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1. Regional developments
According to Wihardit (2016) Susanto, economic cooperation between countries,
especially at the regional level, generally comes from the trade sector, then enters
regional economic resources and policies. Even though in its implementation, this
kind of cooperation does not always run smoothly, because of the different
conditions and national interests of each country. Apart from ASEAN as a form of
cooperation between Southeast Asian countries, there are other forms of
cooperation in the economic sector, including AFTA and APEC in the Asian region,
NAFTA in North America, and EEC in Europe. Apart from regional cooperation there
is also world cooperation such as the "World Trade Organization" (WTO).
Global issues relate to problems, events, activities, and attitudes that affect the
whole world and internationally.
We are born and live in a society that is rich in traditions, culture, values, attitudes
and customs. This world is rich with diversity and mutiplicity regarding views,
languages, religions, customs, cultures and so on that make us unique creatures. In
its development we experience various advances in consciousness and outlook.
Archipelago insight, for example, is a modern view that sees not differences but
similarities, not inseparable but connected ones. For example, between the
Sundanese and the Batak people, there are not differences but similarities, namely
Indonesian citizens who are friendly. Between the islands of Java and Sumatra are
not separated by the Sunda Strait but are connected by the Sunda Strait.
2. Global development patterns
According to Wihardit (2016) in a global perspective, we are not only Indonesian
citizens, but also global citizens. Therefore, thinking and acting must anticipate
world interests. There are no longer humans who live alone, depend on each other,
and the success of this life is due to this dependence. The global perspective avoids
itself from a narrow way of thinking that sees differences in religion, race, skin,
culture and nation. The global perspective is an insight and way of looking at the
world and its contents, that all religions, races, skins, cultures and so on must be
viewed as a variety that enriches us, in the same status in the sense that each has
strengths and weaknesses..
According to Sugion (2005) Global development as a process is not a new
phenomenon because global development has actually been around for centuries. In
the late 19th and early 20th centuries, global flows were growing rapidly in various
countries when communication, information and transportation technologies were
discovered. An increasingly sophisticated technological leap in the mid-20 th century
was the internet and now mobile phones have mushroomed with all their facilities.
For Indonesia, global developments have been felt since the beginning of
development. With the return of Indonesian experts who undertook studies abroad
and the arrival of experts (consultants) from foreign countries, global developments
in the form of thoughts or life value systems began to be adopted and implemented
in accordance with conditions in Indonesia. Global development is physically marked
by the development of cities that are part of the world city network. This can be
seen from the telecommunications infrastructure, transportation network,
international scale companies and their branches. Global development, which is the
era of the global order of human life, has involved all mankind. In particular, the
global wave enters three important arenas in human life, namely the economic
arena, the political arena, and the cultural arena. If the community or nation is not
ready to face multidimensional global challenges and cannot take advantage of
opportunities, it will become victims. Drowning in the midst of global currents.
From a political perspective, a very strong global wave is the wave of
democratization. After the cold war and the fall of communism, mankind realized
that only democratic principles can lead people to a better standard of life. The
winds of democratization have penetrated the hearts of the people of every
country. They carry out social movements by suing and fighting against the
dictatorial government system or any government that does not side with the
Similar cases also occurred in Indonesia, namely the collapse of the Old Order
government regime and the collapse of the New Order government regime. In
Indonesia since the beginning of the reformation, the wave of democratization has
flared up and demands for political openness have become increasingly visible.
From a cultural point of view, this global era brings with it a variety of cultures which
are very possible to influence the mindset, behavior and value system of a country’s
society. Therefore, we should be vigilant and clever in dealing with the influence of
cross-culture so that our nation can take positive cultural values, namely taking
cultural values that are beneficial to national life and development and not being
trapped in negative cultural influences. We must also learn to see the world from
different perspectives according to our respective interests and goals without
diminishing the value of our nation’s cultural identity. By understanding the
differences and similarities of these cultures, it will foster mutual understanding and
respect between existing cultures.


