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Research adviser



June 12, 2022


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has changed the landscape of

higher education. As academic institutions across the world continue to deal with the global

health crisis, there is a need to examine different instructional approaches including online,

hybrid, and blended learning methods. This descriptive study provide an in-depth review of the

history of blended learning, evolution of hybrid model of instruction, preparedness of faculty

with minimal or no experience in online teaching, and lessons learned as faculty worked on

navigating COVID-19 situation since early 2020. A fish-bone analysis, a visual and structured

approach to identify possible causes of problem, has been used to present the problems faced

by faculty during the pandemic. A detailed Strength–Weakness–Opportunities–Threat analysis

of blended/hybrid learning has been presented. An evidence-based approach on how

instructors can combine the best of both traditional and online instruction to offer engaging

learning experiences for students has been described. This research provides valuable insights

to faculty and administrators who are preparing to teach during a pandemic and making efforts

to academically survive it.


I would like to acknowledge and give my warmest thanks to my teacher Richard N. Ortiz

who made this work possible. His guidance and advice carried me through all the stages of

writing my project.

I would also like to give special thanks to my family as a whole for their continuous

support and understanding when undertaking my research and writing my project.

Finally, I would like to thank God, for letting me through all the difficulties. I have

experience your guidance day by day. You are the one who let me finish my paper. I will keep

on trusting you for my future.


This work is a fruit of countless and arduous sacrifices. Through the researcher effort,

this work is heartily and proudly dedicated to the people who serve as an

inspiration. From parents and guardians, to classmates and circle of friends whom extended their

help in the midst of problems while doing this work.

To the faculty and staff of Bognuyan National High School Stand Alone. Above all, to

our God Almighty who showered us His blessings in our everyday lives, especially for the

strength, courage, patience, wisdom, time, and guidance in realization of this work.


ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………………….. iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………………………………………………………... iiv

DEDICATION……………………………………………………………………………….. v

DEFINITION OR TERMS…………………………………………………………………… vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………….. vii


I. BACKGORUND OF THE STUDY……………………………………………….. 1

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM……………………………………………….. 2

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY………………………………………………… 2

SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS……………………………………………………… 2


III. METHODOLOGY……………………………………………………………….. 4

RESEARCH METHOD………………………………………………………….. 4

POPILATION AND SAMPLES…………………………………………………. 4

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT…………………………………………………….. 4

DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE…………………………………………..... 4

RESEARCH LOCALE…………………………………………………………… 4



SUMMARY OF FINDINGS…………………………………………………….. 6

CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………… 6

RECOMMENDATION…………………………………………………………... 7

BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………………………….. 8

Online Learning - Online learning is education that takes place over the Internet.

Blended Learning - Blended learning (also known as hybrid learning) is a method of teaching

that integrates technology and digital media with traditional instructor-led classroom activities,

giving students more flexibility to customize their learning experiences.

Sars-Cov-2 - The virus that causes a respiratory disease called coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-


Face to Face Learning - This is where the teacher and the student meet in a set place for a set

time, for either one-on-one learning or, most commonly, in group class lessons similar to what

happens in school.


Background of the study

Corona Virus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the Sars-Cov-

2.Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and

recover without requiring special treatment. Most common symptoms are fever, cough, tiredness

and loss of taste or smell. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention.

Older people and those with underlying medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes,

chronic respiratory disease , or cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Anyone can get

sick with covid-19 and become seriously ill or die at any age. (World Health


Bognuyan National High school last 2020 did alternative distance modular learning, the

school is now focusing in conducting face to face classes and knowledge about safety protocols.

This includes proper training and how to prevent covid-19. Also safety protocols are done

through simulation of face to face to train students on the actions to be executed to prevent virus.

“Be safe, Be smart, Be kind” according to Dr. Tedros Adhaman Ghenreyesnns,2020.

