: consists of the information regarding the proponent; * Section 2: project location, plan/design components and activities during the development and operation phase; contains project components © Section 3: consists of the information regarding the description of the existing environmental condition where the gasoline station wil be located - the physical biological, socio- cultural and economic environment; «Section 4: consists of the listing of possible potential impacts that may occur in the various stages of the project establishment and+ operation; corresponding mitigation and enhancement measures to prevent the decumence of adverse impacts and strengthen the positive effects of the proje | © Sedtion 5: contains the Effluent Monitoring Plan SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. i | 1 SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION. De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calasiae, Pangasinan ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. \wer’ : \ei8E Checklist for Gasoline Station SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION * De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calesiao, Pangasinan 2.0 21 2.2 23 24 25 Section 6: contains the Environmental Management Plan | Section 7: provides the commitment of the proponent to follow the j mitigation and enhancement measures indicated. | | Anriexes: consists of the additional information that required to be incorporated | —e AND PROCEDURES FOR USE The} checklist need not be accomplished by an accredited preparer. This) can be done by the proponent or nay of his/her authorized representative; Answer questions by selecting from a list of pre-determined lanswers enclosed in the box. | i To use this, put a check (v) mark in the appropriate) box.| If your answer does not fall in any of the pre-determined responses, check (v}) OTHERS and indicate your specific answer in the blank space provided or use additional sheets as necessary. If some|quesfions are not! applicable to your project, write N/A on the blank space or column; | Forithe section on Impact Assessment and Mitigation, check (v ) the columns of Y or N depending on what expected impact is applicable to your project. and = provide the —_ corresponding Mitigation/Enhancement measures for each identified impact (with a YES answer) in the column provided. To facilitate and assist the proponent in answering section 4,0 of this checklist, a menu is provided to serve as a guide and reference. However, it should be noted that this only serves as a menu checkist hence, proponents are highly encouraged to identify additional impacts and mitigation/enhancement measures other than those provided in the menu; | For, the section on Attachment or Annexes, put a check ( vl) on the title or description of the document that you are annexing in the report. The listed documents are MUST requirements and should be submitted: Answers 10 the questions should not be strictly confined tothe pre- determined responses. You can elaborate and Use as many SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. 2 ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calasiao, Pangasinan - | SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘=r ot \wwift Check for Gaxotne station ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILUNG STATION * De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan additional sheet as you need to be able to provide adequate answers to the required information. Providing maps, pictures and drawings (e.g. charts, tables, diagrams, sketches) and other visuals and attachments will better explain or describe the information provided in the checklist. This will help facilitate the review and decision on the project's application for an ECC. 2.6 Alllrelevant engineering / architectural drawings / plan's (duly signed by|licensed architect / engineer / environmental planner) and permits required should form part of the supporting documents. This would inalude, among others, the following: . Site development plan showing the proposed layout of streets, lots and other features in relation to existing condition; | . Vicinity map within a radius of 2 kms. from the periphery of the project 1:5000 m. | + | Topographic plan of the project site. 27 Upon completion of the IEE checklist, the project proponent shall submit the form to the DENR Regional Office-EMPAS where the project is to be located. | | ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. i 3 ‘SEAOIL GASOUNE FLUNG STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banasang, Calaslao, Pangasinan SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘ee checks for Gatothe Station SEAOIL GASOLINE FLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXAMINATION (IEE) CHECKLIST| : | for | | GASOLINE STATION PROJECTS SECTION 1.0 a INFORMATION | | 1.1 ProjectName/Title: SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION | SEAOIL CALASIAO PANGASINAN 12. jonent/Company: SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘Address: Ground Floor, Meridien Building, 29 Annapolis Street Greenhil's San Juan, Metro Manila Philippines | TeVFax: 7238-52-72; 5381-64-62 E-mail: 1.3. Project Location: De Venecla Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calaslao, Pangasinan 7 1.4 | ProjectCategory: + (_) Service Station (¥) Filing station (Curb Pump 1.5 Project Cost Tole Pejcctcost Php Reno) 679,601. 70 _ | (Civil works and equipment) | 1.6 Project Ownership: Typa of Owners: () Single Proprietorship (+) Corporation {) Partnership/Joint Venture ( ) Cooperativ | * () Others, pls. specity: 1.7 Ust of Owners ( for partnership/ corporation) es | | ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION. e Venecta Highway, Barangay Banacang, Colasla, Pangasinan ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC, “~” erie Checkdist for Gasoline Station SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATON * ‘De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calaslao, Pangasinan SECTION 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION | 21 nes Coverage (Attach photocopies of documents as Annex) | Total Land Area (m2/ha) 700 square meters 22 na Ownership oOo; Ownership of the land by virtue of OCT /TCT # 304247 | stewardship of land by virtue of: | ] | lease of Land by virtue of. | | Pending Application for: | ee | Others, please spe: 23 General Land Classification (Public land ( ) Alienable and Disposable | . (v) Private | | 23) Present Land Use Classification (based on the opproved liand Use/zoning ordinance of the city/municipality) (. )|Agricuttural () Residential () Tourism (J |Industria! {) Forest Land {) Institutional (v) fommercial {) Open Spaces {) Others, Pls. Specity: | | | | z | SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ° | ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILING STATION e Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasloo, Pangasinan + : j + upuse8upg “0080/09 ‘Bupooung AnBuEing ‘ADMYBIH DIDCUOA OG. | * NOUVIS NMI ANNOSYD TOVaS 9 “ONI|'SANIddNIHd WOW3S *[2118 428/010 2Y} Jo 49,49 WO MeIA SPIS UINOS) AWUIDIA @}0|PeLUUU! S41 PUD e4!5 ;e[oId BY} JO MOIA DRWDJOUDd USBHY i | “feuss2aloud ayy 40 191489 Us0y MaIA BIS YUOU) AjUID|A JO}PELLUL] }! PUD 2415 }D@[04d OY} JO MeIA 9IUDIOUDM YOOHY Uupujso6ub4 ‘on|s010D ‘Bupcoung AnBuni0g “ADMysiH D|DOUOA 9a Nouvis ONT aNNOSYD TOVas HOHE B4NOFDD 10} PF2OUD 331 am, : (NONI 'SANIddIIHd WOWas oo Ce fo t ' ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. IRE Checklist for Gatotne Station ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecta Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasao, Pangasinan 3.0 PROJECT COMPONENTS : 3.1__ Services Services Vehicles | ChemicaltoBe | Vol. Of Chemicals to | Vol. Of Water per Day Be to Be Used B zd aoe -|—fters per — be prereen (ilters per day) day) 1. Manual Washing | NA. 2. Automatic Cor NA. Wash 3. Shampoo/Vacuum_| NA. 4, Change Oi! ee 5. Greasing NA. 6.Change Coolant _| NA. 7.Tune-up. NA. &.Wheel Alignment | NA. 9. Free Service (Air & Water) 150 na. na 2eu.m. 10. Others, Pis.. Specify | N.A. ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calasiae, Pangasinan CG et ee SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. {HE Check for Gasotne Station SEAOIL GASOLINE FLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calaslao, Pangasinan 3.2 Facliies ay No, of Unit ‘Area (m2), cou 1. Service Boy 2. Pumping/Refiling Station | _ reas ee | Mult Dispensing Pump (MPD) 3. Dispensing Pump for 2 ‘Muli Dispensing Pump (MPD) w/ fueling 12 Fling Nozzle Position. 4 4 (UGT) Under ground tank (1)-6000 gals 4, Fuel Ste Ar ee for Diesel; (1)-4000 gals for Unleaded; (1)- 4000 gals for G5exireme;(1)-2000 gals for premium 5. Wash Bay 6. Convenience Store 7. Stand-By Power Ulilities : faa 8. Parking Area 9. Office Bldg. : 10. Public Toilets 2 11. Others, Ps. Specify SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Colaslao, Pangasinan 102 1 als Tevonra OST “ave “pau 18 ora ROUvAS ow TOES a Tar ao voor | | | . aon| | aon Fit] aon | | aon 220) | i |] | swe f | ee || | Bom coda] | ooo || | ooo | | ovo or eum Ora SITE qaloH vis NNI PAGUPAN = ALAA Baan OWICINITY MAP. SCALE TO NOT E-03 1 pid. eed. £ C C € c t T # [wser2se| s00cu 23 |sissse| iss- 36 |seszew| tras. as 15.30 fe see 67 30.66 pe ste : Ta [Nao2re | eTeH, 23 ee. | s668 4 [wrerove. | soes - 6 |scroow.| ase st |sersew | sose-| : ee eee \ VIGINITY MAP _ ‘ \ Lor 1472-8 Ask78 SOM. fe t C t TEE Check for Gasoline Station t ft ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC, ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan eee ae {Attach facilities design / lay-out plan) General lay-out plan of the gasoline station, SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOUNE FLUNG STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC, ‘= SEAOIL GASOLINE FLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calosiao, Pangasinan Water Resources ani Infrastructure 33 a Demand ‘we tke Chectast for Gopotine Staton \ Estimated daily water requirements of the proposed gasoline station? | 1800 - 2000 liters per day b. Supply/Sources BI Exsting Public Water | |_Water source Yes No ° iL Existing Public Water yea | i 2, Sutace Water \ | Water Sot Name of Mode of —_|| Volume of feeere Water” | Location | Distance dept or || Edaction | Body distribution |! 1. Greek | T 2. Spring I 7 3.Sheam ] 4.River 1 5. Others | T T b3. beep Well | 7 ace Water Source No. of Discharge oat Wells/Hand | location | pooh | Uiiter/sec) | Pump/Tanks (m) { 1. Depp Well w/ | Manyal Hand Pumy i 2. Degp Wellw/ \ Electric or Motor i Pump) | | | [| | \ | | | | ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. 