The system is a group of elements or subsystems that work together to achieve certain goals.
An important characteristic of a system is a system of an element or subsystem that does not
function, so that it maintains the continuity of the system as a whole, or even does not
function at all. The transportation system is a form of attachment and linkage between
passengers, goods, infrastructure and facilities that can be ordered in the context of ordering
people or goods, which are included in an order, both natural and artificial / engineered
(Ballou, 2004).

The transportation system is organized with the intention of coordinating the process of
movement of passengers and goods with the assistance of its components where
infrastructure is a medium for the transportation process, while means are a tool used in the
transportation process. The purpose of the transportation system is to achieve optimal
transportation of passengers and goods in a certain space and time, taking into account the
factors of safety, comfort and smoothness, as well as time and cost efficiency(Departemen
Perhubungan RI, 2008).
From this understanding, transportation has several dimensions such as:

• Location (origin and destination)

• Tools (technology)

• Certain needs at the destination, such as economic, social and others.

If any of the three dimensions is detached from non-existence, this cannot be called
transportation. This transportation needs to be considered in planning. Not caring about
transportation planning can cause problems in transportation in the future, such as congestion,
traffic accidents and others. The essence of the transportation problem is the use of roads that
exceeds capacity or in other words, too many vehicles use the same road at the same time,
therefore, according to Tamin (2000) human interference in the transportation system
(transportation planning is needed) as:

• changing transportation technology

• changing information technology

• change the characteristics of the vehicle

• change the characteristics of roads

• change the transportation network arrangement

• Operational and organizational policies

• Changing institutional policies

• change travel behavior

• change activity options

The means of transportation itself began to develop since the invention of the wheel around
3500 BC. At that time, the wheels were made of very heavy wood, so traveling by means of
transportation was not as efficient as it is now. Transportation is generally divided into three,
namely land, air and water transportation.

The transportation system is divided into a macro transportation system and a micro
transportation system.

The macro transportation system is a comprehensive system that can be divided into several
smaller (micro) systems and is interrelated and influences each other, consisting of:

1. Population System

2. Activity System

3. Infrastructure and Facilities System

4. Movement System

All of which are in the Spatial System.

The traffic movement system arises because of the process of fulfilling needs. People need to
move because their needs cannot be met where they are. The activity system as the first micro
system has certain types of activities that will generate movement and attract movement in
the process of fulfilling needs. Movement in the form of movement of people (residents)
and / or goods, clearly requires a mode of transportation (means) and media (infrastructure)
in which this mode of transportation moves. The transportation infrastructure required is the
second micro system, which is commonly known as a network system which includes a
network system of roads, railways, bus terminals and train stations, airports and seaports. The
interaction between the activity system and the network system (infrastructure) results in the
movement of people and / or goods in the form of vehicles (facilities) and / or people
(pedestrians). A third micro system or movement system that is safe, fast, comfortable, cheap,
reliable and in accordance with the environment, can be created if the movement is regulated
by a good traffic management and engineering system.

Traffic congestion problems that often occur in big cities in Indonesia, usually arise because
the need for transportation will be greater than the available transportation infrastructure, or
the infrastructure cannot function properly. The population system also influences the
movements that occur. Population density, location scale (local, city, regional, village), as
well as the process of population growth (rapid, slow, stagnant, lagging) affect the magnitude
of the movement that occurs. The population system together with the activity system, the
network system (infrastructure and facilities), and the movement system will influence each
other. Changes to the activity system will clearly affect the network system through changes
in the service level of the movement system. Likewise, the network system will be able to
influence the activity system through increasing mobility and accessibility of the movement
system. In addition, the movement system plays an important role in accommodating the
movement of people / people and / or goods in order to create a smooth movement, which in
turn will re-affect the existing population system, activity system and network system, in the
form of accessibility and mobility(Departemen Perhubungan RI, 2008).

