Unit 6

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6

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1. late bloomer a person whose capabilities or talents are slow to de-


2. early peaker a person who reaches the best of their capabilities

while being young and the start declining

3. look young for their to age slowly


4. in their prime at their best

5. act your age behave in a more adult way

6. come of age reach the age when legally an adult

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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7. inmature childish

8. maturity The state of being fully grown or developed

9. elderly Appearing old

10. age discrimination different and unequal treatment of people based solely
on their age

11. milestones Major accomplishments within each area of develop-


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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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12. enterprise an important, complicated, or difficult undertaking

13. mediocrity The condition of being commonplace or ordinary,

somewhere in the middle between high and low; a very
ordinary person

14. biased unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or some-


15. ever-shifting constantly changing

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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16. Peers people of the same age who share similar interests

17. unrealistic impractical

18. unpredictable impossible to foretell

19. illogical not done according to reason

20. dissatisfied not pleased

21. unfamiliar Not known or recognized

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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22. impatient not patient; not willing to bear delay; fretful; anxious

23. immortal living forever; never dying or decaying

24. unwilling reluctant

25. misbehave to act out badly or in the wrong way

26. insecure lacking self-confidence or assurance

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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27. misinterpret to understand incorrectly

28. irrelevant Having nothing to do with the subject

29. unhealthy not healthy

30. down-to-earth practical, sensible

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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31. shallow not deep

32. ecstatic extremely happy

33. envisage to form a mental picture; imagine; visualize

34. have your ups and sometimes goes well and sometimes doesn't

35. to be stuck to be unable to move

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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36. going nowhere make no progress

37. look on the bright to find good things in a bad situation


38. dread anticipate with great apprehension or fear

39. upbeat pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic

40. to fill with despair something that makes you feel extremely negative; to
create a feeling of hopelessness

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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41. doing a part-time working part-time

42. owning a smart- possesing a smartphone


43. travelling solo to go on a trip by one-self

44. running your own being your own boss, owning your own company

45. to set guidelines a guideline is a statement by which to determine a

course of action

46. keep healthy Do not smoke. Exercise a lot

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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47. follow a sensible stay away from fad diets

48. do some gentle ex- keep yourself active


49. don't fall into mo- change your routines

notonous routines

50. avoid stress to stay away from stress

51. stay mentally active exercise your brain

52. mantain a positive be happy


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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_6s26oy
53. don't become de- manage your emotions

54. fad something that is very popular for a short time, then

55. phenomenon A fact or event which can be observed and/or docu-


56. miracle A deed or an event that cannot be explained by ordi-

nary human intervention or known natural forces.

57. qualities features that make a person or thing special

58. properties characteristics used to describe a substance

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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59. swollen Her face was blotched and ___ with crying. SWELL

60. bloated too full, as from eating too much

61. hire to give someone a job

62. pick up on to notice or become aware of something

63. ought to should, supposed to

64. generation gap

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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a cultural separation between parents and their chil-

65. middleaged the period of human life between youth and old age,
usually considered as the years between 45 and 65.

66. lifespan the length of time for which a person or animal lives or
a thing functions.

67. life expectancy The average number of years an individual can be

expected to live, given current social, economic, and
medical conditions. Life expectancy at birth is the av-
erage number of years a newborn infant can expect to

68. grown-up adult, mature

69. wiser
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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
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having or showing experience, knowledge, and good

70. wrinkles lines on your face and skin that you get when you are

71. decades periods of ten years

72. retirement the state of no longer working

73. policy A proposed or adopted course or principle of action

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SpeakOut Upper-Intermediate Unit 6
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_6s26oy
74. decay to decline in health or prosperity;

75. hoarders a person who collects things compulsively

76. timeline a diagram that shows when events took place during a
given period of time

77. put off discourage, upset

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