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Agreement on the Award of a Scholarship

between Technische Universität Kaiserslautern - represented by the President

(hereinafter referred to as "TU KL"), represented in turn by XXX


Mr/Mrs/Ms first name, surname, address (hereinafter referred to as "Scholarship Holder")

Section 1 Duration and purpose of the scholarship

For the period from XX.XX.XXXX to XX.XX.XXXX (corresponds to xx months) the Scholarship
Holder receives a scholarship based on the
Regulations for the Award of Scholarships of TU Kaiserslautern.

This concerns a scholarship of

Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
for the following purpose
Studies at TU Kaiserslautern
Studies or research work abroad
Doctorate at TU Kaiserslautern with the following subject: xxx
Research stay at TU Kaiserslautern

The Regulations can be accessed at

Section 2 Amount and payment conditions of the scholarship

The scholarship is as follows:

Basic scholarship €xxx.00
Family allowance €xxx.00
Child allowance €xxx.00
Additional monthly allowances €xxx.00
Scholarship per month €xxx.00
Additional one-time allowances €xxx.00
Total funding €xxx.00

The scholarship is paid on a monthly basis in advance to the account specified by the Scholarship

The scholarship is paid by cash cheque.

Section 3 Obligations of the Scholarship Holder

By accepting the scholarship, the Scholarship Holder undertakes to
- respect the principles of good scientific practice;
- comply with the above-mentioned regulations of the scholarship provider
- inform the supervisor and the BAföG and scholarship department without delay in the
event of relevant changes in the personal or economic situation, discontinuation of
qualification or changes in other circumstances which are of significance for the award
of the scholarship,
- devote themselves entirely to the purpose of the scholarship. Other activities require
the prior consent of the department.

The Scholarship Holder is responsible for their own health and social insurance.

Section 4 Written form requirement

Modifications and amendments to this agreement require the written form.

Section 5 Termination of the scholarship

The scholarship terminates at the end of the agreed agreement period without the need for any
notice of termination but at the latest at the end of the month in which the purpose of the
scholarship is fulfilled.

Section 6 Modification and termination

(1) If the circumstances have changed significantly since the conclusion of the agreement, the
modification and termination of the agreement shall be subject to Section 60 of the
Administrative Procedure Act (VwVfG).

(2) If the scholarship is terminated, the scholarship sum already paid has to be repaid, in
particular in the following cases:
- The scholarship was obtained through incorrect or incomplete information, or
subsequent changes that would have rendered the prerequisites for funding invalid were
not communicated.
- The funds were not used for the intended purpose.
- The prerequisites for funding are no longer applicable.

Section 7 Rights of use

The Scholarship Holder grants TU KL a non-exclusive right of use, unlimited in terms of time
and place, transferable, sublicensable and free of charge, for its own purposes in research
(including contract research) and teaching, to the results obtained in connection with the
scholarship, in particular the data collected by the Scholarship Holder, also to the extent that
copyrights and industrial property rights have arisen.

Section 8 Obligation to maintain secrecy

The Scholarship Holder undertakes to treat as confidential and not to make available to third
parties any internal information, information on research projects and the like which has come to
their knowledge in the course of their work. Exceptions require the consent of TU KL.

By signing, the Scholarship Holder declares that

- all information provided is true,
- with their signature, the Scholarship Holder declares that they have read the
Regulations of Technische Universität Kaiserslautern/
and agree with its contents,
- with their signature, the Scholarship Holder declares that they are aware that the
scholarship is paid as a subsidy for living expenses, but not in return for academic work,
and that acceptance of the scholarship does not oblige the Scholarship Holder to work for
TU KL (i.e. in particular, there is no obligation to follow instructions, no organisational
integration, no holiday entitlement and no social insurance).

________________________ __________________________________
Place, Date Scholarship Holder

________________________ __________________________________
Place, Date on behalf of TU KL xxx

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