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iv. Blur Tool | 2. Fill in the blanks by using the words from the help box. Info, RedEye, Sharpen, Background a. When you open a file in Photoshop, the first layer created is the layer. b. The panel shows the numeric value of the colour. c. is a condition created by the flashlight from camera. d.To increase the contrast of pixels and focus on an image we use Tool. 3. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false a. Burn Tool soaks up the colour like a sponge from an image. b. Pen Tool can create straight and curved lines, remove objects, design shape, etc. c.We can create custom-shaped designs with the help of Ellipse Tool. d. With the help of Hand Tool, we can even rotate the canvas.. 4. Short answer type questions a. Give any two actions which you can perform with a layer. b, What is the use of Ruler Tool in Photoshop? c. What is the use of the Blur Tool? 5. Long answer type questions a. Discuss any four options presents in the Image menu in Application Bar.

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