According to Harvard Medical School, 2022 the corona virus spreads mainly from

person to person. A person infected with corona virus even one with no symptoms may emit

aerosols when they talk or breath. Aerosols are infectious viral particles that can float or drift

around in the air for up to three hours. Another person can breathe in these aerosols and become
infected with the corona virus the best way to prevent and slowdown transmissions is to be well

informed about the disease and how the virus spreads.

Best way to protect oneself against Covid-19 by practicing frequent and proper hand

washing, practice proper enough etiquette , move away from people when coughing, do not spit,

one (1) meter apart from other, wear proper fitted masks and use alcohol/sanitizer. (Department

of Health, 2020)

The researcher conduct this study due to the current situation of Bognuyan National High

School grade 10 students. Moreover he wants to have information of what problems of

Bognuyan National High School grade 10 students on blended learning amidst of pandemic.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the different problems encountered by Bognuyan National

High School grade 10 students on blended learning amidst Global pandemic.

Hence, it sought to answer the following questions.

1. Demographic profile of the respondents.

2. Capacity and means Blended Learning in home used for learning.

a. Materials

3. Hindrances that affects student learning.

Significance of the study

The researcher believes that this study will not only yield data that will be helpful to him,

more so to the following groups of people

Students – This study will provide information in the grade 10 students of Bognuyan National

High School regarding of the problems encountered on blended learning amidst

global pandemic.

Parents – The parents will able to demonstrate the significance of the blended learning.

Teachers – Teachers can also gain significance in this study. They would assess the problems

of Bognuyan National High School grade 10 students.

Future Researchers –This study may serve as their guidance to gather information and may

serve them as a reference.

The Researcher – He would improve his skills, strategy and knowledge in engaging research.
Scope and Limitations

The study will cover the problems of Bognuyan National High School grade 10 students

on blended learning amidst global pandemic. The primary subjects of this research study will

consist of the grade 10 students enrolled in Bognuyan National High School. The respondents

will be limited to eight (8) grade 10 students, Moreover, the participants will be purposely

selected by referring to their barangay.



The highly infectious coronavirus disese 2019 (covid-19) had deep impact on many

institutions including higher education,public,and private schools system globally.The pandemic

has plagued the system of education added to the workload of faculty and staff and forced many

colle,universities, and schools to remain closed or operate with extremely limited resources to

minimize risk of infection (Johawan,2020:Rapanta et al,2020). With rising deaths and

devastation one has to remain cautios about reopening educational institutions as acting “too

soon” may further complicate the situation.There ia a growing body of evidence that suggests

the pandemic is for from over and covid-19 appropriate behavior must be adopted to deal with

the rapidly surging crisis. Vaccines do offer a ray of hope as they help our body in building

important immune responses that would continue to protect against new variants (Dowell,2021).

It has been reported that immunity can limit the breakout and spread of infection in the

population. While one has to be remain hopeful, it must be noted that while one has to be remain

hopeful, it must be noted that extreme caution and scenario planning activities need to be

undertaken to provide optional learning experiences to students. (Powell,2021). Hybrid or

blended learning offers one such opportunity to provide engaging learning opportinies to

students by combining face-to-face medium of instruction with online learning opportunities.

Blended learning as defined by (Eziviban et al.2004) is an instructional method that

includes the efficiency and socialization opportunities of the tradtional face - to – face classroom

with the digitally enhaced learning possibilities of the online mode of delivery characteristics of
this approach include (a) student centered teaching where each and every student has to be

actively involved in the content (b) increased opportunities for interaction between student –

faculty, student- student,content- student, and student – additional learning material (e)

opportunities to collect formative and summative assessment to improve course offerings

(Watson n.d). A blended course comprises in – person sessions that are accompanied by online

resources and tasks – essentially a combination of both face to face and online learning

A central element of a blended course is that online resources are not used to substitute

for, in – person class times, rather they are intended to enhance and build upon the concept

discussed in the classroom Blended and hybrid learning are used interchangeably, however,there

is a difference as online components of hybrid courses intend to substitute in-person class time.

Online interactions in hybrid medium of instructions can be completed either

Synchronously where students interact at different times according to (Siegelmon,2019).

