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Submitted as One of the Requirements for Passing the

Research and Methodology Course


Fadhillah Rahma Purba


BESP 2019





Praise the presence of God who has given smoothness in compiling this Proposal Thesis
so that this Proposal Thesis can be completed. The author would also like to thank all those who
have helped in the creation of this Proposal Thesis and the various sources that we have used as
data and facts on this task.

The author acknowledges that the author is a human being who has limitations in many
ways. Therefore nothing can be solved perfectly. Similarly, this proposal has been resolved. Not
everything can be described perfectly in this proposal. The author does it to the fullest with the
ability that the author has. Therefore the author is willing to accept criticism and suggestions.
The author will accept all such criticisms and suggestions as a stepping stone that can improve
cbr writers in the future. So that the next proposal can be solved with better results.

Tebing Tinggi , November 2021

The Author





1.1 Background 1

1.2 Identification of Problem 3

1.3 Formulation of Problem 3

1.4 Scope of Problem 4

1.5 Research Purpose 4

1.6 Benefit of Research 4

1.7 Operational Definition 5


2.1 Learning Media 6

2.2 Development Style 9

2.3 Mind Map Application 11


3.1 Place and Time of Research 15

3.2 Types of Research 15

3.3 Population and Sample 15

3.4 Research Design 15

3.5 Data Collection Techniques 18

3.6 Research Instruments 18

3.7 Data Analisis Technique 20




1.1. Background

Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System states

that education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and
learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have spiritual,
religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and strengths. the
skills needed by himself, society, nation and state.

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere

and learning process so that students actively develop their potential. In formal
education, which we know as school, there is an interaction between educators and
students which is often referred to as the teaching and learning process. One of the
problems facing our world of education is the weakness of the learning process,
children are not encouraged to develop thinking skills.

Improving the quality of education is considered very important, especially

for biology subjects. Improving the quality of education can be done with various
efforts such as curriculum renewal, improvement of the learning system,
improvement of teacher competence. In addition, it is also necessary to renew active
and dynamic learning processes such as creating a fun and creative learning
atmosphere so that feedback occurs between teachers and students.

Learning is an interaction process carried out by educators and students

which is not only carried out at school, but can also be carried out at home and in
the surrounding environment at any time without any limitations of space and time.
Biology learning that is presented in an integrated manner will also make the
teacher a more creative person. Teachers are required to be proficient and skilled in
sorting and integrating separate concepts into a form of interconnectedness.

A teacher must master two basic concepts, namely teaching (pedagogy) and
leadership. Teachers must understand and be able to practice effective pedagogical

concepts so that educational goals are achieved. Today's teachers must always be
up-to-date on the development of pedagogic science, for example the concept of
teaching centered learning where this concept is a concept in which the teacher's
activities are mostly learning activities in the form of lecturing where it is as if the
teacher is the only source of knowledge. It is time for the pattern of teaching
centered learning to be shifted to student centered learning, namely a learning
process where active student involvement in the learning process means that
teachers no longer take students' rights to learn.

Learning Media is a set of tools or complementary used by teachers or

educators in order to communicate with students. An educator is required to master
various kinds of learning that can help students to better understand the content of
a material. The learning media commonly used are visual or visual-based learning
media, audio or hearing and audio-visual, namely learning methods that use the
senses of sight and hearing. Learning media includes a very strategic means for
teachers to transfer knowledge to students. Learning media can stimulate students
to use more of their senses than if the teacher only provides verbal information as
is usually done. Visual learning media is also able to arouse students' emotions so
that it can increase students' interest in studying a material. Mind map application
on a learning media is one of the efforts to improve students' memory of the
material presented.