10 ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION iecla Highway, Barangay Banacang, Colaslao, Pangasinan SEAOIL P LIPPINES, INC. = ‘te Checkiet or Gdpaine station SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calaslao, Pangasinan | ‘ \ 84 — Rainwater Water Source No. of Capacity I Tanks/Reservoirs | | 1. Collected in Storage | Tanks | |2. Collected in Reservoir © Water Tepatment 's there Froviion for water treatment of you independent woter source? \ () YES (¥)NO It yes, what type of water treatment? | | Chlorinated () Filtration ——()_ others (specify) 34 Drainage System (Attach approved drainage layout plan as Annex. ) | 1 inage: | Type of drainage: | ©) MajorRoads!;() opencancl (v) closed / underground drainage b) — Otherroads: () — opencanal (v) closed / underground drainage Where does the drainage system drain? | | (%)| Public drainage system 0 natural out fil / water body | | | : \ What water body (e.g. river/creek/stream) will serve as the out fall of the sewage aha drainage syitems? ez | aWhvere is this) locateds eee eee eenerere ee | ae 3.5 Power Suppl | Source of Power, (v) Local Electric Cooperative | | i | ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC, ta ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION . | De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Celaslao, Pangasinan | | ‘\ ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. =” ‘=o IEE Checks for Gasoline Station SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Celaslae, Pangasinan 0 Own Generator Capaciy,_ | () Others, pls. specify \ 3.6 Sewage Disposal system | + Sewage System: (wv) _ Individual Septic Tank () Communallsepti¢ Tank j | . sewage Design (v) 2-chamber septic tank w/ leaching \ | “ () 2chamber septic tank w/o leaching \ ) () 3-chamber septic tank w/ leaching eee | () 3-chamber septic tank w/o leaching \ | () 4-chamber septic tank w/ leaching | | () 4-chamber septic tank w/o leaching lee | | () Others, pls. specily | i ' | | \ {Attach seage design / lay-out) signed and sealed. i (v ) Discharge to an existing public sewerage system | | () treated in a community disposal plant or communal seotic tank () Treatment in individual septic tanks with disposal by | ‘absorption field or leaching pit a () Others: (Specify) | 37 Wostewater freaimentFacilty: . Copocty ‘of oll water separator : {in liters) : Domestic Sewage is treated in a Septic Tank | Attach Flowchart on liquid waste management Attach lay-out / detailed plan = Liquid woste facility-main component = Wastewater treatment facilifies ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, ine. 2 ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan | | \ j ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC, ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION Ne’ IEE Checklist for Gasotne Station De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Caloslao, Pangasinan 3.8 Used Oll Collection and Disposal System: * Collection system . et System’ No. Drums/month: Volume: Storage Area: (Recycled () Burning / incinerator {¥) Sold to re-circlers { ) Others, Specify 3.9 Solid Waste’ Disposal System 3.9.1. Collection System ()] _ Association/project-maintoined garbage collection system (¥)| Integrated into the mu I ipal garbage collection system (.)) Others, (specify): 3.9.2. Will there be a waste sorting/segregation system to be employed prior to disposal? (v:) YES 3.9.3, Disposal System i 0 0 ane | 0 0 NO. Burning at open dumpsite in the project site Sludge cleaning Open dumpsite outside of the project site Municipal/city landfill area * Others, specify: Locatjon of the waste disposal site: Municipal Landfill Attach flow plan of solid waste management - collection to disposal. ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecla Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calaslao, Pangasinan 13 uouto6ue42010}09 ‘Buo00ubg ho8uo.E fom BF20UEA 00 Tnoulvis oumuaNnosvo ows +1 “ONI'SUNIddIIHd 1OWas . (2304 uoyoredo : fMolionusuo>-o1d woy soyaysD juewidojerap Jo ajipayss YoUY) ommpeuns efong 11 | 8 sPoyed sounuejuoW puducyDIedg iq. | we sPoued UoHONYsUOD-e14 (BD UOUDIS S01A185 PUD su}0s08 pasodoid oy) Aq PeXoKdwie oq jm e[doad Aum mon « tree Suewo4nbo1 semoduow jo Buysy epyrcid) wouxoltuy pun semoduoW “OLE : UbujsoBuDg ‘onjeDjD> ‘BuDcoUdg AnBuoiDg “AOMUBIH D[D0UBA OG Nowvis ONT aNTOSVD TlOVas LoHoIs eujotoo 10) p04 aa1 a@NI'SANIddiHd WoVvas | _ ~ \ ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. 1E& Checks! for Gaxcinelstation ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION Do Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan SECTION 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING ENVIRONMENT | fy A al Environment | | 1 Componehts/ Parameters Yes | No Remarks | 1. What's the general elevation of (indicate the area per elevation the proposed gasoline station range or estimate the % tp total project site crea) <100 mast | 100-300 mas! 301-500 mast 501-1,000 mos! 1,000-1,500 mas! >1,500 mast | {To determine elevation, refer to the topographic map where the elevation The project site is localed|in area per contour line is indicated) v of ( 0.5%) slope 2. Slope and|Topography of the v | indicate the area pers pe ‘area (within 50 meter radius from category or estimate the 9.5 % to center of site) total area) Terrains figt orlevel (0-38 slope) Gently sloping to undulating (3- | 8% slope) Undulating|to roling (8-18% slope) Rolling to moderately steep (18- 30% slope) Steeply roling (30- | | 50% slope) Very steep to mountainous | 50 The project site is located in orea | ‘% slope) of ( 0.5%) slope 3, Arethere creas in the site where v | Causes of erosion: indicationsjof soil erosion are {} Heavy Rains occurring?f yes, what activities () Unstable Slopes are causing erosion? L {) Others, pls. specify 4, Doyou know of any land sliding v | Cause of Landslide: occurring dr that has occurred in the site? { } Earthquake { } Unstable slopes, : { } Earthmoving | (} Others, pls. specify | 5 ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. . 1 SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION | De Venecla Highway, Barangay Banaang, Colasiao, Pangasinan i Luouso6ua4 ‘o0js0)09 ‘GuoooUDG AnBuDIDg ‘ADMYBIH OIDBUEA OG NOUYVIS ONT INNOSYD NOVAS é “ONI‘SANIddITIHd TOWAS 91 i (sedojs /m spain 40 sunojuoo smoys Yo|YM enyoedsied / mala By} Bs00YD) AYdoIBodo} sDeID gu Jo JOU YODHY ‘upujsoGung ‘enjs0)09 ‘Bupcoung AnBuning ‘AOMYBIH D;DOUEA 0g Nous 2NMIU aNOSYD TOVaS Lvojos euyorog 10) sp420UD 331 7 o~ jam ONISANIddIiIHd NOVAS SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. “” SEAOIL GASOLINE FLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Coloslao, Pangasinan A Pyateat Environment \e=/EE Checkist for Gasoting station water bodies within or near the project site? {} Bathing {} Washing {) Fishing {} Source of dtinking water { } Recreation (swimming, boating, etc.) } {} Others: 1 Components/ Parameters Yes No Remarks | | 5. Has the orba experienced any v | Petioats) of flooding: flooding during the wet season or typhoons? |If yes, when was the last time the area was flooded? ‘Causes of flooding: What caused the flooding? | : {) low area | ‘ { } poor drainage {} water logged areas 6 Soil type of the area: Other soil types: { } Sandy soit {v} Clayey soil { } Sandy loam soil 7. Ne there ehisting water bodies v___| Name of water bodies: found ned or within the site e.g. No existing water bodies found creeks or streams? If yes, please near or within the site. | enumerate them in the opposite | space and/indicate their location (if they have no names, indicate the number of water Bodies) * these water bodies should be shown in the topographic map What are the present uses of the v_ | Nothing, because no exist ing water bodies found near or within the site, 8. _Is there an access road going to the project site? IFyes, what is its distance to the site . Type of access road: The project site is along the High- way and can be easily access. ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION" Do Venecla Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calaslao, Pangasinan —_ SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. \=fEE Checkist for Gasofine Statlon SEAOIL GASOLINE FLING STATION De Venecla Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calasiao, Pangasinan A. Physical Environment Comporents/ Parameters Yes No Remarks, 9% Whatis the present land use of the At present the proposed ‘area wherein the proposed vacant lot, wherein the gasoline and refueling station be gasoline station located located? | {} Primg agricultural land | (productive/iniaated) { } Prim@ ogricuttural land {idle/abandoned) : | { } Grassland {} Built-up | {} Orchard ! { } Marshal/Mangrove (} Fishpond {} Others, pls. | specify: | Does the site confdrm to the ’ Zoning clearances was granted to ‘approvediiand use of the the proponent for the project city/municipality? classifying by the city goyernment as commercial zone. 10. Is the landjallocation and v The project is along the highway, alignment of the various utilities commercials establishment are integrated with the existing also present alongside of the networks dnd projects outside of highway. the boundaries of the project site? | 11. Are there existing structures or v The projects along the highway, developments around the project ‘commercials establishment are site? If yes,|please list them in the already present alongside of the ‘opposite space highway. | ' | | 18 ; ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. : ‘SEAOIL GASOUNE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Bonacang, Calaslao, Pangasinan —_ ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. “nite Checkis for Gosotne Station SEAOIL GASOUNE FILING STATION De Venecta Highway, Berengay Banaoang, Calaslao, Pangasinan B. Biological Environment | | Components/ Parameters Yes | No Remarks 1. Are the existing trees and other v | ] types of vegetation in the project site? If yes, please identity. I | = Are there birds and other forms of ae wildlife found in the area? Please identity. | 3. Are there|fishery resources in the ’ | water bodies found near or within the site? Please identity. | Is the site pear or within a ’ watershed or forest reservation area? If near, only, how near? | morkm ifwithin, indicate name of the | watershed or forest reservation area | 5. _ Is the gasoline station adjacent to anatutal ecosystem? () Fores! { } Coastal/ Marine {} Grassiand | () Mangrove | () Agtedture SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. | . | 7 ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION | De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calasiao, Pangasinan ~ ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. \etde checkitst for Gasotine Statfon ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION’ De Vonecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Colasloo, Pangasinan c. socofednme Environment Compohents/ Parameters Yes_| No Remarks 1. Are thefe existing settlements in ¥ the proposed gasoline station? if yes, indicate the number of: | (within 50m radius) | 7 Households/Families. Legitimate *Tandowners: | Tenants | Squatters. | Components/ Parameters Yes_| No Remarks |_| 2. What areltheir source(s) of ’ Na livelihood? | Backyard poultry and piggery Vending/Buy and Sell \ { ] Sorisari store | [] Others, Pls, Specity: | | 3. How many of the total population’ a NAG have reached the: Elementary level High School Level: | College Level: . 