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Name of the Mechanism Of Action Indication/s Side Effects/Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

Drug Reactions

Generic Name: Dexamethasone is used It relieves inflammation GI: Nausea, vomiting, Before:
to treat conditions such (swelling, heat, redness, stomach upset, Blood in stools,
Dexamethasone  Assess pt. if he/she has have taken
as arthritis, and pain) and is used to stomach ulcers
any medications
Brand Name: blood/hormone treat certain forms of  Instruct pt. that the drug has side
disorders, allergic arthritis; skin, blood, effects and it’s normal.
DECADRON reactions, skin diseases, kidney, eye, thyroid, During:
CNS: headache, dizziness
eye problems, breathing and intestinal disorders
problems, bowel (e.g., colitis);  Advise pt. to take pills with food or
Anti-inflammatory disorders, cancer, and severe allergies; and after meals
Skin: Edema, severe allergic  Instruct patient to wash their hands
immune system asthma.
Dosage: reaction well because this medication can
disorders. Dexamethasone is also
cause susceptibility to infection.
6mg used to treat certain  Instruct pt to avoid sun
types of cancer. exposure. Wear SPF 15 (or higher)
Route: IVTT Other: anxiety, trouble falling
sun block and protective clothing.
Contraindication/s asleep. After:
Frequency: OD
Hypersensitivity and  Instruct pt. to contact healthcare
Timing: 8am pregnancy provider if the pt. missed a dose
Respi: Shortness of breath,
 If the pt. experience symptoms or
Systemic fungal tiredness, rapid heartbeat. side effects, especially if severe, be
infections. Cerebral sure to discuss them with your
malaria health care team.

Reference: Dexamethasone Oral Medications (2021). Retrieved April 9, 2022 from Dexamethasone Oral: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Pictures,
Warnings & Dosing - WebMD

Name of the Drug Mechanism Of Indication/s Side Effects/Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

Action Reactions

Generic Name: Opioid drugs CV: hypotension, bradycardia Before:

typified by
Morphine sulfate morphine, Symptomatic treatment Derm: flushing, itching,  Monitor blood pressure prior to administration.
produce their of severe acute and sweating
Brand Name: chronic pain following the  Monitor patient's respiratory rate prior to
pharmacological EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, administration.
Astramorph PF, Avinza, actions, including failure of nonnarcotic
analgesics and as a pre- miosis
Raxanol analgesia, by  Reassess pain after administration of morphine.
acting on anesthetic drug; also used Endo: adrenal insufficiency
Classification to reduce dyspnea due to During:
receptors located
acute left ventricular GI: constipation, nausea,
CNS agent, analgesic, on neuronal cell  Monitor closely at initiation and dose titration.
failure and pulmonary vomiting
narcotic (opiate) agonist membranes. The
presynaptic action edema and pain from MI  Assess bowel function routinely.
GU: urinary retention
Dosage: of opioids to Contraindication/s  Place call light signal close to patient. Accompany
inhibit Neuro: confusion, sedation,
PO) 10-30mg q4h prn, or patient if need to get out of bed to minimize risk of
neurotransmitter Morphine sulfate is dizziness, dysphoria,
15-30 mg sustained falls.
released is contraindicated in patients euphoria, floating feeling,
release q8 – 12 h. hallucinations, headache,
considered to be with acute or severe
their major effect bronchial asthma or unusual dreams After:
(IV) 2.5 – 15 mg q4h, or
0.8 – 10 mg continuous in the nervous hypercarbia. Morphine
Resp: RESPIRATORY  Severe Precaution: Potential increased sensitivity
infusion system/ sulfate is contraindicated to effects, adverse CNS effects and respiratory
in any patient who has or depression.
is suspected of having  Monitor for respiratory depression and hypotension
paralytic ileus. frequently up to 24 hours after administration of
Frequency: q4, PRN morphine.
Misc: physical dependence,
 Avoid alcohol and other CNS depressants while
Timing: 8am, 12pm, psychological dependence, under the influence of morphine.
4pm, 8pm, prn tolerance

Reference: Vallerand A.H.,Sanoski C.A., (2013). Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses (13th. Ed): F.A. Davis Company. Philadelphia.