Land Transportation Mode

The land transportation mode uses a medium located on land, either underground (subway)
and float (flyover). Land transportation mode can be divided into:

a. Road transportation (transport by road)

b. Rail transport (transport by rail)

c. Pipeline transportation (transport by pipe)

d. Hanging transportation (freight via cable)

Note: River, lake and ferry services are considered as a land mode, because of its proximity
to a land mode other.

a. Highway Transportation

The two main elements of road transportation are roads and vehicles


1) The characteristics and advantages of road transportation:

 Serving transportation from house to house (door to door service),

can reach all corners of the land

 Gives freedom to drivers in space and time

 Easy to develop
 Lower operating costs

2) Weaknesses / shortcomings of road transportation:

 Inefficient
 Waste of energy
 Low level of safety
 Cause air pollution, especially in cities
 Requires a parking space, which is difficult to provide in urban areas

3) Other advantages:

1. Can open, raise and develop territories

2. Increase the value of land / land

3. Protecting the area or city (example: arterial roads, by pass)

b. Rail Road Transportation

For rail road transportation using train facilities

fire / diesel / electricity, there are three main elements, namely:

1. Infrastructure, in the form of rails

2. Station

3. Vehicles / trains

Of the three things above, the cost of building infrastructure is the most expensive.

The advantages of rail transportation: efficient and economical.

The drawbacks:
1. Capital intensive

2. Much influenced by rules (regulations) and politics.

Other notes regarding railroad:

1. As medium distance, urban and suburban transport

2. It is more environmentally friendly when the rail is run or moved by electricity

3. Rail speeds can reach speeds of 60 to 160

km / h, even for fast rail trains having a speed of between 200

up to 400 km / hr

c. Pipeline Transportation

Used to transport liquid goods (water, oil), gas, solid objects (coal, lime, grain, and so on).
Pipe facilities usually buried in the ground, following the highway network, such as drinking
water and gas pipes, and placed in road-owned areas (damija).

Pipe transport advantages:

1. Transported liquid goods through pipes will be easier and more convenient


2. Reducing the burden on the network or rail. The propulsion of goods in pipeline
transportation is a press pump or gravity.

d. Hanging Transportation

This type of transportation is usually for special purposes, such as tourism, and not for
everyday purposes. In developed countries, the transportation system hanging more managed
by the private sector. The facilities needed are: carriages and rails for stretch the controlled
steel cable from the terminal. Due to advances in transportation technology and given the
narrow land in urban areas nowadays, transportation hangs a lot used(Andriani & Yuliastuti,

Water Transportation Mode

The roads for water transportation are generally natural (sea, river), however can also be
man-made (channel / channel, dog). Included in the water transportation modes are:

1. People's shipping

2. Shipping between islands

3. Ocean shipping, both domestic and international

Other infrastructure (other than sea / river) is a port, which is a node sea transportation by
land. Because of its nature as a place of transfer of transportation modes, it is a port must be
connected to the land transportation system, and equipped with various kinds of convenience.

As a means of water transportation, the shape and size of the water vehicle must quite
diverse, ranging from very simple rowboats, rafts, to ships with large carrying capacity.

Ships can be grouped into:

a. Small ship, for cruise and sport

b. Trade ships, to carry passengers and / or goods

c. Assistance vessels or for special uses (dredgers, patrol boats, guide boat, tug boat)

Sea transportation is generally regional, even international, a lot of which includes a very
long journey(Andriani & Yuliastuti, 2013).

Air Transportation Mode

The special feature of air transport is fast, which in this case is carried out by using an
airplane, both for people and goods. Airplanes are not only capable of moving very fast, but
also able to fly straight across various insurmountable natural obstacles by land and water

Airport or airport is one of the conveniences transportation that cannot be near or bordering a
city for reasons of aviation security and noise pollution against the environment. An airport is
a transportation terminal that demands means and infrastructure that is much more complete
than the terminal land transportation. The flight path is space that is free and straight, but that
is in reality it must be arranged to avoid accidents. The flight path is in the form of a space
passageway determined by limits the height, lowness and width of the flat plane, thus
forming terraced and lined aisles in the sky.