4 Are there other existing local organizations in the area? | | + Business structure is present glongside 5 and within the opposite side and of the highway, commercials establishment are already present U) alongside of the highway. | {] a: | [] Health centers/ciinies « i [] Hospitais 1] Churches/Chapel jaa [ ] Transportation | {] ul || 5 | 7 ‘ 20 | SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. . | SEAOIL GASOLINE FLLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan | ‘upusoBupg ‘oD}t0409 ‘Bupooung ADBuDIDG “ADMYELH DIDOUOA OG NOUYIS NMI ANNOSYD TOVaS 7 4 *ONI‘SANIddIMIHd TOW3S (ojoyd yoouy) [upujso6upg ‘onjt0(09 ‘BuDonung ADBuD10g ‘ADAH D;DOUOA 0g Nouvis ONMU aNOSVO TOVaS VoHOIS eujOs0H 10) #)P}20UD pam, jam ONI'SANIAAITIHA OWES SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ~~ ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION, De Venecla Highway, Barangay Banacang, Colaslae, Pangasinan 1 SECTION 4.0 IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION ‘A, PRE-CONSTRUCTION/CONSTRUCTION PHASE OF THE PROJECT'SITE sett Checklist for Gasotne Station Project Activities Affecting the Physical | Yes | No :nvironment | Impact Mitigation/Enhancem Description | ent | Measures L will therelbe land and vegetation | v clearing? If Yes, what is the total ‘area to be cleared? (na) 5 apnea | ARDRORELE> 2. Will there be trees to be affected during the clearing? If, Yes, how v many and what are these species of frees? No. Of Trees:_ Species: b. a Syrsered RUME a8, 3. Willthere be demotion of existing structures? If yes, what types of structures Will be demolished? Types of Structures: Rasrenigre re 4, Willthere be topsoilremovaland | v te-placement? If yés, how much of the removed topsoil will be replaced?! £1 Entire yolume LI Partial pny Top soilwilbe | Backfiled fo achieve excavated. the desired elevation. 5. If partial only, where will thesest of the topsoil be deposited? T v If no, what wil happen fo the excavated topsoil? Backfiled to achieve the desired elevation. ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILUNG STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan eo ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. “~~ (is cnet eal ate 'SEAOIL GASOUINE FLUNG STATION De Venecia Highway, ‘Banasang, Calosiao, Pangasinan | igalion/ Project Actes Atecting the Physical | Yes} No | impact Description | |g Anos np i : |___Measures ; Excavation willbe _ | Backllled and iB pa cacti, eta undertaken for the compacted to eiczityeshowdeepisthe Construction of the | Sttained the desire excavation and how much is the estimated volume of cut and fil? Average fleth ‘of excavation (m): canopy installation of pipe and under ground tank. (UGT) ground elevation, Proper engineering measure should be Estimated Volume of cut and fill strictly Rcaerbetcesciaicig implemented. Source of filing materials? L Omamentals and | Omamentals will r pees proletr alii _ tress will be planted | Be plarfted os part but limited only, in | of the’ Ipnescaping : response to design. Total # of trees to be planted: ahRoAMeniCL Species of Trees to be planted: responsibilty. | ‘Ave height of trees to be planted: | : z ‘day of materials | Source of airborne 8. pei recy requirements wil | dust willbe ee be stocked. covered with t canvass. increase the level _| Noise generating . eb So of noise or ctivitie will be generate noise of | limited at daytime Its machinery and | only. | equipments is Limiting of : tolerable and wit! | construction not be significant. | operatidn during I daytime only. ee eee The project site is at modificatibns or grbund leveling to v zero slopes. be done? | 1 H The project site is 11. Is there a leed to construct an si " ible and ‘access rodd going to the site? If eee Yes, what lype of access road: es along the highway. [1] allweathered road | length (m) width ___ [] concrete {| asphalt | 12. Wil tempcrary quarters or barracks Generale domestic | Temporary ‘and a field office be provided for | | solid ond sanitation facities construction workers within the wastewater, but | will be use and Project site? > waste water proper house coming fromthe _| keeping and ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILUNG STATION: De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calaslae, Pangasinan SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. “~~ ‘EAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION De Venecia Highway! Barangay Banaoang, Celasiao, Pangasinan ‘domestic usage will | regulat collection | be minimal. bt solid waste. ] | | i Mbiga Yes | No | impact Description || gntacten! Measures 7 whic Ee Veget lation clearing? 2 The area will be ‘Omamental will be cleared to give planted to give | way for the esthetic of the construction of |_| Grea, | project, l 2. Will clearing activities affect any critical v The ca chee wchte neta ven smc Ina The project site 5 3. Will clearing dctivities affect any rare, v tery arta threatened of endangered plant and animal species? | | 4, Will there be fees to be affected (e.g. hd Meee cut down;| remove) during the ace. Wee aae clearing? If yes, how many and what acme are these speties of trees? z | | Project Activies Affecting the Socio- | Yes |No | impact Description | _tfation/ eae tnichesment Economic Environment iene 1. Wil there be settlements to be . a affected? If yes, how many households ‘cant | willbe affectéd? | Total No. al Household/Families: 2. How wil they be handled? re Payment of ploperty owners | Temporary rel site to be i provided Permanent relocation site to be | ‘established Eviction w/o epmpensation” | Others, Pls. Specif 1 eee ¥ No endroach on 3. Will he project encroach on ancestral ; aaee ancestral domcin = Will indigenous or local people be affected; Aetds vulnerable groups | | : Generation of Positive impact of 4, Will there be ipeos to be hired during | v Employment the project to their ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. | ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILUNG STATION : | De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan | SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC.“ = ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION \erttt hector Gasca sation e Venacla Highway, Barongay Boncoang, Calasiae, Pangasinan | | | construction® immediate 1 : [commjunity. [The prbject is not expected to cause Signifigant economic ‘activities, | Strict enforcement ’ of traffic rules and 4, Willthe projéct cause an increase in regulotion traffic or disrupt tratfic in mojor routes Provide tratfic . due to the entry and exit of ‘assistance if so construction|equipment? required - Provision of signage at strategic locoti - Systematic flow of Trattic will be employed so as not fo cause traffic Glong the highway. . . Will there be on increase in economic v - activity in] the orea or arise in associated project? fa B. Operation and Maintenance Phase i Project Activiios Affecting the Physical | Yes | No | impact Description | _/tllgation/ - Environment i Measures Bee ee Domestic solid and | Ecological waste | : 1: Wa ire oe gn teers sees |i iqudweste wiibe | management wi 9s generated. be employed | Domestic | wastewater will be channeled toa i septic tank. - Wil there be dn increase in water ieee ebrattance “a Catbe : minimal, much o§ possible. - 3. Willtheré be gn improved drainage v_ | theesttng sytem and water supply system? inhegen, . | . The increase willbe 4, Will there be dn increase in surface 7 negigibie. run-off from the concreting of toads | i and soil surfaces? 5. Will here be rdduced infiltration rate . pecan due fo impemjeable structures over nee i 7 the ground? _| [eae & isthe vccbe|somestc water supply : Dy pela . enough to meet the maximum willbe very SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. et SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION’ De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calaslao, Pangasinan SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. “~~” SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan \ ‘ee lEe Checklist for Gasoline Station projected) ‘Water ‘consumption of the minimal. gasoline station? i + i i Miligation/ Project Ac es) Atiecting | the Blological | Yes | No | impact Description — | \easures 1 1, Will the sewage out fall and drainage system drdin into the nearby or Effluent fo from the septic|tank will be adjacent surface water body? idischarge toa | street Sewer. ‘2. Will the waste dieposol site be adequate to mest the | Provision of Solid Ecological waste ‘rcected sdid wastes inthe rea? waste bags and/or | management will \ can inside the be implemented. | premises. i Mifigation/ froject Activfea Afectng fre Socio- | Yes|.No | impact Description | gennocomunt Economic Environment (eaeaee 1. Wil the project cause or increase trattic . Fitct abforcement piecacd Of traffic rules and fegulation j Provide tratfic assistance if so | required | Provision of signage at strategic l location ‘Systematic flow of Traffic will be | employed so os not to cause traffic \ along the highway 2. Will the gasoline station create a : significant increase in the existing | population pf the area? 1 aa The station will Services and Seca lemonungneccn ||| supply the fuel faclities should be requirement of properly | these transport maintained to and services. enforcement of Paeeee safety guidelines | . ahd procedures | and installation of I safety sign. 4, Is there a Brana water shortage or v | water supply problem in the area? ‘ ae ‘ Along and The project is not 5. Are there alrdady existing commercial | v : : we hae of within the vicinity of the opposite on site Seacant fo