Learners that are distance learning have access to a variety of learning situations and

innovative learning experiences. It contains a wide range of course content and online learning

resources,allowing for personalized learning while compensating for the time and space constrait

of classroom learning. With the widespread use of online learning,it is becoming increasingly

vital to access its impact (Mathew Edgar,2021) states that the “problem” comes from the creek

word “proballein”, which means “to throw”. In this context, “problein” connotes the act of

tossing something, such as a question or a dilenma. In this view, on issue is nothing more than a

proposed query or notion.It wasn't until the 1450s that trouble become synonymous with

“diffulty”. An issue became linked to anthmtic problemsin the 1500s. The current definition and

idea of a problem softens this “throwing” or “difficulty”, focusing instead on the act of

“consideration”. A ppercieved difference between the norm,standard, or status quo. A problem is

not a state of being or a separate entity. A problem on the other hand is the act of posing a

question regarding a situation for discussion. The process of consideration leads to an

understanding of the situations existing and desired states.

Bognuyan National High School is one of Gasan`s five (5) public secondary schools,

according to (Caluscusan, 2022). It has a a total land size of 9, 055. 57 square meters and is

located in Barangay Bognuyan Gasan Marinduque. It is located along the national route leading

to Buenavista and is accessible by land and water transportation. Bognuyan , Barrio High

School, which is now known as Bognuyan National High School, was founded in 1986,

according to (Caluscusan, 2022). It`s beginnings can be traced back to when (Dr. Pedro Orata, n.

d) proposed a measure to establish barrio schools throughout the country. Gasan Municipal

Mayor (Floro T. Corral n. d), Barangay Bognuyan captain (Lucio S. Manlisis, n.d), Division

Superintendent (Dr.Alberto Talens,n.d), Gasan South District Supervisor (Mr.Flaviano S.

Abling, n.d) and Bognuyan Elementary School principal (Mrs. Norma R. Soldevilla, n.d) led the

joint effort of local government officials, school administrator and community to begin an

institution that prepare learners for their future.

(Caluscusan,2002) added that the first principal of Bognuyan National High School was

(Erlinda S. Moreno, 1995). Bognuyan National High was consists of thirty five (35) advisory

teachers, eighteen (18) non- advisory teachers, two thousand (2005) students and the current

principal is (Marivic Zamora, 2022).

The academic year 2020 – 2021 was one of the most challenging time for faculty,

students, and academic administrators despite high vaccination rates, some form of in – person

graduations and the ability to return to some face to face learning, we cannot deny the challenges

posed by the raging pandemic (DOM et al, 2020).

Prior to the pandemic, the majority of the classes in traditional brick and mortar schools

were offered in a completely face – to – face format there are many benifits of face –to – face

format, this teaching modality provides in-person,real time interaction between faculty-students

and students-students, which in form can spark innovative questions and conversations. Students

have an opportunity to seek clarification or response to their questions on their classroom (Paul

and Jefferson 2019). Students who value face-to face instructions, in class discussions, and

organic bonding between faculty and vstudents may not enjoy online learning (Roval and Jordan,

2014). It will be hard for them to show face to face learning activities and sit in front of

computers to complete the work. Ther is an increasing body of evidence that suggests that in –

person learning provides motivation, helps in building a sense of community, and provides much

needed encouragement to students. This allows instructors to pick up on non-verbal ones and

make appropriate changes in the content and teaching methodology (Kemp and Grieve, 2014:

Paul and Jefferson, 2019).

While there are several benifits of campus classes, one cannot, grow how rapidly

universities, K-12 school and other, institutions of higher education transitioned to online

learning in order to continue instruction during Covid-19 crisis (Singh et al-, 2021: Singh and

Mathew, 2021). Flexibility, ability to work at your own time and space, engaging learning

experience, sel-directed learning, cost effectiveness, and ability to produce in-depth discussions

are some of the most widely cited benefits of vsome learning (Kemp and Grieve, 2024, Sigh and

Mathees, 2021, Smith and Hardaves, 2020). As Covid- 19 cases continue to increase, academic

is attempting to increse online learning option fir students. Efforts have also been made to

include flipped classroom approaches to students can engage in active learning and instructors
assume the role of facilitator and provide additional help and scaffolding (Kemp and Grieve,

2014, Singh and Mathews, 2021: Strayer, 2012).

