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In the previous exercises we saw these sentences:

When the post comes I'll take the letter upstairs and read it.
I don't want to plan any celebrations until I get the results.
What tense do we use after when, as soon as, until, before, and after to talk
about the future?

the past the present the future

Here are some more examples:

 Andy will turn off the lights when he leaves the office. (NOT when he will

 I will tidy the living-room before I go to bed. (NOT  before I will go).
 She will go running after it stops raining. (NOT after it will stop raining.)
 I will not go home until I finish the report. (NOT until I will finish).
 Jane will call her mother as soon as she arrives at the airport. (NOT as
soon as she will arrive).

Complete the sentences with one of the words provided below.

1. We'll have to wear a uniform [when] we go to secondary school.

2. I won't leave early [unless] the teacher gives me permission.
3. Mark will be disappointed [if] he doesn't get good marks.
4. I'll go on a weekend away with my friends [after] my final exams finish.
5. Teachers don't start the class [until] the pupils are quiet.
6. You should talk to your teachers [before] you choose your exam subjects.

tell w ill promise

A   Hi, Clare, it's Jane here. Listen, if I  you a secret,  you 
not to tell anyone? (tell, promise)

B   Of course. What is it?

w ill be
A   I've applied for a university in Chicago but my parents furious when
find out
they  . (be, find out) They really wanted me to stay in York.
B But unless you  them for permission or persuade them to let you go,
w ill not give
they  you any money to pay for your new life there. (ask, not give)
w ill tell
A Well, perhaps that's a good idea. But I  them in a couple of weeks, only
am w ill phone
when I  sure the university has accepted me. (tell, be). I  you as soon as
I  anything from the university. (phone, hear) So please, don't say anything until
I  it's OK.(say)
B OK, I promise!

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