cause project area? are some other significant SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION | De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calaslao, Pangasinan i l ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. Asstt Chock for Gasoline Station ‘SEAOIL GASOUNE FLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Bancoang, Colasiao, Pangasinan commercial ‘econofnic. activities | establishment. ‘long and ‘opposite of the ‘commercial : establishment. €. Abandonment and Rehabiiitation Phase | a jation/ Project Hes Afecting he Socto- | Yet impact Description || garb oon nt Economic Environment jem 1. Will the project cause or increase traffic in the areas? ‘Shict ehforcement Of traffic rules and fegulation rovide traffic assistance if so fequired Provision of signage at strategic locatior Systematic flow of Traffic Will be employed so as not fo cause traffic Glong the highway. FS Is the gasoline station creates a significant iecce in the existing population of the area? The station will Services and alate Ihe oud lbs supply the fuel faciltie$ should be ing requirement of properly these transport maintained to and services. enforcement of safety guidelines j and procedures | and installation of safety sign. 4. Is there a prevailing water shortage or | water supply problem in the area? | ‘Along and The project is not the vicinity of the project erea? eee commercial economic activities establishment. along and ‘opposite of the commercial establishment. SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Bonacang, Calasiae, Pangasinan SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. Notte checkist ier Gasol Staton SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway! Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan SECTION 5.0 EFFLUENT MONITORING PLAN EFFLUENT PARAMETERS TO | FREQUENCY OF METHOD OF STANDARDS FOR|CLASS “C" SOURCE BE TESTED TESTING ANALYSIS: WATER BODY {ie Project Site | TOC Emission Daily Proper method 1 of Analysis if 1 tequired. Septic Tank | Volume of ‘Annually or asso | Removal of Sludge required. septic sludge Project Site Traffic At all times Implementatio | congestion nof traffic rules | . Strict | Project Site | Risk of Fire At alll times Implementatio n of safety rules ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. fa ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILUNG STATION . De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calaslac, Pangasinan | SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC,“ \we# Checks for Gasoline station 'SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION. De Venecta Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Colaslao, Pangasinan i SECTION 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN | MITIGATING/ I Activmes | Risks | IMPACTS ENHANCEMENT cost RESPONSIBILITIES, MEASURES | Clearing and Increase in | Regular sprinkling of | Par ofthe _| Proponent and Civil Site preparation dust watering during original jorks Contractor Construction generation | ground preparing —_| overall | Contractor's due to activities such as constructio Phose | construction | grading transport of |_| n plan; due to filing materials and clearing civil | dumping | worksand | unpaved/exposed earth soils or ground } moving Truck Hauler should i activities. | be cover with canvass or any equivalent materials Clearing of tires and | equipment before ll leaving. | Earthmoving Top soi ‘Some surface Part ofthe | Proponent and Civil and other removal —_| materials will be stock | original Works Contractor related activity and soilloss | piled to secured area | overall | Construction ‘due to and willbe used to | constructio ‘Contractor's earthmovin | level low lying areas | n plan; cost } Phase g, transport | with within the site or_| are built-in and access | nearby lots. to the road overall construction budget. ‘Actual Noise ‘Allnoise generating [Same as _ | Proponent and Civil construction on Generation | activities will be ‘above Works Contractor the project site poate : i | Phose | Generation | About 32 Part of the of construction workers | operating | | Employment | will be hired. copital of | Positive impact of the | the project to their proponent. immediate community. | ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. - SEAOIL GASOLINE FL De Venecta Highway, ING STATION Barangay Bancoang, Calosiao, Pangasinan Att checks for Garage Station Increased Traffic Strict enforcement of traffic rules ond regulation. Proponent will provide traffic aid as needed Provision to put signage at approach area. ‘Same as above Proponent in tion with ‘Sewage Generation Sewage wil be channeled to a septic tank, Regular maintenance of aseptic tank. Part of the daily operating cost Part offa Building ‘and sanitary Requirement ‘Operational Phase ‘Solid waste Generation institute ecological waste management program. DO. Proponent coordination with local collector ‘Operational Phase Increased Tratfic Strict enforcement of traffic rules and regulation Provide traffic assistance if so required Provision of signage at strategic location “DO- Part ofthe daily management prograin ‘Operational Phase ‘Air Emission (lotal | Organic Carbon Emission) Proper handling during transfer from fuel tankers to UGT and during vehicle refueling. Use of balance vapor filing method for underground tanks. Proponent Risk of Fire Risk of Fire Strict Implementation of Fire and Safety Rules Provision for automatic fire/heat detector/ shut off device Part of the original construction cost Proponpnt ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. / \eeitl Check fer Gasoline Station SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecla Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Colasiae, Pangasinan SEAOIL FILLING STATION EMERGENCY RESPONSE MANAGEMENT PLAN Operational stage The primary purpose of this Emergency Response Management Plan is to establish guidelines and procedure in responding to the emergencies such us fires, bomb treats, oil spill, and earthquake. This will assist the gas station emergency team in handling emergency situations. This emergency plans denotes the procedure to be followed in case of an emergency. This also details the areas of responsibilities for gas station managers, supervisors, employees, and Emergency Response Team. Gas station Employees will undergo training and orientation on the basics of fre, hazardous materials, and other emergencies. This training shall be provided upon their initial job assignments. Retraining shall be provided when job conditions change. Periodic refresher training shall be provided at the discretion of the supervisor but no less than annually. Members of the emergency team will be trained on more advance course. Employee particularly service crews, cashier, supervisor will undergo emergency dnd safety training prior to their hiring. Emphasis of the safety training will be on accident prevention, in case of fire and oil spils, whereas the emergency training will tackle on response procedures in situations wherein accidents have already occurred. | Emergency procedure on ~ site will always be available in the premises the ptocedures cover emergencies involving fire break outs, fuel spills, and earthquakes. The| different responsibilities of key personnel (management trainees, cashiers, service crew members and security personnel) will be Ioid down. In addition provisions are maid for the call numbers of the nearest fire station which will post in an accessible place in the station. | Provision will also be maid by signs and alert systems for the knowledge and education of the public during dases of fire. | Allocation of emergency equipment shall be made for the fire fighting equipment, like the fire extinguisher at strategic places within the premises. Fuel spill containment includes the ‘checking of the vdives and transfer pipes before loading into the storage tanks. SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION De Vanecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasloo, Pangasinan SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. \ue/ wie eee ‘SEAOIL GASOUNE FILLING STATION | . De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan | ‘SEAOIL EMEGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN FOR GASOLINE FILLING STATION | | Purpose The primary purpose of this Emergency Plan is to establish guidelines and procedures in responding to emergencies such us fires, bomb threats, oil spill, and earthquakes. This will assist the ‘gas station emergency team in handling emergency situations. Scope and Applicability | This emergency plan denotes the procedures to be followed in case of an emergency. It includes provisions for trainings and seminars. This document also details the areds of responsibilty for gas station menagers, supervisors, employees, and Emergency Response Team.. Training | Gas station Employees will undergo training and orientation on the basics of fre, hazardous materials, and other emergencies. This training shall be provided upon their initial job astignments. Retraining shall be provided when job conditions change. Periodic refresher Face be provided at the discretion of the supervisor but no less than annually. Members of the emergency team will be trained on more advanced courses. 1. Responsibie| for ensuring that adequate fund are available and budgeted for the| purchase ‘of PPE and other fire fighting equipment and detection system. 2 pe identifying the employees affected by the emergency plan and ensuring its Specific Responsibiies Station Manager compliance 3, Ensure that employees are properly trained. 4. Responsible] for directing operations to provide efficient fire prevention ond fie! fighting activities within the station. t Station Supervisor : 1. Ensure thal the requited troining fr employees shall be provided and documentes 2. Responsible for communicating appropriate needs fo the manager. 3. Assists the Station Manager in executing his duties and responsibilities. 