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ATOA’s Additive Printing Services

3D print Technology, CAD, CAE and CAM

3D Printing is projected as the next industrial revolution and it can potentially influence
almost every aspect of our daily life in some way. For an individual innovator, 3D printing
enables his product ideas to come alive! For CAD/CAE Engineers, it is dream come true to
make, touch and feels their virtual designs, right next to their workstation as a functional
product. For ATOA scientific Technologies, 3D printing supports to complete the virtual
product development solution offering to our clients.

3D printing, though a three decade old technology, the current excitement is due open
innovation technology (out of patent 3D printing processes), maturity of CAD/CAE/CAM, low
cost electronics and the adaptation by internet open source evangelists.

The missing link or bottle neck in Computer aided product development is prototyping or
Product manufacturing. Now, from concept to drawing to Engineering design is executed in
a digital environment with teams collaborating across the globe. But the final prototyping
need to be done using traditional methods, which is a bottle neck and slows down the entire
product development process. But, 3D printing transports the prototyping or manufacturing
into the digital environment. Now, from concept to CAD to CAE to CAM can be done under
digital environment. Product development in a digital environment is a great enabler and
allows us to do the design iterations and development virtually for cost effective and faster
product development. Digital product development and 3D printing, coupled with cloud
computing opens up all new possibility of product development in a flat world.

3D Printing is moving the man made process towards Nature

Desktop top 3D printing concept demo

New development in 3D printing such us digital material takes the new product
development to newer heights. Functional 3D products with complex shapes for novel
functionality can be manufactured right at your desktop. Self-replicating 3D printing
machines can revolutionize the industrial manufacturing from linear to nonlinear growth.
For end customers, 3D printing technology enables complex, intricate design and high cost
production products, custom made.

Current 3D printing technology is dominated by polymer materials and FDM processing

methods. Developments in composites, metals, ceramics and hybrid materials will enable
multimaterial 3D printing, a reality.

Development in electromagnetic heating (laser, induction) sources and methods will enable
high temperature material printing to lower the cost of high temperature material for
printing aircraft gas turbine like parts.

Most of the developments in 3D printing are happening in mm length scale @ nozzle for
products in the range of 1 mm to 250 mm size range.

3D Printing schematics: Conversion of Concept to Physical Product

Addition of this technology for large industrial scale products with nozzle size in the range of
10 mm is underway for products with size range in 1 to 10 meters.

Extension of this technology for large infrastructure size products with nozzle/print head
size in the range of 100 mm is underway to build products like residential buildings in

The length scale journey of 3D products toward smaller size takes us towards exciting micro
engineering and nano technology. Micro scale 3D printing facilitates products such micro
Fresnel lens, shark skin surfaces, lab on chip, micro channels.
3D printing applied to nano technology takes the manufacturing technology close to the
nature’s bottom up process, wherein we could print products from atomic level, atom by
atom. This will revolutionize nano materials, nano medicine, nano electronics, and nano
scale device fabrication.

3D printing for medical field is another exciting opportunity for custom made prosthesis,
exoskeleton and body parts. 3D printing applied to bio technology will enable synthetically
grown body parts.

Space technology plans to print 3D parts for food, shelter and transporters using
appropriate locally available resources with self-replicating 3D printing machines.

Fashion technology takes the custom build products to a new level by combing 3D printing
and body scanning Technology, where in you can customize your foot wear and clothes to
fit your personal body shape.

Conventional top down manufacturing process leads to lot of wastage due to inefficient
process. But nature uses limited resources, optimal energy and builds bottom up to the final
complex and functional shapes. 3D printing, takes our manufacturing process closure to
nature to build products bottom up to the net final shape.

The future of 3D printing will takes us Multiscale self-assembling 4D products with industrial
grade printers.

Large Scale 3D Printer Mechanism Simulations is place for you to get started on 3D printing. The news section provides latest
update on 3D Industry News, 3D Technology Future, 3D Printer Hardware, 3D Material
technology, 3D CAD Tools and 3D CAE Methods.

As an end-to-end simulation service provider, ATOA with the addition of CREATE, BUY and
SELL 3D printing services, is now able to offer full CAD, CAE, and CAM services. Users can
hire an engineer specifically for each one of these areas or start by uploading a concept
sketch in order to get a CAD model created, and then use the digital model to get a final
product made. The entire production process with one single interlocutor. This is how
modern product development takes place and 3D printing was the last piece of the pie
necessary to bring it full circle.

To proliferate 3D printing to next level, you need professional engineering CAD models. CAD
models suitable for 3D printed functional prototype are unmet need. Most of the model are
generic and requires lot of iteration for 3d printing. ATOA offer CAD models, which can be
downloaded for you to directly print using your own printer for 3D printer hubs. Also, some
of the product can be customized with your signatures by combining two CAD model during
printing. For example the iphone case can be customized with your initials. Look forward to
online parametric CAD model which leverages cloud based CAD models for complex CAD
model customization.
Molecular to CAD to 3D Prototypes

Computer Aided Engineering is another critical element to make your 3D products

functional and first time right. Conventional CAD models does not account for Engineering
Design. You need to do Finite element analysis for structural, thermal, flow, optical and
electrical performance design. A modern Multiphysics FEA solver allows us to do design for
multiple requirements using a single CAD model. ATOA CAE services allow you to do the
Engineering Design, by hiring a CAE engineer or online.

Finally 3D CAM section allows you to upload your CAD model and get printed and shipped to
your doorstep. 3D print process can also be simulated for optimal and first time right

Look forward to the SELL section which is a 3D Print marketplace for CAD, CAE and CAM.

Additive Manufacturing CAE Services at atoa

Multi physics CAE
Cloud computing
Online tool, apps, portal
Extruder optimization
Part performance prediction

3D printing Materials

3D Printing Machines
Multilevel printing
4D printing
Negative PR
Large format printing

This our small initiative to make 3D printing to reach its full potential!

For your 3D CAD, CAE, CAM needs Visit Mail

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