Current learning resources that are still widely used by teachers are in the
form of guidebooks or study references in the form of thick books for example in
Istamar's book (2007. pp: 1-184), so it is not practical to carry everywhere. The
substance of the book also consists of a long description and an unattractive
appearance and is not accompanied by many colorful pictures. And this is where
the role of the teacher is to work harder in facilitating and preparing the right
media for the effectiveness of children's learning. So that students when studying
can have high motivation every day. Based on the technology used, teaching
materials can be grouped into four categories, namely printed materials such as
handouts, books, modules, student worksheets, brochures, photos/pictures and

models or mockups. Hearing teaching materials (audio) such as cassettes, radios,
LPs and audio compact discs. Audiovisual teaching materials such as video
compact discs, films. Interactive multimedia teaching materials such as CAI
(Computer, Assisted, Instruction), compact disk (CD) and web-based materials
(Arsyad, 2010).

Based on the results of observations at SMAN 1 Kota Tebing Tinggi, the

learning process that is often used is lectures with the help of textbooks and
worksheets. As a result, students often feel bored and bored because there is no
variety of media used in schools. One form of visual media that can help students
understand the material and raise motivation is visual media which is equipped
with explanations through mind map application-based media using a variety of
interesting colors and shapes. This mind map application-based biology learning
media is a visual media, which consists of an application, as well as an LCD in
which the use of this media is added with attractive colors and images. Biology
learning media using this mind map application does not require tools that are
difficult to use during the learning process. In addition, this mind map application
has never been used in SMA Negeri 1 Kota Tebing Tinggi, especially in excretory
material. Based on this background, researchers are interested in studying the title
"Development of Mind Map Application-Based Biology Learning Media on
Excretion Materials in Class XII SMA Negeri 1 Kota Tebing Tinggi".

1.2. Identification of problems

Based on the background of the problem, the following problems can be


1. There is still a lack of variety of teaching materials used

2. Lack of teaching materials that help students to understand biology
learning, especially in excretory material.
3. Lack of creative, dancing and practical teaching materials such as mind
map application

1.3. Formulation of the problem

Based on the limitations of the problems raised, the formulation of the
problem in this study is:

1. How to develop a mind map application-based biology learning media on

excretory material in Class XII SMA N 1 Kota Tebing Tinggi?
2. How is the level of practicality of mind map application-based biology
learning media on Excretion material in Class XII SMA Negeri 1 Kota
Tebing Tinggi?

1.4. Scope of problem

Based on the identification of the problems above by adjusting the level of

research difficulty, the researchers limit the research so that this research is more
focused and clear, as follows:

1. This research is focused on developing a mind map application-based

learning media on excretory material in Class XII SMA Negeri 1 Kota
Tebing Tinggi.
2. The class used in the development of this learning media in the Excretion
material is students from class XII of SMA Negeri 1 Kota Tebing Tinggi.

1.5. Research purposes

This research has the objectives to:

1. Develop a mind map application-based biology learning media on

excretory material at SMA Negeri 1 Kota Tebing Tinggi.
2. Knowing the level of practicality of mind map application-based biology
learning media on excretory material at SMA Negeri 1 Kota Tebing

1.6. Benefits of research

The results of this study are expected to provide benefits:

1. Theoretical Benefits

It is expected to increase knowledge in the field of education.

2. Practical Benefits
a. For School

As a consideration for schools to take policies related to learning

media for students so that they can support the learning process in

b. For Teachers

This research is expected to provide mind map-based biological

media information and provide alternative media information for
students to be more active in learning and improve the quality of

c. For student

Increase the spirit of learning and increase the level of students'

understanding of the excretory material.

1.7. Operational definition

1. Operational Definition

Mind map application-based biology learning media is a visual media

developed to facilitate the learning process where the core material in the human
digestive system is displayed using colors, images on each topic and its sub-topics.

2. Development Limits

The limitation of the development of mind map application-based biology

learning media lies in the mind map application, where the application method is
easier to use in the learning process.



2.1. Learning Media

Media is an intermediary or messenger from the sender to the recipient of

the message. Along with its development, the media is only considered as a
teaching aid for teachers. The tools used are visual aids, such as pictures, models,
objects and other tools that can provide concrete experiences, learning motivation
and enhance student absorption and retention. Media can serve to enhance
children's absorption and retention of learning materials. The use of learning media
is very influential on teachers and students.