4. Responsibibfor the fraining and inventory offre fighting equipment. Employees j . | | 1. Employees shall comply with all applicable guidelines and procedures contained in this documents 2. Alfend required training sessions. | 3. _ Inform the Supervisor of any hazard in the station | SEAOIL ol INC. | ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Verrecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. \ue/ Nee? IEE Checklist for Gatoling Station SSEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay fanacang, Calasiao, Pangasinan Emergency Team | 1. Ensure that tactical response to emergencies are carried out in a sofe, well organ effective fashion 2. _ Establishing and securing safe access for other employees to a safe orea 3. Give proper guidance to other employees and visitors in case of emergencies Emergency Procedures | | ized, gnd Fire awareness ond safety should be an every day practice, Each employee should go through his/her area, cleaning out any accumulation of old papers and boxes paying attention to the storage of flarmables: eliminating unnecessary or dangerous extension cords; watt ‘overloaded circuits and using care when smoking. Employees should know the locati hing for of fire extinguishers and hoses in their general area. Most importantly, employees should know the location of fire exits. In case of an evacuation the emergency team should: 1 Pull the nearest fire alarm. | 2. Dial Emergency hotline. 3. Secure sensitive material. 1 4, Doors and windows should be closed, but unlocked. 5. If there is time, all Electrical items should be unplugged. 6 Visitors should be directed/escorted to the nearest e» 7. The building supervisor will notify everyone where they should gather and notify oll Personnel when it is safe to re-enter the building. ll Spit Small Spill Report the spill immediately to the Supervisor. Keep fire extinguisher ready for use. Determine the source of leak/spill and apply remedial action to stop/minimize the s Immediately wipe/clean-up the spilled area using absorbent pads and/or sand. Collect waste to a pail or container for proper disposal. Ensure that product run-off does not flow into the canal/drainage/sewer. Large Spill oe eenem te Report immediately to the Supervisor. 2 Inform locallauthorfies for any possible help. 3. Keep fire extinguisher, absbrbent pads, spill boom, and oil + Proper place. persant ready for pill use and Don't waste lime. Immediately collect as much spilled oil and collect in a closed drum. 4. 5. Develop a procedure for skimming and storing the collected oil. & — Donotal ‘boom to minimize the spill area. 7. Ensure that product,run-off does not flow into the canal/sewer. | 8 __ The Supervisor should prepare a report regarding the spill SEAOIi PHILIPPINES, INC. SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calaslao, Pangasinan the oil to scatter and create a larger spill. Create a temporary coniginment ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. \wlBE Checks for Gasoling SEAOIL GASOLINE FILUNG STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangosinon Bomb much Station Any person) who receives a telephone bomb threat of any nature should Carefully record the circumstances jand notify their immediate supervisor. The individual receiving the call should stay caim and try to obtain as much information as possible (see attached form). The objective is to keep the caller on the phone and develop as information {bs possible. At some point the caller will hang up and at that poin should nofify their immediate supervisor. Ian evacuatic effect. Personnel sould leave only through exits that have been thoroughly searched. E1 will be instructed where fo assemble and when they can re-enter the building, should is ordered, doors and windows should be left open to minimize # , he/she he blast ployees If a search Is ordered, supervisor will dispatch emergency team to search the dea. The following is a guide for quick inspection of your area: i Search the top of chais, desk, tables and bookcases. Inside of bookcases, including behind books. a baskets. Underneath all furniture. Remainder of room. Outside balconies. Storage areas. Rest rooms - inside toilets, trash cans. Leave Dbors/windows open. Report findings té your supervisor Wait for further instructions. immedidtely _to the supervisor. * Ifa bomb is found, the local authorities should be called. if an unidentifiable package or object is found, DO NOT TOUCHES I. Report the findings In the event of an explosion in the building, remain in your area. Under no cicurpstances you look out your window or proceed to the site of the explosion. Wail for further inst Telephone Bomb Threat Date: Time call receive Time caller hung uf Try to ask the Following questions: What kind of bomb?: Whenis the bomb going to explode?: Where is the bomb located?: What does thte bomb look like! puctions. Then Circle: Sex of caller: mole female Age of caller: child teenager adut Tone of voice: loud soft angry = calm —_huttied Attitude of caller: serious joking waming threatening Language/Accent: Englis Tagalog Cebuano other foreign languages : | Background hoises: | bar * music street. no noise Other remarks: Keep this al near your phone. | Tell the caller that people ar report the details to your direct supervisor. | | SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FLUNG STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calasiao, Pangasinan in the building and will be injured. After the caller se up. ‘SEAOML GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calaslao, Pangasinan EARTHQUAKE ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. \we/ \w/ tte Check ir art Station In the event of an earthquake, the following procedures should be followe + Take cover; stand in a strong door way, or under strong fumiture. DO NOT try|to runloutside. » Once the main event is over, evacuate the area to an open area; there may be additional after shock s. Report to your supervisor. Assist those who need help. Do not re-ehter building unti it has been determined that itis safe. If there is time, tum off all gas appliances, tum off and unplug all electrical appliondes. + If the structure of your building is damaged, be very careful while making any attempt to assist injured people. The structure is now unstable and may collapse. + Employees should gather in a clear, safe rea and begin selfing up a tiage station and a command post (CP). All Personnel must report their status to the CP and await further Instrctions/A combined, organized search of colapsed buiidings wil be established. | 6. Evacuation Pian / Floor Pian 7. Emergency Numbers (Fre Deporiment, Phlice, Arhbulancé, Local Asistance in your area) | 8. Medical Facilities (Ust of Medical Facilities with contact numbers and address.) | —2, ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calasiae, Pangasinan ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. \wy/ \ee" IEE Checks for Gasotie Station ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILUNG STATION. De Venecla Highway, Barangay Banceang, Caleslao, Pangasinan | ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN | | | Impact Description Mitigation/Enhancement | 1 Solid Waste Management . Garbage collection area to | be provided to allow Sanitary | Handling of Waste | Traffic Congestion Enough parking spaces|shall | be provided in tne Driveway | Domestic Waste Water Management Provide Septic tank to treat | | domestic waste water ‘Ambient Air Within the site, Equipped with vent, for minimal Emission of || Fuel ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. | SEAOIL GASOLINE FLING) STATON De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calsioe, Pangasinan ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘ue! \ew IEE Checklist for Gasotine Sttion SEAOIL GASOLINE FILING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Catatiao, Pangasinan eee | | | SECTION 7.0 — COMMITMENTS: | ‘Are you commiting yourself fo. WWe, am/are commiting to 1. Comply with éxisting environmental rules and regulations, guidelines and criteria: 4 | 2. Comply with au mitigation/ennancement measures that have been identified in the report; 3. Support matt-portte monitoring efforts to be organized: | 4, Construct, maintain and properly operate an adequate and appropriate oil- “|| water seporatfr the Fauld wostes: | 5. Construct, imointain ‘and properly operate an adequate and appropriate septic |_| tank for the liquid wastes; 6. Maintain the Alene of the general surroundings: fle iv! 7. Participate or contribute towards a communal cleaning effort; | 8. Strictly implement a tisk management plan and safety prograr 9. Organize and donduct information, education and communication (IEC) activities on enyifonmental, health and other civic issues; v! 10. Others, please Specify v | ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. | ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILING STATON . | : De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calaslao, Pangasinan i SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘we’ \w It Checit for Catone station ~ SEAOIL GASOLINE FULNG STATION Z De Vonocia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calasiae, Pangasinan | ff | | - | ‘2 I i | ATTACHMENTS /ANNEXES a | “ | A Governmdat Fermi and Clearances (Attach photocopies of documents) = | PERMITS/CLEARANCES ves |) No “ |__| - — | Location Map/Vidinity Map fl | bal Barangay and Municipal 1 City Endorsement 1 | : v T Photocopy of ICT/OCT/TD. | “ v Design /Pan of thd Gasoline Station ] vi = Locational Clearance from HLURB | aie NWR8 Permit | | \ “ | | - | | | \ ~ | | a | | | = | \ | - | | | - | | | a SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ] SEAOIL GASOLINE FILING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banacang, Calasiae, Pangasinan } ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. IEE Checklist for Garoline Station ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasice, Pangasinan ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT This is to certify that all the information and commitments in this Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report are true, accurate and complete. Should Iwe leam of any information which would make the IEE accurate, I/we shall bring said information to the attention of the appropriate LLDA-EIAU and/or EMB-DENR Regional Office \/We hereby bind myself/ourselves jointiy and solidarity for any penalties that may be imposed from any misrepresentations or failure to state material information in the IEE. pct 23.2007 de In witness whereof, I/we hereby set out hands this lay GUEZON TITY p. Tend) ROSTICO Z. TERENCIO IEE Preparer of, at GOVERNMENT LIAISON OFFICER Title/Designation Doc. No. __ 417 Page No. 3 Book No. ¢4 Series of i ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecla Highway, Barangay Banacang, Colaslao, Pangesinan SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. Sw IEE Checklist for Gasoline station ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calesice, Pangasinan ACKNOWLEDGMENT BEFORE ME _ this day of oc! 2007. at —sisorerpeneraly appeared Restico Z. Terencio with Community