Name of the Drug Mechanism Of Indication/s Side Effects/Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

Action Reactions

Generic Name: Through its action on Epinephrine injection is Frequent: Systemic: Before:
alpha-1 receptors, indicated in the Tachycardia, palpitations,
Epinephrine  Monitor BP, pulse, respirations, and
epinephrine induces emergency treatment of anxiety. Ophthalmic:
urinary output before
Brand Name: increased vascular type I allergic reactions,
Headache, eye irritation,
smooth muscle including anaphylaxis. It  Use cardiac monitor
Adrenalin watering of eyes. Occasional:
contraction, pupillary is also used to increase
Systemic: Dizziness, During:
dilator muscle mean arterial blood
contraction, and pressure in adult light-headedness, facial  Monitor changes of B/P, HR.
Alpha/Beta Agonists intestinal sphincter patients with flushing, headache,
muscle contraction hypotension associated diaphoresis, increased B/P,  Assess lung sounds for rhonchi,
with septic shock nausea, wheezing, rales.
1.0 mg
Contraindication/s trembling, insomnia, vomiting,  Monitor ABGs. In cardiac arrest,
Route: fatigue. Ophthalmic: adhere to ACLS protocols.
Some relative
Blurred/decreased vision,
IV contraindications After:
include hypersensitivity eye pain. Rare: Systemic:
Frequency: Report any new symptoms

to sympathomimetic Chest discomfort/pain, (tachycardia, shortness of breath,
PRN drugs, closed-angle arrhythmias, bronchospasm,dizziness) immediately: may be
glaucoma, anesthesia systemic effects
Timing: dry mouth/throat.
with halothane. Another  Advise patient to report to physician if
unique contraindication symptoms are not relieved in 20 min
3-5 mins or if they become worse following
to be aware of is
 Advise patient to report bronchial
polymorphic ventricular irritation, nervousness, or
tachycardia. sleeplessness. Dosage should be
Reference: Kizior,R.J., Hodgson, K.J., (2019). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2019. Elsevier Inc, St. Louis, Missouri 63043.

Name of the Mechanism Of Indication/s Side Effects/Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities

Drug Action

Generic Name: Competes with Preanesthetic CNS: Headache, ataxia, dizziness, Before:
acetylcholine excitement, irritability, convulsions,
Atropine Bradycardia  Determine if pt is sensitive to atropine,
for common drowsiness, fatigue, weakness; mental
homatropine, scopolamine.
Brand Name: binding sites on Renal/Hepatic depression, confusion, disorientation,
muscarinic Impairment hallucinations. CV: Hypertension or During:
Lomotil receptors hypotension, ventricular tachycardia,
palpitation, paradoxical bradycardia, AV  Monitor changes in B/P, pulse, temperature.
Classification located on
dissociation, atrial or ventricular
exocrine glands,  Observe for tachycardia if pt has cardiac
Acetylcholine fibrillation. GI: Dry mouth with thirst,
cardiac and abnormalities.
antagonist Contraindica dysphagia, loss of taste; nausea,
smooth muscle
tion/s vomiting, constipation, delayed gastric  Assess skin turgor, mucous membranes to
Dosage: ganglia,
emptying, antral stasis, paralytic ileus. evaluate hydration status (encourage adequate
0.5–1 mg Urogenital: Urinary hesitancy and fluid intake unless NPO for surgery), bowel
neurons. Hypersensitivi
retention, dysuria, impotence. Skin: sounds for peristalsis. Be alert for fever
Route: ty to atropine. (increased risk of hyperthermia).
Flushed, dry skin; anhidrosis, rash,
Narrow-angle urticaria, contact dermatitis, allergic
IV glaucoma,  Monitor I&O, palpate bladder for urinary
conjunctivitis, fixed-drug eruption.
pyloric retention. Monitor daily pattern of bowel activity,
Frequency: Special Senses: Mydriasis, blurred
stenosis, stool consistency
vision, photophobia, increased
PRN prostatic
intraocular pressure, cycloplegia, eye After:
hypertrophy. dryness, local redness.
 Follow measures to relieve dry mouth: adequate
May repeat in 5 hydration; small, frequent mouth rinses with tepid
mins water; meticulous mouth and dental hygiene; gum
chewing or sucking sugarless sourballs.

Reference: Kizior,R.J., Hodgson, K.J., (2019). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2019. Elsevier Inc, St. Louis, Missouri 63043.

