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Casual clothes<> formal clothes quần áo ko trang trọng

2. Outfit bộ đồ
3. Get dress up chải chuốt
4. Belt dây nịt
5. Boots ủng
6. Tie cà vạt
7. Scarf khăn choàng
8. Skirt váy ngắn
9. Dress váy dài
10. Glove găng tay
11. Hat mũ rộng vành
12. Cap nón kết
13. Jumper (áo len-anh-anh; áo không tay và khoét cổ sâu)
14. Rain coat áo mưa
15. Shirt áo sơ mi
16. Hoodie áo có mũ che đầu
17. Woolly hat mũ len
18. Sneaker= trainer giày thể thao
19. High- heeled giày cao gót
20. Shoes giày
21. Glass kính

22. Sandals dép có quai phía sau

23. Necklace vòng cổ
24. Leather da
25. Cotton thun
26. Wool len
27. Ring vòng, nhẫn
28. Bracelet vòng đeo tay
29. Watch đồng hồ
30. Jacket áo khoác
31. Sock tất
32. Slipper dép
33. Flip flops dép xỏ ngón
34. Shorts quần cộc
35. Ear rings bông tai
36. Purse ví nữ
37. Wallet ví gập
38. Headphone tai nghe trùm tai
39. Wear mặc, mang, đeo
40. Silk lụa
41. Fit vừa; tight chật (adj) (v) vừa
42. Old fashioned lỗi thời
43. Fancy
44. Go well with sth look good on s.o
45. Lip stick son môi
46. Mascara chuốt lông mi
47. Eye shadow phấn mắt
48. Slim (adj) gầy slimmer
49. Fat fatter
50. Accessory (phụ kiện)
51. Runny nose chay nuoc mui
52. Fever sot
53. Sore throat dau hong
54. Headache dau dau
55. Dizzy chong mat
56. Stomach ache/upset stomach
57. Toothache
58. Travel sickness
59. Cold cam lanh/temperature
60. Cough ho
61. Bruise bam tim (n) bru:z
62. Broken bone
63. Sunburn chay nang
64. Sprain bong gan
65. Treatment su dieu tri
66. Sore eye dau mat
67. Pill thuoc
68. She/he has/got a…
69. Nausea/vomit non mua
70. Pregnant co thai
71. Prescription
72. Illness benh
73. Food allergy di ung thuc an
74. Fat/obesity
75. Itchy ngua
76. Earache
77. Backache
78. Cut dut tay
79. I feel..
80. Typhoid thuong han
81. Fall over vap nga
82. Roll our sleeve
83. Read into it dùng bận tâm
84. Pull it off thành công
85. Dig in =start
86. Take your time thong thả đi
87. Boutique cửa hàng quần áo nhỏ
88. Ceremony lễ trang trọng
89. Short
90. Tall
91. Of Medium-height or of average height
92. Lanky (adj) tall and very thin
93. Skinny: someone who is very thin (impolite)
94. Thin: a person who weighs less than average people (impolite)
95. Slender: describe a person who is thin but looks healthy
96. Slim
97. Lean (adj) skin and muscle
98. Fat
99. Chubby: a polite way of describing someone who is a bit overweight
100. Obesity
101. Corpulent
102. Rotund (adj) round or rounded in shape
103. Blonde: person who has yellow hair
104. Bald: the person who have no hair
105. Curvy (adj) dáng người đồng hồ cát
106. Fit (adj) someone who gets a lot of exercise and is very healthy
107. Handsome: extremely good looking
108. Cute
109. Pretty
110. Beautiful
111. Ordinary
112. Ugly
113. Straight hair
114. Jet black hair
115. Coarse hair tóc rễ tre, tóc dày
116. Have (adj) + hair I have blonde hair
117. To be (adj)+ haired I am blonded-hair
118. Hair color: white; grey; golden; blonde; dark brown; black; brunette;
119. Hair length: short; a bob haircut; shoulder-length; medium length; long
120. Hair quality: silky; soft; shyny; dry
121. Young
122. Middle-aged
123. Old
124. Round face
125. Oval face
126. Long face
127. Square
128. Nose (straight; hooked; long; turned-up;small)
Adjectives to Describe a Person’s Lips

 Full
 Curved
 Thin
Describing Someone’s Ears

 Large
 Small
129. Elegant
130. Freckles tàn nhang
131. Dimple núm đồng tiền
132. Tanned da rám nắng

Do you like shopping for new clothes

What are you wearing right now
What color do you like to wear ?
Where do you usually buy clothing
What is the most expensive item you have ever bought
Where are some good stores to buy clothes in this area?