Tax Certificate No..02987885 issued on _June 07, 2007 at Mabini Batanaas, in his/her capacity as Government Liaison Officer of Seaoil Philippines Incorporated and acknowledged to me that this IEE Report is his voluntary act and deed, and the voluntary act and deed of the entity he/she represents. This document, which consists of 35 pages, including the page on which this acknowledgment is written, is an Initial Environmental Examination Report Checkist. Doc. No. 3/2 Page No. 31 Book No. __1f Series of fie ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Bcrangay Banaoang, Calaslee, Pangasinon LuowDIs aujoso9 19) 1,204 331 am, ;BUIsDBUDg ‘OO}kD|0D ‘BuDooUDg AnBuDIDg ‘AOMYE|H DIDOUOA 6a uaavdadd ‘upujsoBup4 ‘o0}80)09 ‘Buncoung AoBus Nouvis ONT aNnOSYO TOVas “ “ONT ‘SANIddIIHd: TOW3S: Jal JHL JO INSWALVLS AlilIgvINnODOW ore NOUVis ONT aNTOSYD TOVaS NONI 'SANIddIIHd TOVaS ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. IEE Checklist for Gasoline station ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway. Barangay Banaoang, Calasiae, Pangasinan ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT FOR IEE PREPARER This to cerfify that all data information contained in the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) checklist for the SEAOIL Filing Station located at De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calaslao, Pangasinan, cre true to the best of my knowledge and information, and that an ‘objective and thorough assessment of the project was undertaken in accordance with the dictates of reasonable and sound judgment. Should we learn of any information with which would make the enclosed IEE inaccurate, we shalll bring said information to the attention of the Laguna Lake Development Authority [EIAU) or the DENR or the Environmental Management and Protected ‘Areas Sector of the appropriate DENR-Regional Office. We hereby bind ourselves jointly and solidarity to answer any penalties that may be imposed for any misrepresentations failure to state material information in the IEE. Witness whereof we hereby set our hands this day cat IAM PITY — QUEZIN CITY Name Specialization Signature Rostico Z. Terencio Government Liaison Officer ‘ P, Tereact2 SUBCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this : day of aifiance exhibiting to me their Community Tax Certificate (CTC), the number, date and issuance of, which are set forth beside this name are here | numerated. NAME CIC No. Date ofissuance [Place of ksuance _ Rostico Z. Terencio (02987885 [June 07,2007 _|_ Mabini Batangas Page No. Bib 5 Book No. UGE SefiesNo. 9 1 SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoeng, Colaslao, Pangasinan tee PHILIPPINES, INC.\uo \wo/ IEE Checidist for Gasoline Station Oil GASOLINE FLUNG STATON De'Voneci gtmey torongerSenacong,Calasoe,tonganan ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT OF THE PROJECT PROPONENT SEAOM, PIRLIPPINES, INC. LINE FILLING STATION Do Venecia Highway, Borongay Bancoang,Colaiae, Pangasinan ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. IEE Checks! for Gasoline Station ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calaslao, Pangasinan ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT OF THE PROJECT PROPONENT This is to certify that all the information in the enclosed initial Environmental Examination (IEE) of the Seaoi Filing Station of Seacil Philippines, Incorporated located at De Venecla Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calaslao, Pangasinan, are true accurate and complete. Should | lecmed of any information, which should make the [IEE) accurate. | shall bring said information of the attention of the LLDA and/or DENR Office. Thereby bind myself jointly and solidarity with the project preparer to answer for any penalty that may be imposed for any mistepresentation or failure to state material information in the enclosed IEE. OCT 232007 In witness whereof, [hereby set my hand this _ ____. day of : 2007 at SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _ day of 2006. Affiant exhibiting to me her Community Tax Certificate No. _ ORF 4761 issued on _ C808 HOr ot manwawyiny Boo Nows Sle Page N S2r Book No. Tf Series of__ |" (T SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION : De Venecla Highway, Borangay Banacang, Calasiao, Pangasinan SEAOIL cr INC he \wo/ IEE Checkist for Garoltne Station ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATON: De Venecla Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calaslao, Pangasinan SECURITY AND EXCHANGE COMISSION ‘REGISTRATION | SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. ‘SEAOIL GASOLINE FILLING STATION; De Venecia Highway, Barangay Banaoang, Calasiae, Pangasinan REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION SEC Building. EDSA, Greenhills City of Mandaluyong, Metro Manila Company Reg, No, A1996-11742 CERTIFICATE OF FILING OF AMENDED. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the amended articles of incorporation of the |SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. [ Amending Article I Primary Purpose thereof] copy annexed, adopted on September 28, 2005 by a majority vote of the Board of Directors and by the vote of the stockholders owning or representing, at least two-thirds of the outstanding capital stock, and cortified ander oath by the Secretary and a majority of the Board of Directors of the corporation was approved by the Commission on this date pursuant to the provision of Section 16 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines, Batas Pambartsa Bly. 68, approved on May 1, 1980 and copies thereof are filed with the Commission. Unless this corporation obtains or already has obtained the appropriate Secondary License from this Commission, this Certificate does not authorize it to undertake business activities requiring a Secondary License from this Commission such as, but not limited to acting as; broker or.dealdr in securities, government securities eligible dealer (GSED), investment adviser of an investment company, close-end or open-end investment company, investment house, transfer agent, commodity/financial futures exchange/broker/merchant, financing company, pre- need plan issuer, general agent in pre-need plans and time shares/club shares/membership certificates issuers or selling agents thereof. Neither does this Certificate constitute as permit to undertake activities for which other government agencies require a license or permit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of this Commission to be affixed at Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines, TE Rasay of Gciober, wo Thovsand Five ¥ ITO A. CATARAN Director (GENERAL / BUSINESS / COMPANY RELA (Ponownane couruney ony secnommer A, 2/946)" ,1,1, 44,2 conse ropnowe: MANTEMANCERO.:/_f 1 4p) py TRANSAGMONDATE, | yy yy "PULP INSTRUCTIONS — Type orp legis. Lightahadod bores are to bo Wiad up by Wo SEG” Giscl SpprOpTS Gomoe : Tis UP ont mode Hans Fon WG MSMR Coles eS [ CoRR compar : : AI2-AOWAPOLIS ST. GREEKMILLS SAK) JUAN. HETRU MANILA nt ISTAL CODE TEE 355292 FAC WO 1 ee aa hake BUSHLESS NFORMATI PaRNERS are TE Tae WO poe Ene a eee FISCAL YEAREND | ANNUAL MEETING (For €omestec companies sei Bh A rreeo nunoy 0015; ¢ 3 vvarnoie PARTWERS Of partership) sqocimouvens qtetockeo) 5 ‘TOTAL CONTRIBUTION ff nonatock "| OF FOREIGT OF non-iock | TOTAL CONTRIBUTION (Of domestic parneshipy companies) : companies) : Filipino = Foreign: =e ~WA- : ‘ aleslos- {Business Adareas No, Steal Ciy /Town /Provins| teat COVER SHEET ~ - a * A RREED REE | | coe | leh TehD ED Per SelsL TT TE TIE CEU E | (Companys Fu Nee) VFI ERT PT Teh] Teele] 2h AL AINIATe [o SuBEOGEGUOEEES RICHARD UY. 42352 Contact Person get ‘Company Telephone Number) I aati] ole} LE] ‘er | et : ~ AMENDED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION _ : OF ‘SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. 1 ‘i 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY. ‘THESE PRESENTS: That we, all of legal age, citizens and residents of the Republic of the Philippines, have this day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the pupsce or forming a corporation under the laws ofthe Philippines, AND we HEREBY CERTIFY: . | "FIRST: That the name of said corporation shall be SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC. cee ‘That the purposes for which the said corporation is formed are: PRIMARY PURPOSE 7 Tp Purchase, impor, sell, manufacture, treat, produce, distill, handle and distribute and othetwise deal in petroleum, its products, by-prodh ivatives and i other minerals, mineral substances, chemical substances, and any’ and all Kind SECONDARY PURPOSE 1 Mo purchase, eas, build, construct, maintain and operate warehouse, fling staigns, ing plants, compounding plants, refineries, establishments, stoves and all can appliances and conveniences for use in connection with the manufacture, | purchases ae dale of gasoline, petroleum, lubrication oils, and any all kinds of werchetiee whatsoever, 2. To buy and otherwise acquire, own, hold, déal in, transfer, assign, sell, exchang fase, fen, handlo and dispose of, mortgage, lien or cikervise ‘encimner ne a oer Property and any interest, right and estate therein, of every kind? nature, class and description and in any part of the world 3, To build, consiruct maintain, operate, buy, sell and charter factories, gas works, bike fines, Pumping Stations, tanks, crs, ships, boats and vessels of all Kinds meste Ye transportation, terminals, wharves, docks, piers, Tepair shops, power plants, office ildings and every structure of facility Necessary or convenient for use in carrying on ‘the business ofthis Corporation in any part of the world, and warehouses, and machineri Conduct of the corporate business, and to pay of its capital stock, debentures and other evidences of indebtedness, o1 eg as may be deemed expedient, for any business or property acquired 4, Topi » acquire, own, lease, sell and convey real properties such as bai, factor ie 10. M., ~ ~ To borrowior raise money necessary to meet the financial requirement of its business by the issuance of bonds, promissory notes and other evidences of indebtedneds, and Secure the repayment thereof by mortgage, pledge, deed of trast or lien upp the roperties of the corporation or to issue pursuant to law shares of its capital stock, lebentures and other evidences of indebtedness in payment for properties acquired by e corporation or for money borrowed in the prosecution of its lawful business; ‘To invest and deal with the money and properties ofthe corporation in|such slanoer as may, from time to time, be considered wise or expedient for the advancement of its rests and to sell, dispose of or transfer the business, properties and goodwill of the SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: spout hands tis _ day of hilippines. | (Sed.) JOSEFINA L. YU TIN: 103-441-638 (Sgd.) STEPHEN L. YU TIN: 912-029-877 for NTH : That Mr. MARK ANTHONY L. YU has been elected by the subscribers as surer of the corporation, to act as such until his suocessor is duly elected and shail’ qualified in accordante with the By-Laws, as such Treasurer, he has been lorized to received for the corporation, and to issue in its name receipts for, [all BEFO! © cniiopines, oa Doc, no LBS i Page No. B ie Book No, <7 3; ACKNOWLEDGMENT iy Public’ for and ‘in: WEcmeivens Gi eRe, 3 \' ecember 1996, personally/appeared: : oe all known to me and|to me ‘kr m to: e the same persons who executed the foregoing Articles: of Incorporation and | +y ack :owledged to me that the same is thelr free and Name ‘Cr 1. Tax-Cert. No. FRANCIS C. YU 60039 JOSEFINA L. YU ! 