Name of the Mechanism Of Action Indication/s Side Nursing Responsibilities

Drug Effects/Adverse

Generic Name: Calcium is an essential Cardia arrest Body as a Before:

element for regulating the Hypocalcemia Whole: Tingling
Calcium  Assess for cutaneous burning sensations and
excitation threshold of nerves sensation. With rapid
Gluconate peripheral vasodilation, with moderate fall in
and muscles, for blood IV, sensations of heat
BP, during direct IV injection.
Brand Name: clotting mechanisms, cardiac Contraindication/ waves (peripheral
function (rhythm, tonicity, s vasodilation),  Assess B/P, EKG and cardiac rhythm, renal
Kalcinate contractility), maintenance of fainting. GI: PO function, serum magnesium, phosphate,
renal function, for body Ventricular preparation: calcium, ionized calcium.
skeleton and teeth. Also fibrillation, Constipation,
Antacid plays a role in regulating metastatic bone increased gastric acid During:
storage and release of disease, injection secretion. CV: (With
Dosage:  Observe IV site closely. Extravasation may
neurotransmitters and into myocardium; rapid infusion)
result in tissue irritation and necrosis.
50-100 mg hormones; regulating amino administration by hypotension,
acid uptake and absorption of SC or IM routes; bradycardia, cardiac  Monitor for hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia
Route: IV vitamin B12, gastrin renal calculi, arrhythmias, cardiac
hypercalcemia,  Determine levels of calcium and phosphorus
secretion, and in maintaining arrest, Skin: Pain and
Frequency: (tend to vary inversely) and magnesium
structural and functional predisposition to burning at IV site,
hypercalcemia frequently, during sustained therapy.
PRN integrity of cell membranes severe venous
and capillaries. Calcium (hyperparathyroidis thrombosis, necrosis After:
Timing: m, certain
gluconate acts like digitalis and sloughing (with
on the heart, increasing malignancies); extravasation).  Report S&S of hypercalcemia (see Appendix F)
1-2 mins
cardiac muscle tone and force pregnancy (category promptly to your care provider.
of systolic contractions B).
 Do not take within 1–2 hrs of other oral
(positive inotropic effect).
medications, fiber-containing foods. Avoid
excessive use of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine.

Reference: Kizior,R.J., Hodgson, K.J., (2019). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2019. Elsevier Inc, St. Louis, Missouri 63043.

Name of the Mechanism Indication/s Side Nursing Responsibilities

Drug Of Action Effects/Adverse

Generic Name: Enhances Sedation Body as a Before:

action of Whole: Usually
Lorazepam Seizures  Have equipment for maintaining patent airway immediately available
inhibitory disappear with
before starting IV administration.
Brand Name: neurotransmi continued medication
tter gamma- or with reduced  Assess CBC and liver function tests periodically for patients on long-
Ativan aminobutyric dosage. CNS: Antero term therapy.
acid (GABA) grade
in CNS, amnesia, drowsiness, During:
Benzodiazepine affecting Contraindicat sedation, dizziness,
 Monitor B/P, respiratory rate, heart rate. For those on long-term
memory, ion/s weakness,
Dosage: therapy, hepatic/renal function tests, CBC should be performed
motor, unsteadiness,
Known periodically.
2 mg/ml sensory, disorientation,
sensitivity to Assess forparadoxical reaction, particularly during early therapy.
cognitive depression, sleep 
Route: IV benzodiazepin
function. disturbance,
es; acute  Evaluate for therapeutic response: calm facial expression, decreased
Frequency: PRN narrow-angle restlessness, insomnia, decrease in seizure-related symptoms.
Timing: may glaucoma; hallucinations. CV: H After:
repeat in 5-10 primary
ypertension or
mins depressive  Do not drink large volumes of coffee. Anxiolytic effects of lorazepam
hypotension. Special
disorders or can significantly be altered by caffeine.
Senses: Blurred
psychosis; vision, diplopia;
children <12 y  Do not consume alcoholic beverages for at least 24–48 h after an
(PO injection and avoid when taking an oral regimen.
hearing. GI: Nausea,
preparation) Notify physician if daytime psychomotor function is impaired; a
vomiting, abdominal 
discomfort, anorexia. change in regimen or drug may be needed.