It is safe to assume that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the face of higher education

both traditional and online medium of instructions have their pros and cons. Many universities

and academic institutions have adopted hybrid or blended medium of instructions (Singh, 2017).

This form of instruction involves both in-person meetings on campus and flexible-schedule

online learning. Hybrid and blended instruction allow students to experience both face-to- face

and online learning, as well as scheduled and self- paced classwork. This form of instructions

can be the new normal as it allows instructors to reinvent and revise the content especially in

disciplines where instructors struggled to provide engaging learning experience for students in an

online medium of instruction (Rodriguez,2020). In every field, change comes with

questions,there is a clear need for conducting studies to demonstrate effectiveness of blended and

hybrid instruction and how instructors can work on designing their classes making it a whole

option during current times and as we prepare to teach in the post-vaccine and post-pandemic


Related Studies

Recently,there has been an exposion of studies relating to the new normal in education

while many focused on national policies, professional development, and curriculum, others

served in on the specific learning experience of students during the pandemic. Among these are

copeland et al, (2021) and (Fawaz et al, 2021) who examined the impact of covid-19 on college

students mental death and their coping mechanisms (Copeland et al, 2021) reported that the
pandemic adveresely affected students behavioral and emotional functioning particularly

attention and externalizing problems (i e,mood and wellness behavior), which were caused by

isolation , economic/health effects, and uncertainties. In (Fawaz et als, 2021) study, students

raised their concerns on learning and evaluation methods, overwhelming task load, technical

difficulties, and confinement. To cope with these problems, students actively dealt with the

situation by seeking help from thier teachers and relatives and engaging in recreational

activities. These active- oriented with (Carter et als,2020), who explored students self regulation


In another study, (Tang et al., 2020) examined the efficiency of different onlnine teaching

modes among engineering students. Using a questionnaire the results revealed that students were

dissatified with online learning in general, particularly in the aspect of communication and

question and vanswer modes. A parrallel study was undertaken by (Hew et al, 2020). Their

findings suggested that these two types of learning environments were equally efffective, unlike

the two studies, (Suryaman et al,2020) looked, into how learning occured at home during the

pandemic. Their findings showed that the students faced many obstacles in a home learning

environment, such as lack of mastery of technology, high internet cost, and limited

interaction/socialization between and among students. In a related study, (Kapasia et al, 2020)

investigated how lockdown impacts students learning performance, their findings revealed that

the lockdown made significant disruptions in students learning experience.



This chapter concentrates in the discussion of the research methods and procedures

adhered to by the researcher in order to answer systematically the specific problems posed for

investigation. Specifically, the research method, population and samples research instrument,

data gathering procedure and research locale.

Research Method

This study used descriptive method of research. Quantitative methods were used to

observe the relationship between the variables with the principal objective analyzed and

associated mathematically through the use of statistical analysis.

Population and Samples

The population of the study were the grade 10 students in Bognuyan Gasan Marinduque

that studies in Bognuyan National High School the target sample of this study was (8) eight

students including certain characteristics such as age, sex, purok and religion.
Research Instrument

The instrument used in this study was questionnaire for the students. The researcher used

this as an instrument to collect data and to determine the demographic profile of the respondents,

capacity and means Blended learning in home used for learning and hindrances that affects

students learning.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data “the approach to take in data collection involves systematically

gathering information and recording it in such a way that it can be preserved and analyzed by the

researcher. “The following data sources will be able to get the grade 10 students of Bognuyan

National High School that lived in Bognuyan, Gasan Marinduque provided by the survey and

will allow the researcher to make sense of the data and organize it into more accurate themes to

be provided in the application of interview, which further increases the credibility and validity of

the study.

