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—~ 2 Republic of the Philippines & Department of Environment and Natural Resources ee ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU : Regional Office No. 4 2" Floor Lee Bldg., Lingsat, City of San Fernando, La Union SITE VERIFICATION REPORT Date and Time of Site Verification : _ February 29, 2008 / 11:00 A.M. Date Application Received :_ February 11, 2008 New BCC C Amendment of ECC A. GENERAL INFORMATION —_ = 1. Name of Project Proponent; Narra Multi-Purpose Cooperative 2. Location of Project :_ Bray. Guiset Sur, San Manuel, Pangasinan 3, Name and Position of Responsible Person Contracted: _ Mr, Jun Marcel Manager 4 Type/Nature of Project :_ Agticultural Food Processing (Ricemill) 5. Office / Business Address : Bray. Guiset Sur, San Manuel, Pangasinan Tel. No, B, FINDINGS / OBSERVATION 1, Status of the Project ©) Not Existing Existing “Approximate % Completion 2. Ifexisting, describe the project NA 3. Description of Project Area and Surrounding Environment : ‘The proposed icemill is to be established inside the proponent’s land property having a total land, area of around 3,500 sq. meters. The site is level or flat, fenced with cyclone wire and has no vegetation of any kind. A portion of the project site is concrete paved which is being used as sun drying facility of harvested agricultural crops. Within the same property isa fertilizer plant of the proponent, ‘The site is located in an agricultural area. It is along a provincial road approximately two (2) kilometers south of the town proper and around 500 meters away from the nearest residential house in the area. ©. REMARKS. 1. The proposed project is a multi-pass ricemill with a production rate of 1.50 MT to 2.50 MT per hour, One (1) unit mechanical dryer is proposed to be installed to support its operation, 2. The milling machine and mechanical dryer of the proponent are to be housed in a storage house / bodega with total floor area of 400 sq. meters. 3. Waste to be generated from the milling operation are to be used as raw material of the proponent’s fertilizer plant. 4. The establishment and operation of the proposed ricemill is unlikely to ereate significant impact to the environment. D, RECOMMENDATION : For Issuance of ECC / Amendment C1 For Issuance of Notice of Violation / Summon Attested. Ther. OIC, Environmental Impact & Monitoring Division APPROVED: (Chief, Environmental Managemdnt Specialist) Executive Assistant for Opdrations sie Verfieion nePrOtect the environment... Protect Life... | 0-8 Tel. Nos. (072)-242-3057 / 700-2448, Fax No. (072)-700-2449; e-mail: / embdenrl ‘L@yahoo. SITE VERIFICATION REPORT Date and Time of Site Verification : February 29, 2008 / 11:00 A.M Date Application Received : February 11, 2008 By New Ec Cy Amendment of ECC A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Name of Project Proponent: _Narra Multi-Purpose Cooperative 2 Location of Project :_Bray. Guiset Sur, San Manuel, Pangasinan 3. Name and Position of Responsible Person Contracted : _Mr. Jun Marcelo - Manager 4 Type/Nature of Project :_ Agricultural Food Processing (Rieemill 5. Office / Business Address : Bray. Guiset Sut, San Manuel, Pangasinan Tel. No. B._ FINDINGS / OBSERVATION Not Existing, CO Existing Approximate % Completion 1. Status of the Project, 2. IPexisting, deseribe the project NA 3. Description of Project Area and Surrounding Environment TThe proposed ticemill is to be established inside the proponent’s land property having a total land area of around 3,500 sq. meters. The site is level or Mat, fenced with cyclone wire and has no vegetation of any kind. A portion of the project site is concrete paved which is being used as sun drying facility of harvested agricultural crops. Within the same property is a fertilizer plant of the proponent. “The site is located in an agricultural area. It is along a provincial road approximately two (2) kilometers south of the town proper and around 500 meters away from the nearest residential hhouse in the area. ©. REMARKS : 1. The proposed project is a multi-pass ricemill with a production rate of 1.50 MT to 2.50 MT per: hour, One (1) unit mechanical dryer is proposed to be installed to support its operation, 2. The milling machine and mechanical dryer of the proponert are to be housed in a storage house / bodega with cotal floor area of 400 sq. meters. 3, Waste to be generated from the milling operation are to be used as raw material of the proponent's fertilizer plant. 4. The establishment and operation of the proposed ricemill is unlikely to create signifieant impact to the environment. D, RECOMMENDATION : For Issuance of ECC / Amendment Attested by NICANOR C. ESTEBAN OIC, Environmental Impact & Monitoring Division APPROVED: By Authority of the Regional Director ENGR, BENEDICTO 0. MOLANO (Chief, Environmental Management Specialist) Executive Assistant for Operations Sh SITE VERIFICATION REPORT Date and Time of Site Verification : _/Vk awop [11:00 A¥l Date Application Received: aD. uy, 100% Dew Ecc CD Amendment of ECC A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.” Name of Projet Proponent: WL := ous 2. Location of Project fiteys Mua iaol Sees Sao Ma ancel, 4B og. 3. Name and Position of Responsible Person Contracted. Ny 4. Type/NNature of Project Office / Business Address : 7 Tel. No. mentee Phy Sh al hae a Batact f A, ° B,_ FINDINGS / OBSERVATION 1. Status of the Project [BNor Existing (Existing Approximate % Completion 2, Deseription of the Project; if existing 3, Deseription of Project Area and Surrounding Environment D. RECOMMENDATION : @ For issuance of ECC /seememamest For Issuance of Notice of Violation / Summon Alttested by: Prepared by’ OIC, Environmental Impact & Monit ing Division Approved by eee JOEL G. SALVADOR, CESO 1 eo-Site Vefestion Report

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