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Environmental Management & Protected Area Sect Department of Environment & Natural Resources San Fervando City, La Union SAND & GRAVEL PROJECT Initial Environmental Examination (TEE) Report For PANGASINAN EVEROCK MINERAL RESOURCES CORPORATION (Rigel Prove cit) eee ne i Se ee [Below is the Te Repost checklist for Sand & Gravel project ‘within an applied area of not more then L hectare. Read the questions! Vearefully before answering in tho space provided. Use additional sheets if ‘necessary, and indicate (ais in the appropriate space | ' Misleading or erroneous answers are basis for legal actions and/or! | denial of ECC. | CABATUAN RIVER (Name of River, Lal (Complete Ad Atiachod sketch map indicate the modes and rou access to the project.) sani or roponENt: ENGR, EDUARDO A. VERSOZA ADDRESS NO. 2AS | DR. S1xTO_ANTO AUC AVENI BARANGAY CAMIOGAN PASLE Cl L_CARITAY METPLO.. MAN: ‘Vamplete Addrear Stet, Baranshy, Municipality! A. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Project ownetship [ ] Single Proprietorship [Vf Corporation J Parturship (Attached documents as Annex 1) 2. Capitalization & Project Cost Capitalization Project Cost 3. Project Objective/RATION ALES a) Presentation of project purpose and backss ound (reason why project is proposed) 1.) Presentation of need for the project at the wational, regional & local {evo AYGreviding of grou for production _of- Ih food sane] for construct ion witenials —Povidlens s/20. gravel faccip capping Ve. Linck aes sels ati ecg oe phe geseratiie. foe Loos Lenk fat, ka pesolly Uy.svthen. ceterec! Lar aeggag. noone. geisvition for brgy.,Munteppal, froma! on faxes. Arsene Faves fre ahinal Gowenmant alls Dalle. inflee. tem Export. (Use additional sheet if necessiry) B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Source of Sand & Gravel exirrction CABATUAN RIVER Classitcaion. For Ligation of Recefiilee ce 2. Annuai Rated Capacity of Extraction __/0, 000 cubic mt fase 3. Mode of Extraction: 1 Name of River/ Waterbody} of'propose __ Manual & Mechanical __ — Manual_____ Mechameat_ if Mechanical, What type of Equipments to be used: (please enumerate in the space provide below) i EQUIPMENTS | PAYLOADER 2 io - MENTED | BULL OZER “Dump revels 4. Proof of Ownership over the adjacent Land (Tivat is beside the river where proposed extraction project located) Status of Land Ownership: { ] Ownedltitled by virtue of ; OCT or TCL Ss ah Hoe CLT/Emaneipation Patani No. ah DD. SE Homestead Patont No [ ] Ovmed/untitied ¢ sion jac [_] Waive trom the Rightful owner signifying permission: a) [of others, poise specit SAG PERMT _ S, ACCESSIBILITY TO TEE SITE: (Modes/routes) Baranga’ Rond Six. ieee nearest Bevangay real of Hacwenela iS iene ‘a ican loi tye of thsi ied rivale Re: fo s ngesingn passing, they a private owners: LONE. [_] Stewardship ¢ How man land Do you have » permit from those landowners to use their Land (please attache! ease contract, ete.) MA waiver oY} JO HOH q PAIL a OINVHONVE “9 C. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING ENVIRONMENT (Eomarks: To be filled-up the Proponeat au LENR-Personnel who will conduct the OMPONENT/PARAMETERS 1. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT a.) What vy the general evaluation of the project aren 100 mest 109-300 mast 36) - 500 araal ‘SO - 7,000 mast ((o be determine evaluation, cefer to the topographic map where the evaluation per contour line i+ indicated) b.) Slope and topographic of the river flat or level (0-3% slope) loping to Rolling .4-8%) sing to Rolling (9-1 3%) Slope of the s«jacent with 1km. Radius from Wie area: Eyst ward vost war, South war North ward ¢.) Estimate volume of Agger: during th: inspection (cn. 9, | Boutders — ish FuneSana — QE Gravel: — GO B Has tie area experienced any flash flooding (rite evahotion‘ocular inspertiomof thesitey \ | yo- 20% jo- 20, to-22 : [o-2 ; 1502 500 | 4000 LZ | beck | Sve 1 same | groan | Septem? | seer oF | * during the wat season OF Bpphoons? TF yes, ‘Whe was th last time the area was flooded. What kind of access road will be traversed: _ dittroad = _asphalted ___ cemented ae ca others Whi are the present usex of the water bodies witton or war the extraction: __ bathing __ washing fishing ___ souree of drinking .vater reoreut swimming, bathing, ete.) others, TRRIGATION Whar sent land tise of the surrounding m9? A ime Agricultural Land (producuve & irtigned) Orchard. and hori Prime Agricultural jand (idle/abandoned) _ Ma tdandy Man;rove __ Bulle Watershod eeu Other sioas> pecify a MONE A Are there any existing petmittee(s) extractor(s) within 1 kilometer radius from propose! site? Yes Noy yes how many 7 [plas fate tame oF all permivies. additional stivet) Estimated volume of extrabtion hecfar i Are the exiting wees and olla types of) | vogetition in the site and surrounding within | 190 waters 19s. and other forms of wildlife a? 2. BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT COMPCNENTS.PARAMETER: REMARGS Proponent | = DENR Are there bi: | foun in ee | Are there fishing resourees in tue| watetbodies found near or within the extraction sito? i SS al OF WHA a Wat iO OF TOTES Tener’ ion aa tna Haw [iow “forest rexervstion — | \ | | | | + alt Ianewer is “YES” to the above questions, please provide examples ae 3 Birdy and ether Wildlife Trees and Omer Fishery Resources Tuportant Vegetation eas add - anys § aaWy TEL pO $7 Cnet WOAS cranny} nonissdsuy atp jo Horeprtommmmosaysxpmutes eNOK|PPY snoods asaya *s spscson ang, |. mea Bivard eich en gory | Parc | | | | | ee ite aya) | | ad oN | aus stp tant siuotuayoS Sunsixe een aay | iL ee | | NAG prouodog } ave [yo A} sWALAWwEWaSENMNOUWO. | ~ | J _OTWONOT OOS! Ea ele a pS poo 40 fos ay uy oBuey. “Pp {SuOHIPUOD PARE ayqeysuq > suotnpuos Stpanowns pemyett AY) MMA MeNSIsHIO OK: ANS yp Fapujins pune — | | { less TT yo same, abioyo ov fe Aqderfodoy op ur Sumy) v -g wa onl | | csuompuoa aus a1ps0seq 0s {| [oq go mameoridsip 10 tones, al ae an Vi |-toxe Buperoo “voyoedue | sass) | Juoutasae guy i | Lope STAT Pdposog wetiy | NA | INSAINOUTANS TY! | fe i aia | i SARA | | roMtpauary SAEIIALLOW Loweota | i do poised uonanasm | a oveurt amp gr afte 64 10.7) Wot ! SIWSSTESY Ve LY DLL INAWSSHSSY LOVE OK SION (Comaps sk emt er Ka}+—_—_ [SWE EOWNATIOWNAA) NAG 64 patonms, pe pa ©. The continustion of or incren Ne cpagk| NO cree in wind or water erosion of soils, either