Research locale

The study was conducted at Bognuyan National High School. The study has been

implemented on the grade 10 students of Bognuyan National High School. The researcher carry

out the study on the respondents residing at Bognuyan, Gasan, Marinduque.

Sample questionnaire





A4. EXTENSION NAME e.g. Jr., III (if applicable) ______________________

A5. Date of Birth



A6. Age ___ A7. Sex: Male__ Female__


A8. House Number and Street A9. Subdivision/ Village/ Zone A10. Barangay


A11. City / Municipality A12.Province A13.Region




B1. Full Name (last name, first name, middle name)

B2. Highest Educational Attainment

Elementary graduate

High School graduate

College graduate


Master’s/Doctorate degree

Did not attend school

Others: _______________


B3. Full Maiden Name (last name, first name, middle name)


B4. Highest Educational Attainment

Elementary graduate

High School graduate

College graduate


Master’s/Doctorate degree

Did not attend school

Others: ________

B5. Full Name (last name, first name, middle name)


B6. Highest Educational Attainment

Elementary graduate

High School graduate

College graduate


Master’s/Doctorate degree

Did not attend school

Others: _______________


C1. How many of your household members (including the enrollee) are studying in School Year

2020-2021? Please specify each.

Kinder ___ Grade 1 ___ Grade 2 ___ Grade 3 ____ Grade 4 ____ Grade 5___ Grade6___

Grade 7 ____ Grade 8 ___Grade 9 ___Grade 10 ___Grade 11 __ Grade 12__ Others (ie college,

vocational, etc) ____

C2. Who among the household members can provide instructional support to the child’s distance

learning? Choose all that applies.

__parents/ guardians others (tutor, house helper) __elder siblings __grandparents __ none

__able to do independent learning __extended members of the family

C3. What devices are available at home that the learner can use for learning? Check all that


__cable TV__ radio __non-cable TV __desktop computer __basic cellphone __laptop

___smartphone __none__ tablet __others

C4. Do you have a way to connect to the internet? Yes __No__

C5. How do you connect to the internet? Choose all that applies.

__own mobile data

__own broadband internet (DSL, wireless fiber, satellite)

__ computer shop

__other places outside the home with internet connection (library, barangay/municipal hall,

neighbor, relatives)


C6. What distance learning modality/ies do you prefer for your child? Choose all that applies.

__online learning __modular learning __television __combination of face to face with other

modalities__ radio __others

C7. What are the challenges that may affect your child’s learning process through distance

education? Choose all that applies.

__lack of available gadgets/equipment ___conflict with other activities (i.e., house chores)

__insufficient load/ data allowance__ No or lack of available space for studying

__unstable mobile/ internet connection

__distractions (i.e., social media, noise from community/neighbor)

__existing health condition/s __difficulty in independent learning



This chapter presents results from the data gathered and interpreted after performing

distributing questionnaires. Discussion and through analysis of the results are also reflected.

Demographic profile of the respondents

Table 1.1 Age of respondents


16 5 62.5%

17 0 0

18 3 37.5%

TOTAL 8 100%

According to table 1.1, 62.5% of the respondents under the age of 16 and 37.5% of the

respondents under the age of 18. Therefore, most of the respondents came from the age of 16.

Table 1.2 Gender of the respondents


MALE 2 25%

FEMALE 6 75%

TOTAL 8 100%

According to table 1.2, 25% of the respondents are male and 75% of the respondents are

females. Therefore, most of the respondents are females.

Table 1.3 Religion of respondents



I.F.I 2 25%

TOTAL 8 100%

According to table 1.3, 75% of the respondents are Roman Catholic and 25% of the

respondents are I.F.I. Therefore, most of the respondents are Roman Catholic.

