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I, Vinod Madaan, aged about 70 years, son of Late S. P

Madan and Resident of B-207 DLF Garden City, Gulmohar

Street Near SGPGI, Purseni, Mohanlalganj, Lucknow

226301, Uttar Pradesh, do make my last and final will and


Let it be known that this being my last will and testament I

hereby revoke any and all other wills, testaments or codicils

whether written or oral or in any other form.

WHEREAS, I am now 70 years of age, I am suffering from

terminal illness (cancer), I possess a sound mental health and

humour and continue to be blessed with a sound and proper

mental faculties capable of making independent decisions;

And WHEREAS, in this state therefore I deem it proper and

necessary in the fitness of things that I should provide clear

and cogent instructions so as to my body and estate in the

true reflection of my intentions and in favour of those loved

and liked by me in exclusion to all others irrespective of the

fact that they are related to me by blood or not;

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And WHEREAS, I have my wife Neeru Madaan, , my sons

Vaibhav Madan and Vibhor Madaan alongwith his wife

Richa Madaan and children residing with me at my

residence B-207 DLF Garden City, Gulmohar Street Near

SGPGI, Purseni, Mohanlalganj, Lucknow 226301, Uttar


And WHEREAS, I have fulfilled all my duties towards both

my sons and helped them establish their business. My wife

has been taking exceptional care of me during my terminal

illness and she is retired from service and has no source of

recurring income.

AND as such it is my wish that the sole beneficiary of my

estate be my wife Neeru Madaan, resident of B-207 DLF

Garden City, Gulmohar Street Near SGPGI, Purseni,

Mohanlalganj, Lucknow 226301, Uttar Pradesh.

No other person, especially such people claiming to have an

interest or title solely by kinship or blood, are entitled to my

share or claim of any kind on my body or estate of any kind.

And WHEREAS this last will and testament exhaustively

represents my wishes and desires to dispose of my estate in

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the manner I deem best and appropriate, it is hereby clarified

that the will shall come into operation only at my death and

not sooner and till my death I shall remain the exclusive

master and in enjoyment of my properties and monies being

free to dispose of them in any manner I deem


And thus, I Vinod Madaan possessed of a clear mind and

being a creature of strong personality, being free of any

duress, coercion do hereby by this last will and testament

hereby bequeath and dispose my body and estate of moveable

and immoveable properties with appurtenant

interests, rights and benefits in the manner following.


Immovable Properties:

1. 1/3 rd share in B-207 DLF Garden City, Gulmohar Street Near

SGPGI, Purseni, Mohanlalganj, Lucknow 226301, Uttar Pradesh,

of which I am the absolute owner and also occupant. I hereby do

absolutely bequeath on my death my 1/3 rd share in the entire

property to my wife Neeru Madaan, resident of B-207 DLF Garden

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City, Gulmohar Street Near SGPGI, Purseni, Mohanlalganj,

Lucknow 226301, Uttar Pradesh.

2. Plot No.E-19 7 E-20 situate in Industrial Area, Sandila Phase- II,

Village Raiso District Hardoi measuring 1600 square meters leased

to me by UPSIDC vide lease deed dated 04.08.2016 duly registered

at the Office of Sub-Registrar, Sandila on 27.08.2016 at SI No

[7247], Page No [125-216], Jild [5185] and Book No.[1] to my wife

Neeru Madaan, resident of B-207 DLF Garden City, Gulmohar

Street Near SGPGI, Purseni, Mohanlalganj, Lucknow 226301, Uttar


Movable Property:

3. I hereby absolutely bequeath all money, investment and funds lying

in any bank to my wife Neeru Madaan, resident of B-207 DLF

Garden City, Gulmohar Street Near SGPGI, Purseni, Mohanlalganj,

Lucknow 226301, Uttar Pradesh.

1. The headings to the clauses of the Will are only for convenience, and

in case of any inconsistency between the headings and the contents

of the clause(s), the latter shall prevail.

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2. Whereas the Will is self-executing to the best of my knowledge, in

case any work is necessary for the purpose of execution, I hereby

name __________________ as the executor of the Will.

I, Vinod Madaan, declare that I have read and understood the contents

of this WILL clearly on 5th day of September, 2022 at Lucknow in the

presence of two persons as witnesses who have signed this WILL as

witnesses in my presence and I in the presence of them.




We the above-named witness have signed this WILL in the presence of

each other and the Testator has signed this WILL in our presence.

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