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INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXAMINATION (TEE) CHECKLIST for | PROPOSED MULTEPASS RICE MILL, GRAIN DRYER AND WAREHOUSE 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION LL Project Name/title = Rice Mill, Grain Dryer and Warehouse | 1.2. Proponent/Company : Narra Multi Purpose Cooperative ' Address Casantiagoan, Guiset Sur, San Manuel, Pangasinan | (Complete address: St_/Sitio,Brgy.,City/Mun.,Prov.) Tel. Fax E-mail 1.3. Project Location: Casantiagoan, Guiset Sur, San Manuel, Pangasinan (Complete address : St/Sitio,Brgy..City/Mun,Prov.) | (Attach location map with important landmarks and access points indicated as, Annex 1) 14 Project Objectives: Rice Milling, Grain Drying and Warehouse. 1.5. Proponent Ownership’ Type of Owners: [ Single Proprictorship [| Corporation [ ]Partnership/Venture _{ x] Cooperative [_ ] Others, pls. specify: 1.6 Project Cost [p 45m 1 [ P.45M Total Project Cost P 4.5 M. | n 1.7 List of owners (for partncrship/corporation) Ph CDA Registration and Listiny 1.8 Authority from the Corporation to apply ECC in their behalf | 2.0 PROJECT DI RIPTION 2.1 Project Area Coverage (Attach photocopies of documents as Annex) Total Land Arca (m2/ha) | 3191 sq.m. | 2.2 Land Ownership ‘Ownership of the land by virtue of OCT/TCT. No, TCT No, Patent T-27671 Stewardship of Land by virtue of N/A Lease of land by virucof =: N/A | Pending application for : N/A Others, pls. specity: 2.3 General Land Classification | [1 Public Land Ix]AandD 2.4 Present Land Use Classification (Based on the approved land use/zoning | ‘ordinance of the city/municipality) [x] Agricultural {_ ] Residential { ] Tourism | 1 [Industrial 1 [Forest land 1 [Institutional | { ] Commercial [ ] Open Spaces [ ] Others, pls. specify: W 2a opetpowuuay sy pur aus yoofoud ayp jo mata uuresoURd yey 3.0 PROJECT COMPONENTS 3.1 Malti Pass Rice Mill Equipment No. | Area(m2) | Capacity | No. of of | Responsible | Unit person | 1 Palay Bin is { C 2. Palay Sifter 1 I 3. Hopper 2 _ te 4, Huller 1 25 Tons) | 23 (Aspirator) Hour [eles 5. Paddy Separator |_1 I 6.Rice Polisher | 1 I 7. Cyclone Product | Collector 2 % Rice Bin 7 9, Husk Bin 1 10. 4BC2 Diesel Engine 1 IL 31.50 ao Sq.m. 3.2. Grain Dryer | Facility ‘Arca (m2) Capacity | =| 1. Mechanical Dryer. 1 27 sq.m. 360 bags / batch | 2.. Warehouse 1 116.55 sq.m. 45,000 cavans | t (Attach Facilities/Lay-out plan) General Lay-out plan of Project Component 27 a. Water Demand Estimatcd daily water requirements of the proposed gasoline station? | b. Water Allocation Deep well for personal use Water usage Water Demand Allocation (m3) 1. For cooking & Washing To be constructed ¢. Water Supply/Source © Fisting Public Water Water Source ‘Yes No. ‘Remarks, Existing Public Water [ x To be constructed © Surface Water Water | Namcof | Location Distance Mode of | Volumelof | Source | Water Body dev’t.or | Extraction distribution Creek N/A NA NIA NIA NA | Spring N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A_| Stream. N/A, NA NA NA N/A River N/A NA NA NA NA ‘Others NA. NA NA WA NA] Deep Well Not Applicable | Water Sources | _No. of. Location | Depth (m) Discharge Wells/Hand | liter/sec) Pump/Tanks ' Deep well with | N/A NIA be NIA Manual Hand Ww Pump Deep well with | N/A TNA NIA NA electric or motor Pump, L | d. Water Treatment Is there provision for water treatment of your independent water | source? | YES NO tyes, what type of water treatment? Chlorinated Filtration Others, pls. specify 3.4 Drainage System (Attach approved drainage layout plan as Annex) —_| ‘Type of drainage: a) Major Roads open canal closed/under construction b) Other Roads open canal closed/under construction Where docs the drainage system drain? Public drainage system ‘Natural outfall/water body, What water body (c.g, river stream will serve as the outfall of the sewage and drainage systems ? Municipal Drainage Canal Where is it located 50 meters away from the project site | 3.5 Power Supply Source of power: 1.ocal Fletric Cooperative: PANEICO| Own Generator Capacity: Others, pls. specify: 3.6 Sewage Disposal System | © Sewage System Individual Septic Tank Communal Septic Tank ‘© Sewage Design _2-chamberscptic tank w/ leachin uw 2-chamberseptic tank w/o leaching 3-chambersepti tank w/ leaching | 3-chamberseptic tank w/o leaching. 