Reference: Kizior,R.J., Hodgson, K.J., (2019). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2019. Elsevier Inc, St. Louis, Missouri 63043.

Name of the Mechanism Of Indication/s Side Effects/Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

Drug Action Reactions

Generic Name: Slows impulse CNS: Headache, Before:

formation in SA lightheadedness, dizziness,
Adenosine Acute treatment of  Identify arrhythmia per cardiac monitor, 12-
node and tingling in arms (from IV
supraventricular lead EKG, and assess apical pulse, B/P.
Brand Name: conduction time infusion), apprehension,
through AV node. blurred vision, burning During:
Adenocard sensation (from IV
Acts as a diagnostic  Monitor for S&S of bronchospasm in asthma
infusion). CV: Transient
Adenoscan aid in myocardial AV block, preexisting facial flushing, sweating, patients. Notify physician immediately.
perfusion imaging second- and third-
Classification palpitations, chest pain,
or stress  Use a hemodynamic monitoring system during
degree heart block or atrial fibrillation or
Antiarrhythmic. administration; monitor BP and heart rate and
echocardiography sick sinus rhythm flutter. Respiratory: Shortn
rhythm continuously for several minutes after
Dosage: by causing coronary without pacemaker, ess of breath,
vasodilation and since a heart block transient dyspnea, chest
3 mg/ml may result. Also pressure. GI: Nausea,  Monitor B/P, apical pulse (rate, rhythm,
increased blood
flow. contraindicated in metallic taste, tightness in quality). Monitor respiratory rate. Monitor
Route: IV
atrial flutter, atrial throat. Other: Irritability in serum electrolytes.
Frequency: PRN fibrillation, and children.
ventricular After:
Timing: tachycardia because  May induce feelings of impending doom, which
may repeat in 1–2 the drug is ineffective. resolves quickly.
min (total of 3
 Flushing/headache may occur temporarily
doses with max: 12
following administration.
mg dose)
 Report continued chest pain, light-headedness,
head or neck pain, difficulty breathing.

Reference: Kizior,R.J., Hodgson, K.J., (2019). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2019. Elsevier Inc, St. Louis, Missouri 63043.

Name of the Mechanism Of Indication/s Side Nursing Responsibilities

Drug Action Effects/Adverse

Generic Name: Naturally occurring Hypotension Before:

neurotransmitter and CV: Hypotension, ecto
Dopamine Shock  Pt must be on continuous cardiac monitoring.
immediate precursor pic
Brand Name: of norepinephrine. Renal Failure beats, tachycardia, an  Determine weight (for dosage calculation).
Major cardiovascular ginal pain, palpitation,
Dopastat, Intropin effects produced by Contraindicatio vasoconstriction  Obtain initial B/P, heart rate, respirations. Assess patency of
direct action on alpha- n/s (indicated by IV access.
and beta-adrenergic disproportionate rise in
Cardiac stimulant, receptors and on diastolic pressure),
vasopressor. specific dopaminergic cold extremities; less  Monitor blood pressure, pulse, peripheral pulses, and
receptors in frequent: aberrant urinary output at intervals prescribed by physician. Precise
Dosage: tachyarrhythmia
mesenteric and renal conduction, measurements are essential for accurate titration of dosage.
s or ventricular
2-5mcg/kg/min vascular beds. bradycardia, widening
fibrillation. Safe  Measure urinary output frequently.
of QRS complex,
Route: IV use during
elevated blood  Monitor therapeutic effectiveness
pressure. GI: Nausea,
Frequency: PRN (category C),
vomiting. CNS: Heada After:
lactation, or
Timing: May che. Skin: Necrosis,
children is not  Report the following indicators promptly to physician for use
gradually increase tissue sloughing with
established. in decreasing or temporarily suspending dose
by 5–10 extravasation, gangren
mcg/kg/min e,  Be alert to excessive vasoconstriction (decreased urine
increments. piloerection. Other: Az output, increased heart rate, arrhythmias, disproportionate
Maximum: 50 otemia, dyspnea, increase in diastolic B/P, decrease in pulse pressure); slow
mcg/kg/min. dilated pupils (high or temporarily stop infusion, notify physician.

Reference: Kizior,R.J., Hodgson, K.J., (2019). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2019. Elsevier Inc, St. Louis, Missouri 63043.

