Psalm 9

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What do you see?

Psalm 9
of activity

1. 2.
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole
I will tell everyone about all the wonderful
things you have done.
I will be glad and rejoice greatly
And sing to your name, you who are most
1. Deciding to Worship
Even my enemies turn back.
They stumble and perish when they encounter
your presence.
For you have upheld the justice of my cause.
From your throne you have judged with
You have rebuked the nations and destroyed
the wicked.
You have removed their names forever.
The enemy has dissolved in everlasting ruin.
You have uprooted their cities
And they are totally forgotten.
But the Lord reigns forever and has
established his throne for judgment.
He will judge the world in righteousness
And carry out justice with total fairness.
2. Judgement
The Lord is a shelter for those who are
A refuge in times of trouble
Those who know you put their trust in you
And you have never abandoned those who
seek you.
Sing praises to the Lord, who reigns in Zion.
Tell all about his mighty deeds to the people.
For he who takes up the cause of the victims
never forgets about them.
He never ignores the cry of those who are
Lord, have mercy on me,
Take notice of how my enemies torment me.
Snatch me from the clutches of death
So that I can publicly declare your praises in
And there I can rejoice in your salvation.
3. Reclaiming Mercy
The unbelieving peoples have fallen into the pit
that they have dug.
And their feet have been snared in the traps
they have set.
The Lord is renowned for his justice.
But the wicked are trapped by their own
[Pause now and reflect]
The wicked will go down to the grave.
This is what happens to all the peoples who
ignore God.
But God will not ignore those who are in need
for long.
He will not allow the hope of the afflicted to
come to nothing.
Rise up, O Lord. Don’t allow independent human
enterprise defy you.
Exercise judgment on the peoples.
Cause them to tremble with fear, O Lord
And let them realize that they are merely
[Pause now and reflect]
4. Living Enterprisingly
Four Big Community Ideas
1. Deciding to Worship
2. Reframing Judgment
3. Embracing Mercy
4. Looking with Supernatural Eyes
And You?

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