4-chamberseptic tank w/ leaching | 4-chamberseptic tank w/o leaching ! © Sewage Disposal [ ] Discharge to an existing public sewerage system I] Treated in a community disposal plant or communal septic tank \ [x] Treatment in the individual; septic tank with| disposal by absorption field or leaching pit LJ Others: Pls. Speci: 3.7 Wastewater ‘Treatment Facility’ Not Applicable * Capacity of oil water separator: Attach Flowchart on liquid waste management Attach lay-out/detailed plan ' - Liquid waste facility-main component /astewater Treatment Facilities 3.8 Used Oil Collection and Disposal System © Collection System No. of Drums/month: Volume: Storage Arca: © Disposal System i L | Recycled | | | Burning \ I 1 Solid to re-cycles ' 3.9 Solid Waste Disposal System | © Collection System | | Association/project-maintained garbage collection system { x] Integrated into the municipal garbage collection system | { ] Others, pls. specify: | © Will there be a waste sorting/segregation system to be employed prior to ee j © Disposal System ' | | Burning at open dumpsite in the project site [ ] Sludge cleaning [ ] Open dumpsite outside of the project | Site [x] Municipal/City landfill area \ [ ] Others, pls. specify ' ‘© Location of the waste disposal site: Municipal Dump Site \ ‘Attach flow plan of the solid waste management collection to disposal! 3.10 Manpower and Employment (provide listing of manpower requirements as Annex) \ © Tow many people will be employed by the proposed gasoline and service station during: a) Pre-construction Period: __10 b) Operation and Maintenance Period: _3-4 3.11 Project Schedule (Attach schedule of development activities from pro- construction; construction; operation phase) 2B OF EXIS A. Physical Environment INMENT 1. What is the general elevation of the proposed gasoline and refucling station? | < 100 mas! ' 100-300 mas! 301-500 masi 501-1,000 mast 1,001 - 1,500 mast > 1,500 masl | (Yo dotermine elevation, refer 10 the topographic map where the elevation per ‘contour line is indicated) | ‘Components/Parameters 1 YES | Remarks (indicate the area per elevation range or estimate the % to total arta) 100% 2, Slope and Topography of the area Terrain is flat or level (0-3% slope) Gently sloping (o undulating (3-8%slope) Undulating to rolling (8-18% slope) Rolling to moderately steep (18-30% slope) Steeply Rolling (30-50% slope) Very steep to mountainous (250% slope) _| | Indicate the area per slope category or estimate the % to total area | 0% | 3. Are there areas in the site where indications of soil erosions have occurred? if yes, what activities are causing the erosions? Causes of Frosion | | Heavy Rains: | | Unstable Slopes [ 1 Others, pls. specify 4. Do you know of any landslides that have occurred in the site? 1a Causes of landslides: 1 { | Farthquake Unstable slopes Earth moving Others, pls areas with slopes Attach photo of the areas topography (choose the view/perspective which shows contours near or within the site e.g creeks, near or streams? If yes, please enumerate them in the opposite space and indicate their location (if they have no names, indicate the number of water bodies) ‘* These water bodies should be shown in the topographic map Components/Parameters LNo. Remarks | 5. Las the area experienced any flooding |X | Period(s) flooding: pls. provide examples. x 4. Is the site near or within a watershed or forest reservation area? bsctork Tf near, only, how near? H 7 __morkm | If near, only how near? morkm AC within, indicated name of the i \ watershed or forest reservation area \ | S.isthe ice mitt adjacent toa | natural ecosystem? i {J Forest | { ] Coastal/Marine [ 1Grasstand { ] Mangrove | | [ ] Agriculture | C. Socio-economic Environment ‘Components/Parameters. Yes [No _| Remarks. 