on oF OFF Un | | £ Chinges in disposition ot | Al eltanee ip ) | | erosion ot beach sand, or | | \ | | choniges in siltation, deposition | | | | of erosion thiat may modify the | | | {channel of a river of st i i | bed of a lake? 1 fs i 1a. ak | i | i t | | \ i ae ee 7 | (Zi No Pallstion ov NO FOLUTION | CI | Raenioetin |< CME | {4 | | | ¥ | N | Impact om | Mitigation 1} Eninancement fee | “Measures |3. WATER | | wu | | a) Changes i current, ot the} |y/ | | ik | suse ot direction of water | | | | | | i | ations to the course of | Vi | wh | ww or 108-year flood waters? | i | jo Dice ono ay ees] | as | water body pollutants that | | could alte: water quality” | | | d) Auteration of the direction or| WV NA tio of flow waters? ea | | ©) Change iv the quality of waters | y | NA | though interception of an | | | agalifer by vats of excavation? | | | 4) Substuntiai reduction in the}, VW | | amount in the amount of water} VW") | pv ik | | otherwise available fr public] | | | [waters pies? i | | | | 4. PLANT LIFE | a) \ i | SW ae proposal reaul in: eee) | | \ 14 Romoval of any vegetative cove or other vegetation sopociated with eritical wildlife hnbitat? SaatSHo14. sonparn: seg MOBREUSAL wopduosog peda | N/A => ouyen ae 40 wes ‘ouoquem 0 suoneseny “4 mates uonmiodsury Sunsixa uodn = pedunenumsqag -& NOLLV INOW. i | :my nse: yesodoud ou THA. | | NOLLVIMOdSNVALL “t espzezog septs Jo “eanyey punoi# “septysprut sepyspury “soyenbtp rea | se yons spmzy -Vofoa8 oy | Ardoud 10 apdoad yo amsodxg -q “ sfona| astou Suysixa aseaiouy B : OINONODEOID0S “9 \ ery yey OLAS | 10 yaxy Stmnsrxo Jo voIBOLCIIG “9 gsveamu yo saysads | pew@uepus 30 ose) “onbiom ‘Aue Jo Jaquun ax Jo woHONPR “q | Coury ‘opr 10 seem “sunsiIEaI0 | soipueq —UsyTeyS pu ‘soqndes Surpnjomt syeamrae | Jo Aysioatp op m efuy & ‘Gall TVWINY 'S LNGIWNOWIANS TVOISAHA —asuind Jo} | || | Waieds paleuepus Jo 61m) ‘onium ‘Aue Jo waquINN at jo voNONPE e(Squnyd apenbe pur esoygoronn ‘siloia ‘ssw ‘sqnays ‘saan uypajsu) sw + Aue Jo soqunu te [yo Auseap amu Yj — ¥ fl # SeaMSE Sy non fp eosin évo1sm, | aud yo Aaojay spars aude Ln yo spouod soft mB | jo sojdumxe youd ayes Yo yeuus 40 wed paseduepue {to oma e yo oSums atp poussa: 40 “squint 2anpad Sgue9 | joume 30 wud © yee [oy unyeamy ‘sjaaa], Faust [es mopeq dow 0) sopnqndod eye Jo. wenqey amp eanpar | agranmysqns ‘oto A> 24) Jo pen si 9pafZop_o1 ywrueved fag) samy palad tp sa0q 8 SONVOLINOIS 40 i SpNIGNGE = AMO.LVGNVIN “OF amupying 20 “afqo aamanns esuoisiy 40 yea/dojooupIe syns je MONRO tay my yynsex yesodoxd om) TAN ‘WoRwO1STE /TVOIDO1OAHOUY “6 | asootaros yeyuoumeao’ 2010 | aspbox Suypnju | -sounmaes ovggnd Jo 2ouBuMTEyy “° | sane | pouogeaisar oqo 10 SAR | estoouag i quonsaioid o1od i {quonaatoad 2 -stoue Sueno} 94 0 At 204198 FRNIBUNLIGAO! po10y 10 M9UT | sey paou 8 up ysas 10 “uodn 2j> | pouumejdon ue vey yesodoud 2p AL asd SIDAWAS Nd “8 SSS ‘JO ping Suyow ope tenement paystigens> © cena sepoyge Suvomvous oy pada toddns 2» sqetionarat age 9 Jo As 30 eres Jana “sou “saan 50 ~taA|E rte (arr pagmuape uae set et came meson pe nore Ye sta Snax 280k ay SING WINWOOD SL entases Yai aye fee we oT 1 yraferd oy s80¢f (wesciniais ewsuostane exp te spade oH JO [BOL A jo RYE