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editor, and in that capacity came into touch with such men

which gives its name to a district and also,to a petty

two in number, called ``plebeian'' aediles. They were created

The following list, therefore, must be regarded as purely tentative,

and structure of both plants and animals; and they render it

the western watershed of the Nile, and on the north by a line

who had settled in the British stronghold of Bladon or Bladow

Ethiopia. But besides this general sense, which occurs in

respects a stranger within his threshold, he yet considers it

in modern aesthetics that kinship with utility on which it

system of canonical election in the cathedral churches and

one side of the gate-house (B) is a long building (C), probably

of all matters concerning the wages of seamen. The victualling

was given to the central criminal court. By an act of

north. Amarapura was laid out on much the same plan as Ava.

Chief Passes of the South-Eastern Alps.

fate of all the Russian princes. He returned (1250) as

way for an improved system of agriculture in Scotland. By a

Murray, History of the Commercial and Financial Relations

a daughter of Dr Burgess, who was Vere's chaplain, and, on

Lecki Pass (Wyttenwasser Glen to the Mutten Glen), snow. . . . . . . . . .9,554

he went to Leyden, took the degree of M.D. (1780), and in

In some cases 30 and even 15 grains per day appeared to cause

proportion (about 80%); For each oil the iodine absorption

iii. chap. ii.) was borrowed from the Locrian alphabet;

Franco-German War of 1870-71 was modified and extended by the

of dignity was as yet impossible. But there was obviously

the Central Criminal Court Act 1834, Offences at Sea Act

and more personal part in the preparation (with the Baptist

thickly populated; in the valley of the Ulba is the Riddersk

falling into the hands of the contending factions of Castro

transport of the sick,'' and (6) railway hospital trains.

year, with the aid of the Thessalians, he recovered his

the tradition that had become established during the middle

The question as to which is the better anaesthetic, ether

and the same process gone through, giving protection if

whose statue stands in the park. The Willems Park adjoining

zealously to the instruction of his people. He died on the 16th

the leading position, but by 1905 the output--in that year

stunted and much broader at the base than the top; the

was entrusted first to Prince Napoleon, and afterwards to

Cairo. The mosque which he erected and called by his own

by Herodotus (iv. 104) as of luxurious habits, wearing gold

exist, but many of their ideas were adopted by the Levellers

unless proper precautions are taken to purify the gas obtained

is in different Greek slates at the earliest period z as

Chain shot, in the days of sailing ships, was much in favour as

and first practically carried out by Charles Dunlop at St

or definitions of articles of food had occasioned great

recent than that of the city wall, is the best preserved. In

in the china cupboards of England was accomplished from that

produced a second outburst of intellectual activity, which is

a monastery at Nicaea, where he died on some date unknown.

\OZnC2H5 \OH

but after the surrender of Vercingetorix at Alesia were glad

cut off and sent to Constantinople. Notwithstanding their

Corinth, which was defended by Rosecrans and 23,000 Federal

and the Congo. The Sanga, one of the principal northern

Diod. Sic. iv. 71). Homer mentions him as a skilful physician,

one-eighth to one-thirtieth of the whole length of the

the second of turnips, but in the third, clover is treated of

the part of the representatives of official Russia, who made

wife, Mary, daughter of Arnold, duke of Gelderland. Created

where for two years he read lectures on history and on

as numerals, th (@) being gradually modified till it was

for supplies and repairs or other necessaries for a foreign

straggling appendages running from its S.W. and S.E. corners,

survey and supervision extend to the dockyards and building

Panfilo de Narvaez's expedition of 1528 entered what is now

claim membership thereof. In the year 1885 the Society of

The thirty-six original academicians were named by George III.

whole is often far more like a conglomerate rock than a uniform

See L. Sainsanu, Autorii Romani moderni (1891), pp.

Altertumswissenschait, Daremberg and Saglio's Dictionnaire

employed for carrying sulphuric acid, holding 10 tons each.

driving them out of Peloponnesus and marching into Aetolia

forms, involving as it does special technical knowledge, may

not merely by the best professionals but by professionals

was probably current in Antioch and Smyrna not later than c.

1 Brongniart's Essai d'une classification naturelle des reptiles

and the distribution of meteorological information in the

His elder brother Edward had been a clergyman, but in this

alliance, however, being concerned with the application of

to be propitious in the coming year. This festival, like

Don Carlos was appointed ambassador to London in 1834 and


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