1. Are there existing settlements in the | j proposed rice mill,dryer & wareht x If yes, indicate the number of: (within | 100m radius) | HouscholdsFamilics: | Legitimate Landowners | ‘Tenants: | ‘Squatters: 2. What is the total population of the ‘community in the project site? 15 heads 3. Average Family size: Three (3) “4. What are their source(s) of livelihood? | ‘Main source of employment! H | V ] Farming { ] Fishing { ] Backyard poultry and piggery LJ Vending/ Buy and Sell | | Sari-Sari store ff 6.0 IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION | PRE-CONSTRUCTION/CONSTRUCTION PHASE. Project Activities ‘Yes | No Tmpact “Mitigation” Affecting the Physical Decription Enhancement Environment Measures T. Will there be land Dust generation from — | Speed up|earth moving ‘vegetation clearing? x civil works/clearing (-) | activities. If yes, what is the total Regular watering of area to be cleared? 300 Removal of weeds. _| exposed soil/ground cuts. Sq.m, Set up temporary fence within the construction site, 2. Will there be trees to be affected during the x Cutting of Retention of treds to be clearing? If yes, how miscellancous Utilized as green belt, ‘many and what are these species of trees? : | No. of trees: 5 trees Species: | a. Miscellaneous Sp. v. 3. Will there be demolition of existing X | No structures to be NA structures; if yes what demolished. types of structures will be demolished: Types of Structures | 4 Will there be topsoil i removal and replacements, | X Increase in soil waste | Sct up temporary If yes, how much of the generation from the | disposal site until final topsoil will be removed? construction, (-) grading and leveling, ] Entire Volume | 1 | Partial Only 8 ~ ~ 6.2 Operation and Maintenance Phase Project Activities Yes | No Impact Mitigatic Affecting the Physical Deeription aes Eaviroameat Measures 1 Will there be and ‘Dust and rice hull Provisions for Air increase in solid waste x generation. (+) pollution devices, generation? 2. Will there be and increase in water demand? x 3. Will there be an Canals constructed By construction of improved drainage and | X with adequate slope for | drainage canal water supply system? drainage system the municipal drainage 4. Will there be an = increase in surface run-off x from the concreting of Toads and soil surfaces? 5. Will there be reduced infiltration rate due to x | impermeable structured over the ground? | 6. Is the available domestic water supply x For domestic use of Provisions for a water enough to meet the water supply. pump to generate the maximum projected water ceded watcr supply. consumption of the riec mill and its labor force? Project Activities | Yes | No Tmpact Mitigation/ Affecting the Biological Description Enhancement Environment Measures T. Will the sewage outfall and drainage system drain x into the nearby or adjacent surface water body? : 2. Will the waste disposal The rice mill is Provision of bins|for site be adequate to meet | X expected to generate | solid waste to include the projected solid wastes rice hulls and other —_ sorting as well as in the arca? solid wastes. reeyeling. n Project Activities Affecting the Socio Cultural and Economic Kaviroameat Yes No Impact Deseription Mitigation/ Enhancement Measures 1. Will there be settlements to be affected? If yes, If yes, how many houscholds will be affected? Total No. of Tonschold Families: 2. How will they be handled? Payment of property ‘owners, temporary relocation site be provided, permanent relocation site to be established, eviction without compensation Others, Pls. specify: 3. Will the project ‘encroach on ancestral domain 4. Will there be locals to be hired during construction? Gencration of employment.(1) construction and rice mill operation. ‘5. Will there be an increase in economic activity in the area? 6. Will the project cause an increase in traffic in ‘major routes due to the entry and exit of construction equipment? Proliferation of livelihood projects. By putting up related livelihood projects such ly 11. Is there a need to 12. Will temporary quarters or barracks and a field office be provided for construction workers within the project site? Increase in waste generation,(-) Set up: disposal site. Project Activities Affecting the Biological Environment Impact Decription T. Will there be vegetation clearing? ‘Removal of weeds and grasses. (+) Grasses will be by broads Ieaves species. 2. Will clearing activities affect any critical wildlife habitats? 3, Will clearing activitics animal species? 