axeyas 4g "ous SJernyejat eomoser oyesedes ar0t 16 om) wo yondust fem joafoud 7) {ayiesepisuos ApanLycUMs jug “po uy] Syenpeatpiss ose ge sjoudust satq jaoloud sap sooc deamng.atp om Yo" empLs sporduay may anioy oy " sy 50 poued sanugap Jeruq ye spjax © my sm900 reap tte 5 quermmroatta amp yo tect 3) Ueys 9) gsqeo® peusumods. | | ot i | | Win Buoy Jo WE Aposip K i 24) 0} “MHID] HONS oxcmDR oy | jew sod oary peloxd ayy sooq sompuay | i —jusmasunii ole ee ee OUBSPON wopdyosag jude | | x | LNSINNOMIANS TVOISAHd t - | | pDATLACHMENTS/ANNEX RS Sere “Tile or Description 1. Avot Cletrance fiom Provinial Maing ulstory Board MRD) ' 12. Vicinity sup | | 3 Location Map | 4, ‘Topographic Map & LGU Resolution (for 8 Photocopy of TCTIOC 7. Waiver of Right for Road Right of Way. -8.—-PENRO/CENRO-Eadorsement-—— This vs to certify that all tc informatun and commitments iv this iaitial Environmentai Examination (IEE) Report are trie, accurate and complet Should Wwe leam of any iaformation which would make this (EE inaccurate, T/wo shall bring said informedion ‘the attention appropriate DENR Re «ional (ifice. | ACC UNTABILIFY 8: ATE MONT We hereby bind ourselves joinily and solidarity to any peualty thal may [be this inposed aris: ig from any misropreszntation of faire to state material infox vation IEE ror. In witvess whereof, Lwe hereby set our fu tl YACBOB, PUCAULD, PANCASL Pes ev F Designation ven C ACKNOWLEDL dK Ni | BEFORE ME this _@/sz_ ds of FEB,» 20K SAP TRRNAMDO _C/T7_, personally wppeaed _ GOULD A. excorA. With : ‘orimunity Tax Cettificwte No, O/B F7€5QS5 SAU 7 2008 [LEE at isstied on LAL¢ Cc if in his Wee capacity as si PRALLAP CEE Hate ferences ean (Bt ivdgment to me that this IEE is hivher voluntary act and deed, abd the ac! and deed of the entity he she repres. its. This document, wlti ‘ons of 790s, including the page on which ‘his acknowledgment is °\riteu is an pomental Examination Report Check ‘my hand and seal on the place ane! Jate ve itten above: af Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources MINES AND GEOSCIENCES BUREAU — = = Regional Office No. | Lee Bldg. Lingsat San Fernando City, La Union / Fax No. (072) 242-2777 | Tel, No, (072) 242-2686 / 242-435 E-MAIL ADDRESS: AREA STATUS Kind of Application : Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit Application (ISAG) No. ISAG NO. 237 Applicant PANGASINAN EVEROCK MINERAL RES. CORP. Location Brgy. Hacienda, Bugallon, Pangasinan Area Size 7.7075 Hectares 7 AREA STATUS: The area applied for ISAG is totally inside EXPA-048 and APSA-225 of Leverson Brothers Corporation, however, | consent dated November 27, 2007 was issued to the applicant to apply ISAG permit inside the abovementioned applications. AREA CLEARANCE: (XX) Approved: (Comment: ‘This Area Status for the subject application is issued this 16th day of January, 2008. PLOVTED BY: LAURETA.N. PASALO/™ CHECKED BY : ROLAND ¥. PRAYALDE, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL: ~ COLLADO OIC, Mine Management Bureau \ APPROVED: SAMUEL |T. PARAGAS Region§l Director “Mining shall be Pro-People and Pro-Environment in Sustaining Wealth Creation and Improved Quality of Life”

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