Along with the times, visual media can be developed by providing

variations on media such as mind maps where variations in a media can make the
media interesting. Learning media is very helpful for teachers in the learning
process as well as students because with the media students are easy to accept what
is conveyed by the teacher. Media is a learning tool used by teachers as
intermediaries in the learning process to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in
achieving learning objectives.

Based on some of the definitions above, media is a tool used in the learning
process that can assist in achieving learning objectives. Media is one of the
teaching materials that has benefits for teachers and students because it makes it
easier for teachers to convey material and makes it easier for students to receive

The use of media in the learning process has several functions, namely:

a. The media can overcome the various limitations of the experience that
students have.

b. Media serves to address the classroom. Many things are difficult for students
to experience directly in the classroom, such as objects that are too big or too
small, the observed movements are too fast or too slow. So through the media
will be able to overcome the difficulties that arise.
c. Media allows direct interaction between students and the environment.
d. The media produces uniformity of observations. Observations made by
students can be jointly directed to things that are considered important in
accordance with the objectives to be achieved.
e. The media can instill the basic concepts that are true, concrete, and realistic.
Use of media, such as; pictures, films, models, graphics, can provide the
correct basic concept.
f. Media can generate new desires and interests.
g. Media can generate motivation and stimulate students to learn.
h. Media can provide an integral experience from the concrete to the abstract.

Media serves for instructional purposes where the information contained in

the media must involve students both in mind or mentality as well as in the form of
real activities so that learning can occur. The material must be designed more
systematically and psychologically in terms of learning principles in order to
prepare effective instruction. Besides being fun, learning media must be able to
provide a pleasant experience and meet the individual needs of students. Media is a
communication tool referred to as learning media if it can carry messages to
achieve learning objectives. The media must have a relationship with the message
and method. The use of good and appropriate learning media will provide benefits
for teachers and students because it helps the learning process.

Learning media consists of several types, one of which is visual media. The
affective function of visual media can be seen from the level of enjoyment of
students when studying or reading illustrated texts. This visual image or symbol
can bring out the emotions and attitudes of students. For example, information
concerning social or racial issues. The cognitive function of visual media can be
seen from visual symbols or images that facilitate the achievement of goals to

understand and remember information or messages contained in images. The
compensatory function of learning media can be seen from the results of research
that visual media that provide context for understanding texts help weak students
in reading and organizing information in texts and recalling it. Learning media
serves to accommodate students who are weak and slow to accept and understand
the content of lessons presented verbally. Based on the above definition, the
function of the media is as an intermediary in conveying material from the teacher
to the students, because the media can make it easier for students to understand the
material presented. Learning media is useful for generating student motivation in
the learning process.

Learning media is used in the context of efforts to improve or enhance the

quality of the process of learning activities. Learning media has the principles of
use that must be considered, namely:

a. The use of instructional media should be seen as an integral part of a learning

system and not only as a tool that functions as an addition that is used when
deemed necessary and only used when needed.
b. Learning media should be viewed as learning resources used in an effort to
solve problems encountered in the learning process.
c. Teachers should really master the techniques of a learning media used.
d. Teachers should take into account the pros and cons of using a learning media.
e. The use of learning media must be organized systematically, not just using it.
f. If a subject requires more than a variety of media, the teacher can take
advantage of many beneficial media and facilitate the learning process and can
also stimulate students in learning.

Based on the above definition, the principles of using learning media are
that learning media must be in accordance with learning objectives and learning
materials. Learning media is seen as a learning resource that is used to solve
problems in the learning process.

The development of learning media in question is an effort to develop
learning media programs that are more focused on media planning. The media that
will be displayed or used in the learning process is planned and designed according
to the needs of the field or students. Besides that, it is adjusted to the
characteristics of the biological material itself. Developing media as a means of
delivering information/messages including learning messages, it is necessary to
pay attention to the principles of message design which include the principles of
readiness and motivation, use of attention-focusing tools, repetition, active
participation of targets, feedback, and materials. This is based on the consideration
that learning is essentially an activity of conveying messages to students by the
teacher using materials, tools, techniques, and in a certain environment.