Supervision of the movement of air traffic is regulated in two regulations, namely Visual
Flight Rule (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rule (IFR)(Andriani & Yuliastuti, 2013).

The factors that influence the development of transportation are as follows:


Almost all transportation developments were initially caused by economic factors.

• Reducing production & distribution costs

• Finding sources & reaching markets

Initially, the main desire of humans was to fulfill the need for food, shelter and clothing. With
the development of human civilization, its desires have developed, which often cannot be
fulfilled by the local supplies. Therefore it is necessary to transport goods from other areas,
so that it will increase the price of the goods. The rapid development of the transportation
system has resulted in an increase in transport productivity and a decrease in the unit cost of


• Addressing local natural conditions

• Bring resources closer to production & market centers

The geographic location of natural resources will determine the transport routes that provide
access to these natural resources and create their economic utility, namely by bringing raw
materials from locations where these materials have low prices, to areas that process them
and consume them at higher prices.


• Uniting the regions

• Distribute prosperity to all corners of a country

Political policies often play a role in determining the development of transport, in this case
usually for the purpose of developing urban areas, advancing disadvantaged areas, regional
economic self-sufficiency, and so on. This goal is possible because given the role of
transportation that can create stronger national unity by eliminating isolation. In addition,
transportation causes services to the community to be developed or expanded more equitably
in every part of the country.


• Self defense

• Ensure the implementation of movement and fast access to strategic places

The military of a nation is intended to support the political policies of the government and for
its national defense. In addition, military strategies and tactics often have a direct influence
on transportation development.


New technological discoveries will drive progress in the entire transportation system.
Technological developments play a real role in transportation. Ancient sailors were forced to
sail close to coastal areas where the contours of the land could serve as guides for their
voyages. The invention of the compass and sundial (a device to indicate a time with the help
of the sun's shadow) allowed the ship's driver to determine the position of his latitude, while
the problem of determining longitude was resolved after the invention of the chronometer.


The existence of competition, both between modes and in other forms (services, materials,
etc.), will indirectly encourage the development of the transportation system. In traveling or
distributing goods, humans are usually faced with a choice of the type of transportation used.
In making these choices usually based on various factors: purpose of travel, distance traveled,
cost and level of comfort.

In order to reach consumer users, other means of transportation compete with each other by
improving their services.


• The flow of urbanization increases urban growth increases.

• The need for transportation networks for the movement of urban residents will increase.

Ease of access to an area and intensity of land use are closely related to the availability of
transportation facilities and infrastructure. The rapid urban development that coincides with a
population explosion is a phenomenon that cannot be ignored as a determining factor for
transportation development.

The development of urban areas is marked by changes in the city center that follow
demographic, social and economic developments. This development has led to an increase in
the number of movements from hinterland / rural areas to urban areas which demand the
development of inter-city transport.


Limitations in the field of funding, human resources, etc. will lead to developments in the
transportation sector (for example: efforts to implement a system that is more economical and
does not require high expertise in its handling).

Provision of Transportation

What is meant by the provision of transportation here is infrastructure transportation. The

main characteristic of transportation infrastructure is to serve the user (user) and must can be
used anywhere and anytime. Thus it is important to know precisely and accurately the
magnitude the need for transportation in the future, so that it can be saved resources by
regulating or managing a transportation infrastructure needed.

There are basically two main roles of transport infrastructure:

a. As a tool to direct development in urban areas.

b. As an infrastructure for the movement of people and / or goods that arise due to activities
in these urban areas.