60038 FRANCIS GLENN L. YU 60040 STEPHEN L. YU 5379381 MARK ANTHONY LJYU S38 0016 voluntary act and deed. WITNESS M ‘ HAND A! 2 SEAL on the date and at the place first above tae Date'& Plaze Issued 2/22/98, Mandaluyong City, 2/22/98, Mandaluyong City. Mh 96; Maiidaluyotig City, MM $6, Mandaluyong City, MM 12/6/98, Mandaluyong City, MM t ‘GENERAL / BUSINESS / COMPANY RELATIONSHIP INFORMATION FORSECTOPROVIE: MANTENANCERO.:/__f)_ J) TRANGACTIONDATEL_1 fy py Light shaded boxes are tobe filed up by the SEG. ‘Chock sopropilate boxes | AMENOMENTS OR CHANGES ARE TO BE MADE. | CORRERT COMPANY NAME (This must avoys be provid, GREENHILLS “SAD JUAN) , HETRU HAKIILA "> ce A A ‘COMPANY RELATIONSHIP ~ List all companies related to registrant RELATIONSHIP TYPE" BI-DISSOLVED COMPANY (lf due t merger 'S-PARENT COMPANY Qf replstant te amubeldiy) O-OTVERS \V-DISSOLVED COMPANY (change In company type) Wo SA Ey OA BO OATEOF ReLATENSHER ‘upulsoBun4 ‘on|#0/09 ‘Buncoung AnBuoi0g ‘ADAYE|H DIDBUOA a NOUYIS ONT aNNOSYD TOVaS i “ONI'SANIddIIHd TOW3S aSV314O LOVaLNOD - | UwoujDBun4g ‘oojsoj39 ‘BudoDung AnBuDiDg “ADMYEIH OIDOUOA ag NOUWIs ONMU ANOS TlOWEE ~ WoNDIS SUI}Os05 104 8)422UD 331 NI 'SANIddIIHd WOVaS CONTRACT OF LEASE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Contract of Lease is executed and entered into by and between: EMILIA SORIANO, of legal age, Filipino, with residence and postal address at De Venecia Highway, Brgy. Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan, hereinafter referred to as the “LESSOR”; -ande existing under and by virtue of Philippine laws, with office and postal address at Ground Floor, Meridien Building, 29 Annapolis Street, Greenhills, San Juan City, represented herein by its President, FRANCIS GLENN L. YU, hereinafter referred to as the “LESSEE”, SEAOIL PHILIPPINES, INC., a corporation duly organized and a WirnessetH: WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the absolute and registered owner of @ parcel of land ‘containing a total area of Four Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty (4,820) square meters, more or less, situated along De Venecia Highway, Brgy. Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan, which parcel of land is covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 304247, issued by the Registry of Deeds for the Province of Pangasinan, a photocopy of which is hereto attached as Annex “A”, ‘and made an integral part hereof. WHEREAS, the LESSEE desires to lease the above-described property, with an area of ‘Seven Hundred (700) square meters, for the constructioe of its gasoline station and the LESSOR hereby agrees to lease the said premises for such business purposes; NOW, THEREFORE; for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the LESSSOR hereby delivers by way of lease unto the LESSEE, and the latter hereby agrees and accepts the property subject to the following terms and conditions : 1, PERIOD/DURATION: ‘That the term and period of this Lease shall be for TEN (10) years, such period to begin fon September 1, 2007 and will expire on September 1, 2017, unless renewed through an agreement by both parties as evidenced in a written instrument. ‘The LESSEE is granted a rent free construction period of three (3) months up to November 30, 2007, such period to begin on September 1, 2007. 2, RENEWAL: Should the LESSEE wish to renew this Contract, it shall, within sixty (60) days prior to the expiration hereof, submit a written notice to this effect. If the LESSOR is amenable to the same, both parties shall negotiate and discuss the new terms and conditions which they may ‘mutually agree upon to govern the riew lease, If no agreement is reached, the LESSEE shall ‘vacate the leased premises within thirty (30) days from notice of non-renewal. 3, RENTALS Upon the expiration of the rent-free construction period on November 30, 2007, the LESSEE shal pay a rental of PESOS FORTY TWO THOUSAND (Php42,000.00), Philippine currency, per month. Post-dated checks each covering one (1) month's worth of rent payments shall be forwarded to the LESSOR on an annual basis, For calendar vear 2008. the T FSSFF. : shall ssue Ten (10) post-ated checks due onthe 1* day of each month beginning March 1, 2006. : Thereafter, the LESSEE shall issue twelve (12) postdated checks for the twelve (12) months of oe the corres, ag calendar year. Each of the said post-dated checks shall fall due on the first day PH ofthe month for which it was issued, : 1 > ‘Tie monthly rental of Php42,000.00 does not includes Expanded Value Added Tax (E- B VAT) and is subject to Expanded Withholding Tax (EWT). | | “ ‘The monthly rental of Php42,000 shall automatically be increased by 4% starting fror + the 2" year up to the S® year and 5% from the S" year up to 10" year as shown in the table below: | fa Percent || Rent | Monthly Rent | Monthly Rent ‘Net Month z ‘Year | pscalation) (Increase ‘| without E-VAT| without evar, WT |NSUOMHY | yearly ant Hise it [| 0% |] 000 42,000.00 47,040.00 | 2,100.00 | 44,940.00 | 404,460.00 2nd | 4% . | 1,680.00 43,680.00 48,921.60 | 2,184.00 _| '46,737.60 | 560,851.20 3rd 4% | 1,747.20 | 45,427.20 50,878.46 | 2,271.36 | 48,607.10 | 563,288.25 bal 4th 4% _ | 1,817.09 47,244.29 52,913.60 _| 2,362.21 | 50,551.39 | 606,616.66 eo sth | 5% | 1le69.7 49,134.06 55,030.15 | 2,456.70 | 52,202.12 | 630,881132 coe _ sth [5% [2lase70 | 51590764] 57,761.65 | 257954 | $5,202.12 | 662,428199 7h _| 5% [257054 | 5417030 | 60,670.74 | 2,708.52 | 57,962.22 | 6954666} an |’ s% [270082 | 5697082 | €3,70427 [2,008.94 [6096033 | 73032399 _| : ae ‘oh | 5% | 2,043.94 159,722.76 66,009.49 "| 2,986.14 | 63,903.35 | 76594019 |, tom | 5% [2,986.14 | 62,708.89 | 7023396 | 3,135.44 | 67,09852 | 805,162.20 ss + 7 = Delays inthe payment ofthe stipulated monthly rentals, or dshonoring of any of te | above-mentioned post-dated checks by the LESSEE's bank shall be interpreted as a pre- termination of the part of the LESSEE and such, the provisions in Paragraph 14 hereof shall “= ply. e DI ‘ | o.- 4, ADVANCE RENTAL, : y Upon the signing of this Lease Contract, the LESSEE shall pay an advance rental of | PESOS ONE HUNDRED TWENTY SIX THOUSAND (Php126,000.00). ‘This amount shall be applicable forthe ja three (2) months ofthe ten (10) - year contrat. . : - Fi | ‘The adfance ental of Php126 000.0 fs subject to Expanded Value Added Tax (E-VAT) q and to Expanded Withholding Tax (EWT). | = Advance Rehtal | Advance Rental | EWT (6%) | Advance Rental with E-VAT, without E-VAT | with E-VAT (12%) (12%) less EWT.5%) | 126,000.00 | 141,120.00 6,300.00 134,820.00 _] This advance renal shall be retuned tothe LESSEE in case the pr-termination is due to - the non-issuance by the city government of the permit to operate a gasoline station on the leased | * premises. ' 5, SECURITY DEPOSIT : Upon the signing of this Lease Contract, the LESSEE shall pay the LESSOR the amount q of PESOS oe pa ae SIXTY EIGHT THOUSAND (Php168,000.00) which shall be - ‘non-interest bearing as a guarantee for the falthful compliance by LESSEE. of all covenants of this ContractIt Shall be returned to the LESSEE only upon the expiration of this Contract, after ; the LESSEE shall have completely and satisfactorily vacated dnd redelivered the leased premises to the LESSOR, less whatever amount the LESSEE may owe the LESSOR at the time of sald : | ~ : ~ ~ | 2) : | a : expiration, Provided, however, that should the LESSEE terminate this Contract before its die © ~ +. expiration, the said security deposit shall automatically be forfeited by the LESSOR. # security deposit shall be returned to the LESSEE in case the pre-termination is due et to the nonbissuance by the city government of the permit to operate a gasoline station on the leased premises. = a 6. IMPROVEMENTS * : | : ‘ ‘That upon signing of this Contract of Lease the LESSOR shall deliver the possession and = control of the leased premises to the LESSEE, and the latter shall have the right to construct and ii = Introduce permanent improvements i.e. buildings, walls, and other structuyes, without the written cE ree, consent ofthe LESSOR. Its herby understood that the LESSEE shall se the lesed premises S only for the operation of a gasoline station and as such, the improvements it will introduce shall! E i bbe limited to structures and facilities such as pump islands, a sales office, comfort room, a| 4 cashier's bobth, locker'rooms, storage rooms, underground storage tanks, a convenience store, carwash facility, and service bays/lube bays. | That the LESSEE shall cause the construction of lis gasoline station, the installation of |* water, elecfcal, toilet connections and other facilites, such as improvements of movable | fixtures/equip to become the property of the LESSOR upon the expiration of this Lease without LESSEE's right to reimbursement for the cost or salvage value thereof, unless the > LESSOR requires that the remove the said improvements and reum the leased | : premises to its original condition at the start of the lease. 7, TAXES AND OTHER SERVICES ‘That the realty tax on the lot, charges and any assessment imposetBy the government on | the leased prémises shall be for the sole account of the LESSOR. However, realty tax on the - - Structures/improvements introduced by the LESSEE on'the leased’ premises and all permits, if Ucenses, electric; water, telephone bills and other charges and services during the effectivity of | . ‘this Contract shall be for the exclusive account of the LESSEE. ge 8. PROVISION FOR FRANCHISE/SUB-LEASK, .