The development of learning media can follow the following development


a. Selecting and collecting learning materials that happen to be available in the

field and relevant to the lesson content listed in the learning strategy.
b. Adapting these learning materials into independent learning materials by
following the learning strategies that have been prepared previously. If it turns
out that nothing is appropriate, the learning developer must start writing his
own teaching materials.
c. Re-examine the consistency of the content of the learning materials with
learning strategies.
d. Researching the technical quality of the material, which includes three things,
namely simple and relevant language, communicative language and physical
e. The student manual contains instructions for all the use of learning materials
received by students, lists of activities that must be carried out sequentially for
each unit of study or meeting and detailed instructions on how and when to use
each set of learning materials. Student activities are arranged sequentially in
line with the order of the material.

f. The teacher's guide contains instructions for providing motivation, instructions
on how to guide or provide consultation to students in solving the problems
they face, instructions for using learning materials, instructions for providing
guidance to students in completing each exercise, instructions for organizing
and checking test results and final test scripts in learning activities.

2.2. Development style

The activity stages in the ADDIE model are basically related to each other.
The use of this model needs to be done gradually and comprehensively. Systematic
and systematic implementation of the ADDIE model will ensure the creation of an
effective and efficient training program. The stages of the ADDIE model are:

1. Analysis (analyze)

Analysis is the main stage in applying the ADDIE model to design and
develop a training program. At this stage the designer needs to carry out a training
needs assessment process known as Training Needs Analysis or TNA. The design
of the training program must collect data and information related to performance
problems, after ensuring that performance problems can be overcome through the
training program, the designer of the training program needs to formulate the
objectives or general competencies of the training program, this can be done
through a gap analysis process between abilities that researchers should have.

2. Design

The design stage is carried out by identifying the sub-capabilities that

participants need to possess in order to master the general competencies of the
training program. These sub-capabilities are specific and are referred to as special
competencies for the training program. These sub-capabilities or competencies are
obtained through an analysis of the capabilities or objectives of the training
program. The process of analyzing the general competence of a training program
into a series or structure of specific competencies is called instructional analysis.
The result of the design stage is a blue print in the form of an outline of the training

program or GBPP. GBPP describes the overall plan of learning activities in a
training program.

3. Development (development)

The development step includes activities to create, provide and modify

media to achieve the learning objectives to be determined. Media procurement
needs to be adjusted to specific learning objectives or learning outcomes that have
been formulated by designers or designers of specific learning programs or
learning outcomes that have been formulated by designers or learning program
designers in the design step. The development step, in other words, includes the
activity of selecting and determining appropriate learning methods and strategies to
be used in delivering the material or substance of the learning program.

4. Implementation

At this stage the training program is carried out according to the design that
has been developed previously, the instructor conveys the content or training
material to the participants based on the program design or design that was made
previously. The learning strategy describes a sequence of activities carried out by
the instructor to facilitate participants in learning the knowledge, skills and
attitudes being trained. The sequence of learning activities that need to be applied
by the instructor in the learning strategy are pre-learning activities, presentation of
training content or materials, student participation, assessment of learning
outcomes, and follow-up activities.

5. Evaluation (evaluate)

Evaluation can be interpreted as a process carried out to determine the

value, price and benefits of an object. The object being assessed can be a product
or a learning program. Evaluation can be classified into formative and summative
evaluation based on the purpose of its use. Formative evaluation is a form of
evaluation that is applied with the aim of improving the quality of the process or
product. There are three stages in the evaluation model, namely one-to-one

evaluation with prospective program users or one-to-one evaluation, evaluation
with a small group of prospective participants or small group evaluation, and field
evaluation using a larger respondent group or field trial. The effectiveness of the
training program that has been used for a certain period of time can be assessed
using a summative evaluation approach. The main purpose of summative
evaluation is to obtain data and information about the value and benefits of the
program that can be used to make decisions about the sustainability of a training

2.3. Mind Map Application

Mind maps are media that can be used to allow students to collect more
detailed knowledge, mapping maps show certain concepts. A mind map that
expresses meaningful relationships between concepts related to words. Mind map
is one method that is suitable for students' concentration and memory, because a
mind map is a mapping that contains key words from the topic.38 A mind map or
mind map is a comprehensive picture of a learning material made in a simple form.