4. Will there be trees to be affected (c.g. cut down; remove) during the Clearing? If yes, how many and what are these species of trees? a 3. If partial only, where For final grading of the | Proper leveling with will be the rest of the project site adequate drainage. topsoil will be deposited? | TF no, what will happen to ] the excavated topsoil? | i 6. Will there be | carthmoving activitics, ‘Minimal excavation to | Soil excavated will bc e.g. excavation work, cut be used as backfill. _| restored in the Spot for and fill, etc If yes, how surface cover. deep is the excavation and | how much is the estimated volume of cut and fill? Average depth of ‘excavation (m): | Estimated volume of cut Proper scheduling of and fill (cum): activities, Source of filling Materials: \ 7. Will trees and ornamentals be planted in Indigenous tree species the site? will be planted as greenbelt, ‘Total # of trees to be planted: 500 seedlings \ Ave. height of trees to be planted: .5_meter height 8. Will there be Increase in dust Proper scheduling of stockpiling of soil and generation during activities. gravel materials in the hauling activities. Proper maintenance of project area? equipment, Haulers must be by canvass! 9, Will there be drillings, ‘hammering and boring activities? 10. Will there be any slope modifications of ground leveling to be done? 6.3 Abandonment and Rehabilitation Phase Project Activities Yes | No Impact Mitigation/ Affecting the Socio- Description Enhancement Cultural and Economic Measures, Environment 1. Will the project cause or increase traffic in the No Plan for areas? ‘Abandonment. Ts the project create a significant increase in the existing population of the area? 3. Are there existing ‘transport services/ | facilities routing the : areas? | 41s there a prevailing water shortage or water supply problem in the area? 3. Are there already existing commercial establishments within the vicinity of the project area? | PROPONENT’S/DEALER’S COMMITMENT. T/ We, am / are committing to . i 1, Comply with existing environmental rules and regulations. Guidelines and criteria, | 2. Comply with all mitigation/ Enhancement measures that have bees identified in the report, 3. Support mulli-partitc monitoring clferts to. be organized “4. Construct, maintain and properly operate and adequate and appropriate oil-water separator the liquid wastes; 5. Construct, maintain and properly operate an adequate and appropriate septic tank for the liquid wastes; 6, Maintain the cleanliness of the gencral surroundings, 7. Participate or contribute towards a communal cleaning effort; 8, Strictly implement a risk management plan and safety program; 9. Organize and conduct information, education and communication (IEC) activities on environmental, health and other civic issues; (0, Others, Please Specify 9.0 AY YACHMENTS/ANNEXES A. Government Permits and Clearances (Attach photocopies of documents) PERMITS/CEEARANCES YES Tocation Map/Vicinity Map al eaiaee Barangay and Municipality/City Endorsement | Photocopy of TCTVOCT/TD. 1 Design/Plan of Project & Project Component 1 ‘Local Clearance from MPDC oe = f ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT his is to certify that all the information and commitments in this IEE Report are true, accurate and complete. Should 1/We learn of any information to the attention of the appropriate DENR Regional Office. WWe hereby bind myselffourselves jointly and solidarily for any penalties that may be imposed from any miss representations or failure to state material information in the IPT. Report. o hereby sot out hands this” day of 26% at Philippines. In witness whereof, L Desay Oil, NOE FE, PENERA PCI President ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BEFORE ME this G4 day of _Jebpway, 20 06 _ at Deg oe personality appeared “ith Community Tax Certificate No. issued on at in histor eapacity as of and acknowledged to me that this Engineer's Report is his voluntary act and deed, and the voluntary act and of the entity he/she represents, This document, which consists of pages, including the which this acknowledgement is written, isan IFE. Report 0 if ATTY. SHAN C. SIA) ; TARY Pl RY PUI 1! ND. 6053681 reo, 00636545 1-02-08 Doc. No. G4 Page No. ce Book No. Serics No. 2-5 II

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