1. What’s your favorite food?

2. What’s your favorite cuisine?
3. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
4. Do you think breakfast is the most important meal of the day?
5. Do you like trying new foods?
6. Do you have any food allergies?
7. Do you ever order delivery food?
8. How often do you eat fast food?
9. What’s your favorite pizza topping?
10. How often do you eat fruit?
11. What food do you hate?
12. Have you ever ordered food in a foreign language?
13. What was the last meal you cooked?
14. Have you ever had breakfast in bed?
15. How much can you eat at an all-you-can-eat buffet?
16. What is the most expensive meal you have ever eaten?
17. What dessert do you love to eat?
18. Do you like to drink hot drinks?
19. If you could only eat one thing for a year, what would it be?
20. What is the strangest food you have ever tried?
21. Have  you ever been abroad?
22. How many countries have you visited?
23. Have you visited many touristic places in your country?
24. What touristic places do you like to visit?
25. Do you prefer visiting beaches or mountains?
26. Have you ever visited a European country?
27. Have you ever visited an African country?
28. What’s your worst vacation memory?
29. Who do you travel with?
30. Have you made friends while you are on vacation?
31. Do you like to travel with children?
32. Do you like to travel with your parents?
33. Do you like traveling alone or in group?
34. What are some of the benefits of traveling alone?
35. What places are you planning to visit?
36. Who are you plannig to go with?
37. When are you planning to go?
38. Where are you planning to stay in?
39. What sights are you planning to see?
40. When will you next go to the beach? Which beach is your favourite?
41. What kind of music do you like?
42. What type of music do you dislike?
43. How often do you like to music?
44. Where do you listen to music?
45. What are some music videos that you like?
46. Who is your favorite singer?
47. What’s your favorite band?
48. What’s your favorite song?
49. What types of music do people listen in your country?
50. Which is more important to you, music or TV?
51. Can you name 5 songs in English that you like?
52. Do you listen to music on spotify? 
53. Do you watch music videos on Youtube?
54. What music do you like to listen when you are in love?
55. What music makes you feel relaxed?
56. How does music makes you feel?
57. What are three songs that gets you excited?
58. Do you think that music changes how you dress and act?
59. What music do you listen to cheer you up?
60. Is there a song that makes you emotional? 
61. Name 5 music instrument
62. Name 3 type of music
63. Do you have a favorite item of clothing? What is it? Why do you like it? When do you wear
64. What is your favorite color to wear? How many items of clothing do you have in this color?
65. How many pairs of shoes do you have? How many does a person need?
66. Do you wear shoes that make you taller? Why?
67. How often do you go shopping for clothes? Do you buy new clothes when the season
68. Do you buy clothes online? Why or why not?
69. Where is the best place to shop for clothes in your town?
70. What do you do with clothes that you no longer wear?
71. Will you wear something uncomfortable just because it looks good?
72. Which celebrity has the best sense of style?
73. Name 7 clothes item start with letter S
74. Name 5 means of transportation
75. Name 7 sports you have learned
76. Name 10 kind of fruits you have learned
77. Name 10 kind of food you have eaten
78. Do you always eat healthy food?
79. Do you eat a lot of vegetables
80. Do you eat fruits every day?
81. Do you eat fast food?
82. Do you drink soda? How often do you drink soda?
83. Do you skip breakfast?
84. Have you ever got fever ?
85. How often do you do exercises?
86. What type of exercises do you do?
87. Do you go for regular medical check-ups?
88. Do you go to the dentist’s twice a year?
89. When was the last time you went to a doctor?
90. When was the last time you went to a hospital?
91. How often do you get a medical check-up?
92. Have you ever worn braces?
93. What time do you usually go to bed?
94. What time do you usually wake up?
95. Do you think that you sleep too much or not enough?
96. Why a good sleep is important for your health?
97. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
98. Do you sleep well
99. What are some tips to sleep better?
100. What are some of the consequences of poor sleep
101. Have you ever broken a bone?
102. What do you do to stay healthy?
103. Do you have any unhealthy habits?
104. Have you ever spent time in hospital? What was the problem?
105. Have you ever had a black eye?
106. Have you ever lost a tooth?
107. Have you ever burned yourself?
108. Have you ever cut yourself?
109. have you ever had an accident?
110. Have you ever broken a leg?
111. Have you ever had stitches? What happened?
112. What does she/he look like?
113. How tall is/are he/she/they?
114. What height she/he. Is?