Name of the Mechanism Of Indication/s Side Effects/Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

Drug Action Reactions

Generic Name: Similar to those of Ventricular Arrhythmias CNS effects generally Before:
procainamide and dose-related and of
Lidocane Localized pain  Question for hypersensitivity to lidocaine,
quinidine, but has short duration.
amide anesthetics.
Brand Name: little effect on Renal/Hepatic Impairment
myocardial  Obtain baseline B/P, pulse, respiratory rate,
Xylocaine Contraindication/s Infiltration/Nerve
contractility, AV and EKG, serum electrolytes.
Block: Pain at injection
Classification History of site.
conduction, cardiac During:
hypersensitivity to amide-
antiarrhythmic, output, and systolic Topical: Burning,
type local anesthetics;  Monitor EKG, vital signs closely during and
anesthetic. arterial pressure in stinging, tenderness at
application or injection of following drug administration for cardiac
equivalent doses. application site.
Dosage: lidocaine anesthetic in performance.
Exerts antiarrhythmic
presence of severe trauma Rare: Generally
50–100 mg bolus action (Class IB) by  Assess B/P for evidence of hypotension.
or sepsis, blood associated with high
Route: IV dyscrasias, dose: Drowsiness,  Monitor for therapeutic serum level (1.5–6
automaticity in His-
supraventricular dizziness, mcg/mL).
Purkinje system and
Frequency: PRN arrhythmias, Stokes-
by elevating electrical disorientation, light-
Adams syndrome, After:
Timing: may stimulation threshold headedness, tremors,
untreated sinus apprehension,  Do NOT ingest food within 60 min after drug
repeat in 5 min of ventricle during
bradycardia, severe euphoria, sensation of application; especially pediatric, geriatric, or
then start infusion diastole. Action as
degrees of sinoatrial, heat, cold, numbness; debilitated patients.
of 1–4 mg/min local anesthetic is
atrioventricular, and blurred or double
immediately after more prompt, more
intraventricular heart  Do not chew gum while buccal and throat
first bolus intense, and longer vision, tinnitus, nausea.
block. Safe use during membranes are anesthetized to prevent biting
lasting than that of
pregnancy (category B), trauma.
lactation, or in children is
not established.

Reference: Kizior,R.J., Hodgson, K.J., (2019). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2019. Elsevier Inc, St. Louis, Missouri 63043.

Name of the Mechanism Of Action Indication/s Side Nursing Responsibilities

Drug Effects/Adverse

Generic Name: Analog of oxymorphone. indicated for the Body as a Before:

A "pure" narcotic complete or partial Whole: Reversal of
Naloxone  Maintain patent airway. Obtain weight of children
antagonist, essentially reversal of opioid analgesia, tremors,
to calculate drug dosage.
Brand Name: free of agonistic depression, including hyperventilation,
(morphine-like) respiratory depression, slight drowsiness, During:
Narcan properties. Thus, it induced by natural and sweating. CV: Increas
produces no significant synthetic opioids ed BP,  Monitor respirations and other vital signs.
analgesia, respiratory tachycardia. GI: Naus
 Monitor surgical and obstetric patients closely for
Opioid antagonist depression, ea,
bleeding. Naloxone has been associated with
psychotomimetic vomiting. Hematolog
Dosage: abnormal coagulation test results.
effects, or miosis when ic: Elevated partial
0.4–2 mg administered in the thromboplastin time.  Also observe for reversal of analgesia, which may
absence of narcotics be manifested by nausea, vomiting, sweating,
Route: IV Contraindication/s
and possesses more tachycardia.
potent narcotic Respiratory depression
Frequency: PRN After:
antagonist action. due to nonopioid drugs.
Timing: Safety during pregnancy  Observe patient closely; duration of action of
(other than labor) some narcotics may exceed that of naloxone.
may be repeated
(category B) or lactation Keep physician informed; repeat naloxone dose
q2–3min up to 10
is not established. may be necessary.
mg if necessary
 May precipitate opiate withdrawal if administered
to a patient who is opiate dependent.

 Report postoperative pain that emerges after

administration of this drug to physician.

Reference: Kizior,R.J., Hodgson, K.J., (2019). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2019. Elsevier Inc, St. Louis, Missouri 63043.

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