Mind maps can be called as a route map that uses all the potential of the
brain to be optimal. Mind maps train the brain to see the whole at once in detail
and by integrating logic and imagination. The form of a mind map is like a map of
a street in a city that has many branches so that it can make a comprehensive view
of the subject matter in a very wide area, plan a route that is the fastest and right
and know where we are going and where we are. Mind maps also involve both
hemispheres of the brain by integrating logic and imagination so that it will be
easier for someone to organize and remember all forms of information, both
written and verbal. The combination of colors, symbols, shapes and so on makes it
easier for the brain to absorb the information it receives.

Mind maps are tools that can help think and remember better, solve
problems and act creatively. Mind maps provide encouragement for creativity and
flexibility. Mind maps help someone to think outside the box. In this mind map
stage, the teacher's role is as a guide for students to experience learning

experiences that allow students to find principles and construct understanding
independently. This mind map media motivates students to be creative in the
materials they will learn.

Mind mapping is a technique or way of taking creative and innovative

notes that involves words, colors, lines, symbols, and images in a balanced and
balanced way that makes it easier for a person to receive, process, and remember
information. This method is also fun and creative, learning with the use of mind
maps emphasizes the meaningfulness and quality of the learning process. This
mind map also uses visual and sensory reminders in a pattern of related ideas.

Mind maps are able to trigger the brain to think creatively so that students
can think divergently (multiple directions) and not convergent thinking (one way).
The mind map starts from a topic in the middle of the paper, then the sub-topics
must be arranged randomly, but must surround the main topic in the middle of the
paper. This topic is surrounded because mind maps follow the pattern of the brain
in describing information, mind maps always use colors, curved lines, symbols,
words, and images that are in accordance with a set of rules that are simple, basic,
natural, and in accordance with how the brain works. They all have a natural
structure that radiates from the center.

The mind map consists of a central idea, sub-categories are represented by

branches consisting of the main branch and subsequent branches from each sub-
chapter to the central idea, keywords, images, and colors. The basic principle of
mind mapping is like the pattern of thinking in the human brain, by having many,
even millions of branch cells that form the root of knowledge. The principle of the
development of the branch of the mind map strategy is actually without the
boundaries of the branches. The more branches that are displayed, the stronger the
knowledge information that students learn. Our brain actually has millions of
sheets of paper that are able to store and organize branches of knowledge.

Mind maps are developed based on how the brain works while processing
information. As long as information is conveyed, the brain will take on various

signs in various forms, ranging from images, sounds, smells, thoughts, to feelings.
Furthermore, through the making of mind map media, information is recorded in
the form of symbols, lines, words, colors. A good mind map will be able to
describe patterns of interrelated ideas in its branches. There are many benefits or
advantages that can be achieved when the learning process uses mind map media,
namely increasing creativity, improving memory, being able to accommodate
various points of view on information, being more fun and activating all parts of
the brain.