° : | ‘ a ‘The LESSEE is free to grant a franchise toa third party dealer on the premises subject of | = this Contract of Lease. Should the LESSEE desire to emer ino a sublease, it may do so. provided the LESSEE. first secure the written consent of the LESSOR. which shall be {incorporated in the said sub-lease contract. In this event, any and all agreements with the sub- | “ lessee, as the case may be, shall be co-terminous with this Contract of Lease. ct 9. SALE, TTRANSFER, AND MORTGAGE | - In the pvent of sale, transfer, mortgage or any other encumbrance of the same, the | LESSOR warrénts that the purchaser, morgagee, and encumbrance holder shall respect and abide by all the terms and conditions of this Lease Agreement including the provisfons for renewal hereof. 10, WARRANTY OF LESSOR * i The LESSOR hereby warrants the peaceful possession and control éf the LESSEE over ~ the leased premises and shall defend the rights of the LESSEE or its successors-in-interest | against any and all persons whomsoever. 11. JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS ' 4 ' | In the event of judicial proceedings by a party hereto against the other to enferce any of - its rights hereunder, the party at fault will pay and compensate the other party's attomey's fees of hot less than Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhpS0,000.00), exclusive of damages and costs of uit. | : . NAD | \ R ApELICATION ' | agreements contained in this Contract of Lease is binding upon, and shal bind ad 2 fnure to ithe benefit! of the LESSOR, the LESSEE, their’ heirs, legal representatives ahd s successors-in-interest | B worfee OF VIOLATION 7 | Cd hiry (20) days after due notice is served to the LESSEE, or its representative, of tle Violation 6f any of the conditions hereto provided, the LESSEE shall forthwith volunarily comply therewith or, voluntarily vacate the leased premises, without the necessity of any court He action to that effect. Failure of the LESSEE to comply with the said notice of violation shall : 6 emttle the LESSOR to a penalty charge of TWO THOUSAND PESOS (Php2,000.00) for every day of delay after the. curative period of thirty (30) days as stated in the first sentence of this. paragraph, in which the LESSEE fails to correct the fault. 14, PRE-TERMINATION a ‘Should the LESEE desire to terminate this Lease before its date of expiration, the, LESSOR may, at its own discretion, permit the LESSEE to do so, and the LESSEE may |~ withdraw fiom this Contract, provided that the LESSEE gives the LESSOR thee (3) months| Prior written notice and forfeits to the LESSOR the four (4) month rent deposit stipulated above | - + and with the condition that upon an ‘Mhspection to be conducted by the LESSOR, the leased premises Js found to be undamaged and unimpaired, save for ordinary wear. In addition, all| = improvements and structures (save for movable furnitures, fixtures and equipment) shall be left | fe behind to become the property of the LESSOR without any liability or compensation ‘to the ‘ ‘LESSEE. 2 7 | 2 15, RETURN OF THE PREMISES i i ‘- i Upon|the termination of this Contract of Lease for any reason whatsoever, the LESSEE. | shall immediately vacate the leased property and retum possession thereof to the LESSOR, | unless this Contract is renewed, Failure of the LESSEE to vacate the leased premises shall | $ ‘entitle the LESSOR to a penalty charge of TWO THOUSAND PESOS (Phip2,000.00) per day of delay. In case of pre-termination by the LESSOR of this Agreement, it shall become liable to the | LESSEE for all undepreciated capital expenditures which the latter has incurred in relation to its + \ gasoline station project, provided that such amount shall not exceed TEN MILLION PESOS EN Php10,000,000.00). For the purpose of computing depreciated values, the rate for such epreciaton shall hereby be set ata straight ONE MILLION PESOS (Php1,000,000.00) per year for the duration of this Lease, as'shown in the table below. Should both Parties fail to renew or period ofthis Contract, all fixed improvements and structures on the leased premises shall | & become the property of the LESSOR upon the expiration of this instrument. : | ‘SCHEDULE OF DEPRECIATION i = oe q i 0.0 10,000,000] | = 1 1,000,000 1. 3,000,000 | | ® 2 1,000,000 8,000,000 |. | 5 a ee 1,000,000 7,000,000 | | oe 4l : 1,000,000 6,000,000 | ae 5] 1,000,000 5,000,000 | t33 = 6| 1,000,000 4,000,000 | | i 2 7] 1,000,000 3,000,000 | aie - 8) 1,000,000 2,000,000" | 4 i ' of 1,000,000 | 1,000,000 z ~ oso a awaprsaig DK “INNATD SIONVEL i Ag “ONT ‘SENIdaI Ha Tovas | j ‘Bassa aibssat : | | -somddrya 3 coz | 22 Ps suey sayy 1s onnasaq dney sored ap ‘YOSUSHM SSANLIM NI | \ “2p00 Supping jeuoneN ain Sujpnyouy ‘Yaps0 pu aoeed uauuosyaua ‘uoperues ‘ayes | any 0} Suneqar ‘Suonerh Bai pue saqnu ‘saoueurpio ‘sme ye tpia Apdutoo [Teys aul 2 muons nkron ‘ if : pene si 430 nafqas sasturaud paseo] paquosap-anoge axp Sursanoo aTISSHTT ax pue YOSSATT ath waSMIeR | oy pasawua pue uodn paarBe Atsnoyaard Jatpeym Sup 20 pue [exo satpoyes ‘SiuauivalBe Te pe | Ate pioa stopuas pue sapasradns menue siyx “sored tog 4q pausis Amp Sunn uy waumnsuy ‘ue Aq Aquo ang payrpou 20 papuaure aq Aen pletion pue sapied atp Jo ruatioarBe amua | axp ammnsuoo pares ujasay sua 40 suotstaoud zoino Aue pur asea7 Jo 19eN00> ‘a | : -SENSWGNENY “t i -Auradoud paseo xp uo lute Ae Susodsowy Azaua 10 uosid fue £q sure teasueBe 1oenuoD spp jo ai) axp BaP (odoad pase ayy Jo asn pur Aouednaoo qrysoead s\aassart atp Daoud 01 uonEsHg 239] “RI Wma Atdurod Teys YOSSAT aq wep pue “Axed png Aue HM Daya uy ‘aseal Bunstxa ou seq fondoxd pafans axp we aassarT ain 01 suexem Aqai2y WOSSHT aN “28007 J0 }Penuog sm Jo uorinoaxa ain o1 oud paroadsuy uaaq seq Aaadosd paseayaxp ein saze}zap Aqaiay HASSHT MUL .'siseq s| se,, ue uo Auadosd paquosap-onoge axp sasea] YOSSAT MOSS dO ALNVEVM, aay Nous “a “T@nuod s,uew puotag axe yorum “oie ‘saxfenbyprea ‘spoog ‘suooydéy 58 YpNs poo Jo sie 20 swuaaa snoxmuio; Aq pasneD st Aymiqen 20 aBeurep ypns vaya 10 sysanB i ssofoydu ‘woBe oy ‘aaa ain 44 Kuadoud pasta 70 osn ox 0 29 2583030 o Buse Kuadoud 10 uosied Aue 0 Aayqysuodsat xo Aaygey 20 saBeuep Aue Woy} pue “ ‘OSSAT aH Ploy [eys ‘sasturasd paseay axp Jo Aouednavo spp Buump ‘AASSArT at \ | ALITIGVIT ALYVa CHOHL ‘ot | ‘i fi | | | ACKNOWLEDGMENT | REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Sea | | QUEZON CITY = SEP 202007” BEFORE ‘ME, @ Notary Public, this ___ day of i —UEZER- REY Peony came and appeaied the following | | 2007 in i L |__Name_ ‘Comm. Tax Cert. No. Date & Place of Issue | EMILIA|SORIANO 220 HA, UF ag. OF | alice FRANCIS GLENNL. YU 07472170 02 January 2007 |» ari Quezon City | all known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed, and that of the! entities they respectively represent. : ‘The| foregoing instrument relates to a Contract of Lease, consisting of six (6) ages {including the page on which this acknaprledgment is written, and has been signed by the parties | and thelr Instrumental witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal. | ly IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuneeyBN CE! affixed my nocarial geal on | | “— Serr 2007, at__Ve is je FICATE : 5 8 2 BE é 5 z tr weney céarne har ““RBRRGEL SERA URE Ty Pee OOO EE Te ty consotidat: 2y Fou~218323, Likes Roce ) siguated at Bray. Ban ‘of Calosico, frov. of Pangasinan, Islond of Lidone Bounded on the Nz. ,alony Lines 8-1 and m2 by SarrioBoad (10400 mewide); on tho Sey ‘ehong Line 23 ng lot 2 of tho cons. cubd. plan (DagupanWalasiao Diversion Road (20,00 mewida); j loize of Doaingp Llanaoi on tho Sia, along 1iné 56| jars of Anite Galvan; on the Iie, alongline 61 by property of Morencio jMoranba, slong lice 7-8 by property of Julian Calimbm, Doginning at a point lnaried ta of 20t 1, on plan being %y Oh dog. W854, Bee76 ne foe Bt How 15 Usvesired in ecordere wih the provshnt ofthe Property Rexiraton ere tn te rare > Gj) “tutta Somatic, marzsod Yo tober’ Tang of teget ope) Paliplnay ond @ mtn tk of te enembanes mented Sn 11 of | |. HousoBuod ‘oo F0}03 ‘BunooUDg ADBunINg “hOMYBIH O;20UOA 9g NoUYis ONMU aNTOSYD HOWaS | ‘ONI'S2NIdariHa WOVas | 7 | ‘|| | | | | aL | | ousDBubg ‘eojs0j09 ‘SuneDuDg AoSuD:0g “ADMYEIH D}DOUDA Og \ ~~ Nouvis oNmu aNNOSYD Novas LoHIS eUIIEsOH 10) wip;D0UD 37 ™ ONI'SANIddiHd owas . x No. 22vtet ~ \ i ue | \ ovine BF reasiaas i i Iv 1s HEREBY CERTIFIED thai ‘certain land situated in the . aa ried as follows | pa ay an Cae Ty PaCS A OWE: we conscticatt o | f Lot 1 andiLot 2, Fou~218523, LiRwCe Roce Nov. ) sifuated at Brgy. Bancorp |) |[fuiliun"of catasino, Zrov, of Pangasinan, Lslond oF THR. Bounded on the Nes alond 4 Anos O-1 and 1-2 by BarrioBoad (10.00 mewide); on the Suey atong line 23 | tot 2 of tho cons. subd. plan (HagupanGalasing Diversion Road (20,00 mevide)s S Jalong lines 3-4 ond 4-5 by Hoire of Domingo Llamas; on the Sie, slong ling 5-6| 1B [BaGloy tosre of “nite Galvan; on tho Iti., alonglino 6-1 by property of Morenaio : 15 |[Bifrerasta, stone lira 7-8 by property df Julian Caléatin, Doginning at a point, = 1S |eyainarted 4” of tot 1, on plan being S. Ob dog. 48's, 34476 m- from BBN Nop 15s, iE Wecrestradlid accordance ih the provlahee ofthe Prophrty Replzvalion Decree In the shine afl ce “ERILIA SORIANO, married to Robert Tany of Legal age, Filipino, and a (i pa protien! of 66 Feraohior ate, Zagupais city, Paitipetes. a5 ? .B 4s owner thereof in fer simple, subject to suck of the encumbrances mentioned in Section 44 of eS Sat Decree as maybe subsisting. and S j ao = 5 Tr IS-AyRRHEE pearineD thar sid ond was originally registered on j = of ten: co le ear nineteen ed ae "Bee & Reapgion Book eas "Office ofthe Register of D feof 2 pagd.l8... as Original Ceriffeate of Tile No. z $5064 E {Sed in LR, CP ASM once RECOM fe RE inthe name of. = 5 This cerjleate is @ transfer from menue Cerificate of Tile No. Is cancelled by virtue hereof in soar as te abov€-descrbed land is concerned. Entered at + Philippines on the sunny i in tage thowiand and : i Dagupan city i ee eee (Guna po ‘negiter of bee ‘ ‘State the civil status, name of spouse if married, age if a minor, citizenship and, residence of the = retistered owney If the owner iss married woman, state also the clizenship of hor husband. Ii the he name ofthe conjugal parnership, state the cizenship ofboth spouses. Eee = upujso6ung ‘oD}t0(99 ‘Bupooung AnBuoi0g ‘ADAYB]H DIDBUeA OG NOUYIS ONTIY SNNOSVD TOVaS “ONI‘SANIddIIHd OWES | | dWWALINIDIA / dvW NOUV9O1 NOUWIS ONTTH aNTIOSVO TOVES (‘ONL 'SANIddilHd WOWas ors wre tray tne eaten SSS ‘ rm SITE aaL0H VIS NNI O voae vam INVTd

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