Table 1.4 Residence of respondents


MULAWIN 1 12.5%

LAWAAN 2 25%

DAO 1 12,5%

NARRA 2 25%

MALUGAY 1 12.5%

SAPA 1 12.5%

TOTAL 8 100%

According to table 1.4, 12.5% of the respondents lived in purok Mulawin, Dao, Malugay and

Sapa. While 25% of the respondents lived in purok lawaann and narra. Therefore, most of the

respondents lived in purok Lawaan and Narra.

Capacity and means of blended learning

Table 2.1 Materials in home used for learning




LAPTOP 1 12.5%

TOTAL 8 100%

According to table 2.1, 87.5% of the respondents use smartphone and 12.5% of the

respondents use laptop. Therefore, most of the respondents use smartphone for learning.

Table 2.2 Internet signal used for learning




TOTAL 8 100%

Table 2.2 shows that 100% of the respondents answered have internet signal. Therefore,

respondents have internet signal used for learning.

Table 2.3 How can you connect to the internet?





TOTAL 8 100%

Table 2.3 shows the internet connection of respondents, 50% of the respondents answered

own mobile data and 50% of the respondents use DSL, WIFI, OR SATELLITE. Therefore,

respondents have internet connection.

Table 2.4 In what ways you want on ″distance learning″ for your child studies



MODULAR 7 87.5%


TOTAL 8 100%

Table 2.4 shows the ways of distance learning that respondents want. 87.5% of respondents

chose modular while 12.5% of respondents chose blended learning. Therefore, respondents

prefer modular than blended learning.

Hindrances that affects the learning of the students

Table 3.1 Hindrances that affects students learning








MEDIA, NOISE, 3 37.5%



TOTAL 8 100%

Table3.1 presents the hindrances that affects students learning. 25% of the respondents

answered lack of load/data, 37.5% of respondents answered house chores and 37.5% of

respondents answered disturbance in studying like social media, noise, pollution from

neighbor/community. Therefore, respondents experiencing problem or difficulties in learning.

House chores and Disturbance in studying like social media, noise, pollution from

neighbor/community are the most problems of the respondents.


This chapter presents the summary and conclusions derived in the conduct of the study

which is to probe on the problems encountered by Bognuyan National High School grade 10

students on blended learning amidst global pandemic. It also provides recommendations that can

be pursued by the students, parents, teachers and future researchers.

The study was conducted at Bognuyan, Gasan, Marinduque. The respondents were the

grade 10 students in Bognuyan, Gasan, Marinduque that studies in Bognuyan National High

School. They were selected using questionnaire. It employed descriptive method. Pertinent data

were obtained thru questionnaire.


The findings of the study were summarized according to the statement of the problem

stated in chapter 1.

1. Demographic profile of the respondents.

The researcher used questionnaire to gather the demographic profile of the respondents.

Most of the respondents came from the age of 16. Most of the respondents were females. Six (6)

out eight (8) respondents were Roman Catholic.

2. Capacity and means Blended learning in home used for learning.

a. Materials

Most of the respondents used smartphones for learning. Respondents have internet

connection used for learning. Half of the respondents uses own mobile data and the other half of
the respondents uses own DSL, WIFI, or SATELLITE. 87.5% of the respondents prefer modular

than blended learning.

3. Hindrances that affects student learning.

Respondents experiencing problem or difficulties in learning. House chores and

disturbance in studying like social media, noise, pollution from neighbor/community are the

most problems of the respondents.


Based on the indicated findings the respondents experiencing hindrances or difficulties

during blended learning. Most of the hindrances that their encountering on blended learning are .

House chores and disturbance in studying like social media, noise, pollution from

neighbor/community are the most problems of the respondents.


The researcher recommend this study to the following groups of people:

Students – This study will provide information in the grade 10 students of Bognuyan National

High School regarding of the problems encountered amidst global pandemic.

Parents – The parents will able to demonstrate the significance of the blended learning.

Teachers – Teachers can also gain significance in this study. They would assess the problems

of Bognuyan National High School grade 10 students.

Future Researchers –This study may serve as their guidance to gather information and may

serve them as a reference.

The Researcher – He would improve his skills, strategy and knowledge in engaging research.


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