Based on the above definition, mind maps are the right media to use to
connect the core material and its relationship with other materials. The mind map
contains a topic in the middle of the paper, the topic has sub-topics and each sub-
topic will have another branch. This media serves to optimize the child's brain to

Steps for Making Mind Map Media According to Buzan, the steps for
making a mind map are as follows:

a. Determine the theme or topic of the mind map, write the topic in the middle of
a blank sheet of paper that is placed horizontally (landscape). Starting writing
from the center gives the brain the freedom to spread out in all directions and
express itself more freely and naturally.
b. Use pictures for the main topic. A picture or photo will have a thousand words
that help the brain in using the imagination to be expressed. A central image
will be more interesting, keeps the brain focused, helps the brain concentrate,
and activates the brain.
c. Use a variety of colors. To the brain, colors are as attractive as images. Color
makes mind maps more lively, adds energy to creative thinking, and is fun.
d. Look for branch topics related to the main topic. Also write with one keyword
for each branch topic. Linking each branch topic, will help to understand and
remember more easily. Use pictures or simple codes for each branch topic.
e. Look for the relationship between the branch topic and the main topic. Draw
relationships by drawing curved lines connecting topics.

f. Leave blank space on the paper for additional themes/topics. Empty space is
used to place ideas that suddenly appear.

Based on the above definition, the steps for making mind map media are
starting from typing the topic in the middle of the mind map application, then the
topic is given a picture or symbol that underlies the topic because the presence of
symbols or images can help the brain in functioning imagination, as well as adding
various color variations in the media. Look for branch topics that are related to the
main topic then describe the relationship by making curved lines connecting the



3.1 Place and Time of Research

This research was conducted in January – March 2022 with the place of the
research being SMA Negeri 1 Kota Tebing Tinggi.

3.2 Types of Research

This research is a research and development (Research and Development)

which is a type of research that is used to produce a product. The development
model used is 4-D. This type of research is used to produce products in the form of
biological media that can be used in the implementation of the learning process.

3.3 Population and Sample

The sample used in this study were students of class XII SMA Negeri 1
Kota Tebing Tinggi as many as 30 people.

3.4 Research Design

The activities carried out at each stage of the development of the 4-D
model of learning tools can be explained as follows:

1. Defining Phase

The purpose of this stage is to determine and define the learning conditions
that begin with an analysis of the objectives of the material limitations developed
by the media. This stage includes 5 main steps, namely:

a. Curriculum Analysis

Curriculum analysis is the first step at this stage where researchers

examine the curriculum used at the school, this analysis aims to determine
which competencies the media will develop in accordance with mind map
application-based biology learning media. The curriculum used at the school
that is the location of the research is the education unit level curriculum

b. Student Analysis

Student analysis is a study of the characteristics of students in

accordance with the design of teaching media. These characteristics include
the background knowledge and cognitive development of students.

c. Material Analysis

Material analysis aims to adapt the material to the developed biology

learning media, because in the development of mind map application-based
biology media not all learning materials can use this media. In this study, the
researcher chose the excretory material because this material was considered
suitable for the development of mind map application-based biology learning

d. Concept Analysis

Concept analysis aims to identify, detail and systematically compile
relevant concepts that will be taught based on the initial-late analysis. This
analysis is the basis for setting learning objectives.

e. Formulation/ Specification

Objectives This stage is carried out to formulate the results of task

analysis and concept analysis as indicators of achieving the goals. A series of
indicators of achievement of learning outcomes is the basis in preparing the
design of teaching media.

2. Design Phase

The purpose of this stage is to prepare a prototype of teaching media. This

stage consists of four steps:

a. Choose the appropriate subject matter

At this stage the researcher reviews the subtopics in the excretory

material, then analyzes which materials to present, namely material related to
KD 3.3. Explaining the relationship between structure, function, and process
as well as abnormalities/diseases that can occur in excretion. In this case the
researcher focuses on one of the indicators contained in the KD, namely 3.3.1
students are able to analyze the human excretory system correctly. These
indicators expect that students do not just memorize but to the level of
analyzing and helping students increase their motivation.

b. Establishing Criteria

The determination of these criteria is intended to design the content of

the media to be presented. The criteria set include information content that is
in accordance with the learner's learning experience, a writing style that is
clear and easy to understand, the use of color in images, good organization of

c. Initial Design of Learning Media

Presentation The steps taken at this stage are to design biology
learning media in the form of a mind map application with the format that has
been selected. The results of this stage are in the form of an initial design of
learning media covering all components of learning media (prototype) along
with research instruments.

