Study Plan 01 LKG

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Month 1

Goals for this Month

Week 1 Videos and Games: 36 | Worksheets: 22

Day 1: Math

Library: Number Sense

1. Sing to Three 2. Count to Three

3. Koala Count 4. Sea 3 for Me

Day 2: Math

Library: Number Sense

1. Number Me! 2. Cheese Run!

Magical Workbook: The World of Numbers 1

1. Page no. 02 1. Page no. 03

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Month 1

Week 1
Day 3: Math

Magical Workbook: The World of Numbers 1

1. Page no. 05

2. Page no. 08

3. Page no. 09

4. Page no. 10

Day 4: Math

Magical Workbook: The World of Numbers 1

1. Page no. 12

2. Page no. 13

3. Page no. 17

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Month 1

Week 1
Day 5: Math

Fun Activity: Number Sense

1. Set The Table

Use the opportunity to get your child used to the first three numbers. Use prompts
like: "Take out one bottle of water from the refrigerator.", "Put two spoons on your
plate.", and "Place three glasses on the table."

2. Count It Out Aloud

You could try this activity while arranging your child's books or toys. Ask them to
hand you 3 books at a time. Count along with them as they hand you the books:
"That's 1, 2, and 3 books." Stack these away and repeat by asking for a different
number of books. Stick to numbers 1, 2, and 3.

3. Water Measure

Tell your child, "This plant needs 2 mugs of water." As they begin watering the
plant, count aloud each mug of water they pour: "1 mug of water, and that's 2 mugs
of water." Encourage them to do the same. Move over to the next plant and repeat.
Keep changing the number of mugs of water required.

Day 6 and Day 7

Enjoy your days off!

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Month 1

Week 2
Day 1: English

Library: All About Me

1. Play Along 2. My Body Parts

3. A Song for You 4. Groove to Beats

Day 2: English
Library: All About Me
1. Toy Store 2. Say Hooray 3. Lah Dee Dah

4. Keep Moving

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Month 1

Week 2
Day 3: English

Magical Workbook: The World Around Me

1. Page no. 01

2. Page no. 02

Day 4: English

Fun Activity: Naming Body Parts

1. Naming Body Parts

When your child has a bath, ask them to show you the different parts of their body
Day 3: English
such as their fingers and sense organs. Can they count their fingers? Or, wiggle their
nose? Where is their head?

2. Brushing your Teeth

your child has to brush their teeth! Ask them the color of their teeth. "How many
teeth can they see?" Make sure they clean each one. Clean teeth are happy teeth!

3. Dancing Fun

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Have your child dance to a song! They can name each body part as they move it.
Hands and feet, fingers and toes! You can dance with them too.

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Month 1

Week 2
Day 5: English

Library: All About Me

1. Get Ready 2. Wash Wipe Voila 3. Clean Hands

4. Dress Up Day

Day 6 and Day 7

Enjoy your days off!

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Month 1

Week 3
Day 1: English

Library: All About Me

1. Talk Senses

Magical Workbook: The World Around Me

1. Page no. 03 1. Page no. 04

Day 2: English
Library: All About Me
1. Grooming Objects

Next time you and your child go to the store, ask them to go pick out "the thing they
Day 3: English
use to brush their teeth." For a bonus, ask them point out all the other items they use
to get ready.

2. Cleaning

Make cleaning up a game! Have your child organize the objects in the bathroom.
They can point out all the things they use to get ready, and tell you what they use
them for. Then, your child can put them in their proper places: toothbrush, toothpaste,
soap, comb, and lotion!

3. Putting Away Clothes

Have your child help with picking up and putting away their clothes. Does something
need a wash? your child can use their 'sense of smell' to find out if their clothes are
dirty or clean. Make them use their eyes to find out if the clothes are wrinkled. How
do the clothes feel? Rough or smooth?

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Month 1

Week 3
Day 3: Math

Library: Number Sense

1. The 4-5-6 Song 2. Counting Trip 3. Hungry Tummy

4. It’s a Match! 5. Quack Quack

Day 4: Math

Magical Workbook: The World of Numbers 1

1. Page no. 14

2. Page no. 15

3. Page no. 16

4. Page no. 20

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Month 1

Week 3
Day 5: Math

Magical Workbook: The World of Numbers 1

1. Page no. 21

2. Page no. 23

3. Page no. 24

4. Page no. 25

5. Page no. 26

Day 6 and Day 7

Enjoy your days off!

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Month 1

Week 4
Day 1: Math

Fun Activity: Number Sense

1. Roll the Dice

Pick 6 actions, such as clapping, jumping, waving, running, dancing, and stomping.
Day 3: English
Associate each action with a number on the dice. Roll the dice and ask your child to
say the number out aloud. If they are correct, tell them to perform the associated
action. For example, "Yes, that's a 1. Run once."

2. Count While We Drive

Help your child recollect their day while travelling. Ask your child questions that
encourage them to count. Some examples are, "How many friends did you meet at
the park?" or "How many games did you play at school?". Tell them to count on their
fingers, as they name each friend or game.

3. Our Daily Helpers

On any given day, ask your child to make a list and count the people who helped
them that day. Their list could include people like the milkman, the gardener, the
package delivery guy, and even the house help. Encourage your child to thank these
people individually the next time they see them.

Day 2: English
Library: All About Me
1. I Am Beautiful 2. Wash It All 3. Yes, It is 1. Sad Jad

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Month 1

Week 4
Day 3: English

Library: All About Me

1. Yes, You Can! 2. Little Anna 3. Santi, the Hero

Day 4: English
Fun Activity: All About Me
1. Look at Me

Help your child understand that everyone is unique. Draw finger puppets with
Day 3: English
different features - tall and short, with and without glasses, curly and straight hair.
Act out a story together using these characters and their unique features.

2. Masks

Indulge in a fun art project with your child. Make creative and unique masks. Let the
characters look very different. Then, invite your child's friends for a playdate! Each
child can wear a mask and play a game. Everyone should say a few things about their
character and how they are different.

3. Interviewing Family

People are unique in looks and interests. your child can interview the family members
to learn about their interests. You can then help them come up with a story using the
members as characters. To make this activity interesting, invite your child to report
information collected.

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar
Month 1

Week 4
Day 5: English

Library: Number Sense

1. Big Box 2. What Do I Like? 3. Kitties Play

4. Favorite Hobby 5. What I Enjoy

Day 6 and Day 7

Enjoy your days off!

© Disney; © Disney/Pixar

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