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Living Things

Name____ Number__ Class_____ Group____ Career____

Living Things
동물 Any living creature that can move
around and that eats other
Animal organisms to survive. Humans are
animals, too.

small, single celled living things that

Bacteria 박테리아 exist everywhere and that can either
バクテリア be useful or harmful.

뇌 The organ inside your skull that

controls your body’s activities as well
Brain as your thoughts, memories and
脳 emotions.

셀 The smallest unit of an animal or

Cell/celled plant.
Common Found or occurring often.
위험한 Likely to cause harm or injury; not
Dangerous safe; risky.
真菌 A plantlike organism that has no
Fungus/ leaves, flowers, roots or chlorophyll
and grows on other plants or
Fungi(Plural) 진균류 decaying matter. Some fungi can be
세균 A tiny living organism that can cause
Germ disease.
미생물 A living thing that is so small it can be
Microorganisms seen only with a microscope, such as
微生物 bacteria or virus.
Living Things
현미경 An instrument that makes very
Microscope small things look larger so that
マイクロスコープ they can be seen and studied.

Moisture Slightly wet.
A small fungus that has a short
버섯 stem and a top shaped like an
Mushroom umbrella. Many mushrooms can
キノコ be eaten, but some are

균사체 the part of a fungus that is

Mycelium usually underground.
유기체 A living thing, such as a plant or
Organism animal: Bacteria are organisms.
구의 A solid form like that of a
basketball or globe, with all
Spherical points on the surface the same
球状 distance from the center.

Survive To continue to live or exist.
A very tiny organism that can
바이러스 reproduce and grow only when
inside living cells. Viruses are
Virus smaller than bacteria. They
cause disease such as polio,
ウイルス measles and the common cold.
Vocabulary 1




Living Things
Organism Taxonomy:
Taxonomy is the scientific method of categorizing(Putting things in boxes). We do this
in everyday life, but for organisms we need to be very precise when we organize
them. Cats and frogs might be animals(Kingdom), but they are not from the same
class. The cat is a mammal, and the frog is a reptile.
Animals: Organism: Plants:
Animals are living organisms an individual living thing, Plants are living organisms
with a brain that eats other such as a plant, an animal, without a brain that eats
organisms to survive or a germ. sunlight and gases

Animals Plants

Fish Reptile Mammal Seeds Pollen

Living Things
Fungi and microorganisms:
You might have seen fungi before, it is very easy to find. You can find it as
mushrooms, mold, and yeast. Did you know that fungi is sometimes so small that
they look like microorganisms?
What is a microorganism? A microorganism is normally found with a microscope, and
they are so small that we normally can’t see them with our eyes.
Fungi: Organism: Microorganisms:
Fungi are living organisms an individual living thing, Microorganisms are living
without a brain that eat such as a plant, an animal, things without a brain that
other organisms to survive or a germ. eat other microorganisms

Fungi Microorganisms

Mushroom Mold Yeast Bacteria Virus

Living Things
Write down 6 examples of an organism.

1. _______________________ 4. _______________________

2. _______________________ 5. _______________________

3. _______________________ 6. _______________________

Draw an animal, fungi, microorganism and a plant.

Animal Fungi

Microorganism Plant


Bacteria Virus

Yogurt Cheese Sore Throat Cold Influenza Corona

Living Things

Vocabulary 2




Living Things
Mushrooms are a common form of fungus. They grow all over the world in woods or
grassy areas where there is plenty of moisture. Some kinds of mushroom are familiar
foods, but others are poisonous. Sometimes the poisonous types are called
toadstools. They can make you sick or even kill you.
Most of a mushroom grows underground in tiny threadlike strands. The strands form
a tangled mass called a mycelium. The familiar mushroom form(Fruitbody) is a part
of the fungus that grows above the surface.
Mycelium: Fungi: Fruitbody:
the part of a fungus An organism that has no leaves, The part of the fungi that
that is usually flowers, or roots. That grows on has spores and can
underground. other plants or dying things sometimes be eaten


A small Fungus that has

a short stem and a top
shaped like an umbrella.
Many mushrooms can
be eaten, some are

Living Things
Mold is a common form of fungus. They grow all over the world in woods or grassy
areas where there is plenty of moisture. Mold is normally found on food and walls in
your rooms. Just like mushrooms mold has mycelium, but they normally don’t have a
visible fruitbody. They spread by growing spores that travel through the air.
Some molds are very dangerous and if you breathe them in, you can get very sick.
Mold was also used to make antibiotics, which we use everyday to save peoples lives
from infections and bacteria.
Mycelium: Fungi: Fruitbody:
the part of a fungus An organism that has no leaves, The part of the fungi that
that is usually flowers, or roots. That grows on has spores and can
underground. other plants or dying things sometimes be eaten

Fruit Body



A small Fungus that

grows on living things. It
will grow a fruit body
from which it spreads
its spores

Living Things
What is the difference between a mushroom and mol?



Draw an example of a mushroom and a mold.

Mushroom Mold

What can we use fungi for?



Living Things
Draw a line from the word to the picture.

Fungi Plant

Name three places where you can find fungi.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________ 8
Draw and colour the bread after 1 day Draw and colour the bread after 1 week
Living Things
E x p e ri m e n t
Vocabulary 3





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