3. Development Stage

In this phase, the product produced is a mind map application-based

biology learning media. The media will then go through several stages as

At the validation stage, experts ask for theoretical considerations from

experts and practitioners about the validity of the prototype. Validators consist
of experts in the field of biology, especially the digestive system or material
experts, media experts, linguists and field practitioners, namely biology
teachers. The validators were asked to validate the teaching media that had been
produced at the design stage (prototype). Suggestions from the validator are
used as considerations in the revision of the resulting developmental teaching

Based on the above definition, the 4-D development stage starts from the
definition stage, which is to determine the development requirements and
analyze the media used in schools, after that to the design stage, which is to
make an initial product in the form of a validated mind map-based biological
media. by colleagues then the development stage, namely at this stage it is
validated by material experts and design experts, then revised and the
dissemination stage, namely at this stage it is developed on a wide scale. This
model is used because it is easy in research and the time used in the study is not

3.5 Data Collection Techniques

1. Interview

The interview used is an unstructured interview which is a free
interview where the researcher does not use interview guidelines that
have been systematically and completely arranged for data collection.
The interview guide used is only an outline of the problems to be asked.

2. Questionnaire

Questionnaires or questionnaires are a number of written

questions that are used to obtain information from respondents in the
sense of reports about their personalities or things that are known.
Questionnaire is also a data collection technique which is done by giving
a set of questions or written statements to respondents to answer.
Questionnaires are an efficient data collection technique when the
researcher knows with certainty the variables to be measured and knows
what to expect from the respondents. The questionnaire used is a student
response questionnaire.

3.6 Research Instruments

The type of instrument needed to measure the practicality of the teaching

media developed is a questionnaire. The questionnaire used as one of the
instruments in this study was a student response questionnaire. This questionnaire
was given to students to find out the practicality of learning using mind map-based
biology media. This questionnaire aims to obtain data on students' opinions about
the learning process using a mind map application-based media. This questionnaire
is in the form of a Likert scale with 4 assessment categories, namely strongly agree
(score 4), agree (score 3), disagree (score 2), strongly disagree (score 1). This
instrument was compiled based on the research results of Muhammad Syawahid
and Heri Ratnawati which consisted of several practical aspects, namely clarity of
content, attractiveness of appearance, ease of use, ease of language to understand,
clarity of information, conformity with KTSP, correctness of material content, and
usefulness for the learning process.

N Criteria SS S T S


The contents of the mind map-based biology

learning media are clear

The display of mind map-based biology

learning media is interesting.

The colors in the mind map-based biology

learning media are appropriate.

The picture on the mind map-based biology

learning media is clear.

The writing on the mind map-based biology

learning media can be read clearly

The use of mind map-based biology learning

6 media can make students more active in
participating in learning activities.

Mind map-based biology learning media is

easy to use

The use of mind map-based biology learning

8 media makes it easier for students to
understand the material presented.

Mind map-based biology learning media

makes students more enthusiastic in learning.

10 Use of language in accordance with

The material delivered is in accordance with

the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP).

12 The language used is easy to understand

Mind map-based biology learning media

13 helps the implementation of the learning

The use of mind map-based biology learning

14 media can make students more active in
participating in learning activities.

3.7. Data analysis technique

The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive statistical

data analysis. Descriptive statistical techniques are defined as data/information
analysis techniques to provide data, both census data and sample data of a
subject/object being studied.

The practicality of the media is measured by analyzing student response

questionnaires which are then analyzed by percentages. Activities carried out to
analyze student response data are:

1. Recapitulating the results of expert research into a table which

includes: aspects (Ai) and total value (Vij) for each validator.
2. Find the total mean (Xi) with the formula:

𝑋𝑖 = ∑ Ai n i=0/ n , With :

𝐴𝑖 = aspect average

𝑛 = many aspects

3. Determine the validation category for each criterion (Ki) or aspect

average (Ai) or total average (Xi) with a predetermined validation


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