Acting: act; costumes; concert; a play; theatre;

Playing piano: the piano; keyboard; music; piano
Sailing; lake; sea; boat
Painting; brush; color; artist; paint
Cooking cooker; kitchen; bake
Drawing; acting; sailing
1 drawing; pencil; colour; picture; artist;
2 plays; costumes; play
3 boáts; sea; water

Visit a different countries
Funny films
He is good at baking
Playing in a band
Takes lot of pictures

Cách đọc giờ và câu hỏi về giờ

What time is it?
What time+do/does+S+V
What is the time
It is+ thời gian hoặc bỏ it is

Giờ trc phút sau: it is 9:40; 8:21

Nói về giờ hơn và giờ kém

It is+ phút+ past/to +giờ (am or pm) (phút trước giờ sau)
Giờ chẵn số giờ+o’clock: 7 o’clock; 9 o’clock
Ví dụ
6:00 it is 6 o’clock
6:15 it is a quarter past six or it is 6 fifteen
6:30: it is 6 thirty; it is half past six
6:45: it is six forty five; it is a quarter to seven
Nếu giờ có số 0 thì đọc là O
6:05 six ou five

A quarter: 15 phút
Half: 30 phút (số phút chưa vượt quá 30)
A quarter past seven 7:15

Noon buổi trưa

Mid day giữa ngày
Afternoon buổi chiều
Mid night giữa đêm
Twilight chạng vạng
The crack of dawn tảng sáng (4-6h)
By (trước hoặc chậm nhất là mấy giờ)
I want you to be home by seven ( t muốn bạn trở về trước hoặc chậm nhất là 7 giờ)
Couple và few
Couple hơn mấy phút 2-3 phúy
Few 5 phút
Almost gần
1. When we get home, we ___________ (have) dinner.
2. I know they ___________ (feel) very happy if they win the
3. They’ve already decided on their next summer holiday.
They ____________ (do) a tour of Norway.
4. She thinks that the Take That concert __________ (be)
really exciting.
5. “What are your plans for this evening?” I ________
(meet) my friends and then go to a birthday party.
6. If you revise for the exam, I’m sure you ________ (get) a
good result.
7. The weather forecast is good for the next few days. It
_________ (be) very sunny.
8. I can’t come on the march tomorrow. I ___________ (look
after) my cousins.
9. In the future, I think humans ___________ (wipe out)
many different species.
10. He is buying some butter and eggs because he _________
(make) a cake later.
11. This homework is very easy. I know we __________ (do) it
very quickly.
12. In five years time, I _____________ (be) at university.
13. She wants to get her mum a birthday present. But she
_____________ (not buy) it today.
14. Their suitcases are packed. They ______________ (go) on
15. If we go to Paris, we ____________ (take) lots of pictures.
16. My brother thinks it ______________ (snow) tomorrow.
17. It’s very late! Hurry up or we ___________ (be) late for
18. Look at that boy at the top of that tree! He ___________
19. When we go home, we ____________ (watch) TV. We
don’t want to miss our favourite program.
20. I’m sure they ___________ (lose) the match.


1. If she loves her job, what do she do?
2. We spend three weeks in Korea with our parents to find
3. The plant die because of lack of sunshine.
4. I think my teacher remember to do everything.
5. If it stop raining soon, they will play football in the yard.

6. Dùng từ gợi ý viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

7. 1. She/ hope/ that/ Mary/ come/ party/ tonight.
8. …………………………………………………………………………
9. 2. If/ you/ not/ study/ hard/,/ you/ not/ pass/ final/ exam.
10. …………………………………………………………………………
11. 3. You/ look/ tired,/ so/ I/ bring/ you/ something/ eat.
12. …………………………………………………………………………
13. 4. you/ please/ give/ me/ lift/ station?
14. …………………………………………………………………………

Sử dụng thì tương lai đơn hoặc hiện tại đơn để hoàn thành các câu sau:
Ngoc (love) ______ cartoons, but she says she (not/continue) ______
this hobby in the future.
They usually (take) ______ a lot of beautiful photos.
What (your brother/do) ______ in his free time?
I think 10 years from now more people (enjoy) ______ gardening.
______ you (do) ______ morning exercise every day?
_____ you still (play) _____ badminton next year?


Hoàn chỉnh các câu dưới đây với các từ gợi ý trong hộp

wake up – open – speak – take – do – cause – live – play – close – live – drink

Ann _____________ handball very well.

I never _____________ coffee.

The swimming pool _____________ at 7:00 in the morning.

It _____________ at 9:00 in the evening.

Bad driving _____________ many accidents.

My parents _____________ in a very small flat.

The Olympic Games _____________ place every four years.

They are good students. They always _____________ their homework.

My students _____________ a little English.

I always _____________ early in the morning.

 Viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh

15. How/ you/ go to school/ ?

16. we/ not/ believe/ ghost.
17. How often/ you/ study English/ ?
18. play/in/the/soccer/Mike/doesn’t/afternoons.
19. She/daughters/two/have.
20. very/much/not/like/lemonade/I
21. Wednesdays/on/It/rain/often.
22. never/wear/Jane/jeans.
23. phone/his/on/father/Sundays/Danny/every
24. Austria/I/from/be/Vienna.

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