The main role is often used by regional development planners to develop its territory
according to the plan. An area new settlements to be marketed need to be provided with an
infrastructure system transportation, so that the accessibility of these settlements is getting
higher, so that increased buyers' interest to live in the area. The thing that ,The same also
happened in the transmigration settlement land, which was in addition to facilities houses and
workplaces (fields, rice fields) that are ready to use and ready to work on, transportation
infrastructure is needed so that the settlement can develop.

The development of transportation infrastructure can be increased accordingly forecasting the

need for future movements. Here the role second of the transportation infrastructure system is
beginning to appear(Andriani & Yuliastuti, 2013).

C. Global Communication System

According to Putri (2014), the effect of television and communication systems in the
world is to build a global village, where differences in time and space or geographic and
national locations are eroded due to the instant nature of modern media and world
communication. In this vision, humans are able to join in a mixture of places, events and
locations. International communication is communication carried out by communicators
representing a country to convey messages related to the interests of their country to
communicants representing other countries. The focus of the study of international
communication is the whole process by which data and information flows through national
borders. Subjects in international communication studies focus not only on existing data and
information flows, but on the structure of the flow that is formed,

The primary unit observed in international communication is the interaction between

two or more countries which is Mass Mediated Communication. It can be said, international
communication is a study of various kinds of Mass Mediated Communication between two or
more countries with different cultural backgrounds. Differences in cultural backgrounds such
as differences in ideology, culture, economic development, and differences in language.

Initially, the focus of international communication studies was on the flow of

information between countries which continued to develop until it led to the study of
propaganda. The change in the international communication paradigm from Free Flow
Information to Free and Flow Information has led to the development of the focus of
international communication studies into the study of media imperialism, globalization,
privatization, and the information age. Along with the paradigm shift in the flow of
international communication, the NWICO (New World Information and Communication
Order) or the new world information and communication system has emerged. (Putri, 2014)

Talking about the focus of international communication studies, it is impossible to

separate from the discussion about global media as a communication forum that mediates all
forms of international communication in today's world, which from day to day continues to
experience rapid development.

According to Putri (2014), various views argue about the existence of this global
media, trying to define with certainty what global media really is. The following are some
aspects that can be used to measure a global media, whether it can be said to be global media
or not: it is not limited in space and time, causes changes in people's habits in their activities,
has an effect on local culture, can be accessed in remote places, and the show's content that
offers all viewers the same experience that unites the whole world. Referring to these five
aspects, it is clear that we know that almost all of the media currently in the middle of our
lives are global media.

According to Prihatini (2019), in the era of globalization, it has created a new life
order by removing geographical, economic and cultural boundaries. It is not surprising that
globalization runs rapidly, in line with the development of modern communication
technology, which has begun to emerge, such as portable radio, television, satellite television,
and then the internet. The advantage of mass media, both print and electronic, is that it is
capable of presenting clear and detailed images for its users. So, mass media users can find
out what is happening in other places with different cultures in a short time.

With this communication, geographical boundaries are no longer a problem in

communication, no matter how far we can communicate with that person.

1) Role
a. Increase Creativity
In the era of globalization, communication is very influential on one's
creativity. Therefore, individuals who communicate in the era of globalization
tend to be creative by utilizing various kinds of current technology.
b. Expressing Yourself
With today's technology, people can more freely express themselves through
their social media. Posting content related to their personality, as long as it is still
within a reasonable scope.
c. Establish cooperation
It is undeniable that establishing cooperation in the global era is not a difficult
thing, we can easily collaborate with the current technological developments.
d. Studying Human Character
The process of communication in human life, where communication can act as
material for studying humans. With social media, we can easily study a person's
character by assessing what is published on their social media.
e. Hone Technology Skills
Technological developments require people to be able to keep up with one's
abilities, therefore inevitably they are required to learn how to use good and
correct technology from theory and in practice.
f. Generating Motivation
The communication process in this globalization era is very helpful in building
one's motivation, because someone will continue to develop new innovations so
that other people will indirectly be triggered to do the same thing.
g. Developing Business
The existence of communication in the era of globalization which is
practically practical, in developing a business is also very easy, especially when it
comes to collaborating with other parties, communication here plays a very
important role.
2) Positive impact
a. Easier to Obtain Information
It is undeniable that now getting information is very easy, you don't have to
wait long to get actual and factual information.
b. Entertainment media
Besides being easy to obtain information, communication in the era of
globalization also provides entertainment media. With various types of
entertainment media, one can choose what kind of entertainment media suits their
c. Useful in the field of education
With the development of technology, it does not only affect one area, but
almost all aspects of human life, including education. In the field of education,
communication is now greatly helped in the era of globalization. For example,
permission to lecturers by notifying via WhatsApp.
d. For Doing Business
Business in today's era is greatly helped by technological developments.
People don't need to buy and sell transactions directly, but online.
3) Negative impact
a. Hoax Spreads Easily
The frequent spread of hoaxes by responsible parties is only for individual
gain without thinking about losses to others.
b. Anti-social
Communication in the era of globalization does not rule out someone
becoming an addict. The guide meant here is that someone is more comfortable
using social media to interact, so they don't care anymore about daily life.
c. The emergence of Cybercrime
Cybercrime or cybercrime. There are many positive benefits of social media,
but there are also people who use it to commit crimes. For example, fraud,
pornography, the spread of rumors and others.
d. Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying or also known as cyberspace oppression. This often happens
among adolescents, they are indirectly, consciously or unconsciously doing this.
What he says in cyberspace, whether in their content or in their comments, can
cause someone to feel uncomfortable.

According to Kurniawan (2013) other aspects of technology and information can

facilitate the expansion of media beyond national borders and can be developed towards the
international domain. This increase was mainly due to the discovery of satellite technology.
The use of satellites for commercial purposes is part of a more generalized transnational data
flow process so that communication and information quickly becomes a commodity that can
be exchanged and controlled by world markets under the capitalists and transnationalists.

The United Nations (UN) recognizes the important role of communication as a

potential factor for efforts to create mutual understanding and international cooperation and
care for the world. So after the establishment of UNESCO (United Nations Education,
Scientific, and Cultural Organization) in November 1945, it gave great attention to
information and communication issues and carried out various maintenance of world peace
and mutual understanding in international cooperation (Rachmadi, 1988: 15). The context
that communication and mass media must be involved in the task of promoting and
developing international cooperation is set out in the UNESCO constitution. Several UN-
formed bodies have also used the media a lot and used the media as a material for the context
of agreements and agreements in their various programs. Like the WTO, IMF, UNESCO,
WHO, and so on in several problems using communication and mass media as the basis for
their missions. Some of them:

a. The formulation of the NWICO (New World Information and Communication Order)
by UNESCO which was agreed upon in October 1983 in Paris, one of the important
points is that all citizens have the right and obligation to develop their respective
information systems and infrastructure. So that the flow of information does not
depend solely on news agencies in developed countries (Rachmadi, 1988: 85)
b. When China joined the WTO in 2001, the commitments contained in the agreement
included reforming trade regulations in the service media industry. China agreed to
increase its quota of imported films from 10 to 20 films per year in 2002, and to
increase to 50 films in 2005 (Curran, 2006: 165)
c. GATS (General Agreement on Trade Service) which is part of the GATT in 1993
approved trade liberalization in the audiovisual sector with 13 countries including the
US and UK and growing. This business remains dominated by trade from the US and
UK, especially in the film industry
d. The world's leading news agencies after World War II namely Reuters, Associated
Press (AP), United Press International (UPI) and Agence France Presse (AFP) began
to expand and consolidate their positions in African, Asian and Latin American
countries. This international expansion is indirectly the impact of a world information
system that focuses on news services in the third world within the framework of the
United Nations.
e. In 1999 WHO in collaboration with the John Hopkins University Center for
Communication Program (JHU-CCP) based in Baltimore, Maryland, conducted a
health communication program and HIV AIDS prevention in Uganda and Bolivia,
which was considered to have been massively successful in promoting television and
educational programs of origin United States in the country (O'Sullivan et al., 2005:

But the conditions above give rise to paradox and irony. Until the fall of 1990, several
UN agencies such as WHO, FAO, and especially UNESCO in general carried out missions
that used the potential of mass media and communications indirectly controlled by the United
States. Each of these organizations together with the UN itself has even been the target of
attacks by the United States government and the American mass media. This is because many
of the UN missions through the organization do not accommodate the goals and interests of
the United States, such as press freedom, anti-abortion, anti-environment, and the military
context. This is according to a report by The New York Times on September 13, 1990,
because the United Nations is financially constrained.

Meanwhile, Steiner (in Kurniawan, 2013) explains that there are 3 main factors that
drive global change, namely: GNP, the revolution in communication and information
technology, and global power. Furthermore, according to Sinclair, the patterns of
communication flow (information flow) according to the view of the media imperialism, both
in terms of density and direction of information (direction), are a reflection of the economic
and political domination of developed countries (Sinclair, Jacka, and Cunningham, 1996: 6).
So world centers such as New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, London and Paris are the main
nodes of the flow of media and information, especially in television programs.

According to Djelantik (2015) the role of international organizations as part of global

communication is increasing. This is based on the awareness of world leaders of the
importance of the decision-making process at the elite level that should reflect the desires of
the grassroot society. This is because neglecting the active role of the public in decision-
making at the center is a major obstacle to the development of an inclusive, transparent and
accountable global governance.

The main issue of public diplomacy is transnational flows and ideas; national interests
are promoted with various efforts to spread mutual understanding, information, and influence
foreign societies. Various public diplomacy efforts have made state boundaries thinner and
democratic ideas become increasingly important. In global communication activities, what
someone sees and hears will directly influence the next government's actions. Such a world
requires a united domestic and international affairs and a coordinated influence on
information management.

The development of information and communication technology is the beginning of

the spread of globalization around the world. The spread of globalization flows related to
progress. Development of information and communication technology. Globalization is a
process whereby the relationship between countries becomes broader and more intensive in
all aspects of social, cultural, security, financial, and spiritual life. The case studies in this
research have proven the role of communication technology in various aspects of state and
social life. In the case of international security, international organizations such as the Islamic
State have significantly transformed into a modern organization by leveraging the internet
and social media networks. These media are used optimally in the process of recruiting new

Regarding the spread of global culture through communication and information

technology, the South Korean government in this case has succeeded in effectively utilizing
hallyu as a means of increasing attractiveness by making it a product of globalization and a
means of spreading culture. As a result, the global community got information about Korea
and was interested in learning more deeply. In the end, cultural strength as an element of soft
power in diplomacy and international politics is also very beneficial for South Korea in
increasing added value (leverage) and pursuing its national interests. This is what Indonesia
needs to learn. (Djelantik, 2015)
According to Malik (2017) the shift in the focus of international communication from
the point of view of state actors to non-state actors, the forms of media and their message
effects, makes the term international communication no longer sufficient to explain the
complexity of international communication today. So began to be known the term "global
communication" (global communication) to show Mowlana (1997) that the scope (scope) of
international communication studies includes "communication between countries,
institutions, groups, and individuals across national, geographic and cultural boundaries".
Even Hamelink (1994) prefers to use the term "world communication" for international
communication, on the grounds that this term is more open to describing both state and non-
state actors. Although international communication has metamorphosed into global
communication or world communication, academically international communication is still
recognized as a sub-discipline of the field of communication. The International
Communication Association (ICA), for example, places international communication as one
of the divisions in the field of communication specialization.

Likewise in various American universities international communication has become

the main study for doctoral and master's programs. Therefore, the recognition of the term
global communication or the world of communication does not mean that the term
international communication must be removed. What actually happened was a broadening of
the issue scope of international communication. From some of the explanations above, it can
be concluded that international communication is divided into two definitions: international
communication in a narrow sense and in a broad sense. In a narrow sense, international
communication is defined as: "the production process, distribution of messages from one
country to another".

According to Malik (2017), in a broad sense, international communication is defined

as: "the process of producing and distributing messages carried out by various state and non-
state actors to influence each other to achieve the desired effect". From a communication
perspective, said Muhammadi (1997): "international communication is a subfield of
communication and media studies where research may be divided according to three
categories. First, international communication research that focuses on cultural issues and
their commodification. Second, research that focuses on how information is distributed by
media conglomerates around the world. Third, to examine the challenges faced by developing
countries in international communication struggles.

With these various approaches, the field of international communication studies opens
horizons for various forms of global interaction, including global communication through
mass media, intercultural communication and telecommunications policies. Due to its diverse
nature, international communication is an interdisciplinary field of study, utilizing concepts,
research methods and data from disciplines such as political science, sociology, economics,
culture, and history. The content of messages in international communication, not only
contains political messages through propaganda, public diplomacy in the context of
international relations, but also contains economic messages, designed by the IMF and the
World Bank, for example, to implement neo-liberal economies throughout the world.
Interconnected Network, or more popularly known as the Internet, is a global
communication system that connects computers and computer networks around the world.
Every computer and network is connected either directly or indirectly, to several main lines
called the internet backbone and is differentiated from one another using a unique name
which is commonly referred to as a 32-bit fP address. Computers and networks with various
platforms that have their own differences and characteristics (Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac,
etc.) exchange information with a standard protocol known as TCP / IP (Transmission
Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). TCP / IP is composed of 4 layers, namely network
access, internet, host-to-host transport,

According to Trenggono (2014) international communication is one of the fields,

arenas and contexts in communication science. The phenomenon of international
communication is very broad, so there is a demand to create boundaries. At least if it
penetrates into other disciplines but the sides of the differences can be shown as part of the
science of communication. Even though efforts have been made to limit, there may still be
overlaps with aspects of other disciplines. Therefore, tracing international communication
studies can be grouped into two categories. First, the phenomenon of global communication
information flows which is the dominant discussion of communication scholars, namely
international media. Second, the phenomena which include international political
communication, international relations, and intercultural relations

Most of the communication science scholars, European Union, US and Indonesia,

study the phenomenon of international communication in three developments. First, the
initial study which is dominated by the world of press (print media), but the next is the
concern on transnational broadcasting media. Second, popular developments that focus on the
influence of global information-communication flows and software technology on the
domestic conditions of a country, both legal, social, economic and cultural, especially
national identity. Third, it still revolves around the second condition, more than two decades
the focus of the study is focused on the New World Communication Information Order.
Especially the debate about the imbalance of information-communication flow from Northern
countries (US and European Union) to Southern countries,

There are two main perspectives in international communication studies, namely (1)
systems and philosophical perspectives, and (2) transmisional perspectives or global
information flows that have led to debates between the views of the domination of Western
media in global information-communication versus the contribution of Western media in the
balance of global communication information.

The perspective most studied by theorists, researchers and policy makers, both
Western and Eastern intellectuals, including Indonesia, in international communication is the
phenomenon of the domination of global information-communication, especially by the US
and European Union countries. The large number of studies is related to the conditions of the
Cold War, namely the relationship between Developed and Developing countries is not in a
state of balance, and the control of the United Nations by major countries
In contrast to the perspective of the domination of global information-communication
by the US and the European Union, the opposite perspective is that the US and EU media in
globalization have contributed to the global information-communication balance. One of the
main assumptions of this perspective, that globalization is the spread towards a balance of
information-communication and culture internationally. global communication freedom of
information practices, much to the benefit of the Third World. Advantages in the application
of technology for the advancement of the country, the exchange of